General => Frauds => Topic started by: earthw7 on August 12, 2008, 05:33:29 pm

Title: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on August 12, 2008, 05:33:29 pm
Anyone heard of this guy?
Chief Richard of the Antinanco Metis Nation
King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux

Recieved this email today::

my Grandmother, who was a Yankton/Lakota Sioux Native, claimed to be the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull (the famous Hunkpapa Chief/Medicine Man), making me his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson. In our family tree, all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible. It is claimed that he had a daughter named, Ziziwin, who later went on to take the name Susan (sometimes referred to as Ziziwin Susan). Does the name Ziziwin appear in the Sitting Bull family list? It would just help to finally solve my family history crisis! 
     I myself, and the Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation, and King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux. I find it very important to honor mine and my peoples' ancestry. Of which, I can do by completing my family history. Any information you provide will be helpful. All you have to do, without consenting that I am a Sitting Bull descendant, is just say yes or no that one of his daughters' names was Zizwin. God I hope so. Thank you for everything! We are all children of Grandmother Earth and have the right to know where we come from.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: frederica on August 12, 2008, 06:27:12 pm      That guy is only a King, at least he chose  not to be an  Emperor.             
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on August 13, 2008, 12:04:23 am
"The Antinanco Metis Nation was founded on February 18th, 2006 by four Metis people in Oregon, USA.....Antinanco has become an International Recognized, fully-functioning, governmental, indigenous people"

And from their blog:

"Chief Returns Government and Constitution
June 17, 2008His Royal Highness, Paramount Chief Richard II has announced that the government will be back in operation starting June 18th, 2008, after three days of suspension."

"New Titles of Nobility to be GRANTED to worthy Citizens and Friends
June 12, 2008Paramount Chief Richard II has offricially enacted a new statute which will enable him to grant two different titles of Nobility of the tribe, of equal existence. His Royal Highness has enabled the use of the noble titles of Baron and Baroness, with the style of The Honorable."

"Reigning Paramount Chief Renounces Sacred Eagle Throne
April 20, 2008Paramount Chief Richard I has officially abdicated his throne and position and has passed the rights as Paramount Chief to his son and only heir, Chaske Richard, who is now formally known as Paramount Chief Richard II."

Old Paramount is looking for a Paramountess. 
"Free Eugene Web Chat
I am the Paramount Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation of the United States of America, and am looking for a beautiful woman."

He's got his own blog.
"Hello and Welcome! My name is Richard Kincaid-Lake, but my stage name as an Opera/Pop singer is The Chaske, which is my native title as the son of the Paramount Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation. Chaske loosly translates as Crown Prince. i love to sing Opera"
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on August 13, 2008, 01:26:30 am
OH MY!!!!

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Mia on August 13, 2008, 03:15:21 am
Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke....
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on August 13, 2008, 03:20:46 am
Have we ever moved a thread from Research Needed to the Comedy Channel?
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: frederica on August 13, 2008, 07:54:23 pm
This one doesn't even make sense. Really one of the crazier ones  They went out of their way to make it up.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on August 13, 2008, 08:39:52 pm
Ok...hold onto your hats.  Did a google search on Richard Kincaid-Lake.  There's some CRAZY stuff.  Now bear in mind that according to the antinanco site there are two Richards (father and son) so some of these posts might be about one or the other.  Only one of them for sure is the father.

So here we go.

1. First one is from  Nothing big..the site encourages you to make tribes, but the makeup of the tribe seemed to be the setup for the antinanco and other tribes Richard has made up.

2. Here's a forum discussing an article about blood quantum.  You'll find a few posts from the father claiming some crazy things.  Admitting about his son creating a tribe and other crazy things.  His name here is Richard Running Bear Kincaid-Lake and he claims to be full Black Bear Sioux.;read=21317

3. Fraudulent entry into Wikipedia making himself king of a made up African tribe and the subsequent posts about its discovery and impending removal.

4. A petition signed by Richard to get the BIA to get rid of blood quantum.

Truly someone "out there".  Seems and his son have histories of experimenting to create tribes and governments.  I got one more.  Can't necessarily pin this on the same guys, but it's too similar to believe otherwise. 

This is from and it's a discussion on royalty (Great Britain, et al) and if it's illegal or not to claim royal titles in the US even if you can't necessarily prove it.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on August 13, 2008, 08:48:37 pm
And some more...

Black Bear Lakota Sioux (fraudulent) Tribe

Profile from  Claiming to chief of BBLS and ANOTHER made up tribe

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on August 13, 2008, 09:16:03 pm
Wow. OK, I looked up the deleted article he wrote about himself on WP. As he started it as his user page, I think it's fair to assume it's a (fictional) autobio. Here's the deleted article:

His Serene Highness, Hereditary Prince Richard Kincaid-Lake(born 28 January 1990) is a Scottish/Irish and Métis Prince, the son of Chief Richard Sitting Eagle Lake of the Black Bear Métis Nation and Princess Lucretia I of UFeighmsaa (a scottish/irish noble house). He is a sportsman and model who occasionally appears on the stage for comedy, acting, and his specialty, Opera.

Hereditary Prince Richard
Hereditary Prince of the Noble House of UFeighmsaa (more...)
Reign    January 28, 1990 to present (17 years)
Predecessor    Lucretia I
Heir Apparent    Princess Nancy, Countess of Bellington
Full name
Richard Kincaid-Lake
Titles and styles
HSH The Hereditary Prince
HSH Prince Richard, Marquis of Huntington
TRH The Marquis of Huntington
HH Hereditary Chief of the Black Bear Métis Nation
Royal house    House of UFeighmsaa
Father    Duke of Huntington
Mother    Princess Lucretia I, Duchess of Huntington
Born    January 28, 1990 (1990-01-28) (age 18)
Oregon , USA
Baptised    December 31, 1999
Oregon, USA[1]

Hereditary Prince Richard Kincaid-Lake
House of UFeighmsaa
Born: 8 March 1925 Died: 21 August 2005
Preceded by
Princess Lucretia I    Hereditary Prince of UFeighmsaa
1990-Actual    Incumbent
Designated heir:
Princess Nancy

He even made infoboxes to make it look like pages of legit royalty, with nav buttons for former and successive "rulers". Wow.

Some of his other attempts at contributing to WP:

(Note, his "work" on deleted pages is not shown, only attempts to change existing pages.)

User talk page, which is pretty funny as he was warned about creating hoaxes:

He wasn't persistent enough to get himself blocked from the site. Though if he tries that sort of thing again... 

The mind boggles.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Kevin on August 14, 2008, 12:17:03 pm
King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux, huh? He may as well be queen of the wannabe tribe too. A person thinks they've seen it all until something like this pops up. Hail! King of the Sioux! LOL
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Spaewife on August 14, 2008, 11:12:25 pm
hmmm wanna be tribe and spoofing SCA??? 
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on August 14, 2008, 11:59:31 pm
hmmm wanna be tribe and spoofing SCA??? 

It is true he reminds me of some of the ignorant, arrogant crazies we've had turn up in Gaelic online fora, confusing their SCA activities with actual history and living communities. What's creepy is when they seem to believe it, when they seem to really believe they are Kings and whatnot (and even more bizarre, demand that others recognize them as such). It's funny from a distance, but some of them are really warped, and not so much fun for people with the ill-fortune to know them in person.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on August 15, 2008, 12:48:46 am
He want the tribe to say he was a direct descendant of Sitting Bull
He say that he is Sioux from a woman named ziziwin. I wrote back
and told he was not. He told me that we did not know Sitting Bull history
I told we did and had a complete history of Sitting Bull, we are Sitting Bull people.
He said he was told that Sitting Bull had many wives he left all over.
Anyway I informed he is not from my nation and can't not claim to be
a descendnat of Sitting Bull
This guy is crazy and he believe himself.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Ric_Richardson on August 15, 2008, 03:15:31 am

While I am fairly certain that the Sioux did not have any "King", I am absolutely certain that we Metis do not have "Chiefs."

I don't think that this one is in need of further research! 

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Kevin on August 15, 2008, 01:37:47 pm
"I don't think that this one is in need of further research! " (Ric) - that's true but I think we could all agree he needs a lobotomy.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: frederica on August 15, 2008, 01:47:36 pm
I don't think it just him, in one of those blogs he admits his "family" made up the "Black Bear Sioux".   And it down hill from there.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: richardkl on October 13, 2008, 09:50:02 pm
I find it truly saddening that you people have nothing better to do than talk about me of all people. What you have said disgusts me! If this section is NOT deleted, I will be notifying my attorney with the matter, some of your names will be included, and that is something you can count on. The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun. I am NOT crazy! I simply want to honor my native ancestry, what is so wrong with that? NOTHING! I never have offered to sell titles of nobility or membership! So, I ask you: How can I be a FRAUD? ANSWER ME you pathetic people! I deserve that much with all you have done to me! How can you live with yourselves? I am an 18 year college student, who is just learning about my ancestry, and find it extremely sad when I see this kind of stuff on a website. Please, I ask you, what is so wrong with what I did that it made it right for you to take such jabs at me? You are not God, and do not have the right to try to break a persons spirit like you did. Please, feel free to email me with your appologies at
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on October 13, 2008, 10:12:07 pm
The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun.

