General => Frauds => Topic started by: Diana on December 01, 2006, 09:59:17 am

Title: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Diana on December 01, 2006, 09:59:17 am
Does anyone now anything about this guy? I tried to look him up in the archives but didn't find anything. Goes by the name William Jervis. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. I found this on 500 nations message board:

"10-11-2006   tour in europe
if your from a native tribe and like earn some money be on tv and radio and would like to work with me and you can paid your ticket to europe.  we can help you make some good money.  must be from a native tribe
email me for detills
we need to speak in front of people"

This sounds a little scary, especially for naive young people. He also has a myspace profile. Claims he is Indian, but doesn't look Indian to me.

Lim lemtsh


[just changed title]
Title: Re:
Post by: educatedindian on December 01, 2006, 03:53:05 pm
"american indian henry red cloud will be in luxemburg jan 18 2006 at 8pm, this speaking event
for american indian red cloud is a free event to the public.the event at haus vun natur
route de luxemburg L-1899 kockelscheuer
everyone welcome to see red cloud jan 18 2006
at 8pm at the house of nature"

Henry Red Cloud is pretty well known for working on projects to restore the buffalo herds.


I could see how the announcement is worded could attract the wrong people, and NDNs do get used over in Europe quite a bit (you should hear some of the stories Annika knows), but this guy looks more like another European infatuated with NDNs, not frauds like we usually deal with.
Title: Re:
Post by: frederica on December 01, 2006, 08:43:34 pm
He advertizes on Manataka. "New European Indian Club Organized", of Luxemburg Europe, No Fee, No Dues. Does do some "alternative medicine". He states NDN type. But no description. frederica
Title: Re:
Post by: TheRebel on February 14, 2007, 04:04:32 pm
Seems like you all miss the funny part on his myspace profile :

Body type:   0' 4" / Athletic
     He is 0 feet and 4 inches tall  :D Lmao!!!

  Seems like another mixed up backwoods country Kentucky boy  :-\ Right there is a red flag in my opinion. Can anyone see a "ceremony" in a studio to make the artists music pure and in balance and all that wacky crap before the tape starts rolling ?  I can.  If you can think it up people like this are doing it

Also I have noticed

I can betya the goldengate bridge this is what he uses to lure people in, after all these type of folks have just got to be something real big, especially in his case , for the man is only 4 inches tall. :P
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 14, 2007, 06:38:02 pm
 First of all Rebel I do hope you were not bashing Kentucky Natives as I my self am one, although it would not be the first time, I just don't understand the way people see people from Kentucky.

I emailed this Osiyo kid when I believe it cam up on the forum before, I am unable to find his response, but he called me a wannabe and was very nasty in his email. A lot of what he said was contradictory. He did say the Europeans "respect indians more than people in the US does". He is very mislead. He does respond to his emails very fast, perhaps someone else can get a feel about this kid through a email. I think he wants attention and knows nothing of what he speaks.
Title: Re:
Post by: Ingeborg on February 14, 2007, 08:17:22 pm

I just did a netsearch.... He goes by the names of
- William Jervis
- William Firewalker (93 sites)
- Will Firewalker (406 sites)

and suffers from MAS - Multiple Address Syndrom:
jervis9 at
osiyofirewalker at
luxemburgindian123 at
jerviswilliam at
W_Jervis00 at

He also does not seem to be quite sure where exactly he resides in Luxemburg, because as William Jervis, he says he's living in the town of Wickrange, whereas (in the same forum, just a few entries below!) as Will Firewalker, he's living in Esch-Alzette. He used the osiyofirewalker address for both entries.

There are umpteenhundred entries in Meetup forums, e.g. weight watchers ("im an american indian in luxemburg willing to give american indian tips to lose weight..."), yoga, meditation, pagan, alternative health, shamanism, naturism, reiki, teen vampire, expat Indians, energy healers.
On a French language forum, "Will Firewalker" left an English language message:
"im a [sic!] american indian teacher in luxemburg..."
"im american indian in luxemburg i give native healing massages and need freinds[sic] email jerviswilliam at"
Several entries in meetup forums claim he was "lonely".

Another site that came up:
The address used here was luxemburgindian123 at

The only serious site coming up was this report about him having organized an event for Henry Red Cloud on his second tour here which apparently brought Jervis into contact with serious and honest people over here. He even claimed to be a Luxemburg contact for GfbV (Society for endangered Peoples) according to the report.
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 15, 2007, 05:33:10 am
 ::) Sorry Rebel,
I just went to Williams my space and noticed he called himself a " backwoods country" from Kentucky. I just hear so many remarks made about Kentuckians, I do get touchy about it.
Title: Re:
Post by: frederica on February 15, 2007, 06:18:07 am
Remember too he advertizes on Manataka the Twinkie Hub of the Universe or second to Sedona, where they have a branch.   frederica
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 18, 2007, 07:38:09 pm
 ;D So William who are you?? I know you are reading this board come on in and let us KNOW who you are!!!!!

william jervis
Wickrange · October 14, 2006

"I want these local Meetups because im a american indian spritual teacher folks who want learn teaching can email me name fire"

Learn how you could meet william jervis  will firewalker

will firewalker
Esch-Alzette · August 8, 2006

Learn how you could meet will firewalker .

HMMMMMM.                                                                 Weheli
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 22, 2007, 02:55:02 am
 Well here is some insight into "Willie From his my space;
 My chats back and forth with William from someone name William Burchett as the sender.

What type of Naive Drums/Music are you interested in and how do they get in touch with you?

the   address for  native artists to mail cds is
willie jervis
europe radio productions
39 rue de la montee
luxembourg europe
you can also suppy this address to other native bands that want radio airplay
im   also in event planing stages for a europe event  its a slow process  has
im still trying to get companys   as sponsors to fund another  native  tour project
but you can send cds for radio and  email for updates on other projects
Thanks for your quick response, I did notice you have some native projects you are working on, are they tours?  How would drums coming to LUX get to tour?

the best thing for  native drumer if there comeing to luxembourg is to contact me   like right now
its hard  to arrange  last  moment  events for  anyone
if  a  drum group touring   they can contact me    i have helped on some tours.
 we need to know more about you and your heritage as well as your past adventures with touring groups. The Council would like this information.

im from sacred buffalo mountain, eastern kentucky   ive  don,t see what  me helping  native american indians
has to do with me?    i   have  now     other tribal members   that want earn  money for there tribe,
ive had some  famous native americans at my home who trust me  with all thats in them,  im going
call them   to help there tribe,  sence they earn  alot money during there last event with me,
there natives that tour  europe  all really    so   i can just   add them  to   my list to tour  here
this way less hassle
ive  went to  native councils  before   and found that  its very hard to get anywhere with tribal counsel
better to work with  free lance native  americans, who belong to a tribe and raise funds for there people
i do want thank you for your time and support
i have two tribes  who our willing to   help me now

 Osiyo William,
I am sorry I upset you, or it seems that way. We were only trying to do things the right way. As for sacred Buffalo Mountain in Eastern Kentucky there is no mountain by that name. I am so sorry you feel the way you do, you must have been burnt badly by some one.

actually there is   a sacred buffalo mountain in eastern kentucky    about 13 miles east of prestonburg ky
it  use to not be on the us map,     NOT  many cherokee know the place is even there,the muntain not
listed on the web or maps as its a sacred place for the cherokee indians,   my people  our there there
vast numbers of cherokees there,  and  sacred  cherokee cave homes,  its never been open to the public
and the lands and cherokee grave  sites well protected, kentucky long ago was a safe haven and happy
hunting grounds to the natives  ,   those natives who did not want change here name and be drove  to the
rez  settle deep in those lands,  if tribes got in there they be chaotic   and they try move all the  evidence
of  cherokee in that area,   we dont want  people theatening  the sites,
in the past  ive had some tribal   circles back out of deals.
So here we have someone, Willie??? who says he is indian, conducts ceremonies and is a Spiritual Leader from Sacred Buffalo Mountain in Kentucky, which does not and never has been there!! More Facts will be posted as to what is going on here???

Title: Re:
Post by: TheRebel on February 22, 2007, 07:12:10 am
Wow !  :o This guy is really messed up !  :o
How dillusional can one get to believe in such a lie that one actually believes a mythical place really exsits!

Goes to show if you think you have heard and seen it all just wait.

 weheli , I'm sorry for my late reply to your post , about backwoods Kentucky folk. I do apologize for that as well. no harm here , was a misunderstanding yes? I really don't think that way of Kentucky folk, I have a friend that is Kentuckian.

Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 22, 2007, 05:46:24 pm
This mornings email from Willie although it says it was sent by Sue Miller??

  I do have a couple questions, You said to me that you wondered why you helping native Americans has anything to do with you being Native American. I also read that you are a Spiritual leader and that you have Cherokee blood in your viens, being from Kentucky.   
I was wondering what Cherokee Elder/medicine man gave you the rights to be a Spiritual Leader or to do ceremonies? Just curious I guess

my great cherokee grandmother was a spears,
i grew up in buffalo mountain with medicine people, my uncle medicine man
all the   people appoved me. as im loved by the people, also i trained under
cherokee rolling thunder,  cherokee  big wolf, and many others,  i ran sweat
inpi  and pipe cermonys for the lakota indians for 13 years all across the usa
alot lakota elders send there sons to me for medicine  training  so they learn
the way and jouney,  i do alot of cermonys with lakota  medicine men  as im
well trusted with them and many other tribes
nice chating with you too, actually im  due to go  kolin germany and do a cermony
with  a lakota medicine man,   im a member of the lakota warrior society and was
made  a  lakota  teacher by a entire lakota  medicine circle and made  a  relation
under one of the 7 sacred lakota rites,  i chat now and then with cherokees across
the world
Well here we have it in his own words. What a fake.
Title: Re:
Post by: frederica on February 22, 2007, 05:53:38 pm
So now he is Lakota, and not Cherokee??  That does speak for itself. frederica
Title: Re:
Post by: frederica on February 22, 2007, 06:43:41 pm
Here is one of his "teachers" Cherokee Rolling Thunder (John Pope).             frederica
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 22, 2007, 10:27:49 pm
 Found this already on one of the posts, a phone # a Lux #????:


The Native American Indian Club of  Luxemburg, Europe was formed recently.  No fees or dues.   

For more information or to join:  or   352-061-925685 Firewalker Jervis, Director.

If you are in the LUX area can you give this a call????
                                                                         Wado Weheli :-\



Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on February 23, 2007, 12:34:47 am
 Here are facts;

(1 There is no William Jervis in Luxemburg, the only person registered is a Monika  Jervis, and she doesn't live in the towns mentioned by him, but in the town of Strassen.
If he's not using internet cafes, he should have a phone. There's two possibilities: it's the one registered under Monika (mother, wife...), or he he did not want his number to be published in the phone book. In this case, the info service don't have him. It takes a lot to get anything in the way of an address mentioned by the service people, so I was very lucky to hear as much as that. I will try again during the next days and make them give me Monika's no., then I can try to phone that and see whether I probably get a man answering the phone

(2 There is a very well-known radio station in Luxemburg (also operating private TV stations meanwhile) which can be listened to more or less all over Europe. As he's not with them, I had the notion that at least that part of his claims was b.s.
One of the sites I found seems to be run by US army vets (he left an entry in their guestbook) - perhaps Al could look into that, being a vet himself, it's probably way easier for him to find out whether that person probably is in some way connected to the army (his parents?).

(3 the   address for  native artists to mail cds is
willie jervis
europe radio productions
39 rue de la montee
luxembourg europe
Okay, bad news: I googled for this company --- no entries, nada, zero!

I will give it another try at the telephone info service and see whether this company gets me a phone number, but I would be very surprised if it does. You can't just walk in, order a phone, and tell them: Oh, just put it in the phone books as this and that company. They'd want to see some documents. Unfortunately, I cannot ask the info service what people they get listed under that address he gave you - they're not allowed to tell.

As he signed that mail with "willie", I also googled for Willie Jervis. Bingo! Bloke does a country programme on some ARA Radio which as far as I can tell is an alternative radio project who will let near enough anybody on air - just walk in and tell them you'd like to go on air with this and that, and if they got space, there you are. It seems to be something like a community project/open radio project. If he's a DJ there, that's nothing to write home about - no paid job for sure.

Oh, and apparently Jervis contacted Arigon Starr as a DJ from ARA Radio and mentioned the same project as in the mail to you.... Starr's site came up googling for "Willie Jervis" and it's about the third paragraph from top.

People in Luxemburg speak French (ahem) and some sort of German (ahhh), so I can contact them and ask about Jervis.  I have the very strong suspicion that this production company Jervis mentions is just an upfront to contact ndn artists and make them send him their CDs, for free of course, so he needn't buy stuff he plays on his radio show. (As far as I know, production companies here very gladly give free CDs to radio stations to get their stuff on air - if you gotta buy, you're doing stuff for community/alternative radios and such.)

(4During this Red Cloud tour, Jervis got into contacts e.g. with the German branch of LPDC and its head Dr. Michael Koch - and all I've seen by and heard of him, he's absolutely honest. The bloke who published the report which mentions Jervis - well, he's well-meaning, but not always well informed and will also publish stuff about people about as genuine as a 3-Dollar-bill... That Red Cloud tour was in 2006, and Jervis must have been in Europe at that time, or else he wouldn't have been able to organize an event for Red Cloud in Luxemburg.

(5 The report is written by the site maintainer; her name is Cornelia Bauer, e-mail; in reference to Red Cloud Tour.

All people and organisations mentioned here (well, except for Jervis) are honourable and have a good reputation. Michael Koch has been with the German LPDC for years meanwhile, and he does a great job. Frank Langer has a huge website on ndn issues.

(6352-061-925685 Firewalker Jervis, Director.

The way the number is written down, you won't get connected.
Country code: 00352
regional code: 061 ----- BUT drop the 0 in combination with int.code!
so it reads: 00352 61 925685
Just phoned - voice mail-box!

