General => Frauds => Topic started by: Creative Native on August 04, 2008, 10:25:56 pm

Title: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Creative Native on August 04, 2008, 10:25:56 pm
Does anyone know anything about a Joseph Riverwind? Is he legit or what? He used to claim to be Creek/Seminole now he's Arawakan Taino Indian and claims to be a Desert Storm vet. He has claimed to be in Tennessee and in Georgia as well as North Carolina and Florida. Just wondering what is up. He seems to be combining Christianity, Native American and Celtic stuff to get some kind of new agey thing. Check out the links.

[Changed title-Al]
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: frederica on August 05, 2008, 03:48:33 am
Joseph Huertas RiverWind. Only thing I have ever heard is he is Taino/Irish. Has a Christian ministry with his wife who is Creek/Cherokee/Irish. They are in North Carolina and also make music CD's.  The site looks Christian to me has Hebrew words followed by Creek for names of Creator, Jesus, Sacred Spirit.  Doesn't look Nuage, just Christian.  This is the only thing I was aware of that he had posted.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Creative Native on August 05, 2008, 04:36:40 am
Here is a link that mentions it... I bolded the part about him.

Meet Joseph Riverwind a Creek/Seminole Indian with a goal of dispelling grief-causing myths and stereotypes that surround Native Americans. He comments on a few of them:

“Few of us lived in tipis (tee pees), wore feathers, bonnets or fought like ‘braves.’ The 20th century cowboy movies are responsible for those myths and stereotypes.

“We had no royalty. The ‘Indian Princess’ is strictly an European concept.

“We did not smoke a peace pipe. Sitting Bull once said that there was no such thing as a peace pipe because there has never been peace.

“We do not ‘chant.’ We are not Gregorian monks; they are the ones who chant.

“We do not worship nature. Observance and respect for nature was a learning process which ingrained itself in our ancestors’ lives and continues to this day.???

Joseph Riverwind’s list goes on, and learning about our Original Americans should go on too.

What I'd like to know is since neither one of them are enrolled tribal members... how can they legally possess eagle feathers? He mentions that on his one site in the link I gave.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Creative Native on August 05, 2008, 05:20:16 am

This link shows a post he made... his pic and that he is... Joseph Riverwind - Muscogee Creek/Seminole Wind clan

Another link to a post he made in 2003

Sure sounds different than what he's saying now eh? LoL
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: frederica on August 05, 2008, 05:28:53 am
I saw it on the Music one, where he was making a comparison to "Irish Chiefs"?  to NDN. But I couldn't tell if those were eagle feathers on his flute or not. He is not enrolled, nor his wife, so he cannot legally have them if they are real eagle feathers. That link is pretty much like the one he put up in BlueCorn Comics.  Looks like he changes tribal afflilation.  We don't have any information on this site about him.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Creative Native on August 05, 2008, 07:20:56 am
Here is where I got that about eagle feathers on his blessed blend site.

What is a Blessed Blend?

Through the interaction between the newly immigrated Scots and Irish and the First Nations people of Turtle Island(The Americas)
There came the realization that there were many shared commonalities between both nations of people.

- We both have a historic warrior culture

- A clan system

- Chiefs resplendant with the wearing of eagle feathers

- Painting our faces for battle

- Fierce defenders of our homeland and families

- We both survived an attempt to wipe us out as a people and as a culture

Through our music we share a deep love for the drum, flutes, dance, language, culture and stories passed down from ancient times. When the Scots and Irish immigrated into these Appalachian mountain lands they found a kindred people. During the 17th century the Scots coined the term "Blessed Blend" to describe the marriage union between a Celt and a Native. The same term was applied to the children who were born of thess unions; carrying in their bloodlines the beauty of both indigneous worlds.

Are you a Blessed Blend?

Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Cetan on August 05, 2008, 12:48:00 pm
The feathers on the flute in the picture on the website are macaw feathers - no permit required since macaws are commonly kept pets.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: frederica on August 05, 2008, 04:08:12 pm
Okay, thanks  Cetan, I thought they were a little too bright for Eagle.  I think he is just comparing "Irish" past to NDN as far as possible similarities.  I believe I've heard that somewhere before. But never heard anyone call the mix "a blessed blend". But I guess you have to be Irish to do that.  The only thing I see maybe red flags on are his change of Tribal affilation,
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Creative Native on August 05, 2008, 04:23:31 pm
These are the feathers I was talking about and they sure aren't macaws. ;-)


It is on this page. (
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: frederica on August 05, 2008, 05:27:58 pm
If you think they are real, you can always report this to the Wildlife people.  I can't tell from a photo as I have seen some pretty close copies people buy from places like Crazy Crow and the like. You see them in person, you can tell they are painted.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on August 05, 2008, 08:56:49 pm
During the 17th century the Scots coined the term "Blessed Blend" to describe the marriage union between a Celt and a Native.

Really? Never heard it myself. And 17th century? There were enough Scottish people in America in the 1600s who were (consensually?) inter-marrying with Eastern Woodland tribes to have a term coined for it? And a term that none of my family, friends or relatives from Scottish/Cherokee and other related heritage have heard of it?   

A lot of the "Mighty Gaels were the same as Indians" stuff is based on Hollywood stereotypes of both cultures. Racist "Last of the Mohicans" fiction. Yes, the ancient Irish and Scottish cultures, being warrior cultures and (in the pre-Christian era) animistic, have some striking similarities to some of the cultures of the Americas. But those are the sorts of things you find in most warrior/animistic cultures, and not really the stuff he lists there.

I don't know, it sounds more like the superficial lumpings people do when they want to do a salad-bar neo-religious approach. It sounds predominantly Christian, and they may be nice enough people, but they don't seem to know much about history or the issues in the Modern Celtic Nations. I did get a laugh out of how, on their MySpace page, they said one of the Celtic Nations is called... "Cromwell."

Those who know Irish history can either laugh, cry, or roll over in their graves at the egregious nature of that one.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on August 10, 2008, 07:48:30 pm
These are the feathers I was talking about and they sure aren't macaws. ;-) ...

...It is on this page. (

Oh my, look at that. Old 'stormcrow' there really ought to know that if he wants to look properly Scottish he could just wear an Old Firm ( shirt. They're not difficult to get hold of. Only a particularly daft hippie would dress like an extra from Braveheart to express his Celtic pride.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Kevin on August 11, 2008, 05:33:53 pm
Old stormcrow - HA HA.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Creative Native on August 11, 2008, 08:33:27 pm

Am I wrong or does the old guy have sundance scars?
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: ndnoutlaw on August 21, 2008, 11:32:58 pm
Ive met this guy and his wife. They are pretty straight up people who are really sincere. I met them at a highland games and Ive never heard him make claims of anything other than Taino with some Galician ancestry. They arent new agey at all and are pretty outspoken about native spirituality being taken advantage of by new agers.

I think the Cromwell is a mistake, which any of us could make. I do know that the old guy is from Glasgow Scotland and was part of a Scottish tribal band called clann an drumma. Matter of fact he WAS an extra in the braveheart movie-lol. He was also in the New World movie with a minor speaking part.

Maybe you should just call them and find out. I noticed that both the sites you put up have their phone numbers on them. Go right to the source instead of trying to pull second hand information from other people. Just my two cents.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: ndnoutlaw on August 22, 2008, 04:31:17 pm
I took some time to do some more research and what I found was pretty interesting. First off I sent the wrong link about clann an drumma seeing as how this StormCrow guy isnt with them anymore but here are two articles that prove his legitimacy about being Scottish

The post MCewan made about the legitimacy of this guy (Tubardh) reminds of when a 1/6th gr grandma was Cherokee type of person goes to your home rez and tells you your doing ceremonial things wrong or dressing the wrong way etc. The guy is obviously a performer/musician who dresses the part for his shows and he was born and raised in Scotland soo..insert foot in mouth unless you are from Scotland too. As to the term Blessed Blend why don't you ask them where they heard it from or found that information. I doubt anyone on this forum is an expert in Scottish/Irish history especially since this is a native forum.

Ok enough about that guy..

Here are some more links with things that were posted by topic of the hour.

This is an excerpt from what he wrote and it looks like he believes and speaks out against many of the same things the people of this forum fight against. Read the whole article:

"We do not have shamans
Thanks to the New Age craze that has spread around the world, there are many self-proclaimed "medicine men" and "shamans"—people who claim to follow our spiritual ways, having "learned" everything they know from books bought at the local book store. After the book Black Elk Speaks was published, people thought they could become instant medicine men and women. Little do they know that Black Elk did not tell the whole truth to the book's writer.

Some people go so far as to charge for vision quests or sweat lodge ceremonies. Never get taken in by someone like this, much less by self-proclaimed spiritual leaders who cannot tell you truthfully where they received the permission and training to perform these ceremonies. It is dangerous when these people attempt to perform these ceremonies and involve others who do not know any better. We do not tolerate these people within our Native communities, and lately many of our medicine people have traveled off the reservation to put a stop to these charlatans.

Some quick definitions of the most common names for our spiritual leaders:  Medicine Man—A medicine man is a person who is knowledgeable in herbs and cures for various ailments and ills. Healer—A healer uses prayers and ancient methods for curing and healing. Shaman—This is not a Native American word. "Shaman" is derived from Russian Siberia and is not used by us."

Here is another link with some more info: Do you think he would have been brought into a warrior society if he really wasn't a veteran? Also, some of those posts that you linked to are really old. Have you found anything recent with him claiming one thing or another?

Here is a military records verification links. I searched his name and it popped us yes, he did military service but I'm not about to waste my money on digging into his service records. If a true warrior society brought him into their society then that's enough for me. Try contacting the Anishinabe reservation for verification or the people who wrote the article at hope for the first nations.

and another:

Creative Native you wrote : "He seems to be combining Christianity, Native American and Celtic stuff to get some kind of new agey thing."

After reading both of their websites thoroughly its obvious that they are not combing things as you put it. You started this thread with a incorrect slant right from the beginning. Im glad this is in the research column because when you do the research its obvious that they combine or "blend", as they say, the music of the celts and natives. So do we say that all people who do ethnic fusion type of music are new agers? hardly. Otherwise there goes Brule, Robert Mirabal, Indigenous, Robbie Roberston and so many other native musicians that blend their music styles.

He claims to be enrolled with a Taino tribe while his wife claims descendancy and its on the web site for all to see. It seems they are pretty straight up about who they are and are not trying to hide anything. Here is a link to his tribal nation website from their own site. Why dont you call them to verify his enrollment?

and this is a govt web site that has that tribe listed as a recognized tribal govt. Interesting but hey, many of our brothers and sisters south of the border are pure blood natives too so who knows? Ask an Aztec dancer at your next powwow to show you their enrollment cards before they dance and see what type of response you'll get-lol

They are obviously Christian but I have not seen anything that would make me believe they are melding Celtic beliefs in with their own. Their ministry site is straight forward about what they believe and it is pretty obvious that the ministry is separate from their band although it sounds like they are straight up about their beliefs in their music as well.

Does anyone have anything else?

Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Kevin on August 22, 2008, 06:49:26 pm
that old guy with the plaid skirt on looks like he could bite, we better not be asking him about any  scars on his chest lol
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on August 23, 2008, 04:16:14 am
The post MCewan made about the legitimacy of this guy (Tubardh) reminds of when a 1/6th gr grandma was Cherokee type of person goes to your home rez and tells you your doing ceremonial things wrong or dressing the wrong way etc.


I'm sorry to break this to you, but the fact that you didn't understand Barnaby's joke shows me that you know very little about life in the Celtic Nations, or about the backgrounds of people here, or even the history of this forum. Not that you have to know these things, but usually people do better when they take some time to introduce themselves and listen for a while before insulting the intelligence, experience or educational background of the people here.

I doubt anyone on this forum is an expert in Scottish/Irish history especially since this is a native forum.

*sigh* I hardly know where to start on the assumptions inherent in that comment.

Here is a military records verification links. I searched his name and it popped us yes, he did military service but I'm not about to waste my money on digging into his service records.

I just put in my dog's name and birthdate, and they tell me she has a record of military service, which they will sell me for a fee.

Look, I really don't think this pair are doing anything particularly harmful that I can see. Due to that, I don't really care what their ancestral or military backgrounds may or may not be. They have some statements and claims that are a bit odd and misleading, but unless I missed something I don't see any evidence of them selling ceremony. I think this thread would have died down on it's own. But whenever someone charges in "defending" a friend by insulting people here, it doesn't do their friend any favours.

