General => Frauds => Topic started by: educatedindian on June 03, 2024, 02:13:58 am

Title: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: educatedindian on June 03, 2024, 02:13:58 am
Probably the worst idiot we've ever taken a look at. From Chandler, Quebec. Claims to be "Micmac" or Metis. Likely mostly or entirely French and Irish.

Black metal "musician" in following bands or projects:
Ifernach- The only one where he claims to be Metis/Micmac instead of white supremacist.
Maeströ Cröque Mört
Nox Morbum

Could someone take a look at his genealogy? See if he actually is, or the claim is just done to spread confusion.
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sparks on June 03, 2024, 09:19:02 pm
Ifernach- The only one where he claims to be Metis/Micmac instead of white supremacist.

E.g. in this long interview:

An illuminating and interesting, although also disturbing (indigenous/far right connections) here:
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: educatedindian on June 04, 2024, 03:17:07 pm
In that interview he's pretty uncertain about his claims to have just discovered he's Metis and imagines being NDN is like being a Viking. What he knows or claims he knows is twisted to agree with white supremacy. "See, we are just like Natives" is an old idea among Nazis, including Hitler through his kidding himself that Karl May novels were truthful.

Ifernach is a black metal solo project from north-eastern Canada, dedicated to ancestral revival and spiritual vengeance by reconnecting with heritage and soil.

[This is a common phrase in Nazi belief.]

....The new IFERNACH album is called “The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard”. I must say, this sounds to me a bit like some kind of attempted black metal parody.

....IFERNACH is a rather obscure one-man black metal band founded by Finian Patraic in 2014. Finian lives in Chandler, a small town on Québec’s Gaspé Peninsula. The debut album, “Maqtewek Nakuset” was released in 2016 – since then, he’s released one full-length record and at least one EP per year. The project has performed live once: at Messe des Morts VII in 2017, using session musicians.

[Patraic]:"....When I found BATHORY, I felt the Scandinavian landscape screaming through the music. This is what I try to achieve with IFERNACH: allowing my own land to speak through me.

....Métis? I .>>>guess<<< this is the right term. More than half of the people living off-reserve here in Gespegewagi have native ancestry. They ignore it. They despise it....I know people with the native title who don’t even hunt! When the Métis people join the dying reservations, we will crush the barriers, erase territorial boundaries, and redefine it like it was back in the day: the Wabenaki Confederacy. Taking back the land, one step at a time.

....At the end of the day, regardless of what name they’ve been given, it’s pure pagan worshipping and that’s essential to our native lives. Furthermore, I’ve been reading some really interesting comparative religious analyses about Norsemen and Native American spirituality: Ragnarok and the Battle of the Giants, or when Odin meets the Wolf. Kluscap made men by taking up his bow and shooting arrows in the trunk of the ash tree, how can we not think about Yggdrasil?

....It’s been said that Norsemen passed on stories to the Innuits of Greenland and then further to the Indians.

....From what I know, we were very close to nature.

....It’s a sad feeling when you must slay an entire family, but my elders didn’t even think twice about it. I want to be like them – they are my heroes in life."
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 04, 2024, 07:55:19 pm
More AKA:

"F. Appalachian Wolf Patraic, F. Patraic, Fin Wolf, Finian, Finian "Appalachian Wolf" Patraic, Finian Appalachian Wolf Patraic, Finian Black Elk Patraic, Gulguhk, Ifernach, Maeströ Cröque MF. Appalachian Wolf Patraic, F. Patraic, Fin Wolf, Finian, Finian "Appalachian Wolf" Patraic, Finian Appalachian Wolf Patraic, Finian Black Elk Patraic, Gulguhk, Ifernach, Maeströ Cröque Mört, Nox Morbum, Oldfir"

I think "Finian Patraic" is just a stage name, not birth. No one by that name in Canadian people search: . No one with that surname even.

No one by that name in records.

The surname "Patraic" does exist but it appears uncommon.

I wonder if his birth first or surname is actually "Patrick".

I've not found a birth date. Or names of parents. He says his mother is a nurse, but I don't know if we can trust that, the claim was in one of his many anti-COVID-precautions screeds.

I skimmed through several interviews with him. He is indeed an idiot and also gross. He spouts eugenics type beliefs.
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: cellophane on June 06, 2024, 05:55:45 pm
A comment on this reddit thread:
says, "Ain't no Indians named Fitzgerald, that's for sure."

Ridiculous argument aside, perhaps the commenter knows that his surname is Fitzgerald.