It's not much fun for Sitting Bull's real relatives, as earthw7 pointed out to you back in August; it took you a long time to get mad about this. Don't forget to notify your attorney that our hosting provider requires a valid court order before removing content. And grow up, for God's sake.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 13, 2008, 10:25:38 pm
here i s what was posted to me


My name is Richard Kincaid-Lake, and recently found this disgusting website here, and that YOU contributed to the filth on this site. How could you do something like this?  Defaming me!? I have petitioned the moderator of the ENTIRE WEBSITE and told him that if my sewction is NOT deleted, I will be contacting my attorney with the matter for slander and defamation. Just think, you contributed, and if it is not deleted, your name will be one of those names I give my attorney.


Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 13, 2008, 10:29:15 pm
Me, too. I think he sent the exact same message to everyone.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 13, 2008, 10:34:32 pm
Here are the email that were sent to me and why I asked for more information on this person.

 Hello! I recently found your email on a web site about the descendants of Sitting Bull. For years, my Grandmother, who was a Yankton/Lakota Sioux Native, claimed to be the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull (the famous Hunkpapa Chief/Medicine Man), making me his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson. In our family tree, all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible. It is claimed that he had a daughter named, Ziziwin, who later went on to take the name Susan (sometimes referred to as Ziziwin Susan). Does the name Ziziwin appear in the Sitting Bull family list? It would just help to finally solve my family history crisis!  
     I myself, and the Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation, and King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux. I find it very important to honor mine and my peoples' ancestry. Of which, I can do by completing my family history. Any information you provide will be helpful. All you have to do, without consenting that I am a Sitting Bull descendant, is just say yes or no that one of his daughters' names was Zizwin. God I hope so. Thank you for everything! We are all children of Grandmother Earth and have the right to know where we come from.
Cordially in Peace,
Chief Richard of the Antinanco Metis Nation
King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux
Thank you for your email reply. I have recently been in contact with the Standing Rock Reservation, and they said that they did NOT have any such document. Ernie LaPointe has also claimed that the Smithsonian has recognized him as a descendant of Sitting Bull, however, I contacted the Smithsonian, and they confirmed that they have never and will never confirm any person or group as a descendant (s) of Sitting Bull of any other Chief or Leader. I also contacted the Crow Creek Tribe, and they said that their is no way to confirm Sitting Bull's descendants, for the fact that he had wives all over; from Canada to South and North Dakota to Minnesota, and a couple other tribes an states. Therefore, I, with the confirmation of other groups and persons, find it is IMPOSSIBLE to know who his [sitting bull] children were. However, my contact at the Crow Creek Tribe, has confirmed that her family holds in their possession a document which list SOME of Sitting Bulls' children and descendants. Thank you again for your reply and time.
Chief Richard
Hello. Thank you again for your reply. I called 1-701-854-7201. The person on the other end said that there was no current list. I didn't call the BIA. Is it possible that I am a descendant of Sitting Bull's father or his father? Thank you again.

Hello. Sorry, but I forgot to include this in my other email. The connection with the Crow Creek tribe, is that the woman I spoke with said that her niece was a direct descendant of Sitting Bull, and had a family tree for her niece. She is sending it to me. Thank you.
Chief Richard
Thank you for your email. In our family, it has been our history that Ziziwin was the daughter of a Chief of one of the Lakota tribes; whether Sitting Bull or not. The sitting bull concept was brought into the picture by my Grandmother ten years before her death in 2001.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 13, 2008, 10:49:13 pm
Here are two site that discuss Native Ancestor
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Walks Proud on October 13, 2008, 10:50:21 pm
I find it truly saddening that you people have nothing better to do than talk about me of all people. What you have said disgusts me! If this section is NOT deleted, I will be notifying my attorney with the matter, some of your names will be included, and that is something you can count on. The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun. I am NOT crazy! I simply want to honor my native ancestry, what is so wrong with that? NOTHING! I never have offered to sell titles of nobility or membership! So, I ask you: How can I be a FRAUD? ANSWER ME you pathetic people! I deserve that much with all you have done to me! How can you live with yourselves? I am an 18 year college student, who is just learning about my ancestry, and find it extremely sad when I see this kind of stuff on a website. Please, I ask you, what is so wrong with what I did that it made it right for you to take such jabs at me? You are not God, and do not have the right to try to break a persons spirit like you did. Please, feel free to email me with your appologies at

jeese Jr. you miss naptime?

Making up a tribe or "Nation" is wrong. If it wasn't then everyone could do it. Can you imagine what chaos that would cause?
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 13, 2008, 10:52:38 pm
By:RIchard Runnning Horse Kincaid-Lake
Date: Friday, 21 September 2007, 1:55 am In Response To: Re: You are part Indian/Cherokee? Which part? (Sheron OK)
I COMPLETELY agree! Blood quantum SHOULD DISAPPEAR! I agree that it ONLY secregates our people. If I went by blood quatum, I would be 1/32 Lakota Sioux and 1/32 Cherokee (or Chikasaw), and FULL Black Bear Lakota Sioux, a tribe which was founded by my family years ago to honor our ancestry, heritage, and our ancestors tradition's. We DO NOT look to blood quantum, but rather, we look to our past to guide us in the future. WE ARE INDIAN! And that is ALL that matters! I am white with red hair and blue eye's, ONLY because I am Scottish and Irish as well, but I AM NOT nearly as Scottish or Irish as I am Indian! I am FULL Black BEar Lakota Sioux! Who cares if the Black Bear tribe was NOT founded in or before 1850, we ARE a tribe and PROUD OF IT! Be proud of who you are! Please! Feel free to email me at:


Richard Running Horse Kincaid-Lake

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 13, 2008, 11:14:33 pm
I can understand that people who are Native American would be defensive about people starting a NATIVE AMERICAN tribe or Nation, however, we started a METIS nation, NOT a Native American TRIBE. And for Barnaby, thanks for blocking me, however, I have many computers, and can continue to create new user ID's. :) By the way, I just found out about this website today! And about LaDonna, I emailed her because for over seventy years there was a rumor that my family was descended from Sitting Bull. What is wrong with that? NOTHING! I simply was inquiring about the TRUTH! And furthermore, What about Sitting Bull's descendants? Is it not OK to find the truth? Is that not how we find the truth? Please, just leave me alone. I did nothing to hurt, deceive, or fraud anyone! LEAVE ME ALONE! I have already contacted an attorney for this matter and he will be working up a Cease and Desist order for this section on me only. I have also contact my District Attorney's Office, as well as the Attorney General's office. All in an effort to stop this defamation and untruths! Again, I ask, what did I do wrong? My nation is NOT ficitonal and has been Internationally recognized by various metis nation's in Canada! What is so wrong with being a true, real, verifiable METIS Nation? There is NO law against starting a Metis Nation now is there? so, it makes it perfectly legal and OK to create one! Now, As I have already stated, we do not claim to be a Native American Tribe or Nation, but rather Metis. Also, we understand that we will most likely never receieve recognition in the USA, and we are fine with that. We are a Nation...a People, and will continue to do our best to bring all Metis People in America One, no matter who or what tries to stop us. membership is FREE, and will always be! Again, I ask for an apology, and removal if this interesting (to say the least) "info" on me. Furthermore, why waiste your time on me? What have ever done to anyone to hurt or deceive them? Everything I have done is perfectly legal.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on October 13, 2008, 11:21:18 pm
Ok're gonna put it out there....

Please list which Metis communities recognize your hobby group as legitimate.  We'll contact them and verify.  We're talking true Metis communities that exist and have done so since the Canadian government recognized them.  Not hobby groups that insist that Metis means "mixed blood" only.   If what you're saying is true then everything's ok. got it all wrong on this one.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Walks Proud on October 13, 2008, 11:26:03 pm
Actually it is against the law to form a "Metis" tribe or nation. The Metis are mixed blood from CANADA! You are NOT in Canada.

I'd like to ask the administrators not to block him. Let him stay on here and look like the fool when his "attorneys" don't do a darn thing. If you block him that just gives some attention to his smoke and mirrors that really don't exist.

Just a thought on it. I'm behind you what ever you decide.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 13, 2008, 11:29:45 pm
How do I got it "ALL WRONG ON THIS ONE?" It's a simple question. Any please, WHAT DID I DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS? Please, answer me this! What did I do to deserve such horrific treatment? Seriously! What? How am I a fraud when I never did anything that was a lie, or anything to fraud or deceive anyone? Everything I did was true and LEGITIMATE!