I also googled Jervis' ndn club - no entries other than what Jervis put up himself in the way of announcements. Thanks Ingeborg for of these facts.
So is he still in LUX or is he back in Kentucky??

On a name search there is a William Jervis, 42, in Prestonsburg, KY. :o So this is the research on this guy. Anybody know anything else??

                                                                      Wado Weheli

                                                                            Wado Weheli



Title: Re:
Post by: firewalker123 on April 28, 2007, 03:54:45 pm
if  anyone looking for me  firewalker  im  in kentucky at moment  ,but you email me at
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on April 28, 2007, 10:37:46 pm
Osiyo Dohitsu Oginali, Willie,
So as you have read above there are many questions you have never answered.
Are you a medicine man and if so how did you come one?
I have checked with many Eastern Cherokee, being one myself and NO ONE has ever heard of sacred buffalo mountain. Exactly where is it??

You have said you are a spiritual leader, how did this come about?

Who are all these Elders you know?

I have checked with Lakota People and they have never heard of you and so where did you hole the inipi and Lakota ceremonies and who exactly gave these rights to you. This is not Lakota tradition according to my Lakota Kola.

There is much more in the posts above that perhaps you can help clear up.
                                                                                 Weheli ;)
Title: Re:
Post by: steph on May 04, 2007, 05:15:38 pm
I know william only by emails. But on the BOP-site  he is registered as a Native American. He told me that his grand-mother was Cherokee. He participate in a support group for Native American Indian prisoners. I saved an email from him telling us that he can help NA prisoners with their art-work. I contacted him but I did not get any reply from him. For me it is hard to believe that he has lived a long time in USA or is us citizen because of his English.
I doubt that William is well known in Luxembourg. I think he is just looking for friends. I know that some europeans feel attracted by Native American cultures and admire them. Maybe that is one reason why William posts so many ads online. Maybe he wants attraction
Title: Re:
Post by: Juliet on May 06, 2007, 03:25:57 pm
Once upon a time, second graders wrote better sentences than this assumed high school graduate (or am I giving him too much credit?) does now.  Victoria was Queen in those days.

The danger of that semi-literate screed is that people won't try to read it, but simply either blank it out, or decide that he must really be Indian, because 'everybody knows' that Indians don't do well in white schools, and he probably did worse because he was so spiritual and all.

Scare yourselves imagining how badly hurt someone could be trying to follow his semi-literate directions for a 'ceremony', over and beyond the hazards of performing the 'ceremony' to begin with.
Title: Re:
Post by: medicine man on May 22, 2007, 05:42:51 pm




peace and  freindship
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on May 22, 2007, 06:09:44 pm
Hey Willie,

Now you Post as Medicine Man????? From the thread you have been emailed and there is not much left to say. eh????
Title: Re:
Post by: Maggie on May 22, 2007, 08:00:00 pm
It appears he knows all these "people" personally....if you get my drift.
Title: Re:
Post by: steph on May 23, 2007, 01:44:48 pm

peace and  freindship

firewalker uses to write "freindship" or "freind"  either instead of friend  :o.  I guess medicine man is firewalker  ??? ???
Title: Re:
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on May 23, 2007, 09:12:04 pm
As people have already worked out, these two IDs: firewalker123 and medicine man both post from the same IP address and are likely the same person. I have deleted the latter ID. Any further sock puppetry wil result in an immediate ban.
Title: Re:
Post by: weheli on May 24, 2007, 12:17:19 am
I know how lonley life can be and the internet can become a best friend. It would be a good thing to just come into the forum as Willie/oyisofirewalker and join in the research. Eh?
                                                                   Wado Weheli :)
Title: Re:
Post by: rob on May 25, 2007, 01:00:23 pm
He has two pictures on the meetup forums. Vague pictures, but he lookes very caucasian.
As I live next to Luxembourg, I looked up the phone number. In Belgium and Luxembourg you are allowed to do the reverse surch : type in a phone number and you get the address. But it said non-existing.
Title: Re:
Post by: coffee_drinker on May 25, 2007, 01:14:30 pm
wiiliam, if you read this, get rid of the confederate flag behind you. Last time I heard the civil war has been over with many years now. Another thing, that flag behing you may be a battle flag but the meaning behind it is very racist. Hard to take anyone serious as a spiritual teacher or otherwise with a flag like that hanging behind you.
Title: Re:
Post by: steph on May 25, 2007, 04:19:42 pm
a further email address is timbermandog at yahoo com but unde´r this address he doesn't post much on NA issues.
Title: Re:
Post by: Ingeborg on August 12, 2007, 02:51:50 pm
William Jervis aka firewalker meanwhile has given some effort to spread info about his alleged 'Native American Indian Club of Luxembourg' - a google research shows a total of 372 entries for it, most of them dating from this summer.

What's new is that he openly advertizes ceremonies by now.

Here's some of the sites I found. There are many entries in guest books of all sorts, there are also messages Jervis placed with portals for the European nudist scene, writing nudists will enjoy coming to the Club's premises in Luxemburg.

luxembourg: native american indian club of luxembourg
native american indian events and cermonys
contact firewalker

published: Tuesday, June 5, 2007

New Reply
native american indian club of luxembourg europe

11 July 2007, 02:33:20 pm




Author  yonabear
Joined: 05 May 2007
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:28 am    Post subject: NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN CLUB OF LUXEMBOURG
Welcome to native american indian club of luxembourg
sweatlodge cermonys of the american indians in luxembourg europe
luxembourg sweatlodge small.jpg
Group Leader: 3425walker (58)
Number of Moderators: 0
Group Started: Jul 17, 2007
Group Type: Public
Last Update: Jul 17, 2007
eBay Groups Usage Policy  |  Group Charter
Showing posts 1 - 1 of 1

“native american indian club ???
Joined: Sun Jul 29
Comments: 10
ISP Location: Kraainem, Belgium

the native american indian club has a free sweatlodge sauna and does camping and work shops as well as american indian cermonys check our web site if interested
YouTube - native american indian club of luxembourg europe
native american indian club of luxembourg europe
Comment showing up: The message violated community guidelines

Friday June 1, 2007
12:23 PM
EMAIL we have lakota events in luxembourg 2007


Male, aged 35
Last activity: August 8, 2007


fires interests:

Music   telphone number of the native american indian sauna jos 691966210
Films   telphone number if your club in luxembourg needs our support 661925685
TV   native american sweatlodge cell phone 691966210 in luxembourg
books   native american indian camping in luxembourg no fee and its free to camp at our campsite
heroes   native american indian outdoor camping in luxembourg telphone 661925685

fires Details
Status:   Single
Sternzeichen:   aquarius

fires networks
dancing - production - film director
sweatlodge leader

fires info
about me:
THE NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN FREINDS CLUB, IS A LUXEMBOURG CLUB THAT SUPPORTS AMERICAN INDIAN CHARITYS, WE ALSO HAVE A SWEATLODGE SAUNA THAT FREE TO USE ON SUNDAYS AND ,PEOPLE CAN AKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR WEEKEND CAMPING OUR CLUB WORKS TO HELP LUXEMBOURG CLUBS WHO OUR STRUGGLEING WITH STAYING ALIVE, we help other clubs with activies to help clubs and groups in luxembourg with projects, our role is to support american and luxembourg relations, our club native american singing with drums, we can do all sorts of karoke music, we do native druming,native healing sweatlodge sauna cermonys
Whom I'd like to meet:
oct 15 hendy red cloud of the lakota indians will be at centre culturel of sandweiler oct 16 2007 hendy red cloud lakota will be at ecole ale lycee montagne de l ecole 4102 esch/alzette oct 16 2007 lakota american indian red cloud will be at centre culturel of reckange/mess
ad for his 'sweatlodge sauna' at a nudist port
Lakota Indians In Luxembourg Europe
Monday, October 15, 2007 - Wednesday, October 17, 2007
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

centre culturel of sandweiler
luxembourg, Luxemburg 1247
(Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps)

centre culturel of sandweiler oct 15 2007 at 7pm

the world most famous lakota indian in luxembourg europe
for more detills email the native american indian club of luxembourg europe

The most popular nudist forums on the web, with over 17000 members that participate in live chat and message board topics related to the nudist lifestyle. - 63k -
 Moderators: Bartamus, CoreyCFI, Corky, ercNY, NakedGary,  more...
PascoDoug, Sandman, Unwired

New Member
Location: luxembourg
Registered:: July 20, 2007
Posts: 12
Posted July 20, 2007 03:43 AM   
we have a native american indian sweatlodge in luxembourg europe and you can be nude here in luxembourg
Added by firewalker on May 27, 2007
Title: Re:
Post by: frederica on August 12, 2007, 04:16:54 pm
Hope "Yonabear" is not the Jerry Edwards of the Chickamauga Cherokee of Kentucky. He popped up about that time and has since disappeared again. At least off the internet.  frederica
Title: Re:
Post by: TheRebel on October 10, 2007, 08:31:30 am (

Entry from blog:

   10 Aug 2007, 12:25 am / Happy
native american indian sweatlodge inpi luxembourg europe

the native american indian group supports

the native path,

native american freinds of lux

Category: Activities
Type: Public
Created: Aug 10, 2007
Members: 5
Views: 38
Location: Luxembourg
   Group Creator:
luxembourg europe

native american indian group in luxembourg europe
that has native american indian events weekly
Title: Re:
Post by: firewalkerspeaks on March 12, 2008, 01:41:01 pm

is  getting this  bad  rap

firewalker  aware  of  all the bad things  being sad about him,

and the folks  at   NAFPS FORUM   SHOULD  be  ashame  to allow this form  about this guy go on

firewalker   has  done so much  for the american indians  and,   he keeps getting   all this false rummor

materal   listed on this  web site,

this  is  2008    the  american indian  has changed


well  there
IN  EUROPE THAT  DOES   sweatlodge cermony  all  across europe

these  our  real  life  LAKOTA INDIANS WHO DO  sweatlodge in europe   

american indians  travel  to  europe   al  year long  and they do   sacred sweatlodge
right  in europe   
does  this  make   a  real  american indian fake  because they  do   a sacred cermony in europe

i  would  say not,     these  american indians  our  native american indians no matter where they

people should really get there facts  stright  before  they  just keep running down folks name
without  a  cause,

cause and effect   when  you harm  one american indian name   you harm  another american indians







WHAT  I SEE here  is people talking  without  any  facts

and   who  next    to be  LABLE  A FAKE OR FRAUD

will the   the  lame deers  be  lable  a  fraud  at

just  because the  practice  sacred ways in  europe,

take  a look  around  you,   even   on  the   rez     
whites   our doing  sweatlodge

what  about  michael  hull   who  does    who white  and does  the  sundance

for the lakota,  his  he  a fake to   when he approved to do   sundance by elders

personally     question  yourself    before   you post

and ask  yourself

this  question       

why  try   hurt    someone you dont know?




the native american indians visit europe  because in the good old usa
nobody  helps them,
and  when  native american indians visit europe there welcome
with open arms,  and welcome to  people homes
the  native  american indians who visit  europe have familys to feed on the rez
they  have  needs that  need  meet,   they dont get  a fare chance in the usa
so   they  go europe  to  get that chance,

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on March 12, 2008, 01:56:20 pm
Out you go, through the door marked 'Idiots'.

Everyone, that was William Jervis - the subject of this thread - pretending to be someone else.

Another email address to add to his growing list:
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: frederica on March 12, 2008, 02:09:34 pm
well, lets see he is from Kentucky, talks of the Sacred Mountain there that no one knows anything about. Advertizes on Manatanka, and everywere else that will let him. Send in other people to speak for him. States he is Cherokee, sells traditions he shouldn't be selling. Not sure why he now has Lakota ties. That's a new one.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Tsisqua on March 12, 2008, 02:58:35 pm
Sounds like a real nut job to me....just my humble opinion  ::)
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: earthw7 on March 12, 2008, 03:57:49 pm
I read all the post and know this guy post on here so he can read this.
Second there is a protection order by Avrol looking Horse and he need
to read that. Plus he has no right to use the Red Cloud name.

The adoption ceremonies of my people the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota are
called Hunka ceremonies.
I would like to explain a little about them.
What they are and what they are NOT.

The adoption ceremonies are a ceremonies to adopt an individual into a family.
When you lose a family member you have the right to adopt a member.
When you are close to a person for a long time you have the right to adopt
them as a member of your family.
This relationship is sarced.

The right as a Hunka relatived are to care for your new family as they care for you.

Now for what they are NOT.
There has never been a person who has been adopted into the Lakota or Dakota or Nakota
Nation. This has not happen in the past nor today.

The Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Nations are in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Nebraska,
Minnesota, three Canadain States. in order for a person to be adopted into the nation
it would have to be OKed by all of the nations and bands. I can tell it has never happened.

What right the adoptees Do Not have:
They have No Rights to ceremonies,
They have NO Rights to our stories
They have NO Rights to medicine,
They have No Rights to inherit medicine men names,
They have No Right to names,
They have NO Right to speak for our nations
They have No Right to speak for our governments,
They Have No Rights to speak for the adopted families,

If a person claims to be adopted by the Lakota or Dakota or Nakota
If a person claim to be taught medicine by a Lakota or Dakota or Nakota

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Tsisqua on March 12, 2008, 04:10:25 pm
There is a woman on Tribal America who too claims to have been adopted by the Lakota...and claims to be a Lakota Pipe Carrier and conducts ceremonies etc.....yet she is white and Armanien....this woman is called KeepsTheFire aka Kimberly Ann...we have a thread in the NAU Forum:
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: earthw7 on March 12, 2008, 09:19:29 pm
I know they are everywhere with false claims to our way.
I wish we could round them up and put them all
in a room
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: MikePutfus on March 13, 2008, 05:22:35 am
I know little of the rules and laws of the Northern Nations. For Our Nation and Tribe there are different types of adoptions. The only full membership applies to children. Once adopted by AZ State Laws, and Tribal Laws the child is no different than one born to us. Nor should that child be treated any different than any other child.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Diana on March 13, 2008, 06:38:16 am
Hi all, I haven't been able to log on for quite a while. I don't know if it's my computer or what. Any hoo, last year I received a PM from someone called Medicine Man about William Jervis, I thought this might be kind of interesting.

medicine man
Guest      firewalker
« Sent to: Diana on: May 22, 2007, 10:50:53 am »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »      




Here is my reply:



Posts: 13

I Love YaBB 2!