Just sayin'.


ETA: You know, it does bug me when people put up weird misinformation like this:
Galicia is the Land of the Gaelic People

Um, no. Galicia is in Spain.
They don't speak Gaelic there.

I hope he's not charging people for this misinformation. The Gaelic people are no more quaint relics that one can treat as a dress-up fantasy than are the First Nations peoples. If one is presuming to teach, even on an informal, "infotainment" level, they really should get their facts right. Misinformation of this sort may not be as personally harmful as selling someone a psychotic breakdown via bad, fake sweatlodge freakout, but it does contribute to cultural death. If the misinformation is mixed in with enough that is attractive, perhaps people will seek out better information. But I fear that when it's mostly mixed with fantasy and dress-up, it leads to more fantasy and, eventually, offensive behaviour.

I mean, wouldn't you be offended by a website where someone said, "I am a cultural representative and an educator, dedicated to preserving our tribal traditions. Here is something I learned from my Gr-Grandfather, who was from Exotic Idaho, home of the Seminole and Choctaw, where they speak Azteca..."

Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: ndnoutlaw on August 24, 2008, 06:39:22 am
You are right and I apologize for coming in here blaring like a seagull. I have a tendacy to latch onto something like a bulldog and not let go even when Im getting hit from all sides. Maybe thats why Im so bullheaded. Anyways, Im sorry if I offended anyone on this forum and I hope it doest reflect on these people.

I really dont think they are trying to mislead anyone with what they have on the web. I started to get into some digging on Galicia and found there is a celtic connection then I found other sites are fighting about how their connection to the Celts was ancient etc etc. I realized why am I wasting my time with this. Learning experience yes waste of time yes but for an ol mixblood this was kinda fun learning some new things.

As far as charging money; I have heard that they have done many performances for free and free for orphanages and nursing homes. This isnt anything they have ever said or bragged about but what Ive heard from other people so I dont believe its about money for them. They just love what they do and take pride in the history of their family heritages. It looks like, from what you are saying, they need to do some more research on the history of the Celtic nations and clarify some of the things on their website.

In a nutshell I hope that my seagull flapping didnt make them look bad or make things worse. New age people selling ceremony types I dont believe that they are. Needing to do more historical research, yes. In order to accurately represent who they are and their music it would be a good thing for them to do so there is no question about what they are trying to portray or represent without causing offense like I did.

so my vote is that they are good to go. Put them on the ok list and move on to people who are doing some real damage like the new agey frauds that you are all exposing.

by the way, the put your dogs name in the box and it come back with records for a fee was great:)
Title: Clan an Drumma etc
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on August 31, 2008, 09:40:44 pm
I'm going to keep this brief since it's off-topic really. The band are street entertainers and great at it I'm sure: in that context I doubt whether anybody would mind what they do. However they've clearly been influenced by the recent popularity of Brazilian music ( in Britain. In that photo of Clanadonia (the successor to Clan an Drumma) the guys on the left and at the back are playing Brazilian surdos ( of the kind played in Rio de Janeiro's Carnival samba schools.

If his neighbours knew that this Stormcrow character (whose real name is the very English Wilkins) was allowing himself to be promoted abroad as some kind of authentic Scottish cultural figure, I expect they'd laugh, as I did. I don't claim to be Scottish but I'll give you three guesses where my surname might come from.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on August 14, 2011, 01:47:23 pm
Riverwind emailed me. I'm including his statement and a link to his site. Much of this thread is discussion of Gaelic spiritual beliefs etc not really related to him. It seems as though this was largely requests from those who were surprised to see a mix of NDN and Christian beliefs. I think the thread shoud be moved to Archives, marked No Longer a Matter of Concern. Other opinions?


Taiguey and greetings,
I write this to you with a humble heart and no pretenses. Attention was brought to me about the post concerning my wife and I, our music, spirituality, and other claims that I supposedly made. I have always been against new age frauds, plastic shamans, and people who exploit indigenous ceremony and spirituality. I used to work closely with medicine people from other reservations who would look for these plastic shamans to put a stop to them. I believe whole heartedly in what you are doing and applaud your efforts to silence or stop those who would make a mockery or a dime of the old ways by exploiting people who are seeking.
We were never contacted by anyone concerning any of these false claims or to investigate if any of these allegations were true. I cannot control what the media prints and I know they have made mistakes and no one on this forum knows my walk, where I come from or what I have been through in order to accurately judge truth from lies. I can say that being a proponent for stopping plastic shamans and exposing them is very close to heart as you can see through some of the links on your very pages where I decry stereotypes, exploitation and more. I have found some sites that copied and pasted what I wrote then inserted their own statements or opinions. One person posted that I claimed to be Creek/Seminole when I was merely giving the reference from where I heard a story that I posted, which I personally heard during a private Muscogee Creek/Seminole Green Corn Bvsketv festival.
My biggest concern is how these forum pages have been used against me, my family, my honor and more....
I humbly request that you remove these pages that have been used against me in my fight against these exploiters of native spirituality...
Here is a personal link to a webpage that I had to put up to combat the outright lies that have been posted about me.
Please pray and consider these things and I am more than willing to continue dialogue with you and any others in the fight against these shame-mans.
Sincerely and with a thankful heart,
Joseph RiverWind
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind / "Chief Joseph RiverWind"
Post by: Defend the Sacred on September 01, 2015, 09:51:10 pm
Bumping this as Riverwind is now claiming to be a Chief, and there are indications he's been presenting himself as a spiritual leader.

Still looking into this, but on his website  he's now calling himself Chief Joseph RiverWind, and claiming he's been given the right to tell stories from, "elders hailing from many First Nations tribes. Comanche, Dineh, Apache, Anishinabe, Aztec, Cherokee, Creek, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Mohawk."

He's written a book:

Part of the press release: "The exposition is framed by Chief RiverWind’s campfire conversations with a friend: PipeCarier, an Oglala Sioux veteran who served in Iraq."

"He serves his First Nation's people as Vice-Chief of the Northern Arawak Nation."   

Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on September 01, 2015, 11:39:44 pm
"He serves his First Nation's people as Vice-Chief of the Northern Arawak Nation."   

Which looks to be a heritage club based in Pennsylvania:
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: stesse on December 11, 2016, 08:50:12 pm
Joseph Amahura Riverwind and his wife, Laralyn are now in Detroit Lakes, MN.  They say the Lord called them there to begin a Hebrew Roots type congregation.  Joseph calls himself Chief Riverwind.  Tenants of Torah observant believers accepting that Jesus is the Messiah is that they keep the law.  Yet, the couple joined an illegal encampment of trespassers on government land in North Dakota after the Governor of the state declared an evacuation order and the US Army Corps of Engineers issued an order of eviction from the property.  The Riverwinds posted on their Facebook page that they were eating llama there.  Llama is like pork.  It is not eaten by Torah observant believers.  Do the Riverwinds now consider themselves to be rabbis?
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Sparks on December 11, 2016, 09:37:17 pm
… an illegal encampment of trespassers on government land in North Dakota …

Are you referring to (
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on December 11, 2016, 11:01:28 pm
If "Riverwind" was selling ceremony or making false claims at the pipeline resistance camps in North Dakota, this thread would be relevant:
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Sparks on December 12, 2016, 12:06:40 am
Joseph Amahura Riverwind and his wife, Laralyn are now in Detroit Lakes, MN.
… The Riverwinds posted on their Facebook page …

This couple has separate profiles on Facebook:  [Joseph AmaHura RiverWind (Arawak Chief)]
[Intro: Chief RiverWind- Minister, Army Veteran, NAMA winner, Author, Watchman]  [Laralyn M RiverWind (Doc)]
[Intro: Doctor of Naturopathy and Master Herbalist. Ordained Minister, Teacher, Worship Leader.]

This seems to be their (common) Facebook page:

There is also a comprehensive Internet site:
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 18, 2017, 03:35:58 am

aka Tvskekee
aka Tiny Tot Dancer
aka Taino


14J  Early Warning System Operator



                        Claims Special Forces
                        Has stated he was a computer specialist in the Army stationed in Louisiana.
                        Has stated he had been in the Army for 5 years
                        Also stated 7 years.
                         He has a business in Murphy, North Carolina, reportedly under investigation for false claims of his business being Native American owned and operated. He is Puerto Rican and his wife is white with no proof of Indian heritage of a federally recognized tribe, a prerequisite to claiming Native American owned and operated.

Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 18, 2017, 03:49:58 am
Info from the .pdf uploaded in prior post:

Dates of service:
as Jose Rivera:

NG 10/24/1991 to 2/17/1996
USA 3/09/1992 to 7/08/1992

as Joseph Haozous Riverwind
USA 8/13/1996 to 6/09/1999


rank/grade E4

Laralyn Mariesa RiverWind and Joseph Haozous RiverWind are currently in Chapter 7 bankruptcy process.

6-60666 Laralyn Mariesa RiverWind and Joseph Haozous RiverWind
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Michael E Ridgway
Date filed: 11/15/2016 Date of last filing: 01/12/2017


They are raising money to go to Israel:

We have given up our business and practice, moving to the White Earth Reservation to serve the Anishinaabe (a Native American tribe) people in love, peace and joy... to share with them hope to overcome despair; love to overcome hurt; and peace to overcome turmoil.

Why do we need to go to Israel?
Simply put, the Lord told us to go... and we are thrilled to do so. We have a deep love for Israel and the Jewish people. This will be our first trip to Israel. We believe that the Lord desires us to be cultural ambassadors from the First Nations people of America to His chosen people, Israel. Our Native American elders have encouraged us to build relationship with the people of Israel and so we look forward to doing so. We are also going to do research on the book that the Lord has us drafting.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 18, 2017, 04:59:09 am
Joseph – Is a Arawakan Taino Indian with an ancestral root from Galicia (The Land of the Gaelic People).

Laralyn – Laralyn is Cherokee/Creek/Irish/Scottish. She is the daughter of missionaries, Lew & Mariesa Davis

Laralyn was born Laralyn Mariesa Davis. A prior married surname was Roman. She now is Laralyn Mariesa Riverwind.

Her parents are missionaries. They worked with Missionary Ventures, in The Marshall Islands and elsewhere.

Missionary Ventures, Marshall Islands includes Christian Training Center, run by Dr. Lew Davis. CTC is a two year Bible College offering an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies.

Her father has made this claim:

Since I am part Native American (Cherokee and Creek), I have included some of my drawings of Native Americans.

Laralyn petitioned for bankruptcy in 2005. Uploaded here is a clip from the records, detailing her other names.

She and Joseph are now involved in another bankruptcy case.

Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 18, 2017, 05:43:06 am
11/2/15 – In a must-hear, shocking interview this week, Chief Joseph and his wife Dr. Laralyn RiverWind revealed two bombshells: they are aware of a “huge move of Islam to seed people into Native reservation lands” that are near uranium mines, and that the rumors of the U.S. buying thousands of guillotines are TRUE.

In the October 29th interview on Spiritual Encounters, they described the process that Islamist’s are using to infiltrate Native communities.
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 18, 2017, 02:27:54 pm
The bankruptcy records were obtained through .

Most of the photos I'll upload were found on public social media. The military photo is from
Title: Re: Joseph Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 18, 2017, 03:16:38 pm
Laralyn's father Milton Lewis (Lew) Davis claims "Since I am part Native American (Cherokee and Creek), I have included some of my drawings of Native Americans." I think his claim is influenced by his daughter, his own wishes, and how he wants to present his artwork.

Milton Lewis Davis' parents are Jimmie Dixon Davis and Thetis Wynnelle Holloway. In census and military records I only see white listed for these families.

If there is something I and other researchers missed, Laralyn needs to clarify which ancestors she is speaking of, and then she at best has distant heritage.

I believe Jose Arnaldo Rivera/ Joseph Haozous RiverWind and Laralyn Mariesa Davis/ Laralyn Mariesa Riverwind are frauds. Joseph exaggerates his military service. Laralyn misrepresents her heritage. They claim they are Taino and Hebrew Roots spiritual missionary leaders. While in bankruptcy proceedings they are raising money to visit Israel. They spread conspiracy rumors. And they make sure to grab what publicity they can.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on January 18, 2017, 09:12:43 pm
The Northern Arawak Nation has some confused claims, constantly assuming Arawak and Taino are the same. The Natives of Cuba are not the same nations as the Taino that fought Columbus, or those in Puerto Rico.

