trouble is a brewing.
My information is not from primary sources, but it seems the Elbe group has run into some, er, problems and have been forced to suspend operations-- the way US Presidential candidates like Rick Santorum "suspend" their campaign. This has left clients who have already paid $1500 not only for retreat fees but also non-refundable airline tickets high and dry. OK, I meant just dry.
ONAC – Ayahuasca Healings Church
Public Announcement
March 8th, 2016
Blessings to All,
The Ayahuasca Healings Family has a very important public announcement to make.
After careful consideration and in-depth discussions, our church representative counsel and board of members have come to the following unanimous decision. All of us strongly feel this is the best decision we can possibly make at this stage of our journey, to preserve the full effect, health, vitality and success of our mission and vision here together, for now and for the future.
Ayahuasca Healings Native American Church (AHNAC) will be going on a temporary hiatus and will therefore not be conducting ceremonies or holding retreats for a limited period of time. We cannot say for sure how long it will be, but we are confident that it will be brief.
The purpose of this pause in our operations is to illustrate our respect for and to take the necessary time to come into full alignment with the current governmental system and procedures that already exist and are in place. This is so that we can show our full open willingness to comply and be in complete balance with this system, and its petition processing requirements.
Our overall intention is to show that our church is entitled to the full protections granted by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA. As a result, we are presently working with the government to ensure that there is mutual trust and understanding between us. We firmly believe that to effectively propagate our faith and create the changes that are so vital to humanity’s present and future, we must work with the government in balance and harmony, not against it, whilst standing true to our beliefs and religious freedom of expression at the same time.
We are sincere in our desire to act within the confines of the law, and we have realized that in order to do so, we must make sure that the government and its agencies are in agreement with our religious practices, which, through the current communication channels already open with them, they appear to be.
Although AHNAC has repeatedly faced criticism from detractors who believe that our interpretation of the law as it currently stands is mistaken, we are 100% confident that what we are doing here is 100% legal.
Moreover, we have absolute faith that what we are doing is perfectly in keeping with our basic and foundational human rights and liberties as provided by, among other sources: the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence; the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment; the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments; and the Natural and Spiritual Laws as set forth by the Creator.
To be clear, there have not been—nor do we anticipate—any arrests, indictments, or seizures of persons or property. In fact, to our knowledge, we have not even encountered any law enforcement agents. These are discussions only; there has been no threat of force or prosecution.
We fully expect that AHNAC will receive the government’s blessing in the form of an official recognition that AHNAC qualifies for exemption under the RFRA. We also feel confident that we will receive that blessing in a matter of weeks, whereupon we will resume holding the ceremonies and retreats that are so vital to our faith and our work here together.
Until then, we will continue to serve our community and our family, by dedicating our time and energy towards creating a selection of alternative and complimentary transformational services and programs that do not rely on the use of sacred plant medicines as religious sacraments to be effective in our healing, growth and heart- opening journey back to Oneness.
Although we deeply believe that the use of plant medicines is one of the fastest and most effective paths of healing back to wholeness, love, and acceptance with oneself, we advocate that it is certainly not the only way. We are excited to support our community in profound new ways during the interim and in-between time period existing now whilst AHNAC is receiving its authorized exemption.
For those who have previously contributed to AHNAC and are registered for one of our Church’s future Ayahuasca Healing Retreats: we will be in close communication with you to reschedule your retreat date, and to help resolve any inconveniences that may be experienced through receiving this public announcement.
Thank you very much for your kind understanding and unconditional on-going support, as we do everything we can to operate within the rules of the judicial system to compliment and bring a healthy and essential balance to the already strong and nourished protective relationship that we have in place with our Oklevueha Native American Mother Church.
We appreciate every step of the journey with you, and with love, we ask for your prayers and positive intentions, particularly during this time, so that we receive our exemption promptly and can continue to provide the service of healing and depth of transformation that we came here to bring, serve and offer to America and the World.
With Infinite Love, Always,
The Ayahuasca Healings Family de Guzman is listed as the president of The Church of Ayahuasca Healings. His church’s website goes into great detail about the religious protections afforded to church members seeking to use controlled substances in order to perform sacred ceremonies.
Public Announcement: Followup Message – Mar 10, 2016
Blessings to all!
We understand that there are several of you who have booked retreats with us, and are upset about the re-scheduling of your retreats, without the opportunity for a refund.
This is where we need to kindly, humbly, and deeply, ask you for your support and help, during the time we need it most.
This is a group, family, community endeavor and movement. Without any of you, none of this would be possible.
People all over America, who need this healing, who are lost, feeling trapped by society, not knowing what to do, or where to go with their lives…
Thousands, millions, of people are in pain. Looking for answers. Looking for help. Looking for peace and happiness.
This is why we are so guided to bring this medicine to America. We see how badly it is needed.
And we know, this is what many of you are struggling with, which is why you were called to the medicine in the first place.
And this is what we are here to help you with.
With these beautiful, unexpected, turn of events, it seems clear, that this is order:
First, without plant medicine. To build the foundation.