Most of that thread has ridicule and contempt for him, for being a hatemonger and a pretendian, and an awful rapper(!?) E.g.:
He is actually the most normie white guy who grew up in a cozy neighborhood that you'll ever see and all that character gravitating around being ''native'' is total bullshit. It is a total disrespect for native people and what they lived and endured to be such and opportunist and it makes him a charlatan in the black metal community
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: cellophane on June 06, 2024, 08:04:32 pm
From another reddit discussion, of October 2023, Why Does Finian Patraic Have a Project About Native American and Irish Heritage (Ifernach) While Simultaneously Having a NSBM Project (Aufnorden)? (

The sleuths on the RoD forum did a deep dive a year or so ago, uncovering his other “unkvlt” side projects and whatnot.

NSBM is National Socialist (i.e. Nazi) Black Metal. Lovely.

RoD is You need to register to look in the forum archives.
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Advanced Smite on June 07, 2024, 05:17:58 pm
"The Metal Archives" website has Finian Patraic's birth place as Chandler, Quebec.

The Metal Archives - Finian Patraic
Direct Link:
Archive Link:

According to Wikipedia, Chandler only has a population of 7,490 which may make it easier to figure out...assuming that information is correct. cellophane and Sandy S have good suggestions about starting with "Patrick" as a potential first name and "Fitzgerald" as a surname.

Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 07, 2024, 11:01:16 pm
Now, I refuse to take tests, I don’t give my name to anyone. I go to private events and I do shows in my own house. I am a supply teacher at the school, not wearing the mask and trying to have an open-minded discussion with the kids. I speak my mind clearly and loudly about what I think of this.

Jan. 2022 interview. I wonder if he is still getting work as a teacher's assistant.

as a middle-class worker, son of a mother and a father who dedicated their lives to work

My father gave me that resistance, he brought me when I was young to the Paper Mill protest, the day we did a bridge blockade ....Still to this day he says that it wasn’t worth it, nothing changed.

Regarding a local paper mill, the Gaspésia Pulp and Paper Mill was dismantled in 2012.,_Quebec

I have guns and a shitload of reasons to reach the madness.

Hopefully, we can go back to a tribal world with clans and wars to make, like it should be, like it was before. So they will stop glorifying the weak, only the strong survives! And the Kings are Kings for a damn reason.”

All quotes from

He says his mother works as a nurse.

His rap video as Skullz138, or the name of the project is Skullz138(?): This is said to be him, if it is we get a good look at him without performance paint. Plus a view of Chandler, Quebec.

Source of tip on this rap video

We can keep the names "Patrick" and "Fitzgerald" in mind as we search. So far I've not seen anything promising. Maybe someone reading this can clue us in.

I live on the land where my ancestors (from my mother side) lived and traded with the Europeans

He has a tat on his left inner forearm of a moth type shape. 

Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 07, 2024, 11:30:48 pm
But I no longer like to get too hopeful as I approach 40.
(So birth-date maybe around 1985)

"The concept of this album of course reflects my mixed race side where sometimes I am lost between European heritage and the crying need to revere my indigenous heritage."

Dec 2023 interview,

He mentions in passing that some concert locations do not allow anyone wearing a Burzum patch. Background info on that here:

Looking back, this album is an album of meditation, individual combat and survival. It also includes the heritage of the name Sweeney (Suibhne), a very common name here.

We can add Sweeney to our list of possible surnames. :)
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:09:27 am
I think we found him. Dawn Fitzpatrick. He is said to be one of the performers in this Chandler history musical video. Keep watch for the guy with the left inner forearm tat that looks like a moth.

The credits include a guitarist named Dawn Fitzpatrick. Usually I wouldn't have followed up on that name, glad I did.
Dawn Fitzgerald 2014 Gaspésia: these young people who sing Chandler

Photo matches one of the members in this band Northern.

He talks about the local paper mill factory as he does currently also.

The Gaspésia, the former pulp and paper mill, left scars still visible to Chandler. At a time when the decontamination of the ground is not yet complete and is stalling, the Chandlers wish to see this page of their history turn. Especially young people between the ages of 20 and 30

Among these young people, sons of former workers from Gaspésia, whose closure in 1999 caused the loss of 500 jobs. They are part of the punk-hardcore group Northern. They chose music to make their voices heard.

"I think hardcore: that's saying something is that we're not the same as the society we live in. We're on the fringes. If you have negative ideas, come and evacuate it in our show," the musician invites.

Northern's musicians saw their father or grandfather experience the closure and hope of recovery. "We can say that we were in the middle of that. "My grandfather was working there, and my father too," said Dawn Fitzpatrick. It's been a big shock to everyone. It's important not to forget how it changed our lives and how we're going to get by too.

Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:17:35 am
He used Dawn Fitzpatrick in 2014 with Radio Canada and 2016 as part of a celebration of Chandler, Quebec. Oh! I'm looking at translations into English from French. What would Dawn be?
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:20:44 am
In the original French it is still Dawn Fitzpatrick.