Some of the NAN leaders don't even claim to be Arawak. Their "ambassador" claims to be Chicamauga Cherokee. Laralyn, supposedly Cherokee/Creek, is their spokesperson. And she makes the unlikely claim to have been Ambassador to the Marshall Islands. Here she claims to have been kidnapped twice, struck by lightning, and escaped from a serial killer.
Who knows when she had time to be, or what made her ambassador? The link also says she studied biology but dropped out. Elsewhere she claims to be an herbal biologist.

The Trinity School of Natural Healing she claims a doctorate from is a degree mill. Both Texas and Michigan have warnings on them.
It's not accredited or even seeking to be. It's a one person mail order operation in Indiana. $1500 gets you a certificate, $3,995 gets you a four certificate package.

Rivera lists his time in service as 5 years 1 month. That sounds suspiciously like asked to leave. He's an NRA member and speaker for Act for America, a right wing anti Muslim group. The online programs of their ministry include:

Abominations of the Obama Nation 12 Jan 50:05
Welfare or Fairing Well 08 Jun 50:03
Be Fruitful Not Fruity! 01 Jun 50:00
Celts Before Columbus-The Irish Were Here 22 Mar 49:01
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 18, 2017, 10:19:25 pm
Well, all the stuff they say about Gaelic cultures is fraudulent. Playing music at a Highland Games doesn't mean they met any criteria, especially as they may have b.s.ed their way in by pushing the pretendian angle as a curiosity for the white audiences.

The Highland Games are basically white people pow wows. Some are very traditional - family reunions for Scottish people and people with Scottish heritage, where merchants and performers are auditioned and chosen for cultural accuracy. Others are total debacles, like the infamous east coast, white people pow wows that are horrific, newage, pretendian dress-up parties. Most are somewhere on the continuum in between. The more tourists that attend, and the more the event is aimed at making money, the less accuracy is to be expected from performers and vendors.

In all the years this thread has been up, these people have not gotten more involved in any authentic cultural preservation community of any kind. From what I can tell, they've just gotten more outlandish with their claims and scams. I think whatever benefit of the doubt we were willing to initially give them, assuming they were just ignorant, was too generous on our part. I think it's clear now they are scammers.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 19, 2017, 01:17:10 am
Laralyn claims to have been an Ambassador to the Marshall Islands, which sounds like she was an US ambassador, which she was not. She is a member of a missionary family that refer to themselves as ambassadors. She needs to make this distinction clear.
The RiverWind's have been ordained ministers with Indigenous Messengers International since 2007 and both come from families of ordained ministers.

Indigenous Messengers International
They are also
Pastors of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat Center located on the White Earth Anishinaabe Indian Reservation in Minnesota.

Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat 33991 Victory Way Dr Ogema, MN 56569

According to the Riverwind 2016 bankruptcy petition, they are going through difficulties with Strawberry Lake:

Potential cause of action against Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat. Case has not been sued out. Laralyn and Joseph believe they suffered damages due to Strawberry Lake's misrepresentations.

Fundraising for their trip to Israel

Fundraising supposedly for Laralyn's mother to go to Israel
Joseph claims in their 2016 bankruptcy petition that his self published book That's What the Old Ones Say: Pre-Colonial Revelations of God makes an average of $800 a month.

Their music group Blessed Blend, did get a NAMMY for Best Rock Recording in 2011 (Some discussion of the Native American Music Awards )

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 19, 2017, 02:11:53 am
In North Carolina they had several corporations: Native Touch LLC, Smoke Signals Satellites LLC, Adonai Security Plus LLC. I believe all of the companies were unsuccessful.

Their Native Touch products included Rooting Bear Rub and DreamCatcher Bath Salts.

In Minnesota now they have Firekeepers International , nonprofit corporation, filed 8/9/2016.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 19, 2017, 02:19:58 am
The RiverWinds are approved national speakers supporting ACT for America.

SPLC report on the extremist group ACT for America

As for one of the conspiracy theories the Riverwinds spread, concerning supposed guillotine purchases by the feds
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 19, 2017, 03:22:09 am

Both of the RiverWinds have Sephardic Jewish ancestry through their mothers.

These two worlds are embodied in Chief Riverwind, a descendant of both Native Americans and Bnei Anousim (Jews who hid their identity as a result of the Spanish Inquisition).

Joseph has Sephardic Jewish heritage through both sides and there is a rumor of Sephardic relations on Laralyn’s mother’s side. Most important, we are all Tribe of Judah awaiting Great Chief CornerStone Yeshua'

our awakening to our Sephardic Heritage in these end times

Is it possible that Native Americans are closely related to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
Native American Chief Joseph Riverwind of Northern Arawak Nation has put forward a controversial theory some think is worth closer investigation. The Amahura war chief is convinced the two nations have very much in common and he points out several striking similarities between their religion, customs and ancient history.

We believe that the Lord desires us to be cultural ambassadors from the First Nations people of America to His chosen people, Israel. Our Native American elders have encouraged us to build relationship with the people of Israel and so we look forward to doing so.

The Riverwinds are polishing up their new act. They are looking for a new gig, new ways to make some money and publicity. Their situation with Strawberry Lake Christian Center has soured. They are in bankruptcy proceedings.  The Riverwinds are reinventing themselves once again.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 20, 2017, 09:07:56 pm
Another past Riverwind company is Sacred Hoop Ministries, Inc. Georgia.
The evangelist Billy Graham is quoted as saying "The greatest moments of Native history may lie ahead of us in a great spiritual renewal and awaking should take place. The Native American is a sleeping giant. He is awakening. The original Americans could become the evangelists who will help win America for Christ.". The Riverwinds often refer to this.
The Riverwinds move in fringe, conspiracy, extremist circles.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 20, 2017, 10:07:27 pm

Case No. 03-CV-16-2220
Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc vs Joseph Riverwind, Laralyn Riverwind   
Case Type:   Eviction (UD)
Date Filed:   09/29/2016
Location:   Becker

Defendant   Riverwind, Joseph         
  Ogema, MN 56569
Defendant   Riverwind, Laralyn         
  Ogema, MN 56569
Plaintiff   Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc         
  Ogema, MN 56569
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 21, 2017, 03:50:21 am
In the past, Joseph identified as "Mvskoke Creek/Seminole".

06-29-2000, 04:55 PM     
Guakia Taino Yahabo

Good tpoic. Im Mvskoke Creek/Seminole and Stomp Dance is a very big part of who we are. It goes WAYYY back and is something that we have always done. I dont know or have ever heard of the Smoke Dance so I cant comment on that.

04-10-2000, 11:44 AM      #5
Guakia Taino Yahabo
Henga estonko!
Give me your email address and we'll talk. mine is Loking forward to talking with you.

We both share and identify with the Native American (Seminole, Creek, Cherokee, Taino, Choctaw) and Celtic( Roscommon Irish, Clan McDonald Scotland, Galicia-Land of the Gaelic People-Oldest of the seven recognized Celtic Nations, and Asturian) blood in our family history.

The Blessed Blend is a historical term used to describe the union of Native American and Celtic -- whether that be in the union of a marriage or the union as seen in the "blended" individuals created by that union.  The term is an old one, coined by the Scots, as described to us by a Scottish elder.
Joseph RiverWind is a member of the Jatibonicu Taino Indian Nation of Boriken. His great grandfather’s family was from Galicia (“Land of the Gaelic People”).

Laralyn RiverWind is descended from Muscogee Creek/Cherokee/Choctaw/Irish/Scottish families. Her Native blood comes through her father’s line and mother’s family is a union between Celtic Nations – Clan Liston of County Roscommon in Ireland and Clan McDonald of Scotland.

Joseph legally changed his name from Jose Arnaldo Rivera to Joseph Haozous Riverwind on 07/26/1996 Volusia county, Florida. (Florida records search ) The woman who was his wife at the time also legally changed her surname to Riverwind.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 24, 2017, 02:47:31 am
Strawberry Lake Christian Center has had serious problems, including past sexual abuse accusations against a founder
(The Minnesota State Court case is No. 03-CV-11-2412, personal injury, Jane Doe 134, Mother Doe 134 vs Gerald Derstine, Gospel Crusade, Inc, Gospel Crusade Ministerial Fellowship, Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc, settlement for the minor plaintiff).
I'm not sure why the Riverwinds chose to work and minister there, the abuse allegations news are easily available online, why would they want to work there?

Now the Riverwinds have been evicted.
Strawberry Lake characterizes it this way: "But it was also a difficult summer, as Dad realized that the couple he had asked to be caretakers were ill-equipped for the job and were not compatible with his vision and ministry operations. Sadly, they have grievously slandered Dad and ignored our attempts to peacefully reconcile.".

Riverwinds: "As for Strawberry Lake we are not the ones who broke EVERY promise made to us when we were asked to come up here because God and the Holy Spirit told the head of this organization to transfer the camp to us. That is breaking treaty no matter how you look at it. There are many here in this community who know the truth about this place and its history long before we ever came here.".  (quote from their social media)

The Riverwinds have been criticized for their actions at Standing Rock (I don't know the specifics), their response on social media is: "Standing Rock? Ill gladly take the opposition from men, we were obedient to The LORD and people came to know Yeshua as a result.".

One of the fringe conspiracy groups the Riverwinds are active with is L.A. Marzulli's

The Riverwinds claim that Laralyn has a "blood-born affinity for birds of all kinds.". Doesn't that sound possibly contagious?  :)
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on February 01, 2017, 02:08:49 am
Uploaded here is a copy of the 1996 Florida name change for Joseph Riverwind and a former wife.

The name change is Jose Arnaldo Rivera to Joseph Haozous Riverwind.

Joseph uses the name Joseph AmaHura Riverwind on Facebook. He also refers to himself as War Chief AmaHura.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on February 13, 2017, 01:57:36 am
Native American ambassadors to Israel

Are there remnants of the lost tribes of Israel among the First Nations? • Did native Americans have contact with ancient Hebrews? • Steve Ganot speaks with Chief Joseph and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind about the relationship between the two peoples.

In this episode of Israel Hayom Insider, Opinion Editor Steve Ganot speaks with Chief Joseph RiverWind, the acting principal chief, and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind, the tribal spokesperson, of the Northern Arawak Taino Tribal Nation, about surprising connections between native Americans and the Jewish people.

The RiverWind's are the second generation of First Nations ambassadors who have been released by their elders to walk this Sacred Land of Israel with outstretched hands of peace and blessings extended from Turtle Island. Many First Nations people are encouraged by seeing the hope of indigenous people restored to their ancient homeland.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on February 14, 2017, 01:37:42 am
Letter to Israel Hayom.

I'm writing to you regarding the article on Jose Rivera, a Puerto Rican fundamentalist who poses as American Indian "Ambassador Joseph Riverwind."

There are numerous problematic claims with the article. Tribes do not have ambassadors, and the "Northern Arawak Nation" is not a recognized tribe. It's a heritage club, and most of its leaders including Rivera are not actually Arawak. Rivera has changed what tribe he claims to be repeatedly, from Muscogee to Taino to Arawak.

His wife's real name is Laralyn Davis, an alternative medicine type claiming to be a doctor, but her credentials come from a mail order degree mill. She is not Arawak either, but white claiming distant unproven Cherokee heritage. Her family lines are all listed as white in censuses.

The couple are part of an extremist right wing group Act For America, described as a hate group.

None of what Rivera and Davis claim in the article is even remotely based on Native history. It's falsehoods claimed by fundamentalists who believe Israel plays a part in Apocalyptic End Times.

More on the two is here at We are a human rights watchdog group that investigates imposters like Rivera and Davis that do enormous damage to indigenous peoples.

I strongly urge Steve Ganot to do a follow up, and for him to do even a modicum of research. Even a cursory look at the couple would have shown they were not what they claim.
Dr. Alton Carroll
Associate Professor of US and American Indian History
Northern Virginia Community College
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on February 19, 2017, 11:17:34 pm
But before she left medical school, she did befriend a nine-year Army veteran who worked in the IT department of Valdosta State University. Joseph Riverwind was first a friend, then husband, band-mate and co-worker.

"He kind of helped me get back into my own culture and roots," she said. Her heritage includes bloodlines from the Creek, Cherokee, Irish and Scottish families. Her grandfather lived on Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation; she moved to Marble in Cherokee County in 2007.