Then, when the time is right, adding plant medicine to take your healing journey to levels and dimensions so much more powerful than words can describe.
Look at this like a gift.
Instead of jumping into a world of spiritual-revelations, that people might see for a night, and then quickly forget…
You have the opportunity to create a foundation. To prepare yourself. For the most transformational journey that is destined for you.
Don’t rush the process. You will have your ceremony, when you are meant to.
This is a gift.
This time between now and when you experience the medicine, is a blessing in disguise.
Allow yourself to start to see it that way, and miracles will present themselves to you.
To emphasize, we are NOT cancelling the retreats. Only rescheduling them to a later date.
We ask for your surrender to this process.
Look at this as a training ground, to practice trust & surrender. A gift in itself.
We WILL lead you through the most transformational healing journey of your entire life.
If you allow us to.
If you can surrender to this all, and see that everything is truly happening to serve you, us, and this movement, in the highest.
The bottom line is this:
We are here to bring so much love, light, healing, truth, and opening of hearts, to so many people, across the globe.
But the only way we can do that, is TOGETHER.
And the time it’s most important to stick together, is when it’s hardest. Like right now.
You are a part of this because you are meant to be.
There are no accidents.
What is happening to you, is no mistake.
Everything that is meant to happen, will happen.
And what is happening now, was meant to happen.
For the benefit, the healing, and the awakening of so many countless beings.
It’s all unfolding exactly the way it’s meant to.
When you surrender to this experience, without reacting in anger, you can begin to see…
Everything is happening the way it is meant to. Even though we might not understand exactly why.
Please. We need your support.
The only way this will work, is together.
In order for this movement of healing to live on, your prayers, your allowing and acceptance of “what is”, and your trust, is the golden key to this all.
And remember, everything is energy.
Energy always balances itself out.
What you give, will always be returned to you. Many times over. It’s a simple law of the Universe.
We will do everything we possibly can, to return to you, the value that you are providing to this movement. And so much more.
But really leave that to the Universe. Great Spirit. The Higher Power that brought us together in the first place.
The energy you donate to this cause, to this movement, to the healing and awakening of so many people… will return to you, in more beautiful ways than you could ever dream up.
If you trust.
If you surrender.
And if you remember, that there are no accidents.
You are an integral part, to this million piece puzzle, of the awakening of us all.
It might not be a smooth ride…
But nobody ever said it would be. ;)
It’s what we came here for. We’re just playing our roles.
And we are doing everything we can, and then some, to make sure you are supported in every way you can be.
Because at the end of the day, do you want Ayahuasca?
Or do you want the peace, liberation, freedom, love, and long-term way of living, in alignment with your true purpose & service to the world?
We know it’s the latter. So look at the money you have donated, as a massive investment towards YOURSELF.
We will support you in ways that you have never been supported before. And this money you have donated, will be one of the greatest gifts, you could have ever given yourself.
We are offering, and delivering, a coaching program, or more so, a Global Healing Community, that will be worth the money you have donated, and so much more.
Stay tuned, to realize how much this will really serve you.
We apologize deeply for any inconvenience this has brought you.
The only way through this, is trust. And expect to see the beauty that is waiting to reveal itself, on the other side.
The only way this will succeed, the only way we can bring this life-changing healing plant sacrament, Mother Ayahuasca, to America, and all those who need it, is through your continued support.
This is how to help:
We ask for your belief.
We ask for your trust.
We ask for your sweet surrender, knowing that the money you have donated, is supporting so many people’s healing journey. Most of all, your own.
We will be in communication with all of you who are scheduled for upcoming retreats, via phone.
To ensure everything is as clear as possible, to build the personal connection, and to make sure that you are truly happy with your interactions with our Church.
Thank you so much for your support during this time that we need it most.
We understand that this is hard for you, as it is difficult for us as well, but please, we need to stick together.
Keep our eyes on the big vision. And remember, we came here to build this, together.
Thank you again, and we look forward to communicating with you personally, in more detail.
With the deepest gratitude, surrendering in love to every moment,
Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS – We want to be clear. The reason we are not able to issue refunds, is two-fold:
1) We have re-invested all of the donations we have received into the Church, and Spiritual Healing Center, in Elbe.
As well, the operating expenses of leading a movement like this, with how many people are involved, and how many lives are being changed, has left us in a position, where we do not have money saved to pay back refunds.
When you ask for a refund, it puts a financial strain on us, that may add up to this whole thing falling apart. To be completely honest.
I don’t believe that will happen. But it’s to put it in perspective.
It’s not like we simply do not want to issue refunds. If we had the means to, of course, we would love to, for those who are really adamant about it.
But honestly, we do not have the resources to do so. And if we want this to succeed, we can not put that type of stress on the organization right now.
The second reason is…
2) As expressed on our Ayahuasca Healing Retreat info page, and in our Terms & Conditions:
- You are not paying a price for a retreat. You are not paying for a product or service. It is not an exchange of money, where you give us ____$, and then we give you a retreat.
- The money you send us is a donation, and is therefor non-refundable.
- The donation is to support our Church’s Vision & Mission, to share healing & awakening with the world.