         Re: firewalker
« Sent to: on: May 22, 2007, 01:17:28 pm »      

To whom ever sent me this message, to be perfectly frank, my nephew saw a message on 500 inviting Indians to Luxembourg. I believe it was someone calling themselves oyisofirewalker. I cautioned him and told him I would check into it. I did, and as you can see this person oyisofirewalker, in my opinion, is some kind of crackpot. He is not an "INDIAN" as he proclaims, he is not in Luxembourg and I also found that he has been convicted of fraud for running a phony charity scam in Tennessee, which I have choose not to post on this forum. That is my interest in this guy, period.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on March 13, 2008, 09:17:27 am
That's another address he uses:

alternative healing
Offered by: medicinefire
Located in: luxembourg, Luxembourg
Skill/Service Details: if anyone wants to learn alternative healing
in luxembourg please send me a email

And at

Sanem, Luxembourg
#1May 22, 2007

Sanem, Luxembourg
#2May 22, 2007

Brussels, Belgium
#3Nov 23, 2007
best camping in europe is native american indian
camping trip in luxembourg

There's more: (

looking for a guy in luxembourg who looks into the unknow lets meet im in luxembourg europe

Me, Myself, I!
firewalke, Man, 35 Years old

Physical Description
Ethnicity?   Caucasian

And get this feeble attempt at scamming lonely guys:

Local Favorites:
I Belong To:
When I'm Not on Topix:


Yep, I'd say he looks Caucasian in that photo. Please do post what you know about anything Jervis has done.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on March 13, 2008, 01:08:25 pm
Jervis has been spamming German language forums with his fake ndn club in Luxemburg, and also offering sweats. He comes along every other month or so, and spams several threads with his junk. I posted a warning there that Jervis is a fake and doesn't know his behind from a hole in the ground.

I found another entry today in an Austrian esoteric forum:

"Author: Kangiska
date: 22/02/06

Since a week I am in contact with Firewalker who, here in Luxemburg, is not only trying to teach Indian culture [sic!] to people, but also the spirituality. Of course he is careful, because he is aware that not every European could really cope with it.

I have always taken an interest in Indian culture, but I also was aware that what is in the books is just a tiny part of what this culture really hides and also got written by persons who had a look at it, but hardly grew up in these circles.

Therefore, personally I am very glad to be able to speak to someone who knows what he is talking about.

If he agrees, I will gladly pass on part of his teachings, but he already made clear that part of it is only passed on from mouth to ear and I will therefore not write it down here, out of respect for him and his culture.

Well, the 'teachings' must have been done with, since this was 'Kangiska's' only entry in this thread. The lady has her own website which does not mention Jervis at all, and she is active in numerous forums on witchcraft, magic, paganism, esoterics etc.

As to Jervis' using the address of 'redcloudtour' - apparently Jervis was involved with the Red Cloud tour in 2006 when he organized an event in Luxemburg for him. It is rather unfortunate that Jervis' name gets mentioned with most honourable persons in this respect, although many reports about the 2006 tour have been taken off-line meanwhile. Jervis announced another event for the 2007 tour which apparently never materialized... I suppose people soon found out Jervis is a sad sack and wouldn't let him organize any follow-up. So Jervis still tries to use Red Cloud's name for his own promotion.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: earthw7 on March 13, 2008, 03:20:35 pm
I know little of the rules and laws of the Northern Nations. For Our Nation and Tribe there are different types of adoptions. The only full membership applies to children. Once adopted by AZ State Laws, and Tribal Laws the child is no different than one born to us. Nor should that child be treated any different than any other child.

That is my point these ceremonies only give them the right to the family who adopted
he should be caring for the family who adopted him and act like a relatived.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: educatedindian on March 13, 2008, 04:16:02 pm
Jervis also doesn't help his case by bringing up clearcut frauds like Michael Hull or the site. Hull is one of Mary Grimes/Mary Thunder's people, and the lamedeer site opnely sells sweats for 666 Euros.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: zoi lightfoot on April 19, 2008, 11:20:48 am
Ok Little Willie, I know you and the cat lady are reading this,consider this a warning.You are now spamming legitimately recognized representative residing in europe.Don't play twinkie with us we are a whole different ball game to the naive folks you baffle with your BS,
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Nora Melanie on April 20, 2008, 04:42:56 pm
I read a lot about William Jervis on this forum. I did not read all of it yet. I don't know if you have seen this link already. I looked at this website today.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: frederica on April 20, 2008, 06:27:37 pm
Still using that Confederate Battle Flag as a backdrop.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on April 20, 2008, 10:04:22 pm
I read a lot about William Jervis on this forum. I did not read all of it yet. I don't know if you have seen this link already. I looked at this website today.

When you open the part titled 'Indianer' (Indians) at that site, there are two more texts, one of them Jervis' biopgraphy in English:

William Firewalker was born   Feb 15 .1966 and is of mixed  bloodline   of   native american indian,  and , irish  celtic  druild  indigenous.
His mother  is of  cherokee  indian bloodline from   buffalo  villiage  in  appalachian  mountains  of eastern kentucky   trail of tears.William  Firewalkers  dad   is from ireland  of  celtic  druild  descendent.
Firewalker  has of  both   indigenous  ancestry heritiage  of  the  native american Indian and  of  irish  celtic  druild.Both  bloodlines  that are  devoted to  sacredness of mother earth, By him  having  both the bloodlines of  the  cherokee indian and  celtic  druids he  has  the  shamanic  abilites  of   two worlds, and  two  cultures,  the  celtic tradition sprituality  epitomized  into  the  druid path,Both  the druid path  and native american indian path  both share connection with  nature.
Firewalker  leans  more  into  the native american indian spritual  path,growing   up    in   a   native american  family  in  appalachian  mountains and,  being  trained  by  his grandmother   in  art  of herbs, medicines.
Firewalker  was skilled  in  the art of   omens, dream interpretation,  herbal medicine,  shamanistic practices,  ceremonialist,   meditation  instructor,massage,  energy  work,   sweatlodge inpi ceremonies, healing, vision quests
Firewalker  traveled  around the  united states 25  years,  performing  native American sweatlodge inpi  ceremonies .He  of  mixed blood  descendent,  from  ancestors  to  two  of  the world indigenous cultures,    has   increased  his  talents in  shamanic   understanding of  mother earth,
Firewalker  is a  talented  speaker,and  as well an  expert  in  the  field  of  native american ceremonies 
practices as  he  study   or  practice  with   some of the best  native  american indian , medicine people living   during  his  life time,  firewalker  conducted  thousands of  native american ceremonies  that were  taught  to  him  from  birth   and on to  this  present  time.
If   your  interested  in   hosting  this person  or booking  him for  your  next    event  or   ceremonies
contact :     
 Native American Indian Sweatlodge Sauna
Phone: 00352-661-9255685
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on April 22, 2008, 06:36:25 am
Firewalker  has of  both   indigenous  ancestry heritiage  of  the  native american Indian and  of  irish  celtic  druild.Both  bloodlines  that are  devoted to  sacredness of mother earth, By him  having  both the bloodlines of  the  cherokee indian and  celtic  druids he  has  the  shamanic  abilites  of   two worlds, and  two  cultures,  the  celtic tradition sprituality  epitomized  into  the  druid path,Both  the druid path  and native american indian path  both share connection with  nature.

Oh boy.  There's no such thing as "druid blood." 

There's not even any such thing as "Celtic blood."  "Celtic" is a language grouping, not a blood type. Having Irish ancestry doesn't make anyone a druid. It would be like saying that every PODIA is automatically a religious leader in a First Nations community.

And if that's not enough, the druids were not "shamans." They were the learned class of ancient Celtic societies - the equivalent of modern college professors, doctors, religious leaders, and other professions that take a lifetime of study and training. It was a broad category, and only *some* of the druids were religious or spiritual leaders. It was a position attained by study, skill and hard work, it was not hereditary.

There were some roles that were hereditary, but, no, not going to give flakes like that any cool terms to rip off. We have enough frauds already.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Nora Melanie on April 22, 2008, 11:09:53 am
I looked at the German website and found these information under the following link:

This is the English translation of the German text:

04-23-2008   Open Membership Meeting with Navajo Roy Pete
6 - 10 pm   Lectures
in Wickerange/Luxembourg; Place beim Hollander, 9 Rue des Cantons

Open membership meeting of the Native American Indian Friends of Luxembourg A.s.b.l. with Navajo Roy Pete. Interested people are welcome. Place beim Hollander, 9 Rue des Cantons Wickrange/Luxembourg, Date: 23 April 2008. Members will be at the location after 6 pm. For further information e-mail:

04-25-2008      Sweatlodge with Navajo Roy Pete
6 - 10 pm
in Lington/Luxemburg

Sweat lodge ceremony with Navajo Roy Pete. The ceremony will take place outside on private property. Meeting point is at Bluetime Pub at 6 pm, 24 Rue de l'Eglise L-7446 Lintgen /Luxemburg, Registration at:
Costs: 50 Euros

04-29-2008   Conference with Navajo Roy Pete
7 - 10 pm    Lectures
at Haus vun Natur, Naturschutzzenter Letzebourg, Kraizhoff, 5 Routh, Luxemburg

On 29 April, at 7 pm the American indian envionmental, spiritual conference of the American Indian Friends of Luxemburg A.S.B.L with William Firewalker and Roy Pete from the Navajo Reservation in the USA will take place. The conference is open to the public and everybody is welcome. You can ask questions about the Navajo philosophie of life. The conference location is at: Haus Vun Nature, Naturschutzzenter Letzebuerg 5, routh de luxembourg, L-1899Luxemburg; Phone number: 00352-2904041 For further information:; phone number: 00352-691966210
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Kevin on April 22, 2008, 01:39:26 pm
- this gets better and better - sacred buffalo mountain in eastern Ky - never heard of it despite living in Kentucky - must be a super secret wannabe spot, known only to a select few, the top initiates and shamans  where they gather to hop around in a circle wearing  their painted turkey feathers - I still maintain some of these belong in the comedy section
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: piya on April 22, 2008, 05:29:10 pm
Could this be the Roy Pete.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Nora Melanie on April 22, 2008, 06:16:03 pm
It looks like Roy Pete performs with the band "Big City Indians" from Austria, if it is him.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: frederica on April 22, 2008, 09:06:01 pm
Makes me wonder, he has a animal skin on his head in one of those photos. He wouldn't be welcome home with that.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Nora Melanie on April 26, 2008, 05:44:11 pm
I looked at William Jervis' profile at today. He changed it and added a new website
The new website is about his club in Luxembourg called "Native American Friends of Luxembourg".
Title: NativeAmericanIndianAssociation aka Indian Camping
Post by: Mia on July 17, 2008, 04:23:59 am
Has anybody heard of this group?  (Sorry if I missed it somewhere around here, but I don't think I recall seeing them anywhere around NAFPS...) 
Title: Re: NativeAmericanIndianAssociation aka Indian Camping
Post by: Ingeborg on July 17, 2008, 09:18:57 am
This should go into the thread we got on William Jervis aka Firewalker, living in Luxemburg. It's him.

Quote Kurzinfo
   Über mich: Wir sind ein gemeinnuetziger Verein. Unser Hauptanliegen ist die Unterstuetzung der Indianer in Amerika. Durch verschiedene Projekte und Veranstaltungen leisten wir einen kleinen Beitrag zum Erhalt ihre Kultur und zur Unterstuetzung ihrer Identitaet. **************************************************
Le but de notre association sans but lucratif est de soutenir les indiens americains, de promouvoir leur culture, d'organiser des evenements et de realiser des projets avec les amer-indiens.
We are a non-profit organization, our main aim is to support the Native Americans in promoting their culture. We organize events and projects with Native Americans.

Although it seems all three of the above versions are the same, I'd like to translate the two German sentences to English, as there are a few 'minor' differences compared to the English:
"We are a non-profit organisation. Our main aim is the support of Indians in America. By various projects and events we achieve a small contribution to keep up their culture [sic] and to support their identity."

He's also got himself another e-mail addy, cf below for German and French contacts:

Wenn Sie uns in Deutsch oder Franzoesisch schreiben moechten, bitte folgende Adresse benutzen:
Pour une reponse en Francais ou Allemand, veuillez contacter:
For an answer in English, please contact:
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Mia on July 17, 2008, 05:12:46 pm
Ahh, I see!  Thanks!  Figured he was around here somewhere, just hadn't seen the thread! 
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: chiefytiger on September 04, 2008, 03:42:06 pm
hahahaha just saw his myspace and dont look Native to me and the music is all in German too!!!.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on September 05, 2008, 12:15:32 am
WARNING: You're going to need the eye bleach after these...

myspace image (

And his friend, I assume:

myspace image (


myspace image (

OMFG, He's a Furry:

myspace image (

I hope everyone who rants about how non-Natives should be welcome at ceremonies gets a special feeling inside when they see this one:

myspace image (

Barnaby's note: Long links shortened so page will fit in browser window.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: frederica on September 05, 2008, 12:42:46 am
I  dpm't know what kind of bear that is suppose to be,  I leave it at that,  but I will  say that is the first time I have ever seen a woman in a full Headdress. Plus they are suppose to be Cherokee.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on December 06, 2008, 11:32:09 pm
William Jervis is meanwhile spamming forums both in the USA and in Germany. He had a recent,
albeit very short appearance at AITF, today he started spamming a German forum:

link (

11 posts

Re: indianer schwitzhutten, 06 Dec 2008, 10:33

This new age web site is a complete fraud

there now a group of native american indians now working to try to stop this new age web site from destorying every native american name that travels to europe

noone who speaking on this new age web site knows the american indians there talking about they just set around and talk lies

these people lie about real american indians
dont trust people who print lies about american indian people
who dont even know or have never met the american indians that they say our frauds

say no just say no to this fake and fraud web site www.newagefraud,org
this is hurting american indians who travel to europe and it hurting the american indians

There is an English language thread "new age fraud web sites" which Jervis started,
and there is one person claiming they saw proof of Jervis being enrolled:

link (

I would especially like to point out these threads started by Jervis:

link (
title: Lakota Tour in Europe (in English language)

link (
LAKOTA toy drive for xmas lakota childern

link (
native american indian music artist seeks employment

Barnaby's note. Links shortened.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: educatedindian on December 07, 2008, 12:55:59 am
He doesn't seem to be convincing anyone of anything except that he is definitely a fraud, at least in the English thread. Is it the same kind of response in the German ones?