Some Metis Nations which are our friends are:

The Metis Nation of Ontario
The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan
The Metis Society of Oregon (whom we are siging a treaty with in the coming weeks)
The Metis Nation, Inc. (whose leader is an honorary member of our nation)
The Metis Nation of Alberta

I just hope all this can come to end, and leave me and my name at peace!

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 13, 2008, 11:31:36 pm
It is NOT illegal to do what my family has done! Show me what law says that it is! Show me! PLEASE! Oh wait, you can''s not illegal to do what we did! But, if you can show me that I am wrong, I will retract all statements I have made.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 13, 2008, 11:33:57 pm
also, if you read about the metis people, you would realize that they are all over the Americas! Mestizo in South America, Anglo-Metis in America, and Metis in Canada and the USA. You have your facts gravely WRONG.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 13, 2008, 11:40:31 pm
The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun. I am NOT crazy!

The Labrador Metis Nation (whom we are signing a treaty with in the coming months)
The Metis Society of Oregon (whom we are siging a treaty with in the coming weeks)
The Metis Nation, Inc. (whose leader is an honorary member of our nation)

First you say your hobby groups have been dissolved, now you say Metis nations are "signing treaties" with your hobby groups. Which is it?

Is your experiment with creating fake tribes over? Or are you claiming that these nations are going to sign a "treaty" with your fake, dissolved tribes (of which you proclaimed yourself King)?

This is really fascinating.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 13, 2008, 11:45:27 pm
Our name used to be "Antinanco Metis Nation," however, in the last couple of months, our democratic government has elected to change it one final time. Our nation under our new name will be signing those treaties. This will be my final and only journey in the nation-world. No more besides this one. Furthermore, I did NOT proclaim myself king! Our DEMOCRATIC government VOTED to change the title of our leader, not the way you said. My part was merely ONE vote, compared to the others who also had one vote each. You should really get your facts straight before you open your mouth about something you have no clue about.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 13, 2008, 11:51:35 pm
Our name used to be "Antinanco Metis Nation," however, in the last couple of months, our democratic government has elected to change it one final time. Our nation under our new name will be signing those treaties. This will be my final and only journey in the nation-world. No more besides this one. Furthermore, I did NOT proclaim myself king! Our DEMOCRATIC government VOTED to change the title of our leader, not the way you said. My part was merely ONE vote, compared to the others who also had one vote each. You should really get your facts straight before you open your mouth about something you have no clue about.

Well, where would one find out how many people are in this "DEMOCRATIC government" which wants to have an 18 year old screaming boy as their "King"? And what would be the name of your new hobby group that you persist in calling a "nation"? We can hardly be blamed for not knowing much about your claims, as you seem to be the only one making them.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 13, 2008, 11:59:55 pm
The only place to find any info about our nation would be on our new website. Of which I will not state on here, for fear of what has already happened. By the way, if you look up in the dictionary the word NATION, it defines it as a group of people with alike culture, language, and various other things. We are not a hobby group...we are a Nation. We currently have 7 members of the council; three men and four women. All are related by blood. I am only leader because my father abdicated due to severe health problems. I am a young King, and I realize that. I am much like the younger King Oyo of an African Kingdom.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Kevin on October 14, 2008, 01:51:49 am
Yes, it is true  - I have been contacted by the King -  the only message ever from royalty and he was upset with me for suggesting that we were all in favor of him getting a voluntary lobotomy. If I told the King  I was abducted by Indians at an early age and forced on the red road - made to grow my hair long, whipped if I spoke english, forbidden to wear a watch, made to eat fry bread and given this moniker, DWB, he wouldn't believe me but I am supposed to believe he is King of the Sioux? Life just isn't fair.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: oyatemakoce on October 14, 2008, 02:02:14 am
Kevin, I would believe such a story if a person were to tell it to me. If that happened to you, I sincerely feel sorry for you. To your last statement, I DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT and NEVER have claimed the title of King of the Sioux! However, for a brief period, my nation had a branch called the Oyatemakoce Sioux, meant to be a type of Métis Nation Clan. So, I do not understand how LaDonna Brave, an official for the Rosebud Sioux Reservation, could begin to claim that I did, since I have never done so. I am King of a Métis Nation, and have no affiliation, besides ancestry, with a Native American tribe. My family's tribes are those of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Powhatan Indian, and Yankton Sioux. I am truly sorry if I have caused some offense to you, but I do not see a need for people to carry on about how I am a "fraud," of some kind of "crazy," because I am not and have never been a fraud, crazy, or misleading. Everything I do is current and fully within the laws of the United States of America, Canada, and the United Nations. You seem like a good man, and I did not understand why someone would suggest I needed a lobotomy, yet for some reason you did. Why? Why would you spout such hatred? Just because you were the victim of a horrible Indian crime does not give you the right to be mean and hateful towards someone who does not claim to be Indian at-all. Please further explain. Furthermore, you did not originally say a "voluntary lobotomy!" You said, and I quote, "I think we could all agree he needs a lobotomy." Nowhere in that section is there ANY mention of VOLUNTARY. I would like to make as my last statement and attention to this website: I find it interesting how you people find claim I am crazy, need a lobotomy, you know, various things. I also find it interesting that you all think so high of me that you spend so much time talking about me and researching me and my activities. God, you all sure are pathetic, just leave me alone and I will leave you alone. I am done. Have fun talking about me. It's nice to know I have such a strong fan base. And you know what? I find it disgusting and pathetic that out of all the evil and bad in the world that you guys pick to talk about me, which I find interesting since I am not evil, and am not a FRAUD. Life may not be fair, but that does NOT give a person the right to belittle another person! Good bye.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: matt e on October 14, 2008, 07:29:51 am
richard, I think that part of the problem is that you claimed to be king of the sioux. As well as the made up tribes your family has created in the past. By admitting you were involved in these, it makes anything you do or are a part now or in the future suspect.

  By making up tribes that are not real, you and your family did in fact engage in fraud.

almost all of the members of this forum are at least 1/2 blood. And Blood quantum being required is debatable,(as i have seen it debated on here) but being 1/32 of anything is not enough to call yourself an indian. And it is not possible to be 2/32 of one thing and full blooded something else, even if it is one of the many native tribes/nations. 

 You have to understand that the Tribes and Nations that exist and are recognized by teh USA/Canadian Gov't as such had to go through hell to get that recognition, and/or the rights they currently have. It understandably upsets them when someone comes along and just decides to start up a tribe, fictitious or not. There are fake tribes out there. You need to do some research on the tribes, are they real recognized tribes(by the gov't as well as other tribes/nations) or just something someone started.

  People are harmed badly by these fake tribes. It does not matter if the people setting up the tribe are related by blood or not. There is more to being a tribe/nation than just being related by blood. It is a culture, ways of doing things, spiritual beliefs, etc.
 It is because people believe what people claim without bothering to check it out, that much of the harm is caused, such as believing kevin without checking it out to verify the story.

   I think it is good to look into your roots. I suggest you trace your family history, and that might involve a professional geneoligist.
 earth stated that she is of sitting bulls people and that it was not likely that you are descended from him, and you came back saying that some other people claim that she is wrong. Earth is very connected to her people, and would know, or be able to find out if such a list existed, or if it was possible sitting bull had such a daughter.
 It is very disrespectful of you to claim she is lying, when she is in a position to know.
 I think you need to spend some time talking to some real native people so you can understand why what you have done and are doing is so offensive to them.

  And to everyone else, Shame on you. You had an opportunity to educate a young person on what was wrong with what he had done, what he is doing. Instead you attacked and ridiculed.   I often have seen people say that in fighting frauds
educating people was the most important thing. you had a chance to educate and passed it by for attack. This is something the enemies of nafps can point to as an example of extremeism, and be absolutely correct.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Kevin on October 14, 2008, 11:19:37 am
It's too bad the 'King' didn't get a chance to travel down to say Pine Ridge or Rosebud and tell them folks he was King of the Sioux - now that would have been a real life experience for him and not some man-made, artificial cyber space babble coming his  way. What kind of a real life reception do you suppose he would get Matt ? A parade maybe? Maybe they would  put him on a chair in the back of a pickup and parade him about, use a loud speaker telling everyone "behold your king". Cyber space should be a reflection of real life, not the other way around.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: TrishaRoseJacobs on October 14, 2008, 11:43:43 am
Dude, I don't give a hoot about your BQ or where it comes from. But the word "nation" *also* has a political and legal implication - not just a cultural one, and even you seem to recognize that with your description of your group's democratic process. With real native american nations trying to maintain their status as such with a hostile US government breathing down their necks, surely you can see why creating one group or another, calling it a nation (?for a joke?) and then uncreating one group or another, can be seen as harmful? If ya'll are a cultural club call it that - there isn't anything wrong with it. But calling a group that's here one day and seemingly gone the next a "nation," is both misleading and damaging to actual nations. And the "king" thing really just makes you looked cracked.