- The retreat is shared with you, as a thank you, and as a healing service we offer. This operates as a fundraising activity of our Church.
Based on these points, we are unable to issue refunds, and we, again, apologize so deeply, for this unexpected turn of events.
Again, we simply ask you to look at this like a gift, because there is no doubt it is.
And this is happening, to serve us all.
Thank you again so much, for your continued support, love, acceptance, allowing, and total embrace, of life as it is.
This journey together is powerful!
It will teach you so much about yourself, if you let it.
Because after all… that’s the essence of this journey, and what it really means to heal.
We pray you are receiving the lessons, just as we are!
The video referred to at the very bottom of my foregoing post is on YouTube (45 minutes):Quote from: Ayahuasca Healings Church in America - Blessing by James 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney, ONAC
Published Dec. 12, 2015
Legal Ayahuasca Healings Church in America:
This Blessing from James 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney was given on Dec 10, 2015, from the Oklevueha Native American Church, to the Ayahuasca Healings Church in America.
This Blessing gives the complete legal protection of the Native American Church, to our Ayahuasca Healings Church, and all it's members to be able to sit with Mother Ayahuasca in America, legally.
How is there a legal Ayahuasca Church in America? The full answer can be found here:
The trippers who constitute the team of the "Ayahuasca Healings Church" present themselves. They are also presented here:
Aloha. My name is Marc Shackman, also known as Kumooja Banyan Tree.
Gary Tom
Gary Tom (Otherwise known as 'Bear') is a Southern Paiute Native elder and Medicine Man, who is enrolled at Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, the Keepers of the North rim of the Grand Canyon. Bear is a teacher and educator, having obtained an MA Ed from Northern Arizona University - Flag. He is an accomplished musician, jazz trombone player and Native Indian flute specialist. He played at the opening ceremonies of the 2002 winter olympics at Salt Lake City, and many other countries internationally during his life.
Bear has carried out and facilitated ceremony for over 30 years, mainly with the Native American Sweatlodge. His uncle was a well known Peyote 'roadman' for the Native American Church. He feels ceremony is very important so that we can learn to respect ourselves fully and all things around us. We are honored to have him join our Native American Church and open our weekend retreats here every Friday in Washington, with a very cleansing and purifying traditional Native Indian Sweatlodge ceremony. The perfect preparation to the deeper work that is to take place. Aho Mitakuye O'yasin!
There's a Spaghetti Western called I quattro dell'Ave Maria, aka, Ace High. In it, Eli Wallach plays a bandit who relieves a couple of guys of their money. As he does so, he utters the following words, which seem appropriate here:QuoteMoney corrupts men, it softens him. So to keep you young and pure, I think I'll take everything.
— OK, you suckers, we took your thousands of dollars, and in return you got a barrel full of the most banal New Age drivel ever. Bye-bye!
I believe the victims here dished out at least $1500 smackers each.
The suggested obligatory "donations": You could choose either $1497 or $1997, I read several times. Will check it.
So the requested donation is $1497 to $1997 USD.
A lot of people who are familiar with how much the medicine costs, judge us, or are upset by the fact that we are requesting $1497 – $1997 as our suggested donation for our Ayahuasca Healing Retreats in America.
Why are the retreats $1497 to $1997?
First of all, our retreats do not cost $1497 – $1997. You have the right to contribute or donate any amount you wish to our Ayahuasca Healings Church, and the money you donate to us is not an exchange for a service, such as our Ayahuasca healing retreats. We offer our spiritual retreats as a service to the community, and to humanity, and we do so for free. Any money you donate to us is for helping us cover our operating expenses, to help us further our Spiritual Mission, and every dollar you donate to our Ministry is dedicated towards the healing of our people and our planet.
We have received many complaints about our suggested contribution range of $1,497-$1,997 for our 4-day healing retreats. To emphasize, you can contribute any amount you wish. This is nothing but a suggestion. We have an ever-increasing, and overwhelming amount of interest in our retreats and there is no way that we can accommodate everybody. That is why it is one of our highest priorities to build more Ayahuasca Healing Churches in America. Buying land in the United States requires a lot of money, and building a Healing Center & Church requires a lot of people, and of course, financial resources.
Since you have the right to contribute any amount you wish, it’s important that you also understand, with our intentions to build more spiritual healing centers around America, we depend solely on your contributions to make that a reality.
You can donate $100 if you’d like, and we never turn away anyone based only on their ability to meet the suggested contribution. For every retreat, we accept courageous, inspirational candidates regardless of whether or not they are able to meet the suggested contribution range. At the same time, we are a brand new church and ministry, and with our ambitious visions to build these healing centers near every major city in America, we currently dependent upon your generous contributions in order to meet expenses, grow and share this medicine with those who need it most.
Many have falsely claimed that our ceremonies “cost $2,000? or that “we only serve the rich”. We find these claims to be unfair and inaccurate. We also reject comparisons to the cost of a retreat in Peru as unfair and unrealistic. Expenses to run a center in Peru, for land, food, staff, medicine, everything about it, are significantly lower than they are in the United States. The costs, therefore, required to open and maintain a Church (analogous to a Peruvian retreat center, let alone build more Churches) are significantly higher in the US than in South America.