And if the toy drive for Lakotas is not legit, can that be reported to police in the right jursidicion in Europe?

Some of the comments in that thread are worth reposting.


RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 16:15 
Stop spamming this poor forums! We hate you! You are stealing our honor as REAL people! You are embarrasing for all of us!
You are a plastic shaman, fraud, twinki and each single person with a reasonable mind recognizes and knows that.
It seems as in one of your sweatlodges your brain got too dry and burned completely. Take care of your balls if you still have them!
Shall all buffaloes and eagles accompany you, cross your path and ... shit on you forever!!!!
RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 16:40 
firewalker is a american indian
and is loved by his native people and his repected in europe
we all know about this fraud web site
and we all know it a new age site that hurts american indian people
be aware there alot of american indians
that our trying to put a stop to this
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 16:52 
YOU are an american indian?
There is nothing to say more about this lie...
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 17:41 
firewalker is a american indian
and is loved by his native people and his repected in europ

Bullshit!! You‘re INSANE! Self-absorbedand delusional psycho phantasizing about himself. Go away!
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 17:45 
well spoken, Petra...
87 Beiträge
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 18:56 

I know that firewalker is an american indian but I won‘t post it here where I got this information from.
I do understand people who don‘t want to be in touch with him. His way to make advertising on his sweat lodge is not ok but in a way crackbrained
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 19:04 
Even if he is an enrolled NA...
He does not have the right to sell ceremonies, or whatelse of our culture... And that marks a fraud in my opinion.
He is not worth to be called an NA, because of his behaviour.
It makes me sad that people like him are enrolled, and by means of that they steal our identity.

 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 22:14 
I know that firewalker is an american indian but I won‘t post it here where I got this information from.

His English is terrible and clearly shows that his first language is a European language, so he must have grown up in Europe. The photos on some of his pages show a man whose appearance is white. He comes across as utterly obnoxious and out of touch with reality. With that background, even IF here were enrolled in some tribe, I probably would not use the term "American Indian" in reference to that person. I know my Native friends would not.

87 Beiträge
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 22:24 
Hello Petra,
you can believe me that he is registered as NA in USA. But as I told before I don‘t pass the information on him that I had got. I know his English is far away from being called a Native English speaker and I saw that he made many mistakes in his English and all these things as his reddish hair, mistakes in his English make it hard for us to believe that he is a NA. As far as I know William lived in Kentucky but was also in Virginia.
I wouldn‘t state that he is a NA if I didn‘t know it better.

204 Beiträge
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 22:54 
What I find even harder to believe is his claim being " expert in the field of Native American ceremonies" as he states on his website
I mean who can seriously go ahead an make such a claim and then to top it off conduct these ceremonies in Europe for cash aggressively advertising these "events" the way he does? To me his rants come across like cheap showmanship. Even if he only was an "expert" in the ceremonies that belong to the people he claims (the Cherokee) wouldn‘t entitle him to offer Lakota style sweat lodges as advertising them as "Inipi" suggests.
And finally the fact in itself that he advertises ceremonies takes away a big deal of his credibility and only makes him look like the fraud he probably is.
I don‘t see how his activities actually "help the Native Americans" as he furthermore claims.
But since he apparently is already known in "Indian Country" let them -the involved Nations- deal with him in whatever way they choose to.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: lakotagirl on December 09, 2008, 07:53:23 am
It looks like Roy Pete performs with the band "Big City Indians" from Austria, if it is him.
hi nora,
this is him. roy pete was back in 1999 in indianvillage schoenau, lower austria. i met him there.
i was trough out the whole summerevent in schoenau to observe, help native americans and bring them to akin if they had problems etc. (working circle indigenous northamerica.....a part of the society for threathend people). i'm a member of akin since the group was founded in 1981.

but i don't know to much about this roy.....only that he likes to drink and he don't respect a sweat lodge.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: oak on December 10, 2008, 12:35:10 pm
Please take a look at this forum:

link (

It is unbelievable.

Especially this one posted by firewalkerspeaks:

"RE: new age fraud web sites, 10 Dec. 2008 13:00

sence firewalker been metion on this forum

it seems that it getting alot of attention

sence he been metion on this web site

firewalker office has requests pouring in from
all across germany of people requesting
firewalker to travel to there locations and people our agreeing to pay his way
his phone in firewalker office is ringing
off the hook requesting firewalker
to help them, we dont know how to
thank you for all your support
we want thank all our readers that our calling
and writeing into firewalker
firewalker is currently on the rez in the usa
at the moment with his people, he so over joyed that people who tryed make something
negtive now is makeing things so postive
just shows that if you try hurt someone
grandfather see that and now the winds
of change our comeing
firewalker on the rez with his people and has to
fly back soon because we just cant keep up
for all the request people asking for him

if you want reach firewalker best reach him
at his email address

by the way everbody knows firewalker dont
sell sweatlodge or any kind of cermonies
that all a bunch of crap
if you need a cermony"

Here is the link (

I would like to write more, but I'm in a hurry today.


Barnaby's note: links shortened.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on December 10, 2008, 09:26:46 pm
Please take a look at this forum:

It is unbelievable.

Especially this one posted by firewalkerspeaks:

link (

"...native americans have allways showed there love to all races of people
and they used there medicine to heal the
hearts,minds and bodys of others"

No Native person would talk about "native americans" as "they". And no one with an actual connection to a living NDN community would speak of Native Americans in the past tense (as Jervis consistently does). He speaks like a European and an outsider  who believes Indigenous people are a quaint relic of the past that he can turn into a profitable hobby. I am stunned anyone falls for this crap.

Took another look at his MySpace page. Now he's combining Lakota/Cherokee workshops with lessons in Country Music and Karaoke. You can't make this stuff up: link (

Barnaby's note: links shortened.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: indianer on January 17, 2009, 04:41:13 pm











Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on January 17, 2009, 05:12:37 pm
Sheesh. William, your world will not end if you give up trying to be an Indian.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: frederica on January 17, 2009, 05:37:24 pm
Well if he is the father, then he should tell his son not to make up all these tales about Kentucky which he put on the internet.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on January 17, 2009, 11:47:32 pm
I don't believe our new member „indianer“ happens to be William Jervis father, but let's assume he is Mr Jervis Sr. So, Mr Jervis Sr, you should perhaps devote more time to your son. Willie Jr is spamming several forums with his messages and making himself somewhat of a nuisance. Some persons even feel he might get close to being a pain in the neck. He should rather sit down with his books and learn to spell  - but then again, exotic spellings and bad grammar seem to run in the family, don't they?

You should also speak to Junior about your family history. While you, Mr Jervis Sr, contend Willie is your only son, we had a brother of William joining a German forum. You will understand that such discrap... - sorry: discrepancies may raise questions. Maybe you are quite aged and memory fails you occasionally – in which case I am truly sorry. I am confident your caring offspring will be quite willing to update you on the number of siblings he has got. This may also give him a more meaningful pastime.

You should really make an urgent contact to Willie-Boy, as he seems to be misrepresenting you as having passed already – cf your son's website:

QUVTLE HEVGOLO TURTLE WINDS, Firewalker was born in 1966. He is of mixed bloodline (Native American and Irish Celtic). His grandmother was Cherokee. She comes from the Buffalo Mountains. His native ancestors have been living for centuries in the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern Kentucky. Once the Trail of Tears led through that land. Turtle Wind's dad came from Ireland and was a Celtic druid.

Turtle Fartsies definitely uses the past tense speaking about you, his father. Perhaps there are some occurences you happened to have missed, like a funeral?

Having checked sites and forums, it seems you are family indeed – both you and Willie-Boy Turtle Fartsies seem to have taken a liking of mail addies pretending you're a club. Willie-Boy uses the address of „nativeamericanindianclub@...“, while you seem to belong to a different club.

However, if Willie-Boy was a bit wrong about your earlier demise and you're still alive and kicking, please do keep an eye on your son – he's in bad company, I'm afraid. He's traveling about in Germany with this old geezer who used to be Lakota, but meanwhile got adjusted to Lakota-Cherokee, and they're on this huge drinking spree. Go to Fartsies' website – there are photos of him and the old man boozing. Although Fartsies seems to have taken down a few of these photos, there used to be more.

And then there's the lady maintaining Turtle Farts' website. Now, your dear son, in several forums, rants on and on about not selling ceremony and not doing Lakota ceremonies at all. Now, can you imagine – how insolent! - that the lady maintaining his website writes Willie-Boy is doing Inipis? In case you don't know, Inipi is the Lakota term for a sweatlodge. The Cherokee don't do sweats. I am quite apalled at this misrepresentation of your son, and I trust you will be, too. Please do tell Fartsies to keep an eye on his site.

And, Mr Jervis Sr, will you please be kind enough and explain to us why you present yourself with the nick „indianer“ here. In German language, this means „Indian“. Now, apart from being somewhat surprised at the number of US citizens having migrated to Germany, I am also amazed that one of the first words these expatriots seem to learn happens to be 'Indianer' – your son, quite incidentially, picked it up, too. As I said, some things run in the family.

Anyways, I am confident you wouldn't intend to misrepresent yourself as ndn in this forum, so I suggest you, being Irish, chose a different nick to post here. Of course this is taking for granted Turtle Fartsies has got his genealogy correct and it is in fact his maternal line which descends from the Cherokee. If Willie-Boy did not pay attention and got confused, this may be very unfortunate re Fartsies' claims to be from the Woodland Duck Clan of the Cherokee (provided the Cherokee do have a clan going by this name...). If it happens to be you, Mr Jervis Sr, to be Cherokee, then it's bad news for Fartsies – no clan for him according to Cherokee ways. Tough sh!t, innit.

Oh, and before I forget, Mr Jervis Sr, your mail addy reads: „sunbearclub@...“. Perhaps you got a few problems telling your anatomy apart – if you pardon my French, sir – as far as legit medicine persons and plastics are concerned, but Vincent La Duke aka Sun Bear was a well-known fraud, convicted of serious crimes like sexual abuse of minors (certainly not the right kind of idol for you, as your son claims to be not only a 'Medizinmann', but also the last one his clan has got. Joining an ndn project like NAFPS with such a mail addy, Mr Jervis Sr, may be seen as inappropriate, I'm sorry having to advise. But being Irish and, according to your – ahm, only son, even a druid, you probably wouldn't know all that much about persons fraudulently selling indigenous ceremonies. Since your contacts to your son apparently have been rather infrequent and far and few between, cf. above. Because Turtle Farts wrote numerous contributions in forms praising frauds and plastics like – oh yeah, e.g. like Sun Bear and others. Seems that also runs in the family.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: educatedindian on January 18, 2009, 08:12:38 am
I have to wonder if "Indianer" isn't Jervis trying to pass off his father as NDN (forgetting or being confused about his earlier attempt to claim he's Druid). The mispellings don't seem so innocent to me. Along with his stilted language, it seem like a deliberate attempt at Tontospeak.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 18, 2009, 07:50:06 pm
I have to wonder if "Indianer" isn't Jervis trying to pass off his father as NDN (forgetting or being confused about his earlier attempt to claim he's Druid). The mispellings don't seem so innocent to me. Along with his stilted language, it seem like a deliberate attempt at Tontospeak.

My thoughts exactly.

It's a combo of Tontospeak and the syntax of someone who grew up speaking German, not English. Also, the same specific misspellings as in the posts by Jervis (who we've seen loves sockpuppetting and talking about himself in the third person so much, he even forgets and does it after he's admitted it's him posting).

Add in the screaming about "Tribal Blood!" and naming oneself with a German term we find among the hobbyists and, yeah, it's transparent. Funny, but creepy and racist. Like most of what we've seen from him.

Wonder who the guy's real father is. It's always fun when someone tells the parents they're being lied about.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on January 18, 2009, 08:48:31 pm
The Sun Bear clan in "Indianer"'s e-mail address is another clue....

Sorry Indianer...sun bear is another well-known fraud who used his ancestry to make money and dupe lots of people.  His writings are writings of his own imagination put in the package of divine intervention.

I don't happen to believe who you are either.  "Tribal blood" is an interesting reference as it takes more than blood does it not?  It takes a community...a people.  "Tribal blood" (sorry that reference is just so against my grain I can't give it any respect) does  not make a person qualified to a be spokesman for a community they have no involvement in.  At 80 years old that lesson should be clear by now.  But they have a saying in my community...there are elders and there are those who just got old.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on January 27, 2009, 02:15:06 pm

Jervis has got another German language website:

QUVTLE HEVGOLO TURTLE WINDS, Firewalker, was born in 1966. He has got Indian and Irish ancestors. His grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee. His Indian ancestors lived in the Buffalo Mountains (Appalaches) in the east of Kentucky. The 'Trail of Tears' passed his home town. Turtle Winds' father came from Ireland and was a Celtic druid. For both ancestors holy mother earth was the centre.