You are legally entitled to call yourself whatever you like (I think, though I am no constitutional lawyer, that free speech covers dumb speech as well) but that doesn't *make* it true - nor does it free you from the *consequences* of making fraudulent and/or misleading statements. Free speech isn't just a right man, its a responsibility.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 14, 2008, 02:17:12 pm
Richard, I hope that you can step back and really think about what you are doing.

Yes, It hurts us as tribal people as we still fight to live.

Yes, we struggle each day to live as our people have since the beginning of time.

Yes, we keep our histories and our families.

We have had to keep our families histories quiet for such a long time because people of want to claim to be us.

You ask what did I do wrong?

You claimed to be a Nation which you are not.

You made our own rules without understanding why it would hurt the real people.

You used the name the Oyatemakoce Sioux without permission of the elders here on the reservations.

What you did is made a mockery of our people

I understand you are young and I could be your grandma but sometime young people do things that are not right.

What can be done from this point is learn by your mistakes
Be proud of who are now and stop making up tribes.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 14, 2008, 05:08:34 pm
And to everyone else, Shame on you. You had an opportunity to educate a young person on what was wrong with what he had done, what he is doing. Instead you attacked and ridiculed.   I often have seen people say that in fighting frauds educating people was the most important thing. you had a chance to educate and passed it by for attack. This is something the enemies of nafps can point to as an example of extremeism, and be absolutely correct.

Slight tangent here, in defense of humour:  Point taken. However, this began with LaDonna trying to educate him, and his behaviour just got more and more bizarre and insulting. Also, we didn't know he was so young. Either way, he's technically an adult now, and he's been highly insulting to the very people who tried patience and education. Perhaps some of us could have been more polite, but after years of these clowns, sometimes you have to laugh. </tangent>

We currently have 7 members of the council; three men and four women. All are related by blood.

That's pretty much what I figured. We've seen this before. The "council" is most likely his mom and dad, plus a few sibs or cousins. Oh, and him. (Can't forget the King.) I would bet not every family member even knows they're on this "council," and that the number on the "council" and the population of the "nation" are identical. Just a hunch. Last time we saw something like this, we found a phonecall to the guy's parents to be very illuminating - they had no idea they were being touted on the Internet as the "elders" of a "tribe."
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: RedRightHand on October 14, 2008, 06:11:44 pm
While education of the misguided should be an important part of any response, it can be difficult when claims are made that seem built upon farfetched and impossible facts.

I think the idea that anyone would fact- and reality-check his claims seems to have upset him. When claims are ridiculous, it's difficult to not ridicule the author.

I also see a sense of entitlement behind his protest and bluster. He wants to create (perhaps with his family's consent and participation, perhaps not) a world where he is important, a King of a tribal nation through tenuous genealogy going back quite a few generations. His insistence on the legality of his "nation" and his "right" to create and disband such entities at will indicates rejection of the reality of actual legalities and tribal histories. I think it's insulting and I have trouble keeping from responding with insults back.

Still, he's eighteen. He should learn that many people in the world will not blindly take fantastic tales at face value. I mean, seven people hardly make up a tribe. Where I come from, that's called a family, not a council.

Hmm, he says anyone can join for free. I wonder what the entrance requirements are if anyone can join? I've always wanted to be a Duke...
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on October 15, 2008, 12:27:16 am
Kincaid has sent threats to sue both individual members of this forum and the moderators. But he has not contacted me or any of the other mods as far as I know.

I did finally get an email today from Kincaid's account, but it was signed Priscilla Hughes. It was written in exactly the same style as the other posts and emails by Kincaid. Some things you can't make up...

Ironically it accused us of being too moral, and also of having "too much time on our hands." This from someone whose spent a lot of time making up and then dissolving fake tribes, issuing lawsuit threats, and using multiple IDs.

In all sincerity I hope Mr. Kincaid's father takes some time to talk to his son and gets through to him, because none of us are having much luck.

To young Richard, there are some very good threads under Non Frauds you should read, esp on People of Distand Indian Ancestry (PODIAs).
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 15, 2008, 01:53:06 am
I did finally get an email today from Kincaid's account, but it was signed Priscilla Hughes. It was written in exactly the same style as the other posts and emails by Kincaid. Some things you can't make up...

Yeah, I decided to check some of the links posted up-thread. This one (;read=21317) is identical to what he sent to LaDonna. Then further down thread, from the same account, he posts this one (;read=21408), puportedly by his father, but under the same account, same name, and it reads exactly like his posts here. Given all this, I'm sort of doubting that his family knows what he's up to. Not that it matters, in terms of offensiveness. But the massive sockpuppeting fits the profile.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: NanticokePiney on October 15, 2008, 03:27:28 am
It's too bad the 'King' didn't get a chance to travel down to say Pine Ridge or Rosebud and tell them folks he was King of the Sioux

 I'd like to see that happen in White clay on the first of the month. 3 hours after Henry the rancher traded 10 cases of Windsor Canadian to stock his line shacks. His hair wouldn't be the only thing red..... :o
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: frederica on October 15, 2008, 04:03:49 am
I think everyone that posted earlier last month or so received a message or email from Kincaid's account.  They all look identical, same threats.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on October 17, 2008, 01:38:03 pm
Just an sidenote....our king goes by many names...the most complete of which is

Richard Brent Kincaid-Lake-O'riley

Not kidding about that one.  I think we can put this one to bed. 

Richard I feel for you.  Let the anger go.  Be yourself, nobody's ancestry defines the type of man that person is to become.  You make that choice yourself.  Declaring yourself "King" or "Paramount Chief" or falsely letting others believe that's a real title you have will only make YOU look crazy.  Not the other way around. 

You may want to read the organizations web-pages to learn what Metis people really are.  Unfortunately you aren't one of them.  You're just Richard.  The organizations you put up that you say endorse your newly created group are just organizations.  They are not Metis communities.

From the Metis Nation of Ontario Website (one of the organizations you claim recognize your group)


Métis History and Culture

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The Métis Nation evolved in the historic north-west in the 18th and 19th centuries. Born of a mixture of French and Scottish fur traders and Cree, Ojibwa, Saulteaux, an d Assiniboine women, the Métis in the north-west developed as a people, distinct from either Indian or European.

Following the annexation of the north-west by Canada in 1869, the political economy of the Métis was destroyed. Both the Manitoba Act (1870) and the Dominion Lands Act (1879) recognized Métis claims to Aboriginal title, but the federal government moved to unilaterally extinguish these claims through individual land and grants scrip. Denied the recognition of their collective rights, the Métis became Canada's "forgotten people". Only in Alberta was any action taken to alleviate Métis distress through the establishment of Métis settlements by the provincial government in 1938. The Métis were officially recognized as one of Canada's Aboriginal Peoples in the Canadian Constitution of 1982.

The estimated number of Métis in Canada varies widely, from 300,000 to 800,000. A proposed federal enumeration could provide a more accurate count of Canada's Métis population. Métis account for more than 20% of the Aboriginal population.

Most Métis live in western Canada, both in remote and urban communities and in Métis-only and mixed communities. There are over 300 Métis communities; most are English-speaking with some northern communities using Cree or Michif. The Métis are distinguished by their unique Michif languages.

The Métis have never received the benefits governments grant to Status Indians and Inuit. In its final report the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples stated "it is unjust and
unreasonable to withhold from Métis people the services and opportunities available to other Aboriginal peoples".


Also from MNO, the national definition of Metis:


National Definition of Métis

As Adopted at the Métis National Council’s 18th AGA in Edmonton, AB on September 27th -28th, 2002

1.1 "Métis" means a person who self-identifies as Métis, is distinct from other Aboriginal peoples, is of Historic Métis Nation ancestry, and is accepted by the Métis Nation.
Defined Terms in National Definition of Métis

1.2 "Historic Métis Nation" means the Aboriginal people then known as Métis or Half-breeds who resided in the Historic Métis Nation Homeland

1.3 "Historic Métis Nation Homeland" means the area of land in west central North America used and occupied as the traditional territory of the Métis or Half-breeds as they were then known.

1.4 "Métis Nation" means the Aboriginal people descended from the Historic Métis Nation which is now comprised of all Métis Nation citizens and is one of the "aboriginal peoples of Canada" within the meaning of s.35 of the Constitution Act 1982.

1.5 "Distinct from other Aboriginal peoples" means distinct for cultural and nationhood purposes.


None of these definitions apply to a startup "Nation" with it's leaders having Lakota, Chickasaw or Cherokee ancestry.  I hate to break it to you Richard, but by the criteria you've posted that you want us to go don't qualify as Metis either.