To make this medicine and healing available to everybody, and not just those who can meet our suggested contribution range, we also offer a scholarship program for those who are severely financially constrained. You can apply for the Scholarship program by clicking here.
Can I make a contribution even if I don’t plan to attend?
You are absolutely more than welcome to make a contribution at any point in time, to support our Church and Spiritual Ministry. Please note, however, that all donations are accepted, “without consideration.” Therefore, please do not make a one-off donation with the expectation of being admitted to a retreat, without first going through our application process. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone based on factors of safety, liability, and our own personal judgment.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes, all contributions are tax deductible through the Oklevueha Native American Church. Please email us for details at: support [at] ayahuascaheailngs [dot] com
Oklevueha Native American Church of Ayahuasca Healings
We are a legally established independent Branch of the Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) that desires to protect and restore to the world our religious and personal freedoms as an inherently Native American Religious Global Culture and People.
This is the "church" who were cited as supporting/endorsing the Phoenix Goddess Temple, whose founder was convicted of running a brothel. "Throughout the trial, Elise has maintained and presented evidence that her temple was in fact a sanctioned Oklevueha Native American church" [source:].
Address 204 LUTKINS RD, ELBE, WA, 98330-9704
Special Video for Registrants - Mar 14, 2016
A recent post on the webpage of the Ayahuasca Healings Native American Church may be a sign that all is not well at the controversial spiritual center near Mineral.
The church began offering its brand of high-priced spiritual retreats near the end of January, and complaints from unhappy or dissatisfied participants started making the rounds on the Internet almost immediately thereafter.
Some of the original complaints alleged that the plant medicines — hallucinogens — were not strong enough and failed to provide the life-altering experience that was promised to them.
The newest wave of accusations are different entirely.
According to a post found on the Ayahuasca Healings Church website, dated March 10, some retreat dates have recently been postponed by church leaders without the option of a refund for those that had already paid, or donated, their retreat fee.
The full suggested donation price for a weekend at the church is just shy of $2,000. Limited “scholarship” opportunities are said to be available, bringing the price tag of the weekend retreats down to about $500.
“We understand that there are several of you who have booked retreats with us, and are upset about the re-scheduling of your retreats, without the opportunity for a refund,” read the post penned by church president Trinity de Guzman. “This is where we need to kindly, humbly, and deeply, ask you for your support and help, during the time we need it most.”
According to Marc Shackman, CEO and shaman of the Ayahuasca Healings Church, Guzman was denied reentry to the United States from Canada around the first of the new year after border agents discovered his affiliation with the church.
Guzman has been keeping up with the online operations of the church from outside the country since then. Shackman said the hope is that Guzman will be able to return sometime this summer.
Guzman suggested that spurned spiritualists look at the sudden change of plans as a “gift” or “blessing in disguise,” rather than a waste of opportunity and money, noting that, “Instead of jumping into a world of spiritual-revelations, that people might see for a night, and then quickly forget … you have the opportunity to create a foundation. To prepare yourself. For the most transformational journey that is destined for you. Don’t rush the process. You will have your ceremony, when you are meant to.”
The extensive post went on to emphasize that the church is not cancelling the retreats, they are simply rescheduling them, and they “ask for your surrender to this process.”
The post added, “When you surrender to this experience, without reacting in anger, you can begin to see (that) everything is happening the way it is meant to. Even though we might not understand exactly why.”
Guzman went on to suggest a new perspective for aspiring ayahuasca ceremony participants to view the expensive change of plans, writing, “We ask for your sweet surrender, knowing that they money you have donated is supporting many people’s healing journey. Most of all your own.”
According to the post, the Ayahuasca Healings Church is unable to return the money given to them by prospective ceremony participants for two reasons.
First, they claim to have already “re-invested all of the donations,” mostly toward operating expenses. The post explained, “When you ask for a refund it puts a financial strain on us that may add up to this whole thing falling apart,” read the post.
The second reason put forth by the church for their lack of reimbursement is heavily wrapped in official terms and conditions pursuant to the application and donation process.
“You are not paying a price for a retreat. You are not paying for a product or services,” read the post. “The money you send us is a donation, and is therefor (sic) non-refundable.”
In a phone conversation earlier this week, Shackman said “It’s not an exchange of money for services. It’s a donation to our church which we can use in any way we choose.”
In the extensive explanation post, Guzman added, “Based on these points, we are unable to issue refunds, and we, again, apologize so deeply, for this unexpected turn of events.”
According to their website, representatives of the Ayahuasca Healings Church intend to contact all individuals who had their retreats rescheduled by phone in order to “ensure everything is as clear as possible, to build the personal connection, and to make sure that you are truly happy with your interactions with our Church.”
Attempts to contact church leaders as well as the Lewis County Prosecutor’s Office were not immediately successful.