I'm thinking we keep the Fitzpatrick, not sure on first name yet. Especially since he uses many many names.
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:22:02 am
Typo earlier in thread. Surname is Fitzpatrick.
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:29:24 am
2016 Interview with Dawn Fitzpatrick about hardcore rock in Chandler Quebec.

Any French speakers, might be helpful to watch video and listen to interview with him. I'm curious also about any symbols, tats, etc that are seen.
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:38:28 am
Photo of him, Dawn Fitzpatrick, did graphics for this community project


2018 event in Chandler

Design work
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 12:45:11 am
And here we have 2021 in Minutes of the regular meeting of the municipal council of the City of Chandler

Demande de dérogation mineure – Monsieur Dawn Fitzpatrick

Request for minor exemption – Mr. Dawn Fitzpatrick
Title: Re: Finian Patraic AKA Fin Wolf AKA Nox Wizard AKA Dammerung AKA Maestro Holocausto
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 03:21:48 am
Claims to be "Micmac" or Metis.

His father's Facebook is public. He is alive so I don't feel comfortable naming him or his wife, especially since I see no sign of him supporting his son's current b.s.

My quest can be duplicated by searching Facebook for Fitzpatrick in Chandler, Quebec. Look for the page with moose hunt antlers. There is a 2019 photo of his family.

Dawn Fitzpatrick's father can also be found in articles concerning snowmobiling.

No discussion of involvement in Métis or First Nation community. Clicking around on his father's FB friends doesn't turn up any either.

My father gave me the Irish family name and lineage, but we have been born in America since the 1700s.

I am a North American, and a Gaspesian

I still have parts of my family that have no clue about indigenous traditionalism and the importance of the revival.

My blood boils with native and European ancestry. And I fight every day to go back to my Gaspesian belonging, in sometimes ugly and questionable ways.

If I go back to a time when sheltering, hunting or fighting for existence was the only truth, it was crucial for men to be men and women to be women

Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto, Other Racist Nam
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 03:56:34 am
I am an active musician, done 9 years of classical music, I play all kinds, but I kept black metal away for all these years because I just wasn’t ready for it.

Content warning for quote below:

There is a lot of mysteries and untold stories about the natives, and my project speaks about that. I try not to unleash the truth about the culture, but in exposing the dark side of it (wild hunt, torture cults, fire dancing, scalp collecting, to mention a few). I would say I do not speak for the natives. I am a lone wolf. But Ifernach is definitely a native Miq’maw inspired black metal band.

Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: educatedindian on June 08, 2024, 01:04:05 pm
Thanks for each of you working on this.

"Inspired" being almost an admission it's not Native, and then saying he wants to expose Natives as violent, barbaric.

Likely Irish ancestry even if he falls for Nuage "Gaelic" claims. Any sign of any NDN, even distant?

The book I'm working on is about Natives in metal and punk music. There's a little section on racists posing as Native to spread confusion. Surprisingly, none in the US. Dawn is the only one in Canada so far. Most are in Mexico, white or mixed Mexicans claiming to be Aztec and saying it's a good thing they were conquered because they were savages.
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 06:02:52 pm
His father is somewhat of a public figure, in the snowmobiling communities, also on FB, so I'm thinking tis fine to identify.

Dale Fitzpatrick of Chandler Quebec is active in the local snowmobiling club, is a guide, active regionally to promote. Several mentions and interviews with him available online. No sign of him ever even doing a nod towards any heritage, no mention of the history of the land, no mention of Native communities currently. There are enough quotes from him online that I'd expect something to turn up, especially since he is a promoter and guide. 

“The people of Gaspésie are good people. Always willing to help! You will see, these are small villages and each community has its own accent, explains Dale, who also assures that English speakers will not have difficulty making themselves understood, since many Gaspé residents speak English.

Translate to English:

About Dawn Fitzpatrick:

He's a "native" so that he can claim to be indigenous to Canada and whine about Der juden across multiple projects.The more projects he starts up the worse they get too.

More trivia about Dawn - he's a Pink Floyd fan and has played in cover tribute bands, he's worked at a local youth center, describes himself as an "English-born person", left inner forearm tat looks to be a moth-man.

In my culture, the natives were strong people, fast hunters, we kinda lost our path.

Dawn never refers to actual current communities. No specifics. His references to history are general, romanticized, and pan-Indian. He metal persona is isolated, depressed, angry, grandiose. Honestly I can summarize all I've read as his claim that he can hunt moose better than local Native folks do. He is superior to everyone and the world needs to burn down.

No sign of heritage. I myself am not going try to work up genealogy on him. The surname Fitzpatrick is common, he's not given us any leads, access to records will cost money and time, and there are no signs of any communities claiming him.

Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sandy S on June 08, 2024, 07:37:18 pm
I keep recording and reading. And learning the native language. Ankami, Wije’wi. Kiwaja’lin, We’kwata’si… I have a surprise release for Halloween eve. A tribute to horror, something a little off-series for Ifernach.