Therefore Turtle Winds inherited the shamanic abilities from two different worlds and cultures. Both the Celtic path and the Indian path communicate with nature. Turtle Winds was raised in an Indian family in the Appalachian mountains. His grandmother taught him everything about plants, herbs, and medicine.

Turtle Winds' talents are: interpreting dreams, herbal medicine and various shamanic practices. He is a ceremony leader, meditation teacher, practices various massage techniques, works with energies, leads sweatlodges, heals, and accompanies vision quests.

For 25 years he traveled the entire United States and organised Indian sweatlodge ceremonies. As a descendant of two ancient world cultures, he was able to pass on his talents in shamanic understanding of mother earth. Turtle Winds not only is a gifted speaker, but also an expert in Indian ceremonies.

He studied with the best Indian medicine men and women. Turtle Winds lead innumerable Indian ceremonies and keeps up a contact to wise medicine persons in order to extend his knowledge further.

A new section about Sun Bear has been added to this site:

Firewalker is an American Indian teacher and defender of Indian rights. With the consent of his clan and the sacred knowledge of his people, he traveled through many different reservations. For example to Sunbear [sic]:
Sunbear's curriculum vitae like it has never been told before

Sunbear, Ojibwa (Chippewa) from the White Earth Reservation, and Firewalker were blood brothers. They shared their deepest spiritual secrets. Sunbear and Firewalker agreed on a sacred pact, an agreement that the first of them to receive an agreement vision would tell the world about their medicine. Firewalker had this vision and now speaks about sacred medicine. Firewalker and Sunbear shared their knowledge about religion and spirituality with each other – their common knowledge has never been taught before.

The ceremonies done by Sunbear and Firewalker have never been shown at a ritual of the Beartribe. Sunbear taught Firewalker all his sacred knowledge and Firewalker taught Sunbear all the sacred knowledge of his clan. It was a sacred bond of two medicine men.

Sunbear came from the Ojibwa and was a leader of the Beartribe Medicine Society.
Firewalker and Sunbear worked intensely in the sacred supernatural worlds.

Nobody has got a description of the ceremonies done by Sunbear and Firewalker together. There is nothing published in any book about the rituals. None of the two talked about it, because they agreed not to talk about it – only this way it was possible to stay in contact even after the death of one of them. Sunbear and Firewalker used an ancient Indian ceremony so that either one of them could talk to the other at the other side of the spiritual world when one of them passed to the side of death.

From Sunbear's view his medicine is only complete when he can share it after is life on earth. This is only possible when someone does his ceremonies. So he can live through Firewalker and, through Firewalker, can teach other persons.

Sunbear and Firewalker used a sacred medicine to combine their energy and knowledge to be one.

During sweatlodge ceremonies, Firewalker and Sunbear can talk to each other.
Firewalker is the only person on earth who knows the sacred medicine of Sunbear.

Sunbear shared his knowledge with many people, but he did not share his life secret with them.

All this is not only BS - it's also transparent BS.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 27, 2009, 07:39:40 pm
A new section about Sun Bear has been added to this site:

From Sunbear's view his medicine is only complete when he can share it after is life on earth. This is only possible when someone does his ceremonies. So he can live through Firewalker and, through Firewalker, can teach other persons.

Sunbear and Firewalker used a sacred medicine to combine their energy and knowledge to be one.

During sweatlodge ceremonies, Firewalker and Sunbear can talk to each other.
Firewalker is the only person on earth who knows the sacred medicine of Sunbear.

Wow. This is a whole new, appalling level of "the only good Indian is a..."

I mean, we've seen lots of frauds pop out of the woodwork with outlandish claims right after someone dies, but this takes exploitation of the dead into a realm of offensiveness that it is physically nauseating. He's actually claiming Indians are more effective spiritually after they die, so white people will now speak for them. Extra points for the white person being a deluded white stranger the dead guy probably never met.

I would never defend LaDuke/Sunbear, and it could be argued these debacles are LaDuke's own fault for spawning frauds like this, but I do have to cringe over what his family must feel about white strangers from Europe basically claiming to be their dead relative. Someone who knows them personally might want to say something to his family.

And as for his ridiculous, and equally unsubstantiated, bullshit "Irish druid" claims.... Ha! Let's just say my people have never heard of this German loon, either. I doubt the man knows any more Gaeilge than he does Cherokee, and he's shown he knows zero about what our ancestors believed and practiced.

Even if we were to believe for a second that the fraud is Cherokee, or even American, WTF gives him the right to Plains culture ceremonies?

I know I'm repeating myself here, but this guy astounds me with his level of craziness and persistence.

( (

Is this one of the things the Dead Indian Who Lives in His Head told him to do?

[edited to fix image URL and insert quote]
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: frederica on January 27, 2009, 08:51:55 pm
Looks like a rug that people put in a child's room.  Strange color for a bear. Never seen one bluish grey.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: educatedindian on January 28, 2009, 01:26:02 am
That is one odd picture. Maybe the color comes from it either being very old and worn out, not tanned correctly, or even being artificial. And what at first looks like a feather hangning down... It looks like he may be wearing what's supposed to be an eagle fan as an earring.

I never knew medicine men were supposed to have CVs. :o Jervis manages to be both appalling and comical at the same time. And claiming to be "blood brother" to Laduke? That's a Hollywood lie about the Blackfoot.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 28, 2009, 01:42:49 am
I've always assumed the bear skin is as fake as he is. I think Frederica is right - I think it's one of those synthetic novelty rugs they sell for children's rooms.

There are plenty of pics on his MySpace site that are almost as weird. I linked to some of them further up in the thread, but he keeps adding more: Jervis's MySpace photos (
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Laurel on January 28, 2009, 07:27:45 pm
OMG!  He killed Baloo!
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 28, 2009, 09:43:10 pm
OMG!  He killed Baloo!

HAHAHAHA So this must be the Shameonick Power Dance he channeled from The Bear Spirit Who Lives On His Head (not to be confused with The Dead Indian Who Lives In His Head. Or, wait, Sunbear... Uh... Maybe you've found Sunbear's secret name that only FlameButt knows):

Give him $1,000 and he'll teach the Power Dance to you, too.  8)
Title: Turtle Firewind and "He who knows"
Post by: kosowith on April 30, 2009, 08:20:05 am
Here are two more Lakota and Cherokee who will be touring Europe selling their wares this summer and fall According to their flyer these two have been in Europe touring before - I am not very good at translating German, but this is close to what they are selling/saying

Planned tour with Lakota medicine man He Who Knows and Cherokee medicine man Turtle of wind Firewalker

these spiritual leaders will be teaching the Indian way of communication with your power animal. They also talk about "dead veterinary medicine after the origins of the Indians of North America" (sorry I don't have a clue what that is) he will teach Spiritualität that Europeans don't usually get  90 Euro

sweat lodge ceremonies with overnight stay in own tent, Storytelling, ceremony, massage,  50 Euro

If you would like to organize an organization, seminar or workshop, you can participate and get a procent compensation and admittance to the seminar or workshop free of charge.  Please write us per e-mail if you would like participate

here is their schedule - April 10, May 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, June 11, 13-20,Luxemburg,  the back to Germany 25, 26, July 4, 10-12, 25, 26,  August 12, 13, 14-17, Austria - September – Sweden 

Turtle Fire Wind is claimed to be a respected Cherokee medicine man and "He Who Knows" (??) is an 80 year old "traditional Lakota Medicineman"

for more information -

Title: Re: Turtle Firewind and "He who knows"
Post by: Ingeborg on April 30, 2009, 09:48:21 am
Moderators, can you please put this into the thread on William Jervis/Firewalker in the fraud section - it's him again.
Title: Re: Turtle Firewind and "He who knows"
Post by: wolfhawaii on April 30, 2009, 03:24:31 pm
Here are two more Lakota and Cherokee who will be touring Europe selling their wares this summer and fall According to their flyer these two have been in Europe touring before - I am not very good at translating German, but this is close to what they are selling/saying

Planned tour with Lakota medicine man He Who Knows and Cherokee medicine man Turtle of wind Firewalker

Turtle Fire Wind is claimed to be a respected Cherokee medicine man and "He Who Knows" (??) is an 80 year old "traditional Lakota Medicineman"

for more information -

There is not a snowball's chance in hell this guy is a "Cherokee medicine man" respected or not!
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Elke on October 12, 2009, 05:47:01 pm
If you really want to see an "Indian Dance"  please look here:

somebody posted that in a German forum today... argh....
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: AnnOminous on October 13, 2009, 06:17:02 am
WTF was that?
Good lord.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Elke on November 05, 2009, 05:04:57 pm
From here:


Der traditionelle Oglala Sioux (Lakota) EYE TUWE SLO WAYA - HE WHO KNOWS - ER, DER ES WEIß, entstammt einer alten Lakotafamilie und wurde im Jahre 1928 auf Pine Ridge geboren.
Seine Vorfahren väterlicherseits stammen aus der Familie von Crazy Horse und Sitting Bull und kämpften mit bei der Schlacht am Little Big Horn. Seine Mutter war Cherokee aus der Reservation in Carolina.

Als He Who Knows 15 Jahre alt war nahm ihn ein Cherokeefreund aus Carolina mit zum Rodeo. Dort verdiente er die ersten 5 Dollar seines Lebens. Nie zuvor sah er soviel Geld. Er entschied sich beim Rodeo zu bleiben und wurde professioneller Rodeoreiter und arbeitete als Indianercowboy auf verschiedenen Ranchen. Bis zu seinem fünfzigsten Lebensjahr bestritt er Rodeos.

Um seine Vision zu erfüllen ritt er vom 15. Mai bis 19. July 1987 von Iowa nach Cheyenne Wyoming.

Seine Tochter Carmen Rising Sun Pope heiratete den stammesübergreifenden Medizinmann Rolling Thunder. Carmen Rising Sun Pope ist eine Medizinfrau und durch ihre Heirat mit Rolling Thunder nun auch dem Paint Clan der Cherokee zugehörig. Sie schrieb das Buch: "Rolling Thunder Speaks - A Message For Turtle Iland". Rolling Thunder stammt aus einer Medizinfamilie, sein Großvater wurde ermordet als er noch ein kleiner Junge war. Rolling Thunders Interesse an Medizin war nicht nur in den Traditionen der Cherokee, seine Lehrer waren unter anderem Gary Horse von den Paiutes, Frank Fool‘s Crow von den Sioux und Mad Bear Anderson von den Tuscarora. Rolling Thunder war einer der ersten Medizinmänner, die auch Nichtindianer an seinen Zeremonien teilhaben ließsen und heilte.

Im Oktober 2008 war He Who Knows das erste Mal in Europa. Der WDR produzierte einen kleinen Beitrag über ihn: Link zum WDR Beitrag
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Elke on November 05, 2009, 05:15:32 pm
From here:


The traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) EYE TUWE SLO WAYA - HE WHO KNOWS - ER, DER ES WEIß, comes from an old Lakota family and was born 1928 at Pine Ridge .

His paternal ancestors came from the families of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull and fought at the battle of Little Bighorn. His mother was Cherokee from a Reservation in Carolina.
When He Who Knows was 15, a Cherokee friend from Carolina took him to Rodeo. There he earned the first 5 Dollar of his life. Never before he saw so much money. He decided to stay at Rodeos and became a professional Rodeo rider and worked as Indian cowboy at various ranches. Until his 50s year of life,he did Rodeos.

For getting his vision alive, he rode from Iowa to Cheyenne Wyoming from May, 15th to July, 19th 1987.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Elke on November 05, 2009, 05:26:29 pm

His daughter Carmen rising sun Pope maried the inter-tribal medizine man Rolling Thunder. Carmen rising sun Pope is a medicine woman and belonges now,because of this marriage,  also to the paint clan of the Cherokee. She wrote the book "Rolling Thunder speaks- A message  for turtle island". Rolling Thunder comes from a medicine family, his grandfather was killed when he was a small boy. Rolling Thunders interrest for medicine was not just in tradition of the Cherokee, his teachers were also Gary Horse (Paiute), Frank Fools Crow (Sioux) and Mad Bear Anderson (Tuscarora). Rolling Thunder was one of the first medicine men, who allowed Not-NA to paricipate on Ceremonies and healed them.
Octobre 2008 He Who Knows was the first time in Europe. The WDR (a TV station) produced a small (TV)report about him: Link to the report

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Elke on November 05, 2009, 05:30:01 pm
I found that today in an German forum and just wonder if anybody knows something about that.

I simply don't know how to handle this old man.
Dos he know what is going on here or does he just want to have a nice trip to Europe.
Does anybody here know him?

What is going on here? why going with Jervis?

mhmmm... just wondering.

Greetings from Elke
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Renee on November 05, 2009, 05:39:56 pm

house of nature 29 10 2008 luxembourg

conference he who knows european tour
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Renee on November 05, 2009, 08:04:34 pm
medicineman in germany

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on November 06, 2009, 03:47:43 pm

Jervis is at it again. He seems to have given up claiming the alleged cooperation with Vincent LaDuke aka Sun Bear and instead now polishes up the legend of his sidekick which he put up at his website, he sends out promoting e-mails and wrote various forum entries:

„Traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows comes from an ancient Lakota family and was born in 1928 at Pine Ridge.

His paternal ancestors come from the family of Crazy Horse and Sittung Bull and fought in the battle of Little Big Horn [sic]. His mother was a Cherokee from the reservation in Carolina.

When He Who Knows was 15 years old, a Cherokee friend from Carolina took him to a rodeo. There he earned his first five Dollars in his life. Never before did he see so much money. He decided to stay with the rodeo and became a professional rodeo rider and worked as an Indian cowboy at different ranches. Until his 50th year, he did rodeos.

To fulfill his vision, he rode from Iowa to Cheyenne/Wyoming from May 15, 1987 until July 19, 1987.