Motsinger, Carol. Asheville Citizen - Times; Asheville, N.C. [Asheville, N.C] 30 Dec 2012


Her grandfather lived on Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation;

she moved to Marble in Cherokee County in 2007.

That second part can be tossed away, living in a Cherokee County anywhere (there are eight, Marble is in NC) does not necessarily mean you are Cherokee. Several frauds try to claim differently.

The first part, about her grandfather, this implies a heritage claim. This would be about her paternal grandfather. Her paternal side is the side that claims NDN heritage.

Even if he did live on "Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation" (her wording here seems uninformed), that would not guarantee anything about his heritage.

Jimmie Dixon Davis - I've not found any sign in records to back up Laralyn Riverwind's statement  about her family.

And, as I've learned from the good people here of NAFPS, what counts is who claims us.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on February 20, 2017, 05:58:43 pm
Even if he did live on "Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation" (her wording here seems uninformed), that would not guarantee anything about his heritage.

Completely uninformed. That's not what it's called. That's the sort of mistake an outsider makes.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on February 26, 2017, 11:40:29 pm
The Riverwinds raised $17, 338 for their trip to Israel.

Native American couple visits Israel as ambassadors of indigenous peoples

This post is written by a member of the Messianic community in Israel or guest contributor. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Kehila News Israel.

On a journey through Israel as ambassadors from their tribe to the Jewish state, a Native American couple are connecting with the land, local believers and another “indigenous people.”

Laralyn said that seeing Jewish settlement of Israel “really speaks to the heart of the native people: We are blessed to see indigenous people returning to their land.”

This isn’t the first time that First Nations elders have come to Israel. In 1999, a delegation of Native Americans came here to foster diplomatic relations with Israel. Now, encouraged by their elders to continue the mandate, the RiverWinds, along with others, are building upon the foundation of friendship laid by the last generation.
Despite the fact that their faith and support of Israel may be somewhat unpopular and perhaps even controversial among Native Americans, the RiverWinds note many commonalities between Jewish and Native American customs.

“For example, we had cities of refuge, we didn’t eat swine, we celebrated seven festivals a year and the new moon and had a seventh day of rest,” Laralyn said, referring to her tribe, Cherokee.

The Cherokee also built booths, called arbors, for one of the festivals (similar to the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot) and carried an ark into battle.

More similarities include another tribe called, Tzitzitza, which means “people of the fringe” and sounds like tzittzit, the fringe or tassels worn by observant Jews. Another tribe is called Shoshoni, whose national symbol is a rose, strikingly similar to the Hebrew word for rose, shoshan.

One of the main names for God in Cherokee tradition is Yohaywa. Also, the Anikituwahyah tribe means The Principle People of Yah. One of the tribe’s pre-missionary stories passed on from generations included building a large canoe to avoid the flood.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on March 04, 2017, 04:21:52 am

Explore Israel with the RiverWinds

Herbs of the Holy Land Tour!
The tour will be about 10 days long. The cost will be approximately $2500-$2800 PLUS AIRFARE.

How many of you would be interested in learning about the medicinal/edible plants and herbs of The Bible from a spirit filled Doctor of Naturopathy and Master Herbalist as part of a unique package tour of Israel?

Laralyn "Studied Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine at Trinity School of Natural Health".

Trinity School of Natural Health is a diploma mill.

Trinity School of Natural Health is not designed to provide a vocational curriculum to meet the requirement of any particular state where a license is required.

We believe the Bible to be a great source of learning and the final authority on spiritual matters. For these reasons we emphasize the knowledge found in the Scriptures to create a spiritual foundation. Because of the inherent spiritual nature within each of us, there is a need to be spiritually-grounded and knowledgeable when analyzing any health issue.

Trinity School of Natural Health offers training that is to be used for an individual's own personal development. With discretion, an individual may be able to use this knowledge to educate others.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on March 06, 2017, 03:11:35 am
We are about to enter into a season of spiritual combat and the Body of Messiah gets attacked with ferocity by the kingdom of darkness on this regular biblical cycle yet often believers are not prepared and/or taken by surprise. Exposing the plans of the enemy we can be better prepared for when the warfare will increase. Trickster does nothing new but now the visor is being lifted from our Helmets of Yeshua so we can see the enemy coming from a far distance.

Are you where you are supposed to be when the battle is raging?
There are new assignments, and strategies being put in place and our spiritual marching orders are clear. Its time to muster and prepare for battle and not stand down but stand firm on His promises because Creator never breaks treaty. The unique timing of where you are being placed is not of your doing but the results of obedience to His calling during this season in your life. Take your place on the spiritual front line .

The enemy is not afraid of giving out his battle plans and we must rise up to combat against the forces of darkness prevailing over hundreds of thousands of people opening doors into the demonic realm to release curses. Spiritual doors that the majority of them do not know how to shut. It is time to rise up and warrior up Bride of Messiah. These attacks are the beginning of the offensive tactics in order to wear you down and damage your defense for the large battle to come.
Those who have come to the execution stake and have chosen to pick it up and carry it are the ones who are hearing His voice the clearest during this season or preparation. You are being re-positioned and reassigned, the dust you are to shake off the bottom of your mocassins has taken long enough. GET MOVING!

There must be a Refining before there will be a Revival which begins with the fire of the Ruach Ha Kodesh burning away the things of "Me" and "I" and renewing our minds to hearing "Us" and "We". Then once you get "I" and "Me" out of the way then you have effectively stopped making your self out to be your own Elohim. Resistant and disobedient to His wanting to Refine you before He Promotes you. Burning away our pride so that we can be close by His side during the intense times of spiritual warfare is where we want to be. We are in this fight together brothers & sisters so stop lashing swords of the tongue with one another and stand firm and united, echad, as One. and watch His victory prevail.

Note the use of "Trickster", "treaty", "moccasins".

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on March 21, 2017, 11:10:53 pm
Joseph Riverwind is susceptible to conspiracy theories.

A  poster to the Riverwind Facebook page describes themselves as "I have been studying various members in the ministry that are Jesuit/Knight of Malta related or initiated." and states "Read up on the Jesuits...Knights of Malta. They have infiltrated everything. Even Standing Rock This comes from a high source."

Joseph Riverwind, through some persistent Facebook conversation and photoshopped photos from Standing Rock is now convinced that the conspiracy theory is true.

Joseph AmaHura RiverWind This is very disturbing that they would be there with the cloaks of their secret society out in the open like this. I dont know who they are or what their intentions were at the camp.
March 16 at 3:23pm

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on April 01, 2017, 01:45:35 am
The Riverwinds are allied with several problematic people and groups, including Lou Engle of TheCall Ministries

The SPLC classify Lou Engle as an extremist, with anti-LGBT ideology.

A zealous opponent of abortion and LGBT rights, he has called homosexuality a “spirit of lawlessness,” suggested that it should be criminalized, and spoken at a highly controversial rally in Uganda where speakers backed a bill authorizing the death penalty for gay men and lesbians in some circumstances.

Engle is known for staging massive prayer rallies in cities around the globe since 2000 and is also a senior member of a radical Christian movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, which seeks to unite Protestants, vanquish demons, and evangelize the planet.

Engle also has taken time out from his core issues to suggest that Muslims are “fueling the demonic realm” and in the thrall of “spiritual dark powers.” In November 2011, he led a huge and controversial Detroit prayer rally so that “the love of Jesus would break in on Muslims all across this area.”

Laralyn Riverwind posted on Engle's Facebook page:

?Laralyn M RiverWind? to The Official Lou Engle Site
February 3, 2016 ·
'Siyo! (hello) I'm so excited! I just discovered your Azusa Now Call with First Nations people!
My husband and I are First Nations ministers. My husband is the War Chief of his tribe the Northern Arawak Tribal Nation. His people (also called the Taino) were the people of first contact with Columbus - in the Caribbean. The Heavenly Father has used Joseph in strategic breakthrough because of his people being a gateway people into this nation.
We are very excited to see what you are doing with Azusa... Digging up that old well! I have family and friends in that area. We would very much like to offer to partner with you in any way that you may need us.

Joseph Riverwind has an essay on Engle's website.

Engle is thanked by the Riverwinds on their own blog:

Bomatum (with great thanks) to Lou Engle for walking in humble obedience and helping the native voice be heard among the nations and for your love filled heart to see First Nations walking in their destiny and calling in The  LORD
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on May 01, 2017, 09:47:32 pm
The Riverwinds have self-appointed themselves missionaries to the White Earth Nation. They have applied for housing on the reservation.

They promote their Firekeepers events as "culturally-relevant".

The Riverwinds claim that they can provide effective suicide prevention and healing to White Earth.

I am especially concerned about this passage concerning depression and suicidal feelings in their May newsletter:

But it is my strong advice not to turn to a non-Believing counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist. I have seen more harm than good done, in some cases. Don't settle on this one.

I believe this is highly unethical, ill advised advice.

The Riverwinds plan further missionary endeavors, they list "Mission Trip to Cheyenne & Crow Reservations", "Mission & Conference on the Allegany Reservation", and "Conference & Mission Trip Six Nations of the Grand River" on their agenda.


Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Diana on May 02, 2017, 04:23:56 am
These people are obviously lying, non-natives (white people) cannot apply for Tribal housing. All Tribes have contracts with the government, HUD for housing and it's for Tribal members only. If Tribal Housing in any way tried to pull a fast one like give non-tribal people housing which I highly doubt, they would loose their contracts and could possibly face criminal charges.

As for their claims of working with the White Earth Tribe in the medical field of suicide prevention I believe is another lie. Again all Tribes have contracts for IHS. Contract Health IHS is extremely specific. All Tribes must keep exact records and hiring these two uneducated "missionaries" wouldn't be something any Tribe would do.

I bet dollars to doughnuts they'll get run off within the month. If they're actually at White earth.

The Riverwinds have self-appointed themselves missionaries to the White Earth Nation. They have applied for housing on the reservation.

They promote their Firekeepers events as "culturally-relevant".

The Riverwinds claim that they can provide effective suicide prevention and healing to White Earth.

I am especially concerned about this passage concerning depression and suicidal feelings in their May newsletter:

But it is my strong advice not to turn to a non-Believing counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist. I have seen more harm than good done, in some cases. Don't settle on this one.

I believe this is highly unethical, ill advised advice.

The Riverwinds plan further missionary endeavors, they list "Mission Trip to Cheyenne & Crow Reservations", "Mission & Conference on the Allegany Reservation", and "Conference & Mission Trip Six Nations of the Grand River" on their agenda.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on May 02, 2017, 02:57:05 pm
Thank you Diana for this information, this really helps us understand what the Riverwinds are doing.

The Riverwind tag line now for Firekeepers is "From First Nations to The Nations".

Some excerpts of :

Passover... Reservation Style

The local rez paper, Anishinaabeg Today, couldn't cover the event but they asked Laralyn to submit an article and photos for their monthly May publication. You can read what she submitted in the section below this. The article is a demonstration of how we use the relevant vernacular of the people to introduce our spiritual beliefs in a way that will create interest in the hearts and minds of the audience.

The Riverwinds are pitching this to their followers, in a fundraising effort.

Our Counter Action against Suicide

Within days of having attended the above-mentioned funeral, an Anishinaabe woman brought her brother, Charlie, by our house right before Pesach, (Passover) began that evening. He was being tempted by suicide and very discouraged. We counseled him; prayed with him; anointed him. He was a struggling Believer when he came to us. We encouraged him in the Lord and after repentance he was refilled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). We began doing spiritual warfare over him to command away the evil spirits plaguing him which included commanding the spirit of death that was stalking him to yield to the name of Yeshua.He left our home with joy and smiles.

Then Tragedy...

That same week, he was working on a half-ton truck when the truck fell on him and crushed his torso. Charlie's brother watched in horror as his brother gasped for air; his eyes rolled back in his head; and he went unconscious. Charlie was taken to a local hospital which sent him by life flight helicopter to a larger hospital servicing traumas. We were notified by his sister immediately after it happened. Without delay, we got in our car and drove to Fargo, North Dakota to the emergency room to be with he and the family, praying as we drove.

