General => Frauds => Topic started by: BlackWolf on August 03, 2010, 06:35:06 pm

Title: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: BlackWolf on August 03, 2010, 06:35:06 pm
WIND SPIRIT DRUM is a husband and wife duo who share their Eastern Woodland Native American culture and music through their flute and drum performance art. They perform traditional songs and stories in language and English. The husband and wife duo are allegedly Eastern Band Cherokee and claim a few other Tribes. (

Windwalker, Head drum, flutist and vocalist and is fluent in many traditional instruments and musical genre's. She is a Native American healer and a licensed massage therapist and is of Mic Mac, Lenape, Cherokee and Oglala Lakota Sioux descent.

Spirit Buffalo, of Mic-Mac and Cherokee heritage, is the groups resolute drum and drum keeper. Spirit Buffalo is a published creative writer, illustrator and musician.
He is a Sundancer and Sundance chief. He is the Lenape Nations 2nd Chief. He is proudly a Vietnam Vet.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: BlackWolf on August 03, 2010, 06:39:02 pm ( (

The group recently completed its first music video, TRAILS OF TEARS, shot on-location in Magdelena, New Mexico with Nammy nominated film-maker/editor, Chris Crosby, musicseenPROductions and Jason Cochran, Skysirrico Productions. (

This is their music video “Trail of Tears”.  Notice the guy who goes by the name “Spirit Buffalo” walking around with the breast plate and  bone choker necklace on with the bow and arrow in his hand?  This video depicting the Trail of Tears is a disgrace and an embarrassment to those of us that actually do have ancestors that Walked to Trail of Tears.  In the entire sixteen minute I didn’t see much at all that accurately depicts the Trail of Tears.  Our Cherokee ancestors didn’t walk around carrying powwow drums and chicken feather fans during this time, nor did they sage themselves.  And from what I know, the other Tribes in the Southeast that were removed West didn't either.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: BlackWolf on August 03, 2010, 06:42:44 pm
They also give “Medicine Wheel Workshops” as some sort of a part time endeavor. (

Renowned 3rd generation Native American healer,
WINDWALKER and husband, Edoal Spirit Buffalo during a recent lecture.
March 2010

Workshops may include:

Hands on Healing, with well renowned 3rd generation
Native American healer, WINDWALKER

Body work with native remedies.

Lectures on native healing proprieties.

Shamanic visioning thru song and native drumming.

Private performance by traditional drum performance group, WIND SPIRIT DRUM

Balance your daily life and learn to heal yourself!!

Join us!!



offer services for the following:
•   Lenape Spirirts Medicine Wheel Workshops. Teachings on how to balance your daily life and learn to heal yourself
•   Home parties, providing entertainment immersed in Native American culture.
•   House Blessings
•   Lectures on Healing properties, including Women's Health and Healing parties
•   Licensed Ministers for Native American weddings, children's blessings and funerals.
•   Native American educational storytelling for all ages. Teaching at schools, libraries and civic organizations
•   Siminars on massage and the ancient ways of reflexology
•   Including traditional fact finding services.
•   Drum making classes
•   Native American music scores and performances
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: BlackWolf on August 03, 2010, 06:43:56 pm
They also appear to be involved with this charity called Blue Sky Charities Group located out of New Mexico. (

Also, you may make a donation by personal check or money order, payable to BSCG.  Please mail your support to:
Blue Sky Chairities Group
1412 Del Norte Blvd, Grants NM 87020
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 04, 2014, 06:20:06 pm (

Wind Spirit Drum, managed by Studio West Management.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 04, 2014, 06:35:00 pm
Windwalker's last name is Dorn.

November 27, 2013 12:00 AM

SOMERSET — Windwalker Dorn travels all over the country with her group "Wind Spirit Drum" to share cultural awareness and education of the Native American culture.

But last Thursday, she made a special visit to the North Elementary School where she did a presentation to the kindergarten class her granddaughter is in and at an assembly for more students.

Students in the kindergarten class of Tracy Rayray sang songs, told stories, played instruments and learned a lot about the Native American culture from Ms. Dorn last Thursday.

"My aim is for education about Native American history and it being so non segregated," Ms. Dorn said. "My goal really is to teach the children how to work together and be together in every aspect and get them ready for life."