His daughter Carmen Rising Sun Pope [sic] married the intertribal medicine man Rolling Thunder. Carmen Rising Sun Pope is a medicine woman and through her marriage to Rolling Thunder, she also belongs to the Paint Clan of the Cherokee. She wrote the book: „Rolling Thunder Speaks – A Message for Turtle Island“. Rolling Thunder comes from a medicine family, his grandfather was murdered when he was a little boy. Rolling Thunder's interest in medicine was not only just in the traditions of the Cherokee, his teachers were, amongst others, Gary Horse from the Paiute, Frank Fool's [sic] Crow from the Sioux and Mad Bear Anderson from the Tuscarora. Rolling Thunder was one of the first medicine men who also accepted non-Indian participants to his ceremonies and healed them.

In October 2008, He Who Knows came to Europe for the first time. [German regional TV station] WDR did a little broadcast on him.“

Apparently, Jervis does not let any facts get between him and a good legend either for himself or his sidekick. To mention just two facts: John Pope aka Rolling Thunder wasn't a medicine person, and he wasn't Cherokee. So how could any person belong to the Cherokee simply because they married Pope?

By Sidian Morning Star Jones
Doug Boyd's book was the step forward.
It is true that Carmen Sun Rising Pope promptly married my grandfather Rolling Thunder in his last and mentally muddled days. He died and Carmen took everything from my family. I don't recommend supporting her.

Jervis also does this website which contains the same text about We Who Knows:

The real life name of 'He who" BTW seems to be Don Hines; the name gets mentioned in a report done by German state owned regional TV station WDR (cf Renee's link above).

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: winyan ohansica on December 22, 2009, 01:08:48 pm
I have some news about eye tuwe slowaya:
I asked on Pine Ridge about that guy and got the following message:

You sure his name is not Mato Witco-Crazy Bear.  What a ripoff for the German Oyate.  I just hate it when ones uses the Lakota to validate their scam.
"Eye tuwe slowaya"-doesn't even make any sense.  He who knows- would be translated as "He Wasloye".  Do people pay to see them?

(them is related to Eye tuwe solwaya and turtle wind Firewalker!)

This statement was done by a highly respected person, but I will do more research with
the Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse family, of whom he his claiming to be a descendant from- I´m curious how the families will react on such a fraud!
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Renee on December 29, 2009, 10:39:28 am
Lakota und Cherokee Medizinmann Tour

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 02, 2010, 10:46:59 pm
There is still quite an extensive spamming by Jervis resp his abettors to organize events with Jervis and Hines. Jervis has a German supporter by the name of Yvonne Fabian who also spams guestbooks and forums and, via several network entries, looks for people willing to organise events with Jervis and Hines. In several postings, Fabian uses e-mail addresses pointing to „Firewalker“ as her contact addy.

Fabian recently started posting  announcments that she and Jervis recently opened a massage parlour – pardon me: practice, offering „Cherokee massages“ e.g. at :

Wants: Possibilities to do events for Cherokee Indian and intertribal medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker. Possibilities to do events in March 2010 for the Indian Tour with Cherokee medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker and Lakota elder He Who Knows.

Haves: Indian massages, massages, treatment by medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker, Indian events, sweatlodges, soul retrievings, Indian animal communication, Indian massage courses, Indian training courses.

Interests: Native Americans, alternative medicine, ancient wisdom


to present
Industry: alternative medicine, organising of tours for Native Americans through Europe – donations for Native Americans

Besides the massage practice Hiskoliya – Indian massages I also look for possibilities to do events for Cherokee Indian and intertribal medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker.
In March 2010, I organise an Indian Tour with Cherokee medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker and Lakota elder He Who Knows.

Another entry is to be found on a site by the name of „spiritual yellow pages“:

Hiskoliya - Cherokee Heil - und Massagepraxis
jaii! Profil-Name: Firewalker
Routenplaner Borromäerinnenstr. 10
51688 Wipperfürth
Telefon: 0171 - 88 02 893
Email: Email
Hiskoliya - Cherokee Heil- und Massagepraxis.
Hiskoliya ist ein Cherokeewort: Massagen - Körperarbeit, dienen der Gesunderhaltung und Genesung
bieten aber auch Wellness und Entspannungsmassagen, Meditation, indianische Tierkommunikation, indianische Rituale und Zeremonien ....

While the name of the profile is „Firewalker“, the postal address given is that of Ms Fabian.
The text reads:
„Hiskoliya is a Cherokee word: massages – bodywork serve to stay healthy and serve recovery, but also offer wellness and relaxing massages, meditation, Indian animal communication, Indian rituals and ceremonies....“

Googling „Cherokee massage“ provides a long list of nuage sites, with a few porn sites thrown in for good measure. This distribution characterizes this alleged „Cherokee massage“ quite well. Jervis and Fabian also use the term „hiskoliya“ - this word is not existant in Cherokee language, as Cherokee does not have a 'k' sound. Consequently, almost all results of a google search for this term are sites which Jervis and Fabian either maintain or have spammed. The only exception is an US-based site by a person named David Winston.

Jervis and Fabian promote their massage as „serving health and healing“: . They also placed an advertisement with E-bay with this BS:

Ms Fabian also uses a website cooperating with the German government to promote Jervis business:

Yvonne Fabian

We are a non-profit association, our main issue is to support the North American Indians. We offer several projects and events around the topic of Indians. We regularly have Indian visitors from the USA.

Please take due note that no exact name of the alleged non-profit is mentioned, nor is there any further information regarding the support given so generously to „the“ North American Indians.

Ms Fabian also appears on sites maintained by the Social Democratic Party, as she serves as a committee member for the party local in her hometown:

At a Myspace site, Jervis – and Ms Fabian, too - claim he is a „native american fundraiser“, i.e. collecting donations. However, there is no information as to where donations may go to; except for his „Native American Friends“ site claiming they collected enough donations to buy to buffaloes which now were owned by the organisation. There is a photo showing a person with a feather bonnet signing some paper, apparently in order to support this claim ( ).

However, there is a German American Association in the town of Trier who announce they have raised the money to finance the sponsorship of two buffaloes and that they handed over the amount of money to Jervis:

Perhaps the German American Association of Trier should inquire urgently where their donation ended up, as Jervis' NAF site only mentions his club having bought two buffaloes and does not mention any other person or organisation having sponsored any.

A Facebook entry now indicates there might be a Germany-based association:
with this announcement:

„We the "Lakota friends Germany" would like help our native American friends in the Pine Ridge - and Rosebud reservations. Now, we beginning here in germany with a non profit Organization (e.V.). My project is already online in two German Communities called "Wer kennt wen" and "". At "Wer kennt wen" a friend from me start a new project, too. Together with the Dakota Youth Project from Isabella Schon. I start now this Facebook group at first in German Language but the important news are in English Language, too“.
[text in English taken from above site]

Jervis and Fabian also like to promote themselves with a bit of name-dropping: Although Jervis removed everything from his „Native American Friends“ site which mentioned Henry Red Cloud and his projects, a version of this site is still to be obtained online:

This site is maintained by the University of Hagen, which quite incidentially happens to be the university Ms Fabian used to attend.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: wolfhawaii on February 04, 2010, 04:03:42 pm
Obviously a fraud.....he certainly is NOT a "Cherokee Medicine Man" and I am unaware of any technique called "Hiskoliya" which is said to be a Cherokee massage technique. While there is a "K" sound in Cherokee language, I am unfamiliar with this word. A more fluent speaker can comment more accurately; my take on this "hiskoliya" sounds like the"real fifty" which happens to be how much Jervis charges for this bogus massage. My advice to the Germans: tar and feather this guy and send him back to America to be dealt with more firmly, and quit supporting frauds and other culture vultures.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Unegv Waya on February 05, 2010, 04:03:38 pm
"Traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows comes from an ancient Lakota family and was born in 1928 at Pine Ridge."

Is he supposed to be Sioux or Cherokee?  I don't know but a couple of words in Lakota but I do know more than just a touch of Cherokee and "waya" is Cherokee for wolf.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 06, 2010, 10:18:28 am

Meanwhile, Jervis came up with another great idea - this is his latest contribution in the German language Forum Romanum, and oh yes, Coffee Warning! :

elk hawk thunder

3 Beiträge
RE: new age fraud web sites, 05 Feb. 2010 14:30

and his brothers look alot like each other.
and it seems that in this forum people
our really confused . who is who
i allso know that firewalker is a native american indian .
firewalker seems to be getting alot of blame
of what his brothers our doing in europe
and makes it very hard to correct sence the
people talking here, dont know firewalker.
personally if they did then they should know
his brothers.his brothers look alike


Quote from: Unegv Waya
Is he supposed to be Sioux or Cherokee?  I don't know but a couple of words in Lakota but I do know more than just a touch of Cherokee and "waya" is Cherokee for wolf.
Hines is supposed to be Lakota, but it was already pointed out by Lakota members in another thread on Hines that the name may be composed of Lakota words, just that they don't match the translation given.

Regarding the term 'waya' in both Lakota and Cherokee: As humans can only pronounce a certain set of sounds, similar words do appear in non-related languages without being loan words, and they may have quite different meanings. So e.g. /armut/ means 'poverty' in German and 'pear' in Turkish, /arsh/ means 'throne' in Arabic, and - ermm: behind in German. I take it it's the same here.
Title: Re: William Jervis or as I know him - William A. Burchett
Post by: firemoon on February 08, 2010, 12:24:30 pm

I found this Forum when I was searching for him.
I got an invitation for an event here in Switzerland, where he an "He Who Knows" were invited with the following:
Lakota Elder Eye Tuwe Slo Waya und Cherokee Indianer Turtle Winds Firewalker am 28./29. März Hotel Post in Sargans, Nähe Walensee

Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows, ein traditioneller authentischer Indian Cowboy, lebt noch ursprünglich in der Mitte von Nirgendwo in der Natur – in der Prärie. Umgeben von Wildness, wilden Mustangs (wilden Pferden), und anderen wilden Tieren, wie Rehe, Wölfe, Füchse, Bären …   He Who Knows ist ein Selbstversorger, stellt das traditionelle  Jerky  (getrocknetes Fleisch) selbst her.  Sein „Haus“ ist ein Stall – für Rinder gedacht. Überall drinnen und draußen hängen indianische Kunsthandwerke, von ihm selbst erschaffen. Schläft er nicht in seiner Hütte, schläft er in der Natur. He Who Knows ist kein Reservatsindianer, der sich der weißen Regierung fügt und auf den monatlichen Scheck wartet. Er lebt im Einklang mit der Natur - in der Natur. Durch seine Gebete und selbst gemalte Bilder ist er fähig anderen zu helfen und zu heilen. Besucht man ihn, reist man in eine vergangene Zeit, so lebten die Ureinwohner bevor sie Kontakt zum weißen Mann hatten.

Cherokee Indianer und Medizinmann Turtle Winds Firewalker stammt aus dem Medizinclan Woodland Duck. Aufgewachsen mit den Traditionen des Clans in den Buffalo Mountain (Appalachen) im Osten von Kentucky, begann er seine Ausbildung bei seiner Großmutter im Alter von 7 Jahren. Turtle Winds reiste 25 Jahre durch die USA, lernte bei anderen Stämmen und lehrte.  Firewalkers Vater kam aus Irland und war in der keltischen Kultur verwachsen, stammte aus dem Tribe of Danu (Tuatha De’ Danann). Für beide Kulturen ist  die heilige Mutter Erde der Mittelpunkt - beide Kulturen sind im Verständnis der Natur.

 Programm :

28. März, 20 Uhr
Abendessen (wird von jedem selbst bezahlt) und Gespräch mit  Lakota Elder He Who Knows und Cherokee Turtle Winds Firewalker.

29. März
10.00 – 14.00 Uhr (Mittagessen ca. um 13 Uhr)
Talkcircle mit Segnungszeremonie, Socialdance, indianischem Gesang, persönlichem Gespräch, 20 Franken
Es ist möglich Medizinbeutel zu kaufen oder selber zu basteln und segnen zu lassen.
Medizinbeutel basteln 20 Franken, Traumfänger basteln, 5 Franken

15 – 16 Uhr Seelenrückholungszeremonie, 25 Franken

ca. 18 Uhr
Indianische Meditation , 25 Franken

Since many years I work with Native American Indians, and mostly with ones in prison. You can take a look to the largest website with Native American Indian prisoners, looking for a pen-pal.
William "Firewalker" Burchett had an ad on my website when he was in prison. I know he was in prison at least from 2001-2004.
In 2004 he was released

update 12. December 2002
William Firewalker Burchett
03655032 West 5852
FCI Fort Dix
PO Box 7000
Fort Dix, NJ 08640

Age/Birthday: Birthday 2-15-1966
Race/Tribe: Cherokee
Physical Description: 5' 7", 139 lbs, red hair and brown eyes
Release Date: March 2004
Interests/Looking for: Interests: Songwriting, Indian dancing, native ceremonies,
traditional Indian teaching.
I seeking a girlfriend or wife, also I'm seeking friends, interested in the Indian way of life.

I made the organisators of the event in 2010 aware what person Firewalker is and they canceled the event.
Thanks to them, this is really great!!!!!

I have found some old informations on my computer, but I deleted the names of others than Firewalker.
But yes, I still have the originals....

One of his Supporters, asking for help for him in 2001 when he was in prison:

Fwd: URGENT HELP needed for inmate
From: .....
To: .....
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 12:07 PM
Subject: [....] Fwd: URGENT HELP needed for inmate

    I have been contacted by family members and from Inmate:

    William (Firewalker) Burchett #03655032
    SHU Cell 321
    Federal Correctional Institution
    PO Box 7000 West
    Fort Dix, NJ  08640

    Phone #  (609) 723-1100

    This Inmate has been placed in the SHU two weeks ago for no reason at all. Officials there had told William that he was placed there because he was under investigation, but would give no other reason.
    William has been in the SHU without his medication, they have taken his glasses in which he needs to see, they have also taken all his native religious items away from him.  He has wrote to me telling me of how he is not receiving mail, and is only allowed one phone call a month. I received a phone call from his mother this evening and it was said that she received a letter where William states that he is being set up. It was said that he is being accused of being in a cult.  He is Native American and attending the Native American Spiritual Circle there. William has said that he was told that he was being shipped out and being placed in a "HIGH Security" and will be giving more time to serve!  This is NOT right. William is NOT involved in any cult, nor ever was.  I have spoke with family members of William and they have called Fort Dix and have gotten no place. No
    one will speak to them about William.  I, myself have called many
    times concerning this inmate and I have gotten the same thing--just a recording with no one returning the call.  What goes on here in WRONG.  He needs help.  PLEASE call or write.