But God...By the time we arrived (which was probably less than two hours after the accident), he was already being prepared for discharge! The doctors could find nothing wrong with him! This was the very man who felt a cracking sound when the truck crushed his chest... the very man who felt his lungs fill up with fluid as he choked to gasp for a breath! There is no doubt in our minds of the miraculous healing that YHWH did for Charlie. We serve a powerful and good Elohim! Two short days after being in a trauma helicopter, he was sitting for the first time in our congregation's First Fruits gathering!

Community Outreach

The community has responded with action. Charlie's sister has asked us to help plan a community outreach for suicide prevention among teens. We are thrilled to be involved. We need your help to cover expenses for this outreach. There is a Believer coming to sing for the event (free of charge!) - Lara Landon. Thank you, Lara! At this event, we will encourage the youth to take a pact against suicide... It's a program we have designed called HeartCrossers and we are incorporating to make the youth feel loved, special, important, as they truly are just that.

The RiverWinds' Joyful Exodus
In some regards, it has been a rough road for us here in Minnesota; not with the Native people here on the reservation but rather with those who call themselves "Christians." We continue to speak forgiveness over those who have wronged us and are still doing damage to the unity in the Body of Messiah in this region and beyond. We are actively fighting bitterness and embracing joy and contentment, learning more and more about discerning between sheep, goats, and wolves in sheep's clothing.

In April, the word of the Lord came to us that it is time for us to move out of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat. We had hoped for this word to come much sooner but we endeavor to be obedient to not only Abba's will but also His perfect timing. Thank you to all of those who have stood beside us in prayer over this situation. A special "thank you" to those who resisted the temptation to judge with only partial information. The enemy (trickster) still continues his same crafty ways to victimize indigenous people worldwide. It's a story that is all-too familiar to us. But we are victorious in the Messiah Yeshua and our hope is in Him, not in man.

By May 13th, we (along with the Hurt family) will move out from the home that was promised to us. As of the release of this newsletter, we do not yet have a next home. We are moving our belongings into a storage unit. Most rental homes are scarce and rather expensive when available off the reservation. We would rather live on the reservation anyway. We have applied to live in the projects of Pine Point and are awaiting an answer from the White Earth Housing Authority. Please pray for a smooth and quick transition for us and also for Jeremy, Angela and Ezekiel Hurt.

The Riverwinds may claim that "the word of the Lord" told them to move out of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, but actually there were legal eviction proceedings against them.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on May 02, 2017, 03:04:10 pm
More from

Suicide Prevention
on Your Reservation

If you would like us to bring the Heartcrossers Suicide Prevention program to your reservation or sponsor it to go to a certain reservation, please email us
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on May 02, 2017, 03:16:57 pm
A new Riverwind fundraiser:
$4,500 goal

The Heavenly Father gave me a song to gift to the people of Israel. It is a song that will draw people within the Church to face the sins of the past and repent for them. It is a song that states the wrongs that were done and expresses profound regret over them. It extends a love that will heal the wounds of the past.

Creator laid it on my heart to do a crowdfunding campaign because every person who donates to this fund in any amount will be signing their name to the petition of this repentance. This song is not just from me to Israel. For everyone playing on this recording; praying for the anointing on this song; or giving funds for its recording - you are a part of this apology. You are a part of this healing and restoration.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on May 02, 2017, 04:51:22 pm
We have applied to live in the projects of Pine Point and are awaiting an answer from the White Earth Housing Authority.

But the White Earth Reservation Housing Authority application requires tribal enrollment numbers, which the Riverwinds do not have.

As for suicide prevention, White Earth already has mental health services available for their nation
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on May 03, 2017, 11:23:38 am
Please quit calling this couple, or any other fraud, by their fraudulent Nuage name. Their actual names are Rivera and Davis.

It empowers a fraud, and further spreads their falsehoods, when you use their fake twinkie name. That's true even when a fraud has their name legally changed. Just using their actual names points out their fraud practices.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on June 14, 2017, 01:14:53 am
L. A. Marzulli: Native Americans Could Not Have Built Ohio Mounds; Therefore, They Are the Work of the Nephilim 6/1/2017
?Tuesday night Nephilim theorist L. A. Marzulli broadcast the latest edition of his Acceleration Radio show, and among his rightwing political commentary he paused to discuss the Great Circle Earthworks, one of the Newark Earthworks in Newark, Ohio. The earthworks are believed to have been built by the Hopewell culture in the early centuries CE. The Great Circle Earthworks are the largest of the Hopewell constructions, spanning nearly 1,200 feet in diameter and including an 8- to 13-foot-deep moat inside an earthen wall that ranges up to fourteen feet in height. At the center of the circle is the so-called Eagle Mound, where archaeologists found the remains of a wooden structure in the 1920s.

?However, Marzulli doubts all of this and instead believes that the mounds were constructed shortly after Noah’s Flood by the surviving Nephilim. His argument is essentially that Native Americans weren’t smart enough to heap dirt in big piles, or to observe the stars to align said piles with the sky:

"Native Americans didn’t have iron tools. They had flint. They had sticks, birchbark baskets, deer skin—I get that. And modern-day archaeologists insist that the circle mound was built one birchbark basket at a time or they used dogsleds and hauled the dirt. So they’re scratching the dirt with sticks and putting them (sic) in birchbark baskets. You go there, folks, you go to the Great Circle Mound in Newark, Ohio, and you tell me if that holds water in your mind, ’cause it can’t. It doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work. And there are other mounds—some of them have been destroyed—in the complex, and of course all this led to the Octagon Mound, at least a mile away from the Great Circle Mound. This was a very complex ceremonial site. Little—there’s been some archaeological work done on it, but certainly not exhaustive. And if I had the money to donate to it, the first thing I would do would be to say, “Look, let’s restore this site to what it looked like. Let’s bring all the trees out. Let’s tear all the trees out and make it so Raccoon Creek flows back in and we can get the moat working.” That’s what I would do. That’s what I would do. And also perhaps build the sacrificial altar on top of what is known as the Eagle Mound in the center of the circle. So, it’s very enigmatic. I would call this Post-Flood and also Nephilim architecture, Fallen Angel technology. Why? Because I don’t believe it was built by Native Americans. I really don’t. I don’t believe the site was built by Native Americans. In fact, it’s on the record that Native Americans didn’t—it was there when they got there. […] With all due respect to Native Americans, they didn’t build edifices like this. […] I have a theory that supernatural forces were at work."

?Marzulli added that Joseph Riverwind, the Native American Nephilim / ancient astronaut believer, confirmed that the mound was built by Nephilim, and Marzulli said that Native Americans were incapable of building with compacted dirt that doesn’t erode over time, and he argued that the mounds are preserved by demonic magic.
Frankly, none of the implicit racism of Marzulli’s claims is shocking, but what is surprising is that he is openly advocating for restoring what his own faith tells him is a Satanic altar! Apparently his excitement about the superpowers of the Nephilim has overwhelmed his puritanical religious impulses.

We are looking for a church in Southern California that would be interested in hosting  a Nephilim Mounds conference. Speakers would include, Russ Dizdar, Chief Joseph Riverwind, L. A. Marzulli, and Perhaps others...
October 23-25 – Atlanta –W/ Pastor Caspar McCloud – Chief Joseph Riverwind & Bill Flynn!
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on June 23, 2017, 02:00:03 am
I've listened to one of their podcasts "The Blood Attraction: Cutting Calls Demons- A look at the spiritual components and ramifications of cutting and bloodletting."

I find this couple so very disturbing.

They are not licensed mental health professionals yet they claim they know how to help people who self harm and people who are suicidal.

They claim that satanic ritual abuse is prevalent. They claim that self harm attracts demons.

They say they themselves live on donations and that anyone who donates will be blessed.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on July 03, 2017, 10:34:04 pm
In their latest newsletter they refer to critics, especially critics of their ill advised suicide prevention organizing, as "online armchair critics". They claim that criticism means we ourselves are doing nothing, sitting idly by.

That is quite the load of assumptions. They don't know the wealth of experience and training on this forum. They don't know who works in social services. They don't know who works in tribal government and health.

In their newsletter they state they want donations. They want referrals to established suicide prevention programs. They want the blessing and support of White Earth. They want referrals to a suicide hotline that agrees with their spiritual beliefs. They have started their own program called HeartCrossers.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline already exists, it is free, confidential, 24/7 available for everyone. They include resources for Native Americans

White Earth has a prevention program

Instead of asking for more money for their own invasive missionary program, they could instead support programs that always exist. If they truly want to help, they could do so without soliciting funds for their own bank account.

They will be leading a tour to Israel next year.  And they continue to be very active with Brigitte Gabriel's extremist anti-Muslim group Act for America.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Defend the Sacred on July 04, 2017, 01:15:50 am
They're asking us to pray for... Abba? Like, the seventies disco singers? Or is this one of their new, invented, self-designated titles for themselves? It never ends with these two. How many different ethnicities have they been now? Leaders of how many different religious cults?
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on July 04, 2017, 03:47:43 am
They're asking us to pray for... Abba? Like, the seventies disco singers? Or is this one of their new, invented, self-designated titles for themselves? It never ends with these two. How many different ethnicities have they been now? Leaders of how many different religious cults?

I think they are using this definition of Abba:

JR says he is a "biblical researcher". He and his wife call their music (and I suppose their ministry) "First Nations/Hebraic Praise & Worship". Their new video "Every Tribe" filmed in Israel is a good example of their confusing message. A child is taken by a strange guy to JR and given a necklace. I don't know why.

Nearest I can make out they are Hebrew Roots ministers who claim they are Native American, and that they need to bring their Hebrew Roots message to both reservations and to Israel. Plus they are spokespeople for an extremist group ACT.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on September 05, 2017, 04:01:08 pm
Recent JR quote:

We are on the Seneca Reservation right now and seeing this Awakening from coast to coast across reservations. Sitting Bull once said if you have a drop of Indian blood you are Indian. Creator made you a masterpiece of the nations!

JR is now promoting a pyramid scheme scam called Total Life Changes,LLC. There are many consumer complaints and negative reviews online about this scam.

In my opinion, Total Life Changes is a product-based pyramid scheme that has been running for years in the United States.  They use incredible claims about their products to get people to join their business opportunity and personally purchase the products to qualify for bonuses. People who are looking to join this business opportunity are kept in the dark about some very important information in deciding if a business opportunity is worth pursing. They do not provide information on how much their representatives are making on average.  They do not provide information on retail sales. Avoid the Total Life Changes business opportunity.

JR claims that recent hurricanes are caused by non-Christians.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Diana on September 06, 2017, 12:17:03 am
Hmmm....what happened to White Earth?

We are on the Seneca Reservation right now and seeing this Awakening from coast to coast across reservations. Sitting Bull once said if you have a drop of Indian blood you are Indian. Creator made you a masterpiece of the nations!

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on September 06, 2017, 02:00:59 am
Hmmm....what happened to White Earth?

We are on the Seneca Reservation right now and seeing this Awakening from coast to coast across reservations. Sitting Bull once said if you have a drop of Indian blood you are Indian. Creator made you a masterpiece of the nations!

Their company Firekeepers International in Minnesota has registered office address of 811 8th St SE, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501. Which is the same address as this place

They're on tour. Quotes from their FB page as to locations:


It was an honor and blessing to be asked to come to Lame Deer, Montana to minister to the Northern Cheyenne Nation.

Good Medicine Conference - The First Nations Awakening
Public · Hosted by FireKeepers International
Four Corners Firekeepers Fellowship 1420 Schofield Lane Farmington Nm 87401

Do you know anyone in the Lame Deer, Montana area? Join us at Morning Star Baptist Church at 11am

Keeping The Sacred Fire - First Nations Awakening
Public · Hosted by FireKeepers International
1304 Central Ave. Billings, Mt 59102

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on September 06, 2017, 02:21:20 am
They currently reside on the White Earth Anishinaabe Indian Reservation in Minnesota.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on September 06, 2017, 02:59:27 am
In 2014:

Gerald Derstine asked us to his office to speak about the future plans of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat Center on the White Earth Indian Reservation. Knowing that we have ministered on the same reservation we shared our ministry experience on the same reservation. Gerald Derstine told us he had been praying about what to do with the Retreat Center and that The LORD told him to give the property to us as a fulfillment of many prophetic words spoken about the camp being turned over to the Native Americans. Gerald asked us what we would do with the facility if he were to give us the deed to the property. We shared our vision for the retreat center which would effect the local reservation community as well as The Body of Messiah. Gerald seemed very happy and told us we were an answer to prayers and that he strongly believed that we are the native couple that will take operations of ministry at the retreat center to the next level.