But their ain't nothin' wrong with bein' yourself and honoring your ancestry.  You just have a lot to learn about it.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Rootdigger on November 20, 2008, 11:23:03 am
I think you all are being a bit too mean.  :( He didn't even know what Metis meant. All he knew was that Metis was a person who was part Native American. And that's what he is. He was simply trying to honor his ancestry through a fun and interesting way. I applaud him for that. However, I do not applaud his  method. He wanted me to tell you all that those "tribes" were not meant to be frauds. After-all, he never stole money from anyone. In America you are what you call yourself, and it is perfectly legal to call yourself anything you like, and as for "Richard Kincaid-Lake," he called himself a Paramount Chief, King, Chief, High Chief, and Prince. While we may find that odd or weird, some things we do in our everyday lives may be viewed as weird or odd to other people... especially complete strangers, who only know some things you put on the internet as a kid all in good fun, not for impersonation or fraudulent purposes. :(

So, as I sign off and finish this post, I just ask that you find it in your hearts to forgive a young boy who was trying to have fun and experiment to see what was out there, who never meant to cause harm or deceive anyone. These tribes were created for fun, by a kid. If this were a 40 year old man, I might say, "hey, wait a second..." But in this case, he was a kid, and I think he should be left alone. He truly feels sad that his actions have caused hatred toward him, as he was trying to have fun in a non-harmful way. If he knew this website would demean him so much, he would have stayed away from creating websites how he did; he would have thought things through better.

I plead with to apologize, because he meant no harm or foul play or wrong doing. He was a kid trying to honor his ancestry in a fun way. After-all, what kid didn't want to be a Prince or Princess? He just put it on the web... a mistake he will never make again. As i'm hsi aunt, I know him very well, and I love him. I also know that he is not a scam artist. He is a youngster who is part Native American, and cannot enroll with his tribe. That is WHAT he is. However, WHO he is, is much more complicated. He writes poetry, paints, draws, sings, and is a great nephew. As you only know him from a few things on the internet, I don't expect you to understand why I am doing this, but maybe something will click with you, and you will know that he didn't mean to do anything wrong or fraudulent. Please understand. Thank you for listening. I wish you all the best in life.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on November 20, 2008, 12:49:22 pm
Thank you Linda.  Those were very good words.  I wish the best for you guys.  You're obviously a great person as I'm sure your family is great.  Keep an eye on Brent though.  He's running down a very slippery slope and I don't think he's aware of the consequences.  Build him up...he seems to be searching for something, but he's got all he needs at home. 

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Interested on September 02, 2013, 11:28:21 pm
WOW... the way you people acted towards this YOUNG boy... The words I would use to describe you people: SAD, DISGUSTING, and FILTHY. As for the site owner, naming the forum topic "Richard Kincaid-Lake, King of the Sioux" is completely irrelevant, as he never claimed to be "King of the Sioux"... OPEN YOUR EYES and GROW UP, after all, we're supposed to be ROLE MODELS for youngsters and help and teach them how to live, NOT degrade and harass them!
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: used2bnaf on September 03, 2013, 01:58:59 am
WOW... the way you people acted towards this YOUNG boy... The words I would use to describe you people: SAD, DISGUSTING, and FILTHY. As for the site owner, naming the forum topic "Richard Kincaid-Lake, King of the Sioux" is completely irrelevant, as he never claimed to be "King of the Sioux"... OPEN YOUR EYES and GROW UP, after all, we're supposed to be ROLE MODELS for youngsters and help and teach them how to live, NOT degrade and harass them!

After reading this post I am curious as to who you are.  It seems maybe you posted 5 years ago.  Maybe under a different name...or two?

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on September 03, 2013, 02:16:24 am
WOW... the way you people acted towards this YOUNG boy... The words I would use to describe you people: SAD, DISGUSTING, and FILTHY. As for the site owner, naming the forum topic "Richard Kincaid-Lake, King of the Sioux" is completely irrelevant, as he never claimed to be "King of the Sioux"... OPEN YOUR EYES and GROW UP, after all, we're supposed to be ROLE MODELS for youngsters and help and teach them how to live, NOT degrade and harass them!

excuse me this young man emailed me with his so called title and was very offensive to MY PEOPLE, so I am not role model to crazy people
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Autumn on September 03, 2013, 03:23:42 am
WOW... the way you people acted towards this YOUNG boy... The words I would use to describe you people: SAD, DISGUSTING, and FILTHY. As for the site owner, naming the forum topic "Richard Kincaid-Lake, King of the Sioux" is completely irrelevant, as he never claimed to be "King of the Sioux"... OPEN YOUR EYES and GROW UP, after all, we're supposed to be ROLE MODELS for youngsters and help and teach them how to live, NOT degrade and harass them!

After reading this post I am curious as to who you are.  It seems maybe you posted 5 years ago.  Maybe under a different name...or two?


Yes, he did.  Only now he does not have any excuse because he is no longer 18.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on September 03, 2013, 05:36:52 pm
As is pretty obvious from the text, "Interested" is Richard again.

Richard, we don't allow sockpuppeting here. You're already banned under your "richardkl" and "oyatemakoce" accounts. Your new post shows that you are still lying, pretending to be other people, and you don't seem to have taken any responsibility for your behaviour. Coming back under an alias to insult people really doesn't make a good argument for not adding this new account to the ban. You're an adult now. No more excuses.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on October 19, 2013, 01:16:44 pm
WOW... the way you people acted towards this YOUNG boy... The words I would use to describe you people: SAD, DISGUSTING, and FILTHY. As for the site owner, naming the forum topic "Richard Kincaid-Lake, King of the Sioux" is completely irrelevant, as he never claimed to be "King of the Sioux"... OPEN YOUR EYES and GROW UP, after all, we're supposed to be ROLE MODELS for youngsters and help and teach them how to live, NOT degrade and harass them!

Hi again Richard....

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: NeoPaleo on October 19, 2013, 03:48:35 pm
Hi Richard, I don't know you and I realize that you cannot speak any longer here.
I'm going to speak as a translator for you. I too find many things said on this forum overtly offensive.
That doesn't make the speakers inherently bad, it makes the particular communication difficult.
Look at this type of forum as a widow into the past, the events that happened long ago on the outside world (concerning indian wars) are like yesterday for the People.
The outside culture has moved on in someways, and that leaves us at a disadvantage when it comes to feeling the painful memories.
An example for me is My Grandmother's Mother was Robbed by a church from her tribe, I have deep scars and no where to turn to on the outside, so I do work in my own way.
I would say to you, connect with your relatives be they living or passed on.
And don't try and fight someone else's battles, unless you are willing to die for that person.
They say words on paper mean nothing, words on a computer screen mean even less.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 19, 2013, 04:12:47 pm
Sorry to correct you but this man has no indian blood
and has made up many of the things he does, so you dont
know what you are talking about in this case.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 19, 2013, 04:40:07 pm
And the people here can speak for themselves. We don't need a translator.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: NeoPaleo on October 19, 2013, 05:11:15 pm
I clearly wrote to Richard and spoke to him.
He is a seeker, or he wouldn't be here.
Unless the people on this forum enjoy playing "whack a mole?"
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: debbieredbear on October 20, 2013, 01:21:10 am
He is a seeker, or he wouldn't be here.

Not true. Many frauds come hear to try and BS their way into legitemacy. This Richard person came here to make his claim he was "King of the Sioux." He made up his own tribe. He has no native blood. He is not a "seeker", just a con man.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on October 23, 2013, 07:06:29 pm
I clearly wrote to Richard and spoke to him.
He is a seeker, or he wouldn't be here.
Unless the people on this forum enjoy playing "whack a mole?"

He claimed to be "Kind of the Oyatemakoche Sioux" and hassled several board members.  Even hassling Earthw to confirm a supposed ancestor named Ziziwin....basically saying..."all I need you to do is confirm that this person actually existed" so he could back up his claim ancestral inheritance of some Native title.  He's also created a fake "Metis" tribe (the Antinanco Metis Nation) and pretended online that he had the back up of several real Metis organizations....which wasn't true. 

He's hassled several members of this board, spamming their e-mails with threats of lawsuits.

One a side note...outside of Native culture he created a fake wiki entry (which Wiki deleted themselves) also claiming royal ancestry (a prince this time) in an African nation....

Online he also goes by the name "Chaske"

For a "seeker" he's quite aggressive against anyone who disagrees with him.  Wannabe seems to be more fitting.

Not wanting to pile on...just my opinion.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on September 30, 2014, 03:13:56 pm

looks sketchy to me
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on September 30, 2014, 03:14:43 pm
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on September 30, 2014, 03:18:03 pm this richard lake kincaid? king of the sioux?
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: tecpaocelotl on September 30, 2014, 03:40:28 pm
Never heard of them (since they're very recently founded), but yes, iffy.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on September 30, 2014, 05:05:21 pm
Merged with older thread. Anyone applying to this fake tribe should see just how crazy and delusional this family is.

Homepage. Their made up titles are getting more amusing. Are they from any real language?

RICHARD B. LAKE, III Prime Minister, Co-Founder, and the Prince of Irqu
RICHARD E. LAKE, II Paramount Chief,  Co-Founder, High Chief Zehzej and Senate Member
AMANDA N. HARDING High Chieftess Mazau, and Senate Member

One of the biggest projects for our tribe is getting recognized in 2016 by the Oregon House of Representatives in a House Concurrent Resolution. We have been working with the office of the House Speaker, Representative Val Hoyle.