Ms. Dorn's granddaughter, Avarie Tupper, is a student in the kindergarten class.

Ms. Dorn is part Mic Mac, Cherokee and Lanape, which were the first tribes in North America that were known as "the keepers of the new dawn" and the first to encounter the Europeans. She told the students that her regalia is made of deer and elk.

Ms. Dorn lives and performs in California and also lives in New Mexico. She has worked with the handicapped, children, veterans and the American Cancer Society.

Ms. Dorn was visiting her daughter, Rebecca Litchfield, and her daughter Avarie, and canceled some concerts so that she could do the presentation at the North Elementary School. Ms. Litchfield helped her mother with the presentation. (
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 04, 2014, 06:59:27 pm
As a medicine Woman, I have studied under my maternal Grandmother
from the age 4 yrs old..then throughout my life I have had many other Medicine people teach me their ways...I am world renowned because of her...I am very honored...All my relations... (
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Autumn on February 04, 2014, 07:55:43 pm
They seem to be focusing mostly on their music now.  Their Wind Spirit website is down and the Blue Sky charity website is down.  She has a healing Facebook page, but it has not been posted on since August 2012.

Where to begin? These videos left me feeling a little . . . not sure what's the right word. I had no idea Wind Spirit Drum was so iffy.

Windwalker is Cherokee, Lenape, Mi'kmaq, Oglala Lakota. Spirit Buffalo is Cherokee and Mi'kmaq. They bill their music as Eastern Woodland. Why are they dressed like they're Plains or Southwest Indians? Buckskin, turquoise, a bone breast plate, Navajo blankets?

Yes, Windwalker is talented. I don't speak Cherokee, so I can't say how accurate her use of the language is.

Why they chose New Mexico for the location for the Trail of Tears video defies logic. It loses all credibility. They used a long-stemmed white rose as a Cherokee Rose. The real thing probably wasn't avalable in New Mexico. If they'd filmed their video where the Trail of Tears actually took place, they'd have had an abundance of Cherokee Roses. They grow wild all over the southeast from North Carolina/Georgia all the way to Oklahoma. We even have them here in Texas.

Spirit Buffalo is a sundancer and sundance chief. He's the Lenape's 2nd Chief. A little confusing . . . He's a Cherokee/Mi'kmaq who is a sundancing chief of the Lenape?

Windwalker is a Native American healer and a licensed massage therapist.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 04, 2014, 11:32:41 pm
hahahahaaha spirit buffalo and windwalker....i been making fun of them over last 3 years

me and my friends sing their stupid hey lopa loma song because its so annoying and cheesy....and that video is good for a laugh

a few inquiries to james swan, joanne spotted bear ect.....i found out blue sky charities never donated a single cent to the oglala tribe, and all their fundraising is for "pine ridge" (why oh why is it ALWAYS pine ridge?)

their regalia is dumb looking and not even close to tribe specific

and spirit buffalo claims to be a lenape sundance chief

windwalker claims to be "turkey clan mother" of the mic maq....whatever that means....she sure wears alot of bronzer

pisses me off that people actually buy their music and think its authentic..........if i want to hear ndn music gimmie some joe tahonnie jr or some cozad or even some yellowbird

avoid at all costs

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 05, 2014, 12:21:20 am
I believe they are Edward and Laura Dorn, don't know yet what Laura's birth surname is. At one time they lived in Datil, New Mexico - that location helped me connect some dots, along with piecing together clues on Facebook and elsewhere. Laura's prior husband was Jameson Litchfield.

Windwalker Dorn is walking on air these days. And she has great tidings of joy for Datil and environs. (

Ms. Dorn was visiting her daughter, Rebecca Litchfield (

Jameson W. Litchfield ... former husband of ... Laura Dorn of Datil, NM. ... daughter: Rebecca R. Litchfield (
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 05, 2014, 05:15:37 am
In a 2001 brief news bit she was Laura Windwalker Dorn, from Lisbon Ohio.

Dorn in an interview (as Windwalker) for someone's 2003 thesis said her family denied NDN heritage and she did not find out she was NDN til later in life. The author also notes that Dorn's hair is noticeably dyed a darker color. (

She is said to have been somehow involved with the United Eastern Lenape Nation in the past.