 We were offered a place to stay at the caretakers house while we ministered in the community and a base camp of operations to futher grow our ministry if we were willing to move to White Earth, Mn.

Since that time there has been some sort of falling out between all the parties involved. Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc in Sept 2016 began eviction proceedings (Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc vs Joseph Riverwind, Laralyn Riverwind Case No. 03-CV-16-2220) The case was eventually dismissed, don't know if this means they came to an agreement outside court or what.

I don't know if they have found housing elsewhere.

Some links:
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Diana on September 06, 2017, 05:37:52 am
I was wondering what had happened to their so called ministering on White Earth....I went through Jose's FB back about a year and they don't seem to mention anything about White Earth anymore. Nor do they look like they're even there.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on September 06, 2017, 11:31:13 am
I don't see any signs of them actually being on White Earth either. On April 8th they did a passover event on the reservation. But otherwise they say they do Saturday events at The Refuge in Detroit Lakes MN.,%202017%20c.pdf

Although The Refuge doesn't list them on the event calendar

I've learned more about their controversy with Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc., through court records.

JRs = Jose Rivera and Laralyn Davis (aka Joseph and Laralyn Riverwind)

SLCR = Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc., owned by Gerald Derstine

I don't know whether SLCR is actually on White Earth, or near. Sometimes SLCR and the JRs refer to it as being on the reservation.

SLCR stated that the JRs had an oral agreement with them: live on property while paid $1,000 a month in exchange for work
SLCR became unsatisfied with the JRs, asked them to leave the property.

Because of major theological differences, your work ethics have not been compatible with Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat Staff workers and management. The above differences have caused an obvious negative attitude amongst the workers and caused inappropriate worker clashes.

JRs refused to leave and they stopped working. SLCR filed an eviction complaint. But  JRs had filed bankruptcy, so that stayed the eviction.

SLCR asked that the automatic stay be lifted. Several days later, SLCR withdrew that motion.

JRs represent this as SLCR being dishonest and breaking their word.

SLCR wanted the JRs to live on the land with some payment, work on the land, and eventually be on the board of a future nonprofit that would pay off the SLCR income tax debt. Gerald Derstine did a "passing of the baton" event with the JRs (, spoke of his vision to turn the property over to Native peoples. But that was all symbolic, he did not actually give the property to the JRs.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on October 03, 2017, 04:06:49 pm
Joseph AmaHura RiverWind is at United States Capitol.
· Washington ·

Radical Islamic fighters are taking advantage of First Nations reservations on our southern borders to infiltrate the United States. This is a national security issue that must be addressed. The congressional briefings are going great! Thank you for your prayers and intercession. The day is not over yet.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on October 07, 2017, 02:39:42 am
From 2011:

One person posted that I claimed to be Creek/Seminole when I was merely giving the reference from where I heard a story that I posted, which I personally heard during a private Muscogee Creek/Seminole Green Corn Bvsketv festival.

But in 2002:

Joseph Riverwind, part Creek and Seminole Indian, came from Deland to sell Native-American jewelry and crafts.

Tallahassee Democrat, 29 Sept 2002

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on July 20, 2018, 10:37:38 pm
First Nations & The Prophesied In-Grafting
Hosted by The RiverWinds

Shalom Assembly of Yahweh - Sterling, IL

What do the First Nations Believers and the Body of Messiah have to with the ingrafting back of Israel to The Vine? Join us to hear about the end-time movement beginning in the Holy Land and how the First Nations (Native Americans) are right in the center of the last great move of the Holy Spirit before Messiah’s return.

Chief Joseph & Dr. Laralyn RiverWind of FireKeepers International are the Peace Chief & Ambassador (respectively) of the Northern Arawak Tribal Nation. They are Kingdom activists, ordained ministers who teach together like Priscilla & Aquila. She is a Doctor of Naturopathy & a Master Herbalist and they are Native American Music Award winners. They were recently appointed as ambassadors by Israeli Member of Knesset Yehuda Glick.

Yehuda Glick is considered a right-wing activist.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on July 20, 2018, 10:49:04 pm
These are captions for the images uploaded here:

Shagririm is Hebrew for Ambassador. What an honor to be a part of this pilot program! — in Jerusalem, Israel.

Rabbi Yehuda Glick commissioned us as Shagririm Ambassadors then gave me a heartfelt embrace and thank you for our support and love for Israel and her people. — in Jerusalem, Israel.

Apply today and be sent out by your local church or Christian organization to be a forerunner on this pilot Christian ‘birthright-like’ program.The Shagririm Academy is intended to help those who have a heart for God's purposes for Israel and now desire to be effective ambassadors in their nation.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on July 21, 2018, 04:12:18 pm
They were recently appointed as ambassadors by Israeli Member of Knesset Yehuda Glick.

Yehuda Glick is considered a right-wing activist.

Right wing doesn't come close.

....It’s widely expected that Kurz’s conservative People’s Party will form a coalition with the far-right, anti-Muslim Freedom Party, headed by neo-Nazi Heinz-Christian Strache.

The Freedom Party’s success comes just weeks after the neo-Nazi Alternative for Germany – known by its initials AfD – took about 100 seats in the Bundestag.

And just like AfD, Austria’s Freedom Party has discovered a recent affinity for Israel.

Last year, Strache, who used to march with a group imitating the Hitler Youth, visited Israel at the invitation of lawmakers from Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party.

Just like other assorted anti-Semites and far-right extremists, Strache apparently saw Israel providing a laundering service. As media reports in Austria put it, the intention of Strache’s visit – complete with a pilgrimage to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial – was “to make himself kosher in Israel” in the hope that this would give him respectability elsewhere.

Europe’s new fascists and Israel’s right have also found an alliance in their common hatred of Muslims.

In June, Strache welcomed to Vienna Likud lawmaker Yehuda Glick, a leader in the so-called Temple Movement, which aims to destroy Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque and replace it with a Jewish temple.

A photo posted on Strache’s Facebook page shows the pair in a friendly meeting.

European Jewish organizations have condemned Israeli outreach to Europe’s far right, including the Freedom Party. Last November, the leader of the Vienna Jewish community published a letter calling on Israeli politicians to shun such meetings and “to draw a very clear red line between us and those who represent hate, neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism.”

Recall that while Germany’s Jewish community expressed horror at AfD’s recent electoral success, Yehuda Glick defended the party.

There’s no mystery why: AfD leaders have given strong backing to Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Austria’s Strache is following a similar line, supporting the settlements and becoming a champion of Israel’s claims to Jerusalem that are rejected by the rest of the world.

Strache handed Glick a letter to be delivered to Netanyahu vowing to do all he could to push for Austria’s embassy in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem.

With his party set to join the government, Strache will have his chance.

Once again, Israel is showing that its closest allies in Europe are the worst enemies of Jewish people.

....the role played by fanatical settlers intent on wresting control of the al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem and eventually destroying it as part of an apocalyptic vision.

The compound, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif and to Jews as Temple Mount, includes the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock. It is one of the holiest shrines for Muslims all over the world, as well as a touchstone of Palestinian identity.

Israelis who seek to take over al-Aqsa see the 14 July attack and subsequent violence as an opportunity to advance this agenda. Immediately after the incident, the Temple movement’s official body released a statement calling to expel Palestinians from the compound: “We must liberate the Temple Mount from the murderous Islam and return it to the people of Israel.”

“Looking forward to building the Temple this year and hope that you will soon see the face of our righteous Messiah,” Baruch Marzel one of the most extreme leaders among Israel’s West Bank settlers, wrote last week in an open letter to the mufti of Jerusalem – the top Muslim official in the city.

Bezalel Smotrich, a Jewish Home party lawmaker, does not want to wait that long. “I would set up a synagogue on the Temple Mount today, this morning,” he said on Monday.

Under Israeli military protection, these settlers and extremists tour the grounds on a daily basis, hoping to provoke violent reactions from Palestinian worshippers by shouting and singing nationalistic anthems.

This then provides occupation forces with the necessary pretext to enact harsh measures, with the eventual goal of cleansing non-Jews and replacing the Muslim holy sites there with a Jewish temple, thus triggering a civilizational clash with Islam.

Yehuda Glick, a longtime leader of the Temple movement, now a Likud Party lawmaker, last week welcomed Israel’s ban on Muslims entering the al-Aqsa compound in the days following the shootings.

“This is an enormous game changer,” he said. “Everything is part of the redemption process but the things that happen on the Temple Mount are especially so.”

“Radical Muslims who desecrate with blood the holiness of the Temple Mount, the holiest place to the Jewish people, have no right to be there,” Glick and the Jewish Home party’s Shuli Moalem-Refaeli said.

Last week, Glick held a Temple movement emergency session in the Knesset building, Israel’s parliament. Attendees included genocide advocate Rabbi Yisrael Ariel and Bentzi Gopstein, leader of the anti-miscegenation youth movement Lehava....
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on August 08, 2018, 01:50:23 am
On Joseph's Facebook page:

United States Army
Advanced Warfighter Specialist · January 7, 1991 to 2000

What is an "Advanced Warfighter Specialist"? I don't see this on any list of Military Occupation Specialties.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on August 10, 2018, 10:58:54 am
I never heard of it before either. Almost all of the mentions of "advanced warfighter specialist" online are solely Rivera's, or Tom Clancy games.

One guy's Linkedin he mentions it as part of doctrine development, meaning teaching tools. I think both this guy and Rivera are trying to use the term because it's more impressive than "writing manuals." Or more likely, editing them to make sure they fit regulations.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on October 06, 2018, 01:05:37 pm
Rivera's group Act For America is now banned from a major hotel chain as a hate group. Article is worth quoting from.

....ACT for America’s statement was released in response to Hyatt’s announcement on 28 September 2018 that they would no longer allow groups “who primarily seek to disparage or demean a specific group of people, to host meetings or events at our hotels.”

AForA has claimed that they are not an anti-Muslim organization and should not be excluded by Hyatt’s hate groups policy. But AForA’s leader, Brigitte Gabriel, has argued that the Arab world is beset by “barbarism” and that people in those countries “are dead-set on killing and destruction.” The group also organized “March Against Sharia” events in 2017, seizing on the conservative claim that “Sharia Law” is growing in the U.S.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has designated AForA as a hate group, arguing that “it pushes wild anti-Muslim conspiracy theories, denigrates American Muslims and deliberately conflates mainstream and radical Islam.”

ACT members and chapters routinely espouse racist views. ACT’s “March Against Shariah” rallies on June 10, 2017 attracted a host of extremists including neo-Nazi Billy Roper....

ACT began building relationships with some of the most prominent antigovernment groups in the country, including the Oath Keepers and Three Percenter groups. In the Pacific Northwest, a local chapter of ACT organized a late 2015 rally against refugees (that is, Muslim refugees) at the Capitol building in Olympia, Washington. “The Liberty for All III%” militia out of Yakima came in to provide security. Videos of the event show the Three Percenters patrolling the area with guns....

On February 16, North Carolina ACT member Robert Goodwill was recorded by a Triad City Beat reporter in a conversation with a man who argued that all Muslims in America should be killed. Goodwill’s response to the repeated calls to murder Muslims was “we’re not there yet.”

...longtime neo-Nazi Billy Roper was organizing ACT’s rally scheduled in Batesville, Arkansas, on June 6. Roper promoted the event on Stormfront, the neo-Nazi message board founded by former Klan leader Don Black....

The nationwide rallies of June 10 attracted a swath of white nationalists and neo-Nazis, and instead of asking these figures to leave, in some cases, ACT organizers at the event asked them to participate.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on October 06, 2018, 08:06:18 pm
A sampler of Rivera/Davis and Act For America:

Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal
September 2015 – September 2015

Accompanied Brigitte Gabriel as part of ACT for America in the restricted areas (catacombs of the Capitol Building) and in the secured areas of the Capitol Building lawn during the Rally against the Iran Nuclear Deal. Her speech was delivered after then-presidential nominee Donald Trump’s.

Team members:

        Dr. Laralyn RiverWind, Brigitte Gabriel, Chief Joseph Riverwind

The RiverWinds will be attending (not speaking at) this event. If you love America and believe in defending our constitutional rights, don't miss this. ACT for America was founded by Brigitte Gabriel and is the nation's largest grassroots organization fighting terrorism today

Joseph AmaHura RiverWind
September 21 at 11:30 AM ·


It's nice having friends like Lady Brigitte Gabriel. We contacted her last night about what was happening to us and our friend's social media sites. The attack on our 1st amendment right to free speech must stop. This social media blackout on conservative and Judeo/Christian sites on social media is going to the Attorney General. Be a part of the solution and tell them we referred you.

