General => Research Needed => Topic started by: halokamarie84 on November 26, 2022, 06:19:35 pm
Genealogy charts do confirm that he is not Eastern Band Cherokee as the Baker roll did confirm that Elizabeth Kreal was not eligible to enroll. No one disputes that information..Not even Kreal himself. Kreal is pronounced the same as Creel.
However if we are to go one generation back we find a settlement in Creeltown South Carolina.
Creeltown is now known as Cottageville SC and is home to the Kiddo Natchez Band of Indians in south Carolina which is recognized as a Natchez band.
Interesting factoid: the Natchez dissolved into the Cherokee nation during the 1830s during removal so even the most educated Cherokee Nation experts should be able to understand the confusion around a 1920s Census and Enrollment chart.
How did we make the link? Cherokee Nation citizen expert KT Fields' extensive research at
Remember folks when we derail genealogy from 1 tribe - it only means 599 more nations to be eliminated.
Kiddo should read as Kusso.
Damned autocorrect.
There is a Facebook group named "PROOF: MICHAEL KREAL ISN'T CHEROKEE»:
The Administrator is NAFPS member 'liannacostantino':;u=4279
I'm trying to figure out why Kreal is here at all. Other than being a critic of TAAF.
I'm trying to figure out why Kreal is here at all. Other than being a critic of TAAF.
There is a feud between topic starter Amy Marie Clarke (= Guest 'halokamarie84') and NAFPS member Lianna Costantino, with Michael Kreal being part of it, too:
Hello all. This is Lianna Costantino. I believe that "WhittierDeluxe28789" is either Michael Kreal, Amy Marie Clark, or one of their cronies, all of whom are upset because Michael was outed as a pretendian here and with AIM, who were not impressed with him:
I am indeed a co-founder and the current director of TAAF, the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds, an intertribal anti-fraud task force.
Amy Marie Clarke is obsessed with me and is still stalking and harassing me.
What all this really is about is quite unfathomable to me. I do hope I have illuminated educatedindian’s question.
Does anyone have any evidence of wrongdoing at all on Kreal? If not we should move this to Archives, or even delete it. It seems like this thread was started as part of a personal dispute.
There is a Facebook group named "PROOF: MICHAEL KREAL ISN'T CHEROKEE»:
The Administrator is NAFPS member 'liannacostantino':;u=4279
i havent been on FB for awhile, buty i do know lianna costantino was on some legit groups including an anti-pretendian group for cherokees also with the likes of david cornsilk who is a geneologist/historian ....... if she wasnt legit he would have exposed her right i would believe anything she says