She claims she is a third generation medicine woman, I think through her mother, and maternal grand mother.

In her stepfather's 2010 obit she is Laura Beth Dorn. ( Her mother's birth name Bertha B. McCann. If I've pieced this all together correctly, not seeing any recent NDN heritage.

She says she is a licensed massage therapist, that should be verified before paying her for a massage.

Her husband Edoul Spirit Buffalo, who I believe is Edward Dorn, says his NDN heritage is through his mother, of  Maine. I can see the Maine connection, but not NDN.

About that charity:

Carl Blackhawk Patton

Wednesday May 6, 2009
9:52 AM
Osiyo! Just wanted to introduce myself. A great friend of mine, Windwalker Dorn, who is a board member of our nonprofit charity, asked me to introduce myself. She met Patrick Doyle last weekend in Taos during filming of a music video, and a subsequent appearance on your radio program. She was so excited to meet the great people at your station! Our charity, Blue Sky Charities Group, provides humanitarian aid, and improved educational opportunities for Native American children. Please let me know if you have a specific group of children that need clothes, toys....We have been helping the children in New Mexico (Socorro), and Pineridge (S.D.). Bless you! Carl Patton (

Blue Sky Charities Group was a Virginia corporation, president Carl O. Patton.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Diana on February 05, 2014, 05:47:36 am
I started to skim over that thesis, and when I saw the author thanking those people with newage phony baloney Indian names I stopped. Was this thesis published?? I hope not.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 05, 2014, 06:21:27 am
I started to skim over that thesis, and when I saw the author thanking those people with newage phony baloney Indian names I stopped. Was this thesis published?? I hope not.


I'm curious if she asked for anyone's legal names, seems like that would be important for her work. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe for informants this is fine?

Don't know anything else about the thesis, found it when looking for info on Windwalker, and just skimmed through quick for that info.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Diana on February 05, 2014, 07:02:36 am
I started to skim over that thesis, and when I saw the author thanking those people with newage phony baloney Indian names I stopped. Was this thesis published?? I hope not.


I'm curious if she asked for anyone's legal names, seems like that would be important for her work. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe for informants this is fine?

Don't know anything else about the thesis, found it when looking for info on Windwalker, and just skimmed through quick for that info.

I started reading her thesis and it's obvious she was totally clueless. I'm too tired tonight I'll read some more tomorrow. I also looked up  Laura windwalker Dorn's great grandparents on her mother's fathers side, they are from Ireland and England.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: educatedindian on February 05, 2014, 02:22:25 pm
I started to skim over that thesis, and when I saw the author thanking those people with newage phony baloney Indian names I stopped. Was this thesis published?? I hope not.


This was an undergraduate student's senior thesis, not from a master's program. Still, the most basic academic research says you need signed releases from those you interview, and she'd have the legal names of all involved.

The student, Christine Strellec, actually dissects groups like the UELN pretty well, shows them to be blustery and unconcerned with much of anything besides people with distant claims or outright pretenders trying desperately to convince themselves. UELN leaders demanded everyone address them as "honored chiefs" and constantly ranted about "lack of respect." ::) That must get tedious real quick...

Dorn actually said to Strellec over the phone prior to meeting that she feared how obvious it was she did not appear Native. Strellec wrote for several pages how defensive all these pretenders were about their appearance.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 05, 2014, 10:07:53 pm
first of all i would love to punch her in the mouth for her school appearance.....maybe that sounds extreme but i swear im TIRED of all these non-ndn twinkies teaching people pseudo-ndn misinformation under the guise of being ndn.......ive had it up to here....ENOUGH!!!