Why The RiverWinds Support Act for America

The RiverWinds desire to truly make a positive change in the world today. To that end, they are actively involved in government liason, social improvements and increased environmental responsibility. They are qualified to do so through the Northern Arawak Tribal Nation. Chief Joseph is the War Chief and is currently the acting Principal Chief of the Tribe. Dr. Laralyn RiverWind is their Tekina (Tribal Spokesperson). They are approved speakers for ACT for America, the largest grassroots organization for counter-terrorism.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on December 30, 2018, 08:43:58 pm
These two frauds were recently on the “Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox” show.

(General criticism of the show: )

Fox goes to Malibu, CA. to meet with two people she advertises to us as Native Americans, and I’m really sorry folks but there is no easy way to do this…

Problems with the above statement:

    Two Native Americans do not speak for the 2.6 million Native Americans who live in the United States alone.

    One Native American tribe’s oral tradition is not the same oral tradition for the 562 Federally recognized tribes in the US alone.

    Even if we believe what Riverwind says and agree that there are a whopping 3 whole tribes that have giants myths in their oral traditions, you still have
    559 who apparently do not. So that kinda negates that whole “All Native Americas have myths about giants” argument right there.

    And then, of course, there is a the Riverwind’s themselves.

Chief Joseph Riverwind is listed on a skeptical watchdog site, New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans, as being a New Age fundamentalist who pushes religious/Ancient Alien ideas, like Native people believing in Nephilim/giants that apparently came to Earth from the Pleiades and Orion’s belt (Colavito 2017).

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on December 30, 2018, 08:48:05 pm
Fox meets with Chief Joseph Riverwind, a Christian minister and Nephilim theorist whom regular readers will remember from his appearances in Nephilim theorist L. A. Marzulli’s mound builder videos. Riverwind presents himself as the keeper of Native oral traditions, though these stories are transparently Bible tales dressed in Native garb. Fox describes these Bible stories as an accurate account of how the end of the Ice Age led to a Noachian Flood.

First, Fox interviews self-appointed “chief” Joseph Riverwind (formerly known as Jose Rivera of Puerto Rico) and his wife a fake-doctor of naturopathy. Riverawind claims to be a “peace chief” of the Arawak Nation. This is not a federally recognized tribe and several sites on the internet show this guy to possibly be a charlatan involved with a hate group that believes Israel plays a part in the “End Times.” Rivera/Riverwind and his fake-doctor wife invent (according to native beliefs that support their fundamentalist, Judeo-Christian fantasies.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on December 30, 2018, 09:50:46 pm
They will be doing a tour in Israel again this spring.

These tours are done through the Radiant Group:

Radiant Group is a multifaceted organization committed to establishing strategic connections between Israel and the Nations for the purpose of blessing Israel. With a special focus on the commerce and humanitarian sectors, we are able to counter the growing BDS movement while offering avenues by which businesses, organizations and individuals can directly impact the future of Israel in the nation itself and it’s reputation around the world.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on December 31, 2018, 05:42:01 pm
More at this link I think it's important to include. Bolding is mine.

....The dog whistles for this are clear when Fox interviews the couple. Joseph Riverwind making blanket statements about all Native Americans. His twisting of clearly biblical stories and dressing them up with native sounding concepts, to make it seem like there is a lost Christian element to all Native American oral traditions. Laralyn Riverwind calling giants another ‘species’ that inhabited the Americas before Native American ancestors. The concept of giant ‘Hybrids’ that were evil.

And so on, and so on…

What you are actually hearing is Transoceanic Master Race drivel and Ancient Alien racism being dressed up as Native American oral tradition. Fox is banking on no one doing research into the Riverwinds, their work, or their claims, and hoping that if she show you that these two Native Americans believe in giants, then all Native Americans do and therefor giants must be real!

I wish I could say this was the low point for the show, but it’s not…oh it’s so not.

We go from the Riverwinds to Jim Vieira from Search for the Lost Giants, to listen to him try and sell us all on the idea that there is evidence of giants. He provides nothing that hasn’t been debunked by other people on other shows and again reiterates the biblical tie-ins of giants.

Then he brings up Denisovans. Vieira is impressed that there is a small percentage of Denisovan DNA in Native American DNA and I really need to get Jennifer Raff on to explain all this. But basically Vieira throws a bunch of buzz words at Fox who nods along eagerly and it sounds very science-y. So then…Fox says:

“50,000 years ago, a large human like species called Denisovans populated the Asian landscape these ancient giants migrated into the Americas and interbred with humans creating giant hybrids, and in fact traces of Denisovans genetics have been found in Native Americans” (Fox 2018)

That is a direct quote from the show.

I just…don’t have words.

The last bit of the show goes over the whole Cerutti mastodon from California again. It overlaps with the Solutrean Hypothesis that I’ve addressed before and am not going to rehash here. (Links below in the Resource section.)

In conclusion:
If you can’t tell from the tone of this article, I’m not ok with the statements of this show. The show starts off as the others have, showing us actual archaeology with dubious voice overs hinting at what Fox is planning on twisting the show into. Then it just jumps off the deep end with both feet making unjustified claims based on no evidence whatsoever and presenting people in positions of authority who have no business being there.

Fox is either ignorant of the implications of the claims she is making in this episode, or she is aware and is fine with them. Suggesting that Native Americans are somehow in-human because they are a giant/human hybrid is something straight out of the colonial era. It’s that exact kind of thinking that led to the atrocities that Native Americans faced at the hands of settlers and then the US Government. To hear that kind of racist rhetoric coming from a TV show in 2018 is beyond upsetting. I could rant for pages on this, and I’m really tempted to, but the reality is, there are too many people who are now watching this show and thinking “Oh archaeologists think giants predate Native Americans and also Native Americans are a different species than white people.” And no, that’s not hyperbolic, if you think that then you haven’t been paying attention...
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Piff on January 01, 2019, 03:56:37 am
They have legally changed their names in Minnesota:

Case No. 56-CV-18-2159
Case Type:   Change of Name
Date Filed:   07/31/2018
Location:   Otter Tail
In the Matter of the Application of Joseph Haozous Riverwind, Laralyn Mariesa Riverwind for a Change of Name

Petitioner   Riverwind, Joseph Haozous  Now Known As  RiverWind, Joseph Rivera Israel         
  Perham, MN 56573
Petitioner   Riverwind, Laralyn Mariesa  Now Known As  RiverWind, Laralyn Mariesa Israel         
  Perham, MN 56573

           Change of name granted (Judicial Officer: Knutsen, Dwayne)
Riverwind, Joseph Haozous; Riverwind, Laralyn Mariesa)
07/31/2018           Application for Name Change       Index # 1
07/31/2018           Proposed Order or Document       Index # 2
07/31/2018           Consent to Criminal Background Check       Index # 3
07/31/2018           Consent to Criminal Background Check       Index # 4
08/15/2018           Criminal Background Check - Name Change       Index # 5
08/15/2018           Criminal Background Check - Name Change       Index # 6
08/17/2018           Notice of Hearing       Index # 7
08/17/2018           Notice of Hearing       Index # 8
08/30/2018           Hearing  (2:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Knutsen, Dwayne)
09/06/2018   Reset by Court to 08/30/2018
Result: Held
08/30/2018           Order Granting Name Change       Index # 9 (Judicial Officer: Knutsen, Dwayne )
08/30/2018           Notice of Filing of Order       Index # 10
08/30/2018           Name Change Sent to Secretary of State

(search here


On his Facebook:

My full name is Joseph Arnaldo Rivera Israel Huertas Delgado Casillas de Nunez RiverWind. Dont you just love those long Spanish names-lol
My immediate family Relations are Rivera, Delgado, Huertas, and Casillas and am working on our family tree. Message me if you carry any of these names, especially the Sephardic ones..we might be related:)

This sounds like he claims that one of his actual heritage surnames is "Israel". This is false. He and Laralyn legally changed their names.

I've seen some of his genealogy record claims on Facebook. He either doesn't know what he is doing or does not care. Proper genealogy works backwards, step by step, from the current person. Every connection needs record proof.

What a way to start Shabbat in Jerusalem. I just found my 6th generation grandparents Spanish Inquisition baptism certificate from 1683!

Sgt. Major Juan Hernandez de la Sierra and his wife Catalina Rodriguez de Hernandez

Along with this he posted a scan of a supposed 1683 baptism record from Tenerife in the Canary Islands, with no source given.

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on January 01, 2019, 02:52:26 pm
Rivera's making a lot of obvious mistakes, and he's clearly doing it to appear to have a Jewish ancestor. 9 generations back would not be the 1680s, unless every mother had their child when she was in her 40s or older.

That "Spanish Inquisition baptism" is also suspicious. The church never recognized forced baptisms of Jews. They were usually done by angry mobs anyway.

His ancestor being a supposed sgt major? At the time in Spain, these were not high ranking sgts like in the US Army now. They were adjutants to generals. It was much more common that people were accused of being Jews in hiding than actually were. Jews had been officially expelled from Spain in 1492.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Shoresh on April 26, 2020, 02:05:49 pm

I have some questions about Jose Rivera for this forum. I have thoroughly read this thread as I have a friend that kept sending me things from the "Chief Joseph Riverwind" ministries, which just didn't seem right to me. I happened upon this thread.

My first question is: Is Jose really a chief? My understanding is that you either have to be born that title, or it is formally appointed by a tribe by agreement? Or Is this just another false claim by him?

2) In Jose book, "What the Old Ones Say," and also his affiliation with the LA Marzulli "ministry", he has made claims that in many Native American cultures, that they have legends of "giants" Is that true, are there stories like that or is this another falsehood?

3) Jose, is very involved with the LA Marzulli . Riverwind is featured as a keynote speaker at the 2020 Nephilim Mounds Conference.
For those who don't know what a Nephilim and the angle Riverwind is selling, in this case with Joseph Riverwind and LA Marzulli, they are referencing from the Book of Enoch, specifically the Watchers. In that Jewish fable, there are claims that Evil Angels ( aka as aliens from the Pleades system), came to Earth and mated with human women. The offspring then grew into 4,500 foot giants which were destroyed by the flood of Noah, hence the purpose of the flood. (The 4,500 feet tall is not a typo either! It is a measurement in the Watchers that would calculate out to that) So, after the flood, the angel-human hybrid souls are now floating around looking for current humans to inhabit.
So that is the story in a nutshell that Joseph Riverwind teamed up with LA Muzulli is pushing. They have my friend doing all kinds of crazy things trying to "protect" herself from evil hybrid spirits floating around.

I will publish below the actual text from Joseph Riverwind's website as proof.

3) During this Nephilim Mounds conference LA Marzulla I assume with Joseph Riverwind -  is actually taking a group of people (who paid for this garbage) to the Indian Burial Mounds located in Ohio. (they have done this before) Is there someone who can get a hold of the Native American group associated with this burial ground, and warn them of intruders with terrible intentions on their property coming fall?
The conference has now been moved to Fall of 2020 sometime per LA Marzulli. And maybe whatever tribe reservation Joseph -  Jose is currently residing, to have an elder set this guy straight?

Here is documentation from Riverwind website, text pulled 4.26.2020:
Time & Location
Mar 27, 6:00 PM EDT – Mar 29, 12:00 PM EDT
Historic Cherry Valley Lodge, 2299 Cherry Valley Rd SE, Newark, OH 43055, USA

About The Event

Tickets $89- no live stream, on demand and DVDs later.. The fallen ones, giants, 'the old ones' the ancient gods behind the Nephilim, the battles of Nephilim and tribes, Nephilim architecture, their global reach, the occult goal to reproduce them, the ancient Babylonian rituals to become one, the reappearance, what biblical prophecy says about their return... and their connection to the armies of antichrist and the coming artilects. Gene splicing and Nephilim replication, the new age DNA activation to homodeity…. and so much more. A conference workbook will be given to each one attending .  4 main speakers  Russ Dizdar, L A Marzulli, Chief Joseph Riverwind and Drew Graffia. The newest content, info that impacts current and near future history. see the website" Text from Joseph Riverwind web site.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on April 27, 2020, 12:18:18 pm

I have some questions about Jose Rivera for this forum. I have thoroughly read this thread as I have a friend that kept sending me things from the "Chief Joseph Riverwind" ministries, which just didn't seem right to me. I happened upon this thread.