    For the love of the People,


Another Email to one of his supporters during his prison time.
In this one he even writes his own name wrong:

  ...<> wrote: To:
From: ....
Subject: [PRISONACT] Native American prisoner seeks assistance
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 22:56:45 -0600

I'm an Indian POW in need of help. Im a native activist.The prison officals
are using a variety of discrimantions against my race. Also, my native
community circle is seeking native volunteers.

Messages can be sent to me via email:

In the spirit of crazy horse,
Firewalker Burkett

William Burkett
03655032 West 582
FCI Fort Dix
POB 7000
Fort Dix, NJ 08640

When he was released he sent me Emails, making advertisement for his work in Luxemburg, like for his Radio Station, or Events or whatever. I also got Emails from Supporters, asking for support for him.

One of his Emails when he was still in USA:
----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: william jervis []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. November 2004 19:25
Betreff: this is firewalker of the iron house rember me
how can  my medicine  help  others    i just  left the  iron house cage needs native freinds  in florida  or near   florida  yes  i can  try help sioux   family

Or another one when he was still in USA:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: william jervis []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. Februar 2005 15:36
Betreff: forgotten tribe ironhouse warrior
hello, im firewalker a former ironhouse warrior seeking native  friends in floida can you help me
we spoke before when i was in ironhouse

One of a real good man I know who tried to help Firewalker:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ....
Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. August 2005 14:40
Betreff: contact
Hi to the three of you,  
It is a while ago one of you did hear from me, but as we know things go like that.
First I hope this mail will find you in good health and blessed circumstances.
One of the pen pals I had in the USA  Firewalker is now in Luxemburg. He is looking around for American Indian people in Europe to have contact with, and to make probable new friends.  If you know a way to help him you can forward the message directly to him to the following email address, or to me.
Thanks for considering,

One of Firewalker again, now in Luxemburg:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: firewalker walks []
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007 15:05
oyiso   toja
 if   your  interested  in  marketing  some   native  american indian  crafts  at
 discounted  rate  let  me know,
 allso   if  you  be    interested   in  comeing  to  luxembourg  to   market
 it      we could  discuss  that   as   my   assocation   has  big  market
 april  26 and  april  27
 we    resale  items  so   we   only  buy  discounted  items
tel 691966210
association sans but lucratif
siege  social
p&t    postal   account  number
IBAN LU61 1111 2557 4755 0000

I made a short search about William A. Burchett and found a paper about an appeal of a William A. Burchett. There is also the crime in it this man has done. I attach it.
BUT - If this man is "our" William Firewalker Burchett I can not say. Perhaps there are others with this name and perhaps another William A. Burchett has done it.
I attach it here with the urgent info - to know if this was done by the Firewalker we talk about here, it would be needed to make a deeper research. This normally costs, and I don't want to do this.

I will also attach Fotos. The first one was his photo next his ad on my pen-pal website, the others I got with the invitation in 2010, and now from people working against Wannabees.
I attach the rest in my next message because I can only attach 4 things to one message.

Why he turned his name from Burchett to Jervis - I have no clue. I know it is easy to change the name in the USA.
But when you look into his email from 11.11.2004, as he was released from prison, he then used the name Jervis.

Kind regards

Title: Fotos Firewalker Re: William Jervis
Post by: firemoon on February 08, 2010, 12:32:22 pm
And here the other photos I got.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 08, 2010, 01:51:38 pm
Here's the above quoted invitation in English translation:


Lakota Elder Eye Tuwe Slo Waya and Cherokee Indian Turtle Winds Firewalker at Hotel Post in the town of Sargans March 28/29

Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows, a traditional authentic Indian cowboy, still lives traditionally in the middle of nowhere within nature – in the prairies. Surrounded by wilderness, wild mustangs, and other wild animals like deer, wolves, foxes, bears... He Who Knows lives according to subsistency and produces the traditional Jerky (dried meat) himself. His „house“ is a stable, meant for cattle. Everywhere outside and inside there are objects of  Indian craft, done by him. When he does not sleep in his hut, he sleeps out in nature.
He Who Knows is no reservation Indian who does as the white government tells him and keeps waiting for the monthly cheque. He lives in accordance with nature – within nature. Through his prayers and the paintings he does, he is able to help and heal others. When visiting him, one journeys into the past, this is the way the natives lived before they had contacts to the white man.

Cherokee Indian and medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker comes from the medicine clan Woodland Duck. He grew up with the traditions of the clan in the Buffalo Mountains (Appalachians) in the east of Kentucky, and began his training with his grandmother at the age of seven years. For 25 years, Turtle Winds has been touring the USA, learned with different tribes and taught. Firewalker's father came from Ireland and grew up in the Celtic culture, he came from the tribe of Danu (Tuatha De' Danann). Both cultures see the sacred mother earth as central – both cultures are in accordance with nature.

March 28, 8 p.m.
Dinner (not included in the fee) and conversation with Lakota elder He Who Knows and Cherokee Turtle Winds Firewalker

March 29:
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (lunch at 1 p.m.)
Talk circle with blessing ceremony, social dance, Indian songs, personal conversation, 20 Swiss Francs
It is possible to purchase medicine bags or make one yourself, and have them blessed.
Making your own medicine bag: 20 Swiss Francs
Making your own Dream Catcher: 5 Swiss Francs

3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Soul retrieving, 25 Swiss Francs

about 6 p.m.
Indian meditation, 25 Swiss Francs


The two days' programme thus amounts to Sfr 75 – 90 plus meals, and we may trust that the blessing for the objects purchased or made would have charged on top of that.


Regarding the conviction mentioned, I found sites with information about this:

The crime Burchett was convicted for was armed bank robbery; Burchett and two accomplices were armed with handguns and Molotov cocktails.
The second one deals with Burchett's appeal. In this Burchett (Jervis) claims he more or less had been forced to do the crime and lays the blame on a person running for office as an instigator; Burchett says he was to become manager of the election campaign and was put under enormous pressure to raise financial means, so he finally saw no other possibility than a bank robbery.

All this sounds so very much like Jervis' MO – if you can't get away with it, start whining and put the blame on someone else – it sounds highly plausible this William A. Burchett is in fact the same person as the imitation of a plastic shaman going by the name of William Jervis. Just see my above post in which he claims it was „Firewalker's lookalike brothers“ who were doing baaaad, not poor little innocent him.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 08, 2010, 07:01:31 pm

The birthdate, description, tribe, etc all match with Jervis.  Release date of 2004 precludes his forming the club in 2006 and this entry in the WorldWide Friends website strongly connects the dots of how Jervis made contacts overseas and how he ended up there after his release.


Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Unegv Waya on February 08, 2010, 07:21:38 pm
"Cherokee Indian and medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker comes from the medicine clan Woodland Duck. He grew up with the traditions of the clan in the Buffalo Mountains (Appalachians) in the east of Kentucky, and began his training with his grandmother at the age of seven years. For 25 years, Turtle Winds has been touring the USA, learned with different tribes and taught. Firewalker's father came from Ireland and grew up in the Celtic culture, he came from the tribe of Danu (Tuatha De' Danann). Both cultures see the sacred mother earth as central – both cultures are in accordance with nature."

FWIW, I've never heard of this clan - this Woodland Duck medicine clan.  I only know of 7 that exist and none of them have this name.

BTW, thanks, Ingeborg, for the comments about the language syllables being similar.  I only questioned what tribe he was claiming because I've come across some who will claim one tribe but use the customs of more than one.  Quite often frauds like that will even mix the words from several tribes because they don't know any better.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 08, 2010, 07:36:06 pm
BTW, thanks, Ingeborg, for the comments about the language syllables being similar.  I only questioned what tribe he was claiming because I've come across some who will claim one tribe but use the customs of more than one.  Quite often frauds like that will even mix the words from several tribes because they don't know any better.

De nada.
From what our new member tells us, Turtle Farts Burchett and He Who Knows Nothing may well both belong to the Inmate Tribe...


Speaking of names: on several sites, Burchett gives the Cherokee version of his name as "Quvtle Hevgolo". Does that translate as "Turtle Winds" ?
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Unegv Waya on February 08, 2010, 08:30:40 pm
I can only say that I do not recognize those words as meaning what he claims.  The words I know for turtle are: uwinali and dvgasi.  A snapping turtle would be "salegugi" and a soft shell would be "ulano", if memory serves.  The words I know for wind are: ganolvsga (sp?) and unole with that last one indicating strong winds like in a storm or tornado.

Bear in mind that the Kituwa and Lowlands dialects have some words totally different.  I don't really know those dialects save for the words that are basically the same as in Overhill.  So, someone who knows a Cherokee dialect other than Overhill would have to say if they recognize those words.  However, I somehow doubt that those words (the ones he is using on his site) are correct.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: flyaway on February 08, 2010, 09:23:04 pm
 LOL there is no Duck clan. This guy has been calling himself all kinds of names, he can not speak Cherokee or Lakota.
I checked Federal Correctional Institution, Manchester, KY. I found a list of inmates, found many William Burchett, also found this below , need your opinion, is this him???? I get a strong feeling he is not out of the country, on the lamb???? check this out and see what you think.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 09, 2010, 01:33:19 am
Hi Fly Away
It looks like there is more than one William Burchett. That one is William C Burchet, and the bank robber is William A. Burchet. William C was convicted in 1990 and has a 20 year sentence. William A. was involved in that bank robbery in 1991. It must be 2 different people.

It sounds like there was someone who was Native, or who claimed to be, who was in prison for something ( I don't know what ) who was named William Burchet AKA Fire Walker...

Indigenous Prisoners:

William Burchett (Fire Walker)

#03655032. West 5852, Federal Prison,
PO Box 7000, Fort Dix, NJ 08640. Native
American activistheid underquestionable


William Firewalker Burchett#03655032,West 5852, Federal Prison, PO Box 7000,Fort Dix, NJ 08640. Native Americanreligious rights activist being held in prison under questionable circumstances.

Eric Wildcat Hall BL-5355, Unit I/A 10745Route 18, Albion, PA 16475-0002. Serving35-75 years for helping ship arms to CentralAmerican resisters

And Firewalker did use the name William Burchett in comunicating with Weheli ( in this thread )

Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007

My chats back and forth with William from someone name William Burchett as thesender.

So it does seem that William Jervis either is also named William Burchett or he has stolen the real William Burchetts ( Fire walkers ) name.

People based in Europe using the names of indigenous inmates in order to pass themselves off as being more legitimate is something we saw here before, and the name Eric Wild Cat Hall was one of the names that was used...

William Fire walker Burchett seems to be listed alongside of other actvists who are political prisoners .

I wonder what this Firewalker who is said to be a Native American religious rights activist was in jail for ? Were there questionable circumstances, or is William Jervis spinning another cmpletely nutty  tale which some people have believed and repeated...?

I wonder what the tale was?  

In discussion below Firewalker denied being William Burchett
When I copy and paste the translated page , it gets kind of confusin as it is in both German and English and it repeats , so i won't quote from this.  But some of what is said about the healing Cherokee massages being offered sounds even more alarming than what was previously posted mentioning this...  :o 
Title: Court papers about request of name change etc from William A. Burchett
Post by: firemoon on February 09, 2010, 08:45:00 am
sorry I posted it twice because of bad internet connection...
Title: Court paper-request for name change from William A.Burchett -William A.Jervis
Post by: firemoon on February 09, 2010, 08:52:33 am
I made different searches and found the docket of William A. Burchett.
I marked with red letters his request for:

     changing his name from William A. Burchett to William A. Jervis.
     request to travel to Europe in his supervised time after prison term.

Sorry, I had to delete the not relevant infos in the Docket, because it was tooo large to upload it here.

I could not find anything about He who knows being in prison.

I will ask a friend living in Pine Ridge SD, to ask around and perhaps get some informations about him..

I think the extensively traveling of 25 years in the USA, to learn from the best medicineman and medicinewoman,
as Firewalker writes in his Bio for all fanclubs, means in fact - he was in prison from 1991-2004.

be well
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 09, 2010, 01:28:33 pm
Just a quick warning to you all....I visited Jervis/Burchett's myspace page and was greeted with a computer virus.  Be wary.  Never heard of a virus getting downloaded through a myspace page, but when I opened his page there was an adobe download...even right now, havin' a few computer problems....I'd advise anyone...public included to avoid his myspace page.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 09, 2010, 03:11:58 pm
I made different searches and found the docket of William A. Burchett.
I marked with red letters his request for:

     changing his name from William A. Burchett to William A. Jervis.
     request to travel to Europe in his supervised time after prison term.

Sorry, I had to delete the not relevant infos in the Docket, because it was tooo large to upload it here.

Hi Firemoon
Do you mean online searches? Could you post the link to the exact webpage which shows this?
It would be helpful if people could verify what you are saying you found , with their own eyes...

Thanks  :)

I still haven't got my head around that this guy isn't just a very silly man..... and that he apparently grew up in a country that speaks english , and that even with his Irish father he somehow manged to avoid learning the language himself...

Last night I reread reply number 70 by Ingeborg... it was funny tthe first time I read it, and the second time it was even funniier

And I keep having it go through my head.... Did he do it while wearing balou ...Oh my...Did he do it while wearing Balou...


Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 09, 2010, 04:16:35 pm
I made different searches and found the docket of William A. Burchett.
I marked with red letters his request for:

     changing his name from William A. Burchett to William A. Jervis.
     request to travel to Europe in his supervised time after prison term.