2nd.....i'll let earthw correct me if i am wrong as i am not lakota.....but it looks like windwalker claimed she didnt know of here indian heritage and found out later in life she was mic maq and cherokee and lenape, is she third generation ANYTHING?....yet on this old bio she claims she learned it from her oglala grandmother?????...I CALL BULLSHIT ON HER!!!!

lets break this down a little more

a) is there such thing as a medicine woman in lakota tribes? women practicing medicine are almost unheard of in southern tribes

b) is the "gift" passed on lineal? is it hereditary? as far as i know the only way to learn is years of study and apprenticeship

c) why would the gift be passed to her in the first place? or anyone else if they are not lakota or maybe if they are a thinblood they are not CULTURALLY lakota nor identify as lakota?

d) what the hell does tea leaf reading have to do with lakota medicine?

e) this bio claims she is passing down her matrilineal healing down to her daughter......basically filling her daughter's head with new age mumbo jumbo which i have no problem with.......but quit claiming it as ndn practices

third.....lets look at her lenape claims

a) she claims to be turkey clan the lenape have a turkey clan? and can a woman be a chief?

b) he husband....he claims he is a lenape sundance chief........BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA when did the delaware start sundancing anyways?

fourth......her husband claims many educational accomplishments and to be a vietnam vet. all that is commendable.....but if they lied so much about their backgrounds how do we know this is even true? im not saying its not.......but we all seen this before.......i'll leave it at that

and in all his pics in videos why does he run around with just a plains style breastplate if he is lenape? someone tell that guy to put a shirt on already.....he doesnt look cool he looks stupid

and is "drumkeeper" really a title?

you guys GOTTA check out her "hey lopa" video on youtube........she is singing her made up traditional lenape rowing song, showin off her dyed hair and spray tan and navajo jewlery while rowing a canoe down a new mexico river complete with tipis and buffalo shots and then some girls come out and get knee deep in the water in cherokee style dresses and fan the water then they end with a plains style LULU.....its so dumb its entertaining............they kicked me off comments section and banned me from their fb page though sure you can guess why

on another video she says she didnt walk 50 feet into taos pueblo and was invited to look at drums and they were allowed to play them.....BWAHAHAHAHAHA i am taos pueblo.......she got treated like any other white tourist and she talked as if it legitimized her or something....and the drum shop is one of the first things you see when you walk towards the plaza from parking area

im getting more and more bitter against twinkies
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 05, 2014, 10:13:57 pm saw this awhile back......thought i would share

very last post kinda answers a question though dont ya think?
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on February 06, 2014, 04:41:49 pm
Promo ( Such fakes. They make a big deal about being invited in a Taos Pueblo drum shop, as if that means they are special, thank you milehighsalute for cluing us in on what the facts are.

Hey Lopa ( ( (

2013 video ( Lyrics include "We are related, but we're still so segregated" "Doesn't matter the color of my skin to prove I'm an Indian" "Do my eyes have to be the color of the buffalo?" Or do I have to sleep in a tepee deep in the snow?" "Do I have to shoot the arrows in the air?" Sad that they use their daughter this way, they raise her with this, use her in videos. Pisses me off to see Laura / Windwalker complain about being "segregated". Twice in this video she does hand gestures indicating paint around the eyes and a feather behind the head.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: earthw7 on February 06, 2014, 04:44:26 pm
let see what is wrong with this woman story EVERYTHING!
Women do not wear war bonnets or eagle feathers
women only wear Eagle plumes
We have Medicine women but only after they has the age of 55 or older
or as they say after they start menopause.
We would like to know who was this family that suppose to have taught her
there is no tea reading in our culture.
This women is a fraud
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 06, 2014, 08:06:19 pm
a lenape friend from oklahoma told me that HEY LOPA IS IN NO WAY A TRADITIONAL LENAPE SONG! (which they claim it is) nor has he ever heard it before watching that stupid video
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Diana on February 06, 2014, 08:07:09 pm
I started to skim over that thesis, and when I saw the author thanking those people with newage phony baloney Indian names I stopped. Was this thesis published?? I hope not.


This was an undergraduate student's senior thesis, not from a master's program. Still, the most basic academic research says you need signed releases from those you interview, and she'd have the legal names of all involved.

The student, Christine Strellec, actually dissects groups like the UELN pretty well, shows them to be blustery and unconcerned with much of anything besides people with distant claims or outright pretenders trying desperately to convince themselves. UELN leaders demanded everyone address them as "honored chiefs" and constantly ranted about "lack of respect." ::) That must get tedious real quick...

Dorn actually said to Strellec over the phone prior to meeting that she feared how obvious it was she did not appear Native. Strellec wrote for several pages how defensive all these pretenders were about their appearance.