Additional information on the Ayahuasca Healing Native American Church can be found on its website at
Special Video for Registrants - Mar 14, 2016
— OK, you suckers, we took your thousands of dollars, and in return you got a barrel full of the most banal New Age drivel ever. Bye-bye! HEALINGS
Address 204 LUTKINS RD, ELBE, WA, 98330-9704
Category REG
Company Type Nonprofit
Company number 603564808
Status Active
WA Date Of Incorporation 11/20/2015
Expiration 11/30/2016
Duration Perpetual
Home State MO
President Marc Roland Shackman
Registered Trade Names
Status Active
First Issued 12/29/2015
Expires N/A
Status Active
First Issued 12/29/2015
Expires N/A
Status Active
First Issued 12/29/2015
Expires N/A
Registered Agent
Registered Agent Address 204 LUTKENS RD, ELBE, WA, 98330
Registered Business Locations
Address 204 LUTKINS RD, ELBE, WA, 98330-9704
The NEW HAVEN NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH company was registered on November 20, 2015, in MO. Current status of the organization Active and type Nonprofit. The registering agent is MARC SHACKMAN located at the address 204 LUTKENS RD, ELBE, WA, 98330. Get the credit report on the NEW HAVEN NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH. Governing persons are: Marc Roland Shackman. Credt score.
Mineral Area Church That Takes ‘Donations’ for Hallucinogenic Experiences Reschedules Retreats and Refuses to Give Refunds
Issues: Leaders of Ayahuasca Healings Native American Church Claim Donations Are Non-Refundable, Money Will Help Build Organization
Oklevueha Native American Church of Ayahuasca Healings
Marc Shackman, shaman and CEO of the Oklevueha Native American Church of Ayahuasca Healings, walks near a group of teepees where church goers stay during the three-day religious ceremonies at the church's property near Elbe on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016.
Here is the other one of them with a separate page:Quote from: My name is Marc Shackman, also known as Kumooja Banyan Tree.
Aloha. My name is Marc Shackman, also known as Kumooja Banyan Tree.
I am here to play a role in your life journey if we are called together to do so. For I already made the choice long ago to dedicate my life to simply add as much value as I can to other people’s’ lives, and therefore my own, to assist You to help yourself to remember again your own unique truth and powerful destiny that inevitably awaits. One rooted in Soul connection and a deep level of Trust. To guide you to guide yourself back to Freedom, back to Happiness and ultimately back to a state of Infinite Love and Blissfulness. Nothing less than that.
To re-ignite and re-spark the creativity within your own Heart space, to re-Inspire magic, re-Energize and re-Empower You, to clear away for yourself the dark clouds and illusory fears still holding you back, so you are more able to Remember your true life’s purpose.
That you are Really here to design and create your Dream life with your own hands, through Action, committed Focus and Heart-felt Intention. To use your own precious gifts to choose Now consciously to participate in this life, as the master creator that you Are. As there are really no limits to what we can do in this game of life together, when we can work as one family, one community and with the deep rooted mentality of unlimited abundance sourced infinitely from within our own selves.
For the only thing holding you back right now is You, the choices you make everyday and what you believe about yourself and what you tell yourself daily you are capable of.
So I look forward to meeting with you all very much very soon, when the right moment calls and the Great Spirit leads us to work together, and we are forever blessed with each others presence and divine light, to share in a mutual healthy balanced exchange of the giving and receiving of sacred energy, and to journey a part of this beautiful life together.
Remember, the Heart Energy Medicine Revolution is already here.
The only question then Really worth asking yourSelf is, are you Ready for it? And if not, that’s okay, because I then now ask, will you then at least be willing to make sure you are Ready for it tomorrow?
We. Are. Love.
Mitakuye O’ Yasin (All My Relations)
Mahalo Ke Akua
Interviews & Testimonials for Marc “Kumooja Banyan Tree” Shackman:
Gratitude and appreciations sound trite when compared with how I feel toward you [Marc], Francesca, Bear, the healing center, and such. Well, you know. To say you are talented and impressive and mindful falls short of all that you are and all that you do. You are one of those rare, multi-talented leaders who surfaces every once in a while, and I am thankful and enriched for having crossed paths with you.
With love and best thoughts,
LeahLeah Blackburn, USA
Church Offering Hallucinogens
Visitors Pay About $2,000 to Attend Weekend Retreats Near Mineral
Bankruptcy Orders
Shackman, Marc Roland
Arin, Sacred Valley, Cusco, Arin, Cusco, Peru
Birth details: 15 November 1980
Marc Roland Shackman of Arin, Sacred Valley, Cusco, Arin, Cusco, Peru, Lately Residing and carrying on business at 26 Longhill Avenue, Chatham, Kent, ME5 7AR, as a non-Profit Organisation Trading as Soul Projects and Kupuri Native roots Foundation
In the High Court Of Justice
No 3341 of 2014
Date of Filing Petition: 27 August 2014
Bankruptcy order date: 27 August 2014
Time of Bankruptcy Order: 11:50
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's
T Neale 2nd Floor, 4 Abbey Orchard Street, LONDON, SW1P 2HT, telephone: 0207 6371110, email:
Capacity of office holder(s): Receiver and Manager
27 August 2014
LL: Okay. Going back to your relationship with the Oklevueha Native American Church. My understanding is like the native American church tradition, really involves like a long tradition with specific rituals and songs, protocols, sacramental use of peyote and I think one of the questions that comes up from the medicine community is how is it that you guys are a native American church when you’re not working with peyote, you’re not working in the tradition of the Native American church.