My first question is: Is Jose really a chief? My understanding is that you either have to be born that title, or it is formally appointed by a tribe by agreement? Or Is this just another false claim by him?

2) In Jose book, "What the Old Ones Say," and also his affiliation with the LA Marzulli "ministry", he has made claims that in many Native American cultures, that they have legends of "giants" Is that true, are there stories like that or is this another falsehood?

3) Jose, is very involved with the LA Marzulli . Riverwind is featured as a keynote speaker at the 2020 Nephilim Mounds Conference.
For those who don't know what a Nephilim and the angle Riverwind is selling, in this case with Joseph Riverwind and LA Marzulli, they are referencing from the Book of Enoch, specifically the Watchers. In that Jewish fable, there are claims that Evil Angels ( aka as aliens from the Pleades system), came to Earth and mated with human women. The offspring then grew into 4,500 foot giants which were destroyed by the flood of Noah, hence the purpose of the flood. (The 4,500 feet tall is not a typo either! It is a measurement in the Watchers that would calculate out to that) So, after the flood, the angel-human hybrid souls are now floating around looking for current humans to inhabit.
So that is the story in a nutshell that Joseph Riverwind teamed up with LA Muzulli is pushing. They have my friend doing all kinds of crazy things trying to "protect" herself from evil hybrid spirits floating around.

I will publish below the actual text from Joseph Riverwind's website as proof.

3) During this Nephilim Mounds conference LA Marzulla I assume with Joseph Riverwind -  is actually taking a group of people (who paid for this garbage) to the Indian Burial Mounds located in Ohio. (they have done this before) Is there someone who can get a hold of the Native American group associated with this burial ground, and warn them of intruders with terrible intentions on their property coming fall?

1. Yes, he's no chief. He's not from any tribe, only a heritage club that even its leaders don't have any ancestry in the people they claim. You can't declare yourself chief. Others do, or they did for your parent. While the title can be passed down, you could also lose the title for anything dishonorable.

2. There are some tribes with accounts of giants. An actual Native traditional wouldn't call them legends or myths. But I don't know of any accounts saying they were nearly a mile high. Some accounts like the Paiute say still human sized, 6.5-7 ft sized. There are other accounts of creatures in the 50-100 range who weren't really human. They were giant animals or stone.

3. There's been lots of problems with numerous dubious groups using the mounds to make false claims. Local tribes have been complaining for decades. I'll pass this along to some I know.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on January 12, 2022, 11:27:25 pm
Firekeepers International
1815 Gap Creek
Elizabethton, TN 37643

Firekeepers International is a Other Individual and Family Services Non-Profit Organization located at 1815 Gap Creek Elizabethton, TN 37643 with 1 employee.

# of employees 1
Average salary $33,331.00 /yr
Business type Non-Profit Organization

Loan Details
During round 1 of the paycheck protection program, Firekeepers International requested a PPP loan for $6,944.00. They were approved on 6/26/2020 by the SBA for an amount of $6,944.00. The loan was facillitated by Eastman Cu. Of the approved amount, Firekeepers International has received 100% of the approved amount.

Approved $6,944.00 Disbursed $6,944.00

Originating Lender Eastman Cu
Servicing Lender Eastman Cu

SBA Code 474

Race Unanswered Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated Gender Unanswered Veteran Unanswered


2 yr. ago
Yeah... this source is incredibly spurious. Before buying into anything on their website, including this article, you might be interested to find out that the site runners, "Chief Joseph & Dr. Laralyn RiverWind" have both been long considered frauds.

For one, "Chief" Joseph RiverWind was born Jose Arnaldo Rivera, and has claimed a variety of indigenous tribes as his own over the course of his lifetime while his wife, "Dr." Laralyn RiverWind received her doctorate from a known diploma mill. They've been at the forefront of numerous failed enterprises and and subsequent rebranding efforts, including two name changes each as far as I've discovered, partly in an attempt to suggest descent from a lost tribe of Israel.

In addition to fluffing up his military record, claiming a MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) that has never existed, they have a history of close relation with a variety of far-right organizations.

For anyone more interested in their colorful history, here's a link with years of compiled efforts to discern the truth surrounding the couple.

User avatar
level 2
2 yr. ago
Thanks daemos360, I'm rather skeptical about this particular claim. I see this story crop up too many times in my search for stuff about native americans both in Canada and the U.S. I didn't really trust the website but I did get this info from a credible source.

User avatar
level 1
2 yr. ago
So actual reporting and quoting of researchers in the Miami Herald explicitly state they are not Hebrew, nor even writing:

Christopher Rollston, a professor of Hebrew, Phoenician and Aramaic at George Washington University:

“[T]here aren’t enough [symbols] to think of it as an alphabet or even a complex non-alphabetic writing system.

My sense is that these [symbols] are not Mesoamerican writing — they’re not Aztec or Mayan — they’re definitely not that,” he said.

And later, from Rollston:

And contrary to what Father Nazario believed, the symbols aren’t Hebrew or Phoenician brought to the New World by one of the Lost Tribes of Israel.

The story:
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: educatedindian on January 16, 2022, 11:53:36 pm
I received a very bizarre and amusing letter from Rivera and Davis's "lawyer." Whether he is actually a lawyer for them for anything beyond this strangeness is unknown. If I were them I'd demand a refund. Below is my response, sent to their law office but also posted publicly here for all to see.


Mr. Feldstein,

I received the Fedex package from you. It was quite entertaining that you would spend the funds to send several dozen pages of the NAFPS research thread on Rivera and Davis and rather ludicrously entitle it "Exhibit A," pretending it was anything from an actual court. Such a tactic is more typical of someone posing as a lawyer rather than an actual one.
We at NAFPS get empty threats to sue many times a year. But typically they come from frauds posing as lawyers rather than an actual lawyer.

Actual lawyers know better. Sending photocopied online posts and pretending it's a legal exhibit, or sending a letter and pretending it's a Cease and Desist order from a court, as you've done, are typically what Sovereign Citizen nuts try, not actual lawyers. What would your state bar have to say about such posing?

I see that the posts were photocopied for you on Nov. 10, but you sent the faux Cease and Desist "order" on Jan. 10. So you had at least two months to do research before you embarrassed yourself with what you've sent on your law firm's stationary.

No doubt it would occur to you to wonder why it took Rivera and Davis nearly thirteen years from the time the research thread began on them to claim "defamation," and that same amount of time to claim "mental distress," that we hurt their feelings by publicly debunking their numerous obvious lies.

I have to wonder at the thoroughness of your research before you sent the letter. Given your background, some may find it commendable you would still take a case representing members of a hate group and longtime associates of literal Nazis.

You sent the "exhibit," so you supposedly read it. This means you know about Rivera and Davis associating with Yehuda Glick and his Neo Nazi friend Strache, several genocide advocates Ariel and Gopstein, and Neo Nazi Billy Roper.

You know about their long membership in the hate group Act For America and appearing on the same stages as their notoriously bigoted leader, Brigitte Gabriel. Again, given your background, some would find it commendable you still represent them, unless you share their views.

It's bizarre you keep assuming I alone said every single thing on the thread, and have only made the not-believable threat to sue to me, and none of the others. There are nearly a dozen people writing on the research thread, and over 2000 NAFPS members from dozens of tribes, many nations, and many faiths. Those writing on the research thread include Rivera himself, who I quoted in full. We always welcome all information, and would be glad to post any statement from him or Davis.

How about it? Tell them we'd post their statement, just as we did before. They could even join, post, correct any mistakes or try to justify their actions. We'd welcome the debate to get to the heart of such matters.

As another example of your sloppiness and lack of research, you falsely attributed the genealogy research to me, when it was not me. It was several others. So I'm quite sure a judge or jury would throw that claim of "defamation" out.

Not only because its's a false accusation. It hasn't even been considered "defamation" to argue someone is of a different race than they claim for over 50 years. Only racists from segregation days ever considered, "That's not your actual race," to be insulting or painful. But then you, as a lawyer, should know this.

Your claim that Davis is "proven" to be Cherokee is laughable. You point to the Georgia "Tribe" of "Eastern Cherokee." State governments have no legal power to recognize a tribe. Constitutionally, only the federal government does. Part of the reason is that states have no credible standards for recognition, and because state congressmen want to get elected, they often back dubious or even obviously false claims.

No recognized Cherokee consider them to actually be  Cherokee. Charitably, I called them a heritage club, even though their claims of heritage are not backed up. The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma lists them as frauds. The Bureau of Indian Affairs says they are neither Cherokee nor anything resembling a tribe.

But then you, as their lawyer, should know this. The BIA states in their decision that GTEC only submitted eleven members that were allegedly Cherokee. And GTEC couldn't even provide any evidence at all they were Cherokee.

All you have is Davis's unbacked claim of being allegedly Cherokee. You don't have any evidence backing it, or you would mention it in your letter. You chose to ignore that every census with her ancestors lists them as White.

You chose to ignore that she keeps changing her claims of her ancestry. It's striking you don't even try to defend her claims of being Creek or Taino.

It's also striking you don't claim that Rivera is Taino. You know he kept changing his claim of his ancestry, and is only part of a heritage club similar to GTEC. A heritage club doesn't have actual Native chiefs, any more than the Boy Scouts or the YMCA. But then you, as their lawyer, should know this.

You should also know you have just defamed *me* with your false claims. You falsely accuse me of claiming David falsified her genealogy records. I challenge you to point to me writing this anywhere.

Again, I did not do any genealogy research, nor claimed to. I'm curious as to how your state bar would react to your lying about and defaming me.

You also repeatedly falsely refer to Davis as a doctor. Again, as their lawyer, you should already know this is false. She's not a medical or any other kind of doctor. She bought a worthless online "degree" from a diploma mill. Again, this is highly unethical and questionable for you as a lawyer to spread deliberate falsehoods.

The final ludicrous part of your letter was claiming I damaged them. I'm sure you know, as a lawyer, you have to prove damages.

Yet you don't list any monetary losses, no job losses, nothing that happened to them. Just their pouting and hurt feelings because we pointed out their bigotry and obvious falsehoods.

You even go so far as to claim I "defamed" them in my classes. I'm curious, are you claiming you have spies in my classes, secretly recording lectures? Why would you even think I would have any reason to mention them? They're not exactly famous, except perhaps as legends in their own minds. Just a few gullible conferences of other bigots.

I'm not exactly confident in your research abilities. Any of this you could find out literally in just a few minutes. As a lawyer, you should know to research first before repeatedly embarrassing yourself publicly.

Then again, you could just be going through the motions and taking the money of these crackpot bigots. Certainly no good lawyer would waste anyone's time on this, or risk their good name.
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: liannacostantino on January 23, 2022, 03:12:40 am
I got a ridiculous threatening letter by Fed Ex as well. 
Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Sparks on September 24, 2022, 04:24:56 am
I found a Facebook page dedicated to the Riverwinds. Also many news links about pretendians, etc.: [The 'RiverWinds': a case for fraud]

Title: Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
Post by: Sandy S on March 07, 2025, 06:27:26 pm
I'm not including links here because I don't want to drive traffic to their sites.

They promote bogus far-right conspiracies.

They are attempting to cash in on the survival and disaster themes.

Please do not give them any money. There is no guarantee that they will pass funds on to a community dealing with disaster.

In fact all signs point to them misusing donations:

The irs tells us to make sure to note that we reserve the right to re-allocate funds and/or use them how we best see fit.

On Facebook they claim that they have met with a Trump advisor (which actually isn't anything to boast about):

After meeting with one of President Trump’s advisors we were invited to submit names for consideration for the overhaul and revamping taking place at IHS under the Trump Administration.

They are active yet their corporation status in TN is currently expired.

Firekeepers International of Midway TN officers:

Custodian of Contributions   Amy   BLANKINSHIP
Director   Ken   Fabbri
Director   Wanda Parker
Custodian of Final Distributions, President   Joseph RiverWind
Vice President   Laralyn RiverWind

For the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2022 they listed total revenue as $131,882.00.

(TN registered charities search: )

I'll list this link "She Leads Native America, Laralyn is the "Creative Director". Amy Blankinship is also involved in whatever this is.