Sorry, I had to delete the not relevant infos in the Docket, because it was tooo large to upload it here.

Hi Firemoon
Do you mean online searches? Could you post the link to the exact webpage which shows this?
It would be helpful if people could verify what you are saying you found , with their own eyes...

Thanks  :)

I still haven't got my head around that this guy isn't just a very silly man..... and that he apparently grew up in a country that speaks english , and that even with his Irish father he somehow manged to avoid learning the language himself...

Last night I reread reply number 70 by Ingeborg... it was funny tthe first time I read it, and the second time it was even funniier

And I keep having it go through my head.... Did he do it while wearing balou ...Oh my...Did he do it while wearing Balou...


Moma P. there is a PDF file attached to firemoon's last post.  It contains all the info your asking for.

Here's the highlights of it.

In William A. Burchett's case where he was convicted of armed robbery, he represented himself, showing an address in Florida.

He made a few appeals in 93 and 94 and also in 2002. All denied.

9/9/02 he made a motion for Habeas Corpus and was granted supervised release at a halfway house.

12/27/02 MOTION for order for name change to William A. Jervis by William A. Burchett (MJY) (Entered: 12/27/2002)

12/31/02 ORDER by Judge Joseph M. Hood dft William A. Burchett mtn
for order for name change to William A. Jervis [394-1]
DENIED; the relief dft seeks pertains to exec of sent. relief may
only be granted by the court which has jurisdiction over his
current custodian AFTER dft has exhusted his adm remedies
(cc: all counsel) (MJY) (Entered: 01/03/2003)

7/29/04  Letter from Aleza Jervis-Zenner Requesting Permission for William Burchett to Relocate to Europe.

8/2/2004 ORDER as to dft William A. Burchett re 397 Letter, the letter is
CONSTRUED to be a motion by dft William A. Burchett
ORDERED said mtn is DENIED, dft is serving a tern of
supervised release. To grant the request, Court would have to
modify sentence, something Court is not authorized or willing to
do.. Signed by Judge Joseph M. Hood. (MCB)cc: COR, USM,
USP, William A. Burchett (Entered: 08/02/2004)

10/4/04 MOTION (Pro Se) for an Order to grant leave to make trips to
Europe, filed by dft William A. Burchett.
(TDA) (Entered:

10/5/04 ORDER: Letter asking Court for permission to travel to
Europe while on supervised release 400 by dft William A.
Burchett (1)is DENIED. Signed by Judge Joseph M. Hood.
(MJY)cc: COR,USM,USP (Entered: 10/06/2004)

6/22/05 MOTION (For Court to Rule on Supervised Release Motion with
priority due to emergency) by dft William Burchett (MJY) Modified
text to show unsealed on 1/9/2006 (Younce, Mary). (NOTE:
Document unsealed pr order filed 10/6/05) (Entered: 06/22/2005)

6/23/05 ORDER: William A. Burchett having move the Court to terminalte
his supervised release, IT IS ORDERED that said motion is
GRANTED effective 6/25/05. 402 403 . Signed by Judge Joseph M.
Hood. (MJY)cc: COR,USM,USP, William Burchett (Entered:

6/30/05 ORDER: Upon the filing of the report of US Probation as to dft
William A. Burchett ORDERED pursuant to the report the dft is
DISCHARGED from Supervised Release and proceedings in the
case be terminated. Signed by Judge Joseph M. Hood. (MCB)cc:
COR, USM, USP, Copy mailed by first class mail to William A.
Burchett, DUSM (Entered: 07/01/2005)

From the docket it's clear that William A. Burchett made an attempt while still serving his sentence to change his name to William A. Jervis in 2002 and was denied.
In 2004 Someone named Aleza Jervis-Zenner requested permission for Burchett to relocate to Europe...also denied.
Later in 2004, Burchett made a motion asking for permission to travel to Europe.....also denied.
In 2005 Burchett was discharged.

So it seems that if Burchett did change his name to Jervis then it happened after his discharge, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that his name is still legally William A. Burchett and he's using an alias to distance himself from his prison record and make a business in Europe of selling out his pseudo Native ceremonial practices.

The name Jervis wasn't picked out of a hat.  Aleza Jervis-Zenner obviously had something to do with that and I'd speculate that this person is possibly an acquaintance/love interest/girlfriend that Burchett had made contact with (probably through your website disparities on your effort or website, just a likely place for connection).

He definitely made attempts to get permission to travel to Europe after Aleza Jervis-Zenner's involvement with his case.  I would definitely like to know more about this person.

This docket is definite proof that William Firewalker Jervis IS William A. Burchett and he's misrepresenting himself.  A definite fraud and possibly still engaging in criminal activities...if not...he's operating just barely enough within the law for the authorities to leave him alone.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 09, 2010, 05:03:48 pm
From a google search

Aleza Jervis-Zenner comes up as Alexa Jervis-Zenner, Alexa Jervis and Alexa Zenner.  All the same person.  She's on the board of directors for a non-profit she and a few others founded with Burchett called Native American Friends of Luxembourg Association after his release.  On the board of directors the names listed are:

William Jervis, président
Joseph Heymanns, vice-président
Jean-Pierre Heymanns, secrétaire
Alexa Zenner, trésorière

This particular group was formed in 2007 and as you can see Burchett was using his alias William Jervis at the time it was formed.

From what I've read in a few European forums, Alexa Zenner is a radio DJ in Luxembourg.  That explains Burchett's invitations for artists to contact him and get radio exposure.  Someone in a forum also called Alexa his wife.  Can't confirm any of that, but the two of them are definitely giving that impression to people that show up at their events.

It's hard to tell if she's aware of Burchett's false claims or just duped by him and going along for the ride.  My guess is that it's a little bit of both.  One of his most fraudulent claims is that he's been running sweats for "real Indians" for 25 years prior to his involvement in Luxembourg.  All I can say to that is....hard to run sweats behind bars.  Wake up Alexa...he's just telling you what you want to hear.


Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 09, 2010, 05:18:14 pm
Just a note to the mods....I'm gonna make a suggestion to add the name William Burchett to the subject line of this thread as well as Turtle Winds Firewalker

Possibly something like
William Burchett (aka William Jervis, aka Turtle Winds Firewalker)

So that it turns up more easily in a google search for anyone looking for info on this person.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 09, 2010, 05:46:13 pm
Moma P. there is a PDF file attached to firemoon's last post.  It contains all the info your asking for.

Thanks Superdog & Firemoon

I'm not very technically competent and I missed noticing that attachment. And even if people had seen it, they might not have felt comfortable downloading it, so it helps to have the contents quoted here and explained, for those of us who have a hard time following legal documents...

Considering the information recently posted here,  I wonder how people who allowed Burchett to touch them believing this was a "Healing Cherokee massage" would feel about this?

I see Firewalker has placed many advertisements offering so called, healing Cherokee massages. These ads come up when I do a google search on the terms  

massage Firewalker turtle

Is there any such thing as a "healing Cherokee massage"?

I was thinking  Firewalker was some lonely German wannabe who went way ......way ......way.... off the deep end. Now he is beginning to look like a calculating manipulator and more than a bit of a creep...
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: flyaway on February 10, 2010, 06:04:44 pm
Found this under Federal Prisons:

No there is not any thing called a Cherokee message, massage, etc. I have not heard nor have anyone I have spoken to in KY or TN a sacred Buffalo Mountain. I believe in some prvious post by Jervis he said he was from KY. The Lakota would NEVER ask this man for anything nor give permission to do anything. He is not an enrolled Cherokee which he has also said he was. IDK but going by so many AKA and wanting to get out of the country, leads one to believe perhaps there is other chatges here in USA. This guy is such a fraud and I believe can be dangerous.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 10, 2010, 07:27:18 pm
Found this under Federal Prisons:

This must be a different person, as his name is William Burchett, not William A. Burchett, and then he was 57 years of age when he was released from prison in 1999.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 10, 2010, 07:45:10 pm
Regarding Ms Jervis-Zenner - there are also entries for Lexy Jervis and Lexy Zenner.

Her name also comes up in connection with Radio ARA in Luxembourg. From an earlier search a few years ago, I had the impression this was an open-channel radio project, i.e. a communal project, non-profit.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 10, 2010, 07:55:31 pm
Hi Flyaway

Thanks for the link to that website- though as Ingeborg says, i don't think that William Burchett is the same person as Firewalker as they are too old and the release date doesn't match.

But I think i did find the William Burchett who is Fire walker listed on this same website..

Register # 03655-032
Release Date 06-25-2004  

It sounds like the story he has a Cherokee Grandma may be true , but not much else is.

He himself says he was born in 1966. If he was convicted for armed robbery in 1991, when he was 25 years old , and he was in jail until 2004, until he was 38, there is no way his stories about traveling around the country for 25 years , doing ceremonies and learning from various Elders could possibly be true.

Below is quoting from part of one of his advertisements for supposed Cherokee healing massage. (my bold)
fire walker
About me
Public profile
Name:fire walker
Communities:Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Cologne
Living in:Cologne (Germany)
Languages I speak:English
Looking for:Friends, Dating, Business contacts
Relationship status:Single
Interests:Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Religion/Spiritual, Volunteer/Community Activities, Horseback Riding, Martial Arts,

(continues in German)

About me:
native american indianer

Profession:indianer teacher
Field of work:native american
Position:teacher indianer

•fire walkerfire walker
17 Oct 2009, 13:11
cherokee massage healing philosophy

the cherokee massage phhilosophy is to incorporate massage as part of a

integrated approach to the whole person body,soul ,mind,spirt,pastlife,and a person

future health and spritual balance.

the cherokee massage is not only for relaxing and wellness

the cherokee massage includes

cherokee herbal knowledge

cherokee holistic treament

reblance of the heart,soul,mind,sprirt,health,

each indivdual is carefully assessed to provide the most relaxing massage

and to remove future problems that may appear in a person life

it works on the pastlife,present,the now,the future, and the afterlife

and sets the medicine wheel for the person when there reborn again into

the world,

best i can explain in human words


I guess the main thing here is that even if this guy did have a cherokee grandmother, most of what he claims can't possibly be true... and much of what he is doing just seems nutty... Even if some tiny part of what he claims is true, what he is doing sounds like it would be considered exploitive by the Cherokee community...

This is from the official CNO website

Traditional Cherokees consult with medicine people for help with medical problems, dilemmas in their lives, or other problems. There are fewer of them alive and practicing today, but are still well known by traditionals and in the Cherokee communities. It is not accepted for these medicine people to advertise or make their services known in other ways. The proper way to find a medicine person is to be part of a Cherokee community, ceremonial ground, or family, and come to know this person through those connections. (As a tribal government, we are not at liberty to disclose the names of these persons.)

Info provided by the Cherokee Nation Cultural Resource Center. For information regarding culture and language, please contact:
The West Virginia Division of Culture and History will continue its monthly cultural heritage lecture series with Dr. Richard L. Allen, policy analyst for the Cherokee Nation, on Saturday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m., in the West Virginia State Theater at the Cultural Center, State Capitol Complex, Charleston. The talk, “American Indians Today,” is free and open to the public.
Allen will present an overview of American Indians in contemporary America from a Cherokee perspective. He also will explain that American Indians have maintained their language, history, culture, traditions, customs, and spirituality and that their life ways remain a source of strength in spite of years of forced assimilation and colonization. Allen says, “American Indians are a diverse people and to understand them, one must move beyond the stereotypical image perpetuated by print and visual media.”
As policy analyst for the Cherokee Nation, Allen prepares policy documents, white papers, and research papers in support of cultural identity; tribal sovereignty; Cherokee history; anthropology; and federal, state and tribal legislation. In addition, he acts as a liaison between the Cherokee Nation and appropriate federal, state and tribal agencies, as well as dealing with Veterans, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and Section 106 issues of the National Historic Preservation Act.

(article continues...)

Below is an often quoted article by Richard Allen

The Cherokee Nation is overwhelmed with those charlatans who fraudulently claim to be shaman, spiritual leaders or descendents of a Cherokee princess.

Such individuals make such claims without ever having lived within the Cherokee communities. They claim to be descended from some nebulous and mysterious ancestor who was from "a reservation in North Carolina" (there is only one) or "a reservation in Oklahoma" (there are none). The ancestor is never just a plain ordinary everyday Cherokee citizen but a "Cherokee Princess," a "Cherokee Shaman," or a "Cherokee Pipe carrier" none of which actually exist or ever have. Those who claim to be "shaman" do not reside within the known boundaries of the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma.

Cherokee medicine people and spiritual leaders are known to the Cherokee people and do not practice medicine for a fee nor sell "shamanic" lessons to anyone. They do not advertise their services through any form of media and certainly not over the internet.

Traditional Cherokee healers and spiritual leaders provide their services to the Cherokee people. A Cherokee medicine person or spiritual leader is fluent in the Cherokee language and would conduct any medical or spiritual practices by using the Cherokee language. Therefore, our medicine people are those who were born of a Cherokee mother and a Cherokee father and would have been reared within a Cherokee community speaking the Cherokee language. Our traditional Cherokee healers and spiritual leaders are humble people and would not present themselves as such nor "hang out a shingle" so to speak.

Cherokee medicine people are acknowledged and recognized by members of the Cherokee community as effective healers and leaders. It is the recognition of the Cherokee people that validates these persons as medicine people and healers not self-proclaimation. We may provide them small gifts, a token amount of money or foodstuffs in payment for their services. They do not charge for their services nor would they withhold their services when asked and they certainly would not prescibe payment by credit card.

Cherokee medicine people may provide services to recognized members of other tribes or may provide services to non-Indians who would seek them out for treatment, but certainly would not mix their spirituality or medicine with that of other nations.

Cherokee medicine and spiritual practices do not include tarot cards, palmistry, psychic readings or sweatlodge ceremonies.

One may assume that anyone claiming to