I took the time to read Strellec's thesis and I apologize for my previous comments. However, I do have issues with some of her terminology for these people. Like how she refers to them as Native Americans throughout her thesis when after just a couple of interviews it's blatantly obvious that these people are frauds with a capital F. And even though she never says so or emphatically comes to that conclusion in her thesis I believe she should have. It would have been a much better read.

Lim lemtsh,

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 06, 2014, 09:07:39 pm
and since we are picking our indian names from movies......can i call myself stands with a fist? or should i just call myself HORSE?
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Defend the Sacred on February 07, 2014, 01:45:52 am
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: WINative on February 07, 2014, 07:35:37 pm
What a joke, her video had me laughing out loud. Her voice was bad the lyrics pretty shallow and trying to claim a defense of not looking American Indian and the "segregation" she feels. But then all she does is stereotype herself, by walking around with feathers in her hair and a buckskin outfit, and her dyed black hair and bronzer. What a joke! Nothing authentic about these two...
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 12, 2014, 04:31:28 pm
why do white people believe that this is actually NDN music? NOT A SINGLE NDN would listen to this........white people, if you are interested in NDN music put down that cd by some flutemaker pseudo-superspiritual lyricist with "deep" lyrics and pick up a cd by joe tojonnie jr, cozad, southern style, northern cree, yellowbird, pawnee spotted horse, omaha white tail, black eagle, porcupine singers, rocky boy ect ect ect

thats what we listen to to get in our NDN mood when we aint listening to dance music, iron maiden or redbone (or country for all you rezzies)

as far as "deep".....most of our fun round dance songs have lyrics about love, love lost, snaggin, frybread ect ect ect

i think i speak for MOST of us when i say we would not listen to that "deep" crap

i think the most political indian related song i could stomach is the BIA song

we dont sit around crosslegged on a mesa playin the flute and being all spiritual living as one with earth.........dont get me wrong we RESPECT the earth and our ancestors and any religious or borderline religious songs are tribe specific with no message for everyone
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on June 02, 2014, 10:37:39 pm
Windwalker's last name is Dorn.

November 27, 2013 12:00 AM

SOMERSET — Windwalker Dorn travels all over the country with her group "Wind Spirit Drum" to share cultural awareness and education of the Native American culture.

But last Thursday, she made a special visit to the North Elementary School where she did a presentation to the kindergarten class her granddaughter is in and at an assembly for more students.

Students in the kindergarten class of Tracy Rayray sang songs, told stories, played instruments and learned a lot about the Native American culture from Ms. Dorn last Thursday.

"My aim is for education about Native American history and it being so non segregated," Ms. Dorn said. "My goal really is to teach the children how to work together and be together in every aspect and get them ready for life."

Ms. Dorn's granddaughter, Avarie Tupper, is a student in the kindergarten class.

Ms. Dorn is part Mic Mac, Cherokee and Lanape, which were the first tribes in North America that were known as "the keepers of the new dawn" and the first to encounter the Europeans. She told the students that her regalia is made of deer and elk.

Ms. Dorn lives and performs in California and also lives in New Mexico. She has worked with the handicapped, children, veterans and the American Cancer Society.

Ms. Dorn was visiting her daughter, Rebecca Litchfield, and her daughter Avarie, and canceled some concerts so that she could do the presentation at the North Elementary School. Ms. Litchfield helped her mother with the presentation. (
see....this kinda caca might not be ceremony selling.......but the spreading of romanticized misinformation is just as wrong.........we been chasing the ceremony selling twinkies around for so long that the phonies visiting schools "teaching"  misinformation slip right through our fingers.........grrrr these people piss me off and they are always one step ahead
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on June 02, 2014, 10:42:16 pm
They also appear to be involved with this charity called Blue Sky Charities Group located out of New Mexico. (

Also, you may make a donation by personal check or money order, payable to BSCG.  Please mail your support to:
Blue Sky Chairities Group
1412 Del Norte Blvd, Grants NM 87020
they say the magic words to open the pocketbooks on that website (which i think just got pulled down).....they said "PROCEEDS BENEFITTING PINE RIDGE" when they are in grants new mexico.....right next door too another poor reservation that can use donation seekers know that there are more reservations then just pine ridge? (not taking anything away from the fact that pine ridge needs help, but they are short driving distance from zuni, southern ute and jicarilla rezzes also)
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: WINative on June 03, 2014, 11:36:10 pm
They also appear to be involved with this charity called Blue Sky Charities Group located out of New Mexico. (