The fact that there is some doubts, there’s some question as to whether the ONAC is really a true Native American church. There seems to be some division within the Native American community especially around the practice of ONAC giving online memberships to other organizations, under the auspices of the Native American Church. What are your thoughts about that?
TDG: First of all, I want to very specifically point out that we definitely are working with Native American traditions and Native American elders. We for example like you said, the Native American church and the Native Americans have very specific rituals and ceremonies and ways of working with the sacraments and the plants that are particular to the Native Americans and the Native American Church.
So for example, in our four day healing retreat that happens at our church, we have on the first day, it’s really about cleansing day and on this day, we have a Native American actually open ceremony with us. This dear brother, dear elder, teacher, his name is Bear and he’s a 70 year old elder and he comes every weekend to open ceremony with us, to lead the sweat lodge. He built the sweat lodge for us.
This is a Native American and he’s 70 years old and we have received the blessings from so many different Native Americans to be able to do what we are doing and if you speak to the Native Americans about that question, they say that it is not this rigid structure that defines a Native American culture or tradition. It is the guidance in every moment. They have given us their blessing because they understand that it’s not about setting rules and having a rigid structure that we have to follow and only then will be considered a Native American church.
But they look at the spirit of the plant as exactly that, as a spirit, as a teacher and she, mother Ayahuasca for example will always define and lead and guide the ceremony. So to be a Native American tradition, these people who are saying this, they clearly do not understand the culture of the Native Americans, which is a deep surrendering to the plant in every moment.
We have received their blessings because we, like all we can really do and this has come from like such dear elders in the Native American culture and tradition who specifically say, “I don’t do anything. All I can do is take the medicine and the spirit just works through me.” That is the spirit of true Native American tradition. So we are working with these plants, we look at them as spirits, as teachers, as guides, to be able to allow us to connect with ourselves, to open our hearts, to connect with who we really are. That is the teachings of the Native Americans. It is looking at everything.
LL: So when you say you have the blessing of the Native Americans, have you been working with the Native Americans in the community where your retreat center is located in Elbe, Washington?
TDG: Yes, we’ve definitely been doing outreach to the different tribes that are in the Washington area. We have received the blessings from the Native Americans in many different forms. One is of course is to create this independent branch of the Native American Church in which we are leading everything.
You see, the Native Americans, they don’t discriminate based on race, color, or age. That’s the first thing to understand about Native American culture. That it’s not like you have to be born into a Native American reservation for example or how to have the bloodline to be able to practice Native American spirituality.
But they are all under the belief that we are all brothers and sisters no matter what our skin color is. It is this unifying energy of looking at mother, our planet as our mother earth and our father, father sky. It is this connection with the spirits, with the plants, with the trees, with the mountains, looking at them as spirits, teachers, as guides that is the root of Native American tradition.
This question clearly came from people who did not understand Native American tradition and were pointing fingers at us because we aren’t Native American blood line born. Where as if they really understood what the Native American tradition is all about, then that won’t be coming out of their mouth.
LL: Okay. So moving along here. We spoke a lot about the legal considerations of your church and especially around the safety of your participants from a legal standpoint. So just to kind of summarize that before we move on to health, based on the statements that you’ve made about the legal status of your church are people that participate in your retreats, are they protected from prosecution?
TDG: Absolutely. So it is a very primary, fundamental requirement for anybody who comes to our land, anybody who comes to our church, anybody who comes to our healing retreats that they are a member of the Native American Church because it is through being a member of the Native American Church that this protection is extended.
If you were to look at any case law studies, if for any reason that is very farfetched that there was any implications or any interference between what we are doing and the government. It is, if you look at case law, it’s always the leaders of an organization that are the ones that are prosecuted.
If you look at the case of James and Linda Mooney versus the state of Utah for example, it was James and Linda Mooney who were the ones were prosecuted, not the people that they were leading ceremonies for. If ever in some very rare other dimension that this does happen where there is interference with the DEA or with any type of government officials, it is the leaders of the organization that would be prosecuted and not the members of the church.
Because, what would they do? Prosecute every single member of the Oklevueha Native American church who has been sitting in this ceremonies or thousands of people. It’s basically as a member of our church, you are completely legally protected to be able to sit in these sacred sacrament ceremonies with us and if you are wanting to look at it in a worst case scenario, if there is government interference, it is the leaders of an organization that are the ones that are taken down or prosecuted.
This group is dedicated to refuting the claims of "Trinity de Guzman", James "screaming eagle" Mooney, the ONAC, et al in regards to illegitimate claims of their ability (and intent) to distribute ayahuasca in the state of Washington legally.