Nearly 490 Enrolled Members >Political Support and Acknowledgement >Founded on January 1, 2009.

I doubt those numbers. Their enrollment page allows you to enroll family members. One deluded or ignorant person could put his while extended family on the rolls. They also don't require any proof other than your say so. Their FB page claims 546, but only has 200 likes. FB pages says their homepage is only a few months, and the senior Kincaid was in a coma in August. So the little boy is running things.

They've been recruiting on Craigslist.

They have a strange mix of videos on mashpedia, mostly rave, but also one "Adolf Hitler Israelite."

And the young "prince" Kincaid got himself listed on Wiki as LGBT royalty.

The Kincaids take the whole royalty thing seriously.

Within the Una Tribe of Mixed-Bloods, we hold our Sovereignty as a Nation-People of Native American Mixed-Bloods very dear to our hearts. In doing so, we have elected to not only have a Council of Chief's who run our government, but to also have a Traditional Hereditary Ceremonial Leader to unite our People and our clans under one Leader, and be titled as the:

        Paramount Chief of the Una
?He shall serve in his position for life, and be succeeded by his eldest son, titled as the Prince of Irqu

The council seems to be just the Kincaids and Harding. No mention of mom, so I wonder if there was a relationship between Harding and Kincaid Sr. No mention of other family members at all.

I also think it's funny that they have their "clans" listed by titles from Euro pagan four elements traditions, earth, wind, water, and fire.

Young "prince" Kincaid wants to be a comedy singer, releasing a single Fuck Kanye West. He also claims to be African. You can't make this stuff up.

His real job is marketing for a smoking lounge.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis, Brenndt James
Post by: RedRightHand on September 30, 2014, 06:15:21 pm
Looks like he's also using the name Brenndt James.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on September 30, 2014, 06:17:11 pm
Richard B Lake's stage name is Brenndt James, here is his acting web site ( He's just a kid, only 24 years old. ( ( (

He is 1/4 African American (Black) and 1/4 Native American (Indian); this makes him 1/2 Caucasian (White).

As of 2000 his father Richard Edward Lake did not know his paternal genealogy:

My name is Richard Edward Lake and I am also looking for my father. Was any one named Raymond,Norman,Walter, Richard, or Edward? Did he have any sisters? Where is the place you believe him to be from? Do you know if you have any brothers or sisters? Were you adopted and if so what year. When were you born?(Year?) Please reply and I will be gratefull....My mother put a child up for adoption in either Calif. or Oregon. I live in Eugene Oregon. I've been looking for family members on my fathers side or him for 25 years.
God Bless,
Richard Lake (

I am 41 years old and only know the name of my father (Richard Irving/or/Ewing Lake, his brother Ronald Lake. My Grandfather was Ed Lake. I was born in SantaMonica!!! (

From: Lucretia & Richard Lake <>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 9:52 PM
My name is Richard Edward Lake, I Was born in SantaMonica, California on
February 14, 1959 and I am looking for my fathers' side of my family.
His name was Richard Lake and his father went by "Ed".  Do you think you
could help me locate any of my lost relatives?  I've been looking for a
very long time......
My mothers name was Dormillie (Peggy) Brewer.  She was from The Dakotas.
 Her mothers name was Dormillie (Dorm) Brewer.  I had a brother by the
name of Norman Walter Lake who died as an infant in 1960, he was about 4
months old and died in SantaMonica Hospital in SantaMonica, California
(where I presume he was born also). (

Looking for relatives who lived in L.A. or near to there in the 1950s or 60s. My fathers name was/is Richard I. Lake (I think), His mother had an English accent

My mothers name is Dormillie Frances Brewer and my grandmothers name on my mothers side was Dormillie Garnet Brewer. (

Dormillie Garnet Brewer online memorial (

These are white families in census. Maybe the Lake's assume that living in South Dakota = NDN?

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on September 30, 2014, 06:47:05 pm
2008 ancestry claim for some of their family:

Thomas Jones
Magthalena Jones
John Eyestone
Sallie Anne Eyestone
Charles Newton Young
Evaline Ellen Young
John Francis Brewer
Francis Chandler Brewer
Dormillie Frances Brewer
Richard Edward Lake II
Richard Brent Lake III (ME) (

Someone else has a family tree up (

Francis Chandler Brewer, white in 1945 state census, South Dakota (

John Francis Brewer, white in 1945 state census, South Dakota (

For years, my Grandmother, who was a Yankton/Lakota Sioux Native, claimed to be the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull (the famous Hunkpapa Chief/Medicine Man), making me his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson. In our family tree, all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible. It is claimed that he had a daughter named, Ziziwin, who later went on to take the name Susan (sometimes referred to as Ziziwin Susan). Does the name Ziziwin appear in the Sitting Bull family list? It would just help to finally solve my family history crisis!;wap2 (;wap2)

Their heritage claim is based on this? That be crazy. And really bad genealogy, because "all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible" does not equal fact.

Otherwise: I'm the right age to be a millionaire, it seems feasible for me to be a millionaire, so yeah, I'm a millionaire. :) But, for some reason I am not a millionaire. Obviously I should be, and therefore am a millionaire.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: RedRightHand on September 30, 2014, 06:47:29 pm
Looks like he sockpuppets as much elsewhere on the web as he did here. Two more aliases:

In his one IMDb  listing as  Brenndt James, he is actually credited as "Richard James."

The author of his bio sounds just like him, and he likes pretending to be other people while writing about himself, so I'd say it's a fair assumption that he is also the author of that entry, using the name "Jordan Trent"
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on September 30, 2014, 09:04:14 pm
He has used Esq. as a title too

Richard B. Lake III, Esq. (

Here in USA that title is usually for lawyers. In the UK would mean he has status, is gentry.

In 2009 on genealogy forums he was "Richard B. Lake III, High Chief of Yepoa" (

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on September 30, 2014, 09:08:01 pm
Richard Zehzej de Nwambu (
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux & Nwambu, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on September 30, 2014, 09:34:38 pm
A rich fantasy life. This is one big role playing game to them.

I have no idea what any of these words, houses, or names allegedly are supposed to be. The closest they come to are sometimes similar to Japanese, sometimes Arabic, sometimes trying to sound African.

Eugene OR
Religious organization, reservation
The Nwambu People; often referred to as “the Nwambans” or “Nwambu” is a nation-people of United States Citizens who are of mixed-race heritage (part Native American).

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of the Nwamban Leaders since 2008, when Nwambu was first founded.

1 Prior to Monarchy 1.1 Pre-Monarchy Leader(s)

2 Nwamban Monarchy 2.1 List of Kings of the Nwambans 2.1.1 House of Zehzej=
2.1.2 House of Znezua

Prior to Monarchy
The Nwambu People was officially founded on 07 November 2008. To begin, it did not have a proper government established. However, the four founders agreed and elected Richard Edward Lake, II to serve as Interim-leader until they could decide on the right government.

Pre-Monarchy Leader(s)
Richard Edward Lake, II 14 February 1959 Founder and Interim-leader 07 November 2008 01 January 2009 Living

Nwamban Monarchy
List of Kings of the Nwambans
It was decided by the Four Founders that Nwambu would be governed by a sole leader, known as the King of the Nwambans. Below is a list of all Monarchs starting with the first one who was crowned on 01 January 2009.

House of Zehzej
Richard I 28 January 1990 King of the Nwambans His Highness 01 January 2009 17 January 2011 (abdicated) Living None (first Monarch)

House of Znezua
LeRoy I 04 July 1925 King of the Nwambans His Majesty 01 January 2009 Present Living Father-in-law
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on September 30, 2014, 10:35:26 pm
either the video

i understand he still a kid....but under guidance of his father.....

they are playing a serious game......i noticed when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar they fall back on "it was roleplaying...for fun"........but how far will they take it if they dont get caught? im still waiting to hear back from the senator, mayor and representative......hopefully they are lying about that

but if they arent? do we excuse a repeat offender just because he is a kid???

fake tribes are genocidal....this is NOT a game
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: RedRightHand on September 30, 2014, 10:40:07 pm
Wow.  "Brent Barracuda"
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: RedRightHand on October 01, 2014, 12:49:44 am
!!!  the photos...  :o

He want the tribe to say he was a direct descendant of Sitting Bull
He say that he is Sioux from a woman named ziziwin. I wrote back
and told he was not. He told me that we did not know Sitting Bull history
I told we did and had a complete history of Sitting Bull, we are Sitting Bull people.
He said he was told that Sitting Bull had many wives he left all over.
Anyway I informed he is not from my nation and can't claim to be
a descendant of Sitting Bull
This guy is crazy and he believe himself.