Also, you may make a donation by personal check or money order, payable to BSCG.  Please mail your support to:
Blue Sky Chairities Group
1412 Del Norte Blvd, Grants NM 87020
they say the magic words to open the pocketbooks on that website (which i think just got pulled down).....they said "PROCEEDS BENEFITTING PINE RIDGE" when they are in grants new mexico.....right next door too another poor reservation that can use donation seekers know that there are more reservations then just pine ridge? (not taking anything away from the fact that pine ridge needs help, but they are short driving distance from zuni, southern ute and jicarilla rezzes also)

I'm with you on that one Milehighsalute, there's alot more poor rez's in every state, despite what non-Indians think about the success of Indian gaming. There's alot of poor urban Indian populations also. I know some white groups here who do a clothing drive every year and drive it some church in South Dakota, i'm sure they got more size Small 1990's t-shirts then they need right about now.
Who does the checks benefit in Pine Ridge anyway, since that's not a valid address? They going to some corrupt medicine man or who?
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on September 26, 2014, 11:38:06 pm she now claims to be a native healer and medicine woman
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on September 27, 2014, 12:05:27 am
As a medicine Woman, I have studied under my maternal Grandmother
from the age 4 yrs old..then throughout my life I have had many other Medicine people teach me their ways...I am world renowned because of her...I am very honored...All my relations... (
her world renowned LAKOTA grandmother? who trained her as a medicine woman? earth7w has something to say about that...........she claiming to be a medicine woman huh

i feel sorry for her daughter....she probably a sweetheart but been lied to her whole life......she gonna be all fucked up in adulthood like brandon skyhorse
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on September 27, 2014, 12:28:31 am
$225 a head
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Smart Mule on October 16, 2015, 01:32:37 pm
Laura, aka Windwalker, has been active in New England over the summer. There are pictures on her personal facebook page with actual ndns as well as pretendians.

She is selling 'healings' and is grooming her granddaughter for appropriation. I am attaching photos clearly showing this. It's bad enough that Laura is exploiting people, grooming a toddler for this is inexcusable.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Smart Mule on October 16, 2015, 01:36:36 pm
Dorn is involved with an adoption fundraiser. The phone number provided on the attached flyer is for a personal cell phone out of Biddeford, Maine. I have contacted the state adoption agency as well as private agencies and so far none are affiliated with her event.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: wolfhawaii on October 18, 2015, 08:45:55 pm
I did not know there were pelicans in New Mexico, but I DO know that Lopa Loma crap scared them pelicans off the river; she probably picked up all the feathers afterwards. After watching that video i need to go flush my eyeballs.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on November 04, 2015, 03:56:57 pm
was it that stupid lopa loma song or that stupid segregated song that supoosedly won song of the year by twinkies?
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on November 05, 2015, 02:31:13 am
They are now known as "Windwalker and the MCW". MCW stands for "Multi Cultural Women" according to them.

They won 2009 & 2010 NAMA , the actual songs aren't listed.

The group on their FB says they won 2009 for "Amazing Grace" and then 2010 & 2012 for "Grandfather"(in different song categories).
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Defend the Sacred on November 05, 2015, 08:24:33 pm
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Defend the Sacred on November 05, 2015, 08:27:38 pm
Spray-Tan Orange, like someone from Jersey Shore.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: earthw7 on November 06, 2015, 01:32:18 pm
so many things wrong with these pictures just shaking her head :-\
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on November 07, 2015, 12:20:51 am
Here is Laura: , born Laura B Hall (unless Hall is another married surname). She had a married surname of Litchfield, now of Dorn. I believe her middle name is Beth. She was born in 1962. I've not yet figured out who her parents are.