We will provide links to and text of the multitude sources of factual information in regards to this situation. Discussion on these links will obviously be editorial and opinion based, but we strive to source all information to assure its accuracy. We are not spreading gossip or airing dirty laundry. Please keep the language in your posts civil and instances if abusive language, threats, and vulgar language will be censored and egregious offenders banned. This is a place for mature discussion.
I, and the others who have set up this page are ardent supporters of the cognitive liberty movement and wholeheartedly support the use of entheogens in any of the myriad valid uses for them in a conscious practice. These include using them as adjunct to or solely addressing the treating of physical and emotional disorders, expanding consciousness, enhancing ones spiritual awareness, or many other legitimate uses.
We view the actions of AA, Guzman et al as at the best ignorantly idyllic and at the worst greedy charlatanism but the end result is the same. In the name of harm reduction, we seek to educate and raise awareness of the illegality of these enterprises and our goal is to intercept potential damaging situations that could arise from their activities. Many people finding the posts about AA may take it at face value and follow the pipers tune straight into the arms of law enforcement or much worse. We hope to help avoid damaging consequences and urge people to take other routes if they seek the guided use of ayahuasca or other entheogens.
I have never been a member of Twitter myself, but found this NotTrinity de Guzman parody account that made my morning. This "church" has probably already regretted the day they ever set foot in Washington State: (
Ayahuasca Healings: Not Legal and Not a Church
Post by ayalight » Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:00 am
I'm starting a new thread because there have been new developments.
We can summarize and outline emerging developments here.
Lets start with this excellent article that just came out in
"What we really are is an indigenous world culture church," Shackman says. "We fall under Native American church because we're in America and that's the indigenous culture in America. "To be Native American—to fully appreciate Native American culture, you don't have to be Native American. A lot of Native American people have problems with bringing their tradition to white man." Native American Churches who reject groups like Ayahuasca Healings, he says, are "not in touch with their traditional religion," which he believes would not see a separation here.
"We do not expect all native peoples to approach us with such a transcendental perspective, and view us all as one spirit. There are always a few haters," he says. "You can't make everyone happy."
For one thing, the leaders were inexperienced. One was living in a tent before Trinity took her in, another was a street performer, playing music in the town plaza with a group of "hippies," Sulastri said, and another was a "Rambo Kung fu shaman" — just some young tough guy who knew Tai Chi.
Sulastri said it was downright irresponsible. A guy passed out the day after a ceremony, and Trinity's crew didn't respond well. "Clearly what [the sick guy] needed was to go to the hospital due to altitude sickness, low sugar and fatigue," Sulastri says. But Trinity and his crew didn't do that. "He was writhing on the ground and they were beating drums over him."
When one of Trinity's ayahuasca "healers" herself got sick and left, Trinity quickly promoted one of the assistant chefs to the position of "ayahuasca shaman," Sulastri said.
"These kids are dangerous," he continues. "These kids are playing with people's lives. I had to throw them out of our property."
Because along with people getting sick, others claim during one ceremony, in the dark, while participants were tripping on entheogens, Trinity received a handjob and/or a blow job from his girlfriend.
For retreat-goer Clifton Thomas, who says he witnessed the blowjob/handjob, it was like seeing the priest getting blown during Sunday mass at a cathedral. And it was hypocrisy. Trinity's "religion" had always asked its participants to be celibate for the time around the ceremonies, but Thomas (and Sulastri) agree the retreat was all a low-level orgy — this "healer" with this guest, this chef with this healer's girlfriend — drama supreme.
"I was very uncomfortable," Thomas adds. "I kept thinking, I did not sign up for this shit."
From Brooklyn to Australia, there’s a growing demand for ayahuasca, a tribal, hallucinogenic tea said to have both spiritual and curative properties. But, like any globalization fairy tale, the world’s embrace is threatening to suffocate the tradition at its source.
“The sacred art of Indians has been transformed into entertainment,” said Moises Pianko, a member of the Ashaninka tribe of northern Brazil.
Thank you for opening this email. <3
Please read to the end, it's very important.
I've been going through a profound shift recently.
And am re-structuring the way our organization works.
So we can share the healing that we are here to share,
with more people.
Especially, for those who are struggling financially -
So I ask for your help, to please donate.
I see so clearly, in order for this vision to thrive, for
us to help more people, we need to come together.
So we can support the people who need it most.
We are committed, to helping as many people as possible,
especially those who are struggling financially.
If that describes you, and you are really called to
Mother Ayahuasca, I'm happy to say -
We are creating more ways to help you. To support you,
if this journey to Peru is really calling you, but money
is an obstacle.
If that's the case for you, please visit this page, find
out all about our retreats, and even if you can't afford
the full price, apply. (Our next retreat starts Oct 28)
And for those of you, who want to help these people
with me, I ask you, to please donate here.
This is how we support each other.
Those with the blessings of abundance, or the desire to
help someone else out there, this is your chance to give.
You don't need to "have a lot" to be able to give back.
Even just $10 or $20 makes a big difference.
For those who can, and are called to support others in
this way, $50, $100 or whatever your heart feels, goes
such a long way.