Looks like he's still exploiting his fantasy of being a descendent:
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Autumn on October 01, 2014, 01:34:34 am
Not that any of this makes any sense, but I am wondering why, with his "supposed" heritage, he doesn't create groups for others to join?  (but then, five years ago when this thread was first started, didn't he say it was all in fun?)  How about the Scottish, Irish, German, Russian-Lithuanian Jew, British, Welsh, Scandinavian, Venetian, and African Americans?  They need their groups also!

James is of tri-racial heritage, being Native American (Mohegan, Cherokee, Sioux, Winnebago, Ponca, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Powhatan), White (European; Scottish, Irish, German, Russian-Lithuanian Jew, British, Welsh, Scandinavian, and Venetian), and Black (African American). Some of his well-known traits are his blue eyes, red hair, dimples, and larger size. :P
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Superdog on October 01, 2014, 12:40:21 pm
Not that any of this makes any sense, but I am wondering why, with his "supposed" heritage, he doesn't create groups for others to join?  (but then, five years ago when this thread was first started, didn't he say it was all in fun?) 

Actually I think it was his relatives that came to defend him that claimed this was all in fun.  If I remember correctly Richard sent several pm's to several board members threatening us all with a defamation lawsuit.  So, it's no surprise he's keeping up the charade.

Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on October 01, 2014, 06:27:15 pm
So far all the census records I've looked at list everyone as white. Various pieces of his claimed genealogy are floating around the web, giving me names and dates to check on.

I notice on this genealogy post he snuck in a "Princess Betty Jean (Ruth) Riley" - my guess is he is claiming this is another royalty connection: (

Here is his maternal aunt's page for part of the family lineage ( - no heritage other than white claimed.

I don't know why they use that news video on their web site, it does not make them look good at all.

In that video Richard the Younger says he has NDN ancestry on both sides of his family and that altogether he is 1/8. He says he has been told this all his life. Of course, being told something all your life, does not mean it is true. Even if he does have distant ancestry, he needs to stop with the fake tribe stuff already.

He and his family are in some form of shared delusion.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on October 01, 2014, 07:05:07 pm
One of the biggest projects for our tribe is getting recognized in 2016 by the Oregon House of Representatives in a House Concurrent Resolution. We have been working with the office of the House Speaker, Representative Val Hoyle to accomplish this (

On Richard the Younger's mother's bio:

Lucretia Lake's Experience
Researcher (Intern)
Val Hoyle, Oregon State Represenative

September 2010 – June 2011 (10 months) (
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on October 01, 2014, 08:15:08 pm
From #44 on this thread:

I did finally get an email today from Kincaid's account, but it was signed Priscilla Hughes. It was written in exactly the same style as the other posts and emails by Kincaid. Some things you can't make up...

From (

The Eizsdahn Clan

    Hon. Priscilla Hughes, Chieftess Eizsdahn

From (

On May 03, 2003 His Majesty, made Samr'a a kingdom again. His Majesty signed a treaty with the people of Samr'a that stated that he would bring more freedom to Samr'a, and that he would up security to protect his country from revolutionist like LeRoy Kincaid and Priscilla Hughes.

The blogger in this case is "H.M. King Edvard", the blog posts look like a role play game story. Leroy Kincaid is an actual ancestor of Richard the Younger, don't know if Priscilla Hughes is or not.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on October 02, 2014, 02:51:16 pm

In that video Richard the Younger says he has NDN ancestry on both sides of his family and that altogether he is 1/8. He says he has been told this all his life. Of course, being told something all your life, does not mean it is true. Even if he does have distant ancestry, he needs to stop with the fake tribe stuff already.

He and his family are in some form of shared delusion.

Since he's claiming ancestry from eight different tribes (Mohegan, Cherokee, Sioux, Winnebago, Ponca, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Powhatan), to be one eighth Native with ancestry on both sides, that means all or most his ancestors were about 32 generations back, 600 to 800 years ago, long before Europeans were in America. Add to that the senior Lake saying he's unsure of who his own father was. Add to that Euro contact with Lakota and Ponca came much later than the east coast tribes.

Like someone else said, the young man's photos are creepy, that look in his eyes like he's not in touch with reality. But a part of me feels sorry for him. His appearance and being gay likely led to a lot of bullying when he was growing up. Perhaps this is why he gets lost in fantasy.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on October 02, 2014, 05:09:06 pm
For some white people (including those of possible distant ancestry), the idea of being a member of a tribe is very appealing. For some one who has experienced a lot of bullying, being told that efforts to get a mixed blood tribe recognized is misguided, probably feels like more bullying.

Richard might not be able to hear us, he may assume that we are bullies, and that we are trying to prevent him from fulfilling a dream. Family and friends may be reluctant to correct him, because they don't want to him to feel more attacked. 

But even people who are bullied sometimes get things wrong. He's got this wrong, and he can fix it.

If I was his advisor, I'd suggest that he close down this endeavor and find other more appropriate projects. His mission statement of "Love each other, Know our heritage, Give hope and love" is laudable, this just isn't the way to do it.

Creating fake tribes, trying to get state and federal recognition, harms actual NDNs. It muddies the waters and diverts resources. If anyone can create a tribe, then tribes are ultimately meaningless, then why don't we break even more treaties with them, since the whole thing is nothing but a game - just as milehighsalute already said - the end result of that train is genocide. Tribal integrity matters, treaties matter, truth matters.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: earthw7 on October 02, 2014, 07:53:07 pm
I have heard alot form this man including calls back in the day they have no Indian blood and i have to laugh that
they added more indian blood to their pretend tribe.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on October 06, 2014, 02:47:14 pm
well i urged everyone on facebook to contact the senator, the representative and the mayor about that so called tribe......since they claim all of them are supporting their bid for recognition in that group....i sent them all links to this response.....i even sent this to the tv station that covered thinking EVERYONE should contact the and post this stuff on their pages....they are all running for reelection....lets hear what their statement is on support of this fake tribe
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on June 28, 2015, 11:06:14 pm
Looking at this group again, most of their wiki links are deleted by mods or marked as in progress. Their "high priest" is gone from the group. Now they claim over 900 enrolled members, supposedly. A new "president," Hafeezah Comeaux, seems to be a Nation of Islam member or supporter judging by her amazon page.

Formerly known as Deborah Frazier, she later changed her name to Hafeezah Comeaux and assumed the pen name "General" Hafeezah. Her military style of commanding forth the higher power of the inner self earned her the nickname “General”, bestowed upon her by her mentor, motivational speaker Les Brown.

She is known as "The Relationship Guru" from her speeches on developing skills to promote long lasting relationships. "General" Hafeezah is the founder and CEO of The Boomerang Foundation, which focuses on motivational lectures, seminars and workshops as well as developing support groups and providing reading materials for prisoners, and their families.

An ordained minister, wedding officiate, Gold Seal Certified Dianetics Auditor, and premarital coaching consultant...
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Cheesy Little Life on June 29, 2015, 07:43:24 am

!!  WARNING:   virus threat on that link to her bio page.  !!
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on June 29, 2015, 03:38:31 pm
Hafeezah Comeaux (
Hafeezah Muhammad (

Same birthdate, same person.

She is involved in Nation of Islam and Scientology.

An ordained minister, wedding officiate, Gold Seal Certified Dianetics Auditor, and premarital coaching consultant...

The successful completion of a Scientology training course is validated with certification. When one has passed a thorough period of internship, he earns a gold seal signifying that his certificate is permanent. (

Concerning Nation of Islam & Scientology:

The first large-scale introduction of Scientology to Nation members took place in August 2010, when hundreds of believers from around the country traveled to Rosemont, Illinois, near the Nation’s headquarters, for a seminar in Dianetics, a foundational belief system of Scientology. There, they were guided through auditing sessions—a kind of hybrid between hypnosis and confession—in which a Scientologist purges painful experiences from his subconscious in the presence of an “auditor.” At the end of the seminar, Farrakhan told the group he wanted everyone in attendance to become a certified auditor. (

Info on Nation of Islam (

Hafeezah on a Nation of Islam site: (
Hafeezah offering Scientology auditing: (

A comment on a blog post:

Scientology is not benign. It enslaves, brutalizes, terrorizes, forces abortions (in the Sea Org)pulls families apart (Disconnection)and continually targets critics with violence, the threat of violence and litigation.

It is also allying with the Nation of Islam in a very disturbing way.
Here is just one example:the character of Sister Hafeezah Muhammed also known as General Hafeezah. (
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on June 29, 2015, 03:49:20 pm
Registry Date   03-10-2015
Next Renewal Date   03-10-2016

Name   RICHARD   B   LAKE   III   
Addr 1   927 TRAVIS AVE
    EUGENE   OR   97404 (

In a recent amendment he changed the corporation type from public benefit to mutual benefit. (
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on June 29, 2015, 04:10:00 pm
Please join us in welcoming the first member of our Tribal Senate: The Honorable, Senator Hafeezah "Spoken Arrow" Comeaux]Please join us in welcoming the first member of our Tribal Senate: The Honorable, Senator Hafeezah "Spoken Arrow" Comeaux (

Richard Lake would like us to give him money for his upcoming coronation.