Her husband Edoal Spirit Buffalo / Edward Harvey Dorn:
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Epiphany on November 07, 2015, 03:27:49 am
Edward H Dorn / Edoal Spirit Buffalo: Side by side comparison of screen capture from video and of mugshot. Then layered 50/50 , adjusted for angle and tilt of head.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Superdog on December 15, 2015, 04:00:56 pm
Their fb page lies about a nomination in the 2015 grammy for "Best Regional Roots Album" for the Windwalker and MCW CD.  They claim they are nominated, but they aren't listed here.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Superdog on December 15, 2015, 04:25:46 pm
Oops....take that back.  They are nominated for the 2016 awards.

My apologies.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on December 17, 2015, 08:14:46 pm
wanna know what i hate the most about this broad? its because when i even THINK of that stupid hey lopa loma song i cant get it to leave my head..........drives me nuts.......the first 100x was laughable but now i wanna put a bullet in my yourself a favor and do not watch the hey lopa loma video
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on December 27, 2015, 05:10:48 am

anyone know if the cherokee is on point? well it dont matter.......there are cherokee versions of amazing grace all over the sure she practiced along with them
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Sandy S on December 28, 2015, 02:53:42 am
An antidote for the Lopa Loma song is to substitute the equally obnoxious Oompa Loompa song from the original Willy Wonka movie. The music is very similar and will help diffuse the impact of the earworm. (

So now every time you think of the Lopa Loma song you can simply insert the Oompa Loompa song instead. They are equally idiotic so why the Hell not? Both pieces of music are based on fantasy so the switch should be easy. Plus, the Oompa song also involves a river (of chocolate). Just think of a little person with green hair paddling down a chocolate river singing the Lopa Loma song and then all will fall in place in the universe of absurdity.

Well, OK, I must admit I am wrong here. The Oompa Loompa song is vastly superior and I do not mean to insult it by comparison.

Ed Dorn and I have some mutual friends. I don't know Ed personally but I am familiar with his former career as an artist with the late, great Michael Roden (who I did know). In watching these Youtubes I can't help but wonder what has made Ed appear so sad and beaten down. He doesn't exactly exude a feeling of joy and celebration of life in his performances before the camera. He seems to be broken and defeated. I feel bad for him.

But. My sympathy is scoped. Ed has allowed himself to be part of a charade. He'll have to suffer the consequences for doing so. A tragic legacy for such a talented artist. He is probably too deep into it to back out now. Poor schnook.

Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Keely on December 31, 2015, 04:39:52 am
Here is Laura: , born Laura B Hall (unless Hall is another married surname). She had a married surname of Litchfield, now of Dorn. I believe her middle name is Beth. She was born in 1962. I've not yet figured out who her parents are.

Her husband Edoal Spirit Buffalo / Edward Harvey Dorn:

Her step father was Raymond Hall, Laura is listed in his obituary as his step daughter, interesting that a "step son precedes" Raymond Hall in death, his name is Robert F.E. Burnett...

If anyone wants to help Sam and I fry this woman before the Grammy is awarded out... email me at
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on December 31, 2015, 05:52:01 pm
so her maiden name may be burnett?
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: loudcrow on January 04, 2016, 11:11:21 am
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Keely on January 06, 2016, 09:53:16 pm
I found a record on the Dorn's daughter's birth, I took out the daughter's information and will say she was born in Ohio

Father Edward Harvey Dorn
Born in: Ohio
Mother Laura Beth Dorn
Maiden Name: Hall
Born in: Massachusetts

In this record Laura states her maiden name is HALL, but in Raymond Hall's obituary she is listed as a step daughter. Laura was about 6 years old when her mother married Raymond Hamilton Hall.

Laura has tried to hide her true maiden name, but, things can and will be dug out.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on January 07, 2016, 03:09:53 pm
i feel bad for her daughter........she is in the same boat as brando isnt her fault
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Guy Beyersdorf on February 17, 2016, 06:34:20 pm
Don't you folks have something constructive to do?   I have not met Windwalker, but people close to me know her.   The petty contrivances listed on this thread are in DIRECT CONTRAST with the "truth" of the person, who I understand to have been very kind and generous to some that I care about.  As a person who has committed herself to healing work, Windwalker's life paints a rich picture.
You can slander or disparage if that's really your thing, but take a look in the mirror -just for a second.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: loudcrow on February 17, 2016, 07:25:38 pm
Guy, Laura may have been kind and generous to someone you know and care about. However, she is not being kind and generous to
the Native Americans whose culture and ethnicity she is appropriating. We have presented _facts_ which show beyond a shadow of a
doubt she is not Native American and, therefore, has no right to present herself as such. No one is slandering anyone here. These are
hard, cold facts. I know it's a bitter pill to swallow when you discover you have been deceived by someone you loved and trusted. Been
there. Done that. The facts speak for themselves.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: debbieredbear on February 18, 2016, 12:41:12 am
Wow, it always amazes me how some people can simply disregard TRUTH because the person is "nice" or "warm" or whatever. And then said person gets really really angry with those that have been harmed by people like that. Sorry Guy, but your fantasy about how Indigenous people are supposed to act is not based in reality.