And those who are struggling, and feel like you need
support... this is your chance to receive.
Ayahuasca Healings is here to bridge this gap, to bring
our global tribe and family together, in as many ways
as possible.
(And more exciting ways, coming soon!)
So this is our initiative, to gift more discounted spots.
And that is only possible, by asking the rest of the
community to help and donate.
This way, we can all be more involved.
To help each other. Grow more, give more, receive more,
and live the example, that we want to see in the world.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
- Ghandi
As a Global Healing Community, we are here for each other.
We all walk the same path, in our own unique ways.
But the same drive... for truth, for connection, for love...
freedom, and healing - for ourselves, and the world,
is what moves us at our deepest core.
The desire to give back, be of service, and make a
difference in the world, is one trait we all share.
And with this invitation to donate, I'm really excited
to see how powerfully this can bring us together.
To see, how much we can be there for someone, that we
don't even know.
Anything you can give, is helping to change a life, open
a heart, and bring healing, in ways so deeply beyond words.
Please click here to donate.
Thank you so much.
For hearing me, and feeling the call deep within, to be
here for our brothers and sisters in need.
Even if you can't donate donate right now, please,
take a moment, to send love to those suffering.
We are so blessed to live the life we do.
So please, let's come together, to share our blessings
with those who need it.
Thank you <3
With infinite love, bringing us together to support each other,
Trinity de Guzman & The Ayahuasca Healings Family
PS -
We all know what it's like to struggle.
To feel lost, with no clarity or direction.
To struggle with money, to get "bad news" or when
"life happens" in a way that is just too stressful
to deal with.
In my next email, I'll share with you one of the lowest
points of my life.
When I needed help the most.
And the magic, that came in ways I couldn't have
ever expected...
You'll love this story =)
Talk soon!
Your Highest Truth Inc.
240 N. Glynde Ave.
Burnaby BC v5b 1g9
select the right curandero and shaman.
Further, the participants can learn how to safeguard themselves in the ceremony. In short, they will learn how to get the most out of their journey with the blessed medicine.
1. Assume your audience are complete idiots
2. Lie while smiling and speaking down to your victims.
Condescension works wonders.
3. Change historical facts while no one is watching.
4. Fake like you are having a grand revelation and awakening while weaving your next set of lies.
Oh yeah....don't give that money back no matter what. ( presenter starting that video is Lorna Liana, who owns this huge commercial empire: —
TRANSCRIPT – Ayahuasca Healings Controversy
Ayahuasca Healings Controversy – Hard Questions Answered | Trinity de Guzman – EN06
Trinity De Guzman, founder of Ayahuasca Healings, is at the epicenter of a huge ayahuasca controversy. There has been a great deal of outcry in the medicine community from people who work with ayahuasca spiritually, as well as from scientific researches and policy makers around a number of key concerns.
Number one, the true legal status of Ayahuasca Healings in the United States. Number two, the safety of the people attending retreats at the Ayahuaca Healings retreat center from both the health and legal stand point. Number three, the way in which Trinity promoted their church and its business model and number four, the impact of their activities on the future of ayahuasca and its protected status as a whole.
Today, he will share with us:
• [11:30] His experiences in traveling to different countries and how he discovered ayahuasca in Peru
• [13:48] What led him to build to the first public, legal ayahuasca church in America
• [15:22] The mission of Ayahuasca Healings.
• [19:36] What makes Ayahuasca Healings legal?
• [21:46] Is Ayahuasca Healings exempted from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?
• [1:41:57] His plans on how he would establish trust within the ayahuasca community amidst controversies.
• and much, much more.
Dimitra Kurath
September 6
We are very sorry to announce the sudden death of Trinity de Guzman of drowning at a pond near his house
He dies at 35 having a Papi holiday in Switzerland with his family and children.
Trinity de Guzman is said to have died very recently. This is from the mother of his children:
Trinity de Guzman has been very active on the internet, and owns several sites that have not been mentioned here earlier.
Ayahuasca Healings’ Trinity de Guzman calls coronavirus “a necessary purge”
By Russell Hausfeld|March 25, 2020
“The Corona Virus is a necessary purge of what is no longer in resonance,” Trinity de Guzman wrote in a recent email to his followers.
A Very Special Introduction (And Invitation)
Beloved One,
In this email, we have something very special for you -
That can truly answer the deeper questions, longing, seeking, and "aching" from deep within, that so many of us as humans feel...
First, A Special Introduction
My name is Trinity de Guzman, and I'm a core contributor to the SoulCybin Vision and Oneness University -
If you havn't yet, I really invite you to watch this video I made:
Meet your microdosing guide, Trinity De Guzman
Trinity De Guzman is a natural health and wellness advocate, and the Director of Education at Oneness University.
He has pledged the past decade of his life to the expansion of natural and spiritual medicine, starting with his first Ayahuasca retreat center in 2014.
In this course, Trinity shares his many years of experience through a lens of pure love, authenticity, and commitment to your growth and ascension.
If Trinity de Guzman is indeed deceased, who sees an interest in sending out e-mails purportedly from him?