Just officially invited the Governor of Oregon and the Grand Chief of the Eastern Woodland Metis Nation (whos Spiritual Leader will be crowning our King).

Una Tribal King's Coronation. He will be crowned and the entire community is invited. We are asking for a minimum of a $5 donation (non-tax deductable) to help with the expenses. (

Our King had named Raylen Rose Robinson, devoted member of our nation, to the Council of High Chiefs as the High Chieftess Ehtaer. He also granted her the title of Princess Lacsina. She shall be known as:
Raylen Robinson, High Chieftess Ehtaer, Princess Lacsina (
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on June 29, 2015, 09:59:24 pm
Still crazy after all these years....
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on June 30, 2015, 02:41:54 pm

Richard Lake would like us to give him money for his upcoming coronation.

Just officially invited the Governor of Oregon and the Grand Chief of the Eastern Woodland Metis Nation (whos Spiritual Leader will be crowning our King).

Una Tribal King's Coronation. He will be crowned and the entire community is invited. We are asking for a minimum of a $5 donation (non-tax deductable) to help with the expenses. (

I like that they have not been able to con a single person to give them a single dollar.

Still, this is fraud, not just morally but legally an attempt to defraud people by deliberate misrepresentation. Gofundme has a place to report it. I've done so, and others can too. The local DA might also like a word with them.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on August 30, 2015, 04:57:03 pm

The Una Nation of Mixed-Bloods
July 22 ·
Our tribe is now selling enrollment cards for $5. So if you would like to purchase one just email us at (

Enrollment page, they do ask for birthdates, not a wise thing to give a fraudulent group:  (

On their FB page they claim over a thousand members.

Their current Gofundme is for "Reservation for Mixed-Blood Tribe", they want 500 thou, they have only made $10. (

Hafeezah Comeaux has a Farrakhan video posted on the FB page.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on November 04, 2015, 03:54:04 pm
thing is his mom was an intern for an oregon senator.......and they are rubbing elbows with alot of others who may very well be able to grant them state recognition
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on November 04, 2015, 06:00:47 pm
No way. They're a joke. Any senator's aide googling this group better read this thread, and thoroughly, because any gov't official that grants recognition to these clowns will become a laughingstock when the media gets ahold of this.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: Epiphany on November 04, 2015, 06:13:18 pm
HCR 16

This does need to be stopped, letters might be useful, along with this thread.

Fake tribe petition:
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: debbieredbear on November 04, 2015, 11:23:06 pm
I messagd a friend in Oregon about this. She is politically active with lots of friends and hates pretendians and playgans.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on November 07, 2015, 12:40:21 am
HCR 16

This does need to be stopped, letters might be useful, along with this thread.

Fake tribe petition:

The petition already has a fake signature with protest comments.

On their FB page they claim to have signed a treaty with "Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee." There's four different groups claiming the name, most with obvious warning signs of fraud.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on March 04, 2016, 04:50:01 am
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: educatedindian on March 02, 2019, 12:42:45 am
Sen. Elizabeth Warren may lack the heritage necessary to qualify for membership in the Cherokee Nation, but she’s got what it takes to become a Una.

The Una Nation of Oregon, founded in 2009, has granted the Massachusetts Democrat enrollment in its unrecognized “mixed-blood” tribe, which only requires would-be members to show one Native American ancestor.

“We’re granting her, as a gift, enrollment in the Una Nation,” Una leader Richard B. Lake III told KVAL13 in Eugene, Oregon. “When she’s asked next if she’s a member of a tribe, hopefully, she’ll be able to say proudly, ‘I am a member of the Una Nation who accept me for who I am.’ “

The tribe mailed her a packet Tuesday that included a Certificate of Enrollment and welcome letter, Mr. Lake told the Washington Times....

“If she’s Native American, or of Native American descent, that means she’s of mixed blood, and we stand by her and her statement that she is part Native American,” Mr. Lake said.

The Una Nation has no federal or state recognition, but the band has been recognized by three Oregon mayors via proclamations and has signed treaties with two tribes in Canada, according to its website.

Mr. Lake said he founded the Una Nation, which claims more than 35,000 members, after being rejected by recognized Native American tribes for failing to meet blood-quantum requirements.

“[W]e strongly feel that as the diaspora of the genocide, we should finally be recognized for who we are today: the Indigenous American Mixed-Bloods,” he said. “And as such, we formed the Una Nation. To have a place for our people. We aren’t fully Native American but not fully anything else.”

The Certificate of Enrollment, signed by “H.M. King Richard II Ziwahatan,” also grants tribal membership to the 69-year-old Warren’s descendants, including her children and grandchildren, as well as the senator’s husband, Harvard Law School professor Bruce Mann.

“We want to ensure that people like us, like her, are not overlooked and are not pushed aside any longer,” Mr. Lake said.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: KeepRiel on March 08, 2019, 05:03:02 pm
I am a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta, an officially recognized Nation comprised of Western-Canadian Metis. It is a distinct Nation that does not base membership enrollment upon blood-quantum; it is based upon who you are related to in your genealogy and family tree. You must provide specific documentation that PROVES your family is associated with the founding-families of Red River, Jasper, Lac Ste. Anne etc (true Métis families).

Documentation to provide Métis ancestry generally requires Vital Statistics documents (birth, marriage, death certs) and scrip records. Virtually ALL Métis families took scrip, even those who would often wander into the United States. It is well known that the Métis (not mixed-bloods, we are a distinct cultural peoples) traveled as far as west of the Great Lakes, down to the Missouri (prior to the Louisiana Purchase) and all the way to the Rocky mountains of Alberta, Montana, and further southeast into the Dakotas. Many of our extended families did indeed end up in places outside of Canada. However, if you can't show that you are DIRECTLY related to these people, then you are not Métis by any stretch. You need to prove you are related directly to someone who took out scrip. Eastern mixed-blooded people have zero association with the Western Métis. Métis identity is not based upon blood, it is a cultural identity you are born into.

For those who do not know what scrip is: Section 31 of Manitoba Act 1870 refers to the need to extinguish Métis rights and title yet provides for the families of the "half-breed residents".

31. And whereas, it is expedient, towards the extinguishment of the Indian Title to the lands in the Province, to appropriate a portion of such ungranted lands, to the extent of one million four hundred thousand acres thereof, for the benefit of the families of the half-breed residents, it is hereby enacted, that, under regulations to be from time to time made by the Governor General in Council, the Lieutenant-Governor shall select such lots or tracts in such parts of the Province as he may deem expedient, to the extent aforesaid, and divide the same among the children of the half-breed heads of families residing in the Province at the time of the said transfer to Canada, and the same shall be granted to the said children respectively, in such mode and on such conditions as to settlement and otherwise, as the Governor General in Council may from time to time determine."

These were also called the Northwest Halfbreed Commissions. Many people were oppressed or forced to sign. You could trade away your Indigenous ancestry and land rights for money. Other people were actually impersonated by White colonialists and WASPS (white-anglo-saxon-protestants) by committing fraud and illegally signing X's in the place of their names (most of us could not read or write.) You gave up your rights as a distinct Métis and became an enfranchised Canadian. It nearly destroyed our collective identities and communities. The reason why we are a distinct Nation is because we have our own unique culture, languages (Michif & Bungee), history, heroes, politicians, dances, music etc. It isn't about blood or having one ancestor. It is about who you are related to.

Here is an example of my great-great grandma's scrip. It was actually bought by Richard Secord, a well-known land-speculator who made a fortune off Metis land. ( Notice her name is signed with an X (that means she didn't even sign it.)

The Una Nation is completely fraudulent. It is an off-shoot of Eastern mixed-blooded peoples trying to claim Indigenous cultural identity. This has been a huge issue for the Metis Nation of Alberta and the Metis Federation of Manitoba. One genetic ancestor is NOT what gets you into the MNA or the MNF, even legitimate Metis people cannot get away with this.  I only just became a member and it has taken me over 5 years just to get all my documentation and research together to apply.

"The Una Nation has been recognized, establishing diplomacy, by the Eastern Woodland Metis Nation Nova Scotia and the Nation of Canada via treaties of Peace and Friendship, as well as being recognized by Mayor Christine Lundberg of Springfield, Oregon, Mayor Kitty Piercy of Eugene, Oregon and Mayor Lucy Vinis of Eugene, Oregon in the form of Proclamations." These recognitions are completely made-up. Canada only recognizes the MNA and the MNF and we are actually about to take Canada to the Supreme Court over scrip.

I would really like to take this guy down.
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on January 21, 2025, 11:38:16 pm did i miss this?
Title: Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
Post by: milehighsalute on January 21, 2025, 11:47:54 pm

last known activity 2020

hope rk-l moved on to more useful endeavors

sorry to bring this back but it was kinda entertaining