I know a woman who was teaching "Medicine Wheel" stuff and everyone kept saying how "nice" and "sweet" she was. But I also know the harm she did to people. Unintended harm is still harm.
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on February 18, 2016, 05:18:17 pm
Don't you folks have something constructive to do?   I have not met Windwalker, but people close to me know her.   The petty contrivances listed on this thread are in DIRECT CONTRAST with the "truth" of the person, who I understand to have been very kind and generous to some that I care about.  As a person who has committed herself to healing work, Windwalker's life paints a rich picture.
You can slander or disparage if that's really your thing, but take a look in the mirror -just for a second.
so cultural fraud is the "truth"?

listen.....we aint the bad guys........we arent raising money and asking for donatioons for pine ridge.....(i called tribal offices myself, they never heard of windwalker OR blue sky charities).........that in itself is NOT a "petty contrivance" but a significant slap in the face to our people.......that alone makes her an asshole 

we arent disrespecting our ancestors by running around claiming we are hereditary medicine holy people (as she did saying she is oglala medicine woman inherited by her oglala grandmother AFTER saying she didnt know she was native til she was an adult then later finding out she has no oglala in her....put yourself in an oglalas shoes)............

if you think playing redface is so harmless and inoffensive then im sure you think blackface is ok why dont you go down to harlem and wear blackface and sing mammy and try convincing those people you are one of them and you are doing it out of respect......better yet put a collection hat out and say that donations will go to poor black families then provide no proof of it..........if you are ok with that then you need to do some deep soul searching guy

i encourage you to read some more of this forum and come to the right conclusions of what it is we are really doing here
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on March 04, 2016, 04:11:39 pm

look who is appearing at this twinkiefest
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on March 04, 2016, 11:26:28 pm
and look at the smorgasboard of new twinkies

kelly stokes ravenwalker

mikala whitewolf

anne rose illumination
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on March 07, 2016, 10:27:08 pm
so chasing those names down i found an alex white wolf.....and a dakota lawrence, a ted staley...and a cherokee billie

all of them are just BEGGING to be featured......ill start the process i guess
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Piff on September 15, 2017, 02:54:58 am
Windwalker, a delightfully gracious and animated woman who provides a sense of serenity everywhere she goes, whose vocabulary is sprinkled with humor and a tremendous spirituality steeped in Native American culture, promotes positive health and wellbeing by embracing Native teachings with stories and legends that bring about positive behaviors in every person she meets. She is of Mi'kmaq, Eastern Cherokee, and Lenni-Lenape descent.

This is a quote from her manager concerning Laura's upcoming benefit for "Yraceburu Earth Wisdom" (

"Windwalker Dorn, Nominated For A WHAT?"
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Sparks on September 24, 2022, 12:57:16 am
There is another thread about Windwalker: [When in drought, rain dance]
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: Sparks on September 24, 2022, 01:21:32 am
These two Facebook pages are very active: [Windwalker and the MCW]
"Grammy nominated Native American vocalist, Windwalker". [Windwalker Dorn]
"Grammy Nominated Voting Member Producer of MCW Multi-Award winning Singer songwriter Water Protector".
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on January 22, 2025, 05:07:53 pm
oh my.....
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: debbieredbear on January 22, 2025, 09:14:31 pm
Holy crap!  🤢🤢🤮🤮
Title: Re: Laura Dorn AKA Windwalker and the MCW, Wind Spirit Drum
Post by: milehighsalute on January 27, 2025, 09:16:15 pm

Interview of dorn..... nov 2024