Dawn Fitzpatrick may be learning from something like this language resource manual

The words he used could translate into something like: look at me, come with me, I am lonely, I am scared.
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sandy S on June 09, 2024, 05:32:04 pm
Thinking about the Reich, walking straight, sporting a fresh haircut, wearing one of the best uniforms out there, living in discipline and majesty.

I can tell that ‘indigenous black metal’ doesn’t mean all the bands agree on the same page. Of course, we could unite for a war to kick out the English Crown and Colonialism, or to kill Christianity for good – but what about protecting our land from the rising of Allah’s disciples?

He claims he is Native as an excuse to be anti-immigrant.

Irish on his father's side, very likely French on mother's. No current connection with any Native heritage, no signs either in parents and extended family/friends. No apparent effort to learn or work with an indigenous community. He is disdainful, superior, and emphasizes hate.

Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: cellophane on June 10, 2024, 03:05:36 am
The book I'm working on is about Natives in metal and punk music. There's a little section on racists posing as Native to spread confusion. Surprisingly, none in the US. Dawn is the only one in Canada so far. Most are in Mexico, white or mixed Mexicans claiming to be Aztec and saying it's a good thing they were conquered because they were savages.

I assume you've seen this list?
Referenced here:
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: educatedindian on June 10, 2024, 09:27:53 pm
The book I'm working on is about Natives in metal and punk music. There's a little section on racists posing as Native to spread confusion. Surprisingly, none in the US. Dawn is the only one in Canada so far. Most are in Mexico, white or mixed Mexicans claiming to be Aztec and saying it's a good thing they were conquered because they were savages.

I assume you've seen this list?
Referenced here:

Yes, seen a lot of online lists on forums to try and track all these groups down. Starting with the first black metal and extreme metal groups, there's a lot of hiding behind made up names, using corpsepaint, and having lots of projects under different names. The names get pretty ridiculous, trying to be mysterious and ominous by calling yourself Lord Kitty Cat Defiler or whatever. I saw an interview with Alice Cooper where he laughed about it. He went to Norway and all these groups that wear paint and growl like the cookie monster were coming up to him turned into timid nerds nervously saying "We love your music Mr. Cooper" in the most awkward voices you can imagine.

I'll start a thread listing as many of these imposters as I can name.
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sparks on June 11, 2024, 01:21:37 am
I'll start a thread listing as many of these imposters as I can name.

It's here:

[Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native]
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: educatedindian on June 13, 2024, 10:43:49 pm
Dawn has a Misfits cover band, Skulls 138. Doubt if most of their small audiences know he's a Nazi. There are more pictures there showing how fair skinned he is. He also put out a rap song, seriously. It was much mocked by those realizing Nazis definitely shouldn't try to rap.
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sandy S on June 15, 2024, 08:53:18 pm
His mother has a French surname.

The family has photos up from the 60s and 70s of teens in scouts and sport groups, which include Dawn's father. Mother has a photo up of herself when she was around 6 years old or so.

I don't want to give Dawn any ideas on how he could fake it more.

If his claims were true I'd expect to find indicators, I don't. Nothing.

All evidence points to this family being non-Native, white, solid middle class.

Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sandy S on June 15, 2024, 10:09:56 pm
Comment in a reddit discussion:

Dude has such an identity crisis. On the one hand, he wants to cosplay as an indigenous person, and be taken seriously as such, but on the other hand he defiles indigenous cultural icons (such as the dream catcher on the Moosegut album cover) with a swastika. An album about hunting... he's just an edgelord that's hard to take seriously
38fangz is said to also be him: Tracks include "Tribal Stompin' (Don't Give A Fuck)" and "Witches & Does".
He has more tats. He performed at the May 2024 Steelfest in Finland, both as Ifernach and as a session guitarist for other groups.
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sparks on June 16, 2024, 01:46:23 am
Comment in a reddit discussion:

It's this one:
Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: Sandy S on June 16, 2024, 02:03:57 am
Here is Dawn Fitzpatrick's maternai grandfather obit translated to English:

All their ancestors I've found so far in census are listed as versions of Nationality: Canada, Race or Tribe: French.

Most Deguays in this area have a common ancestor who came from France in the mid 1750s or so. 

Title: Re: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names
Post by: educatedindian on July 08, 2024, 08:59:34 pm
I received accounts from those who've known Dawn a long time. It's confirmed he has zero ties or Native ancestry at all.

Dawn's impersonation began in 2015. It's pretty much a game for him. He lives a comfortable middle class life most of the time, just like his parents. But online he plays at being NDN and plays at being a white supremacist hoping to get as many to talk about him as possible.

There's some speculation it may be mental illness and worry he could be drawn into something dangerous. Some who've known him a while are angry with him over his games and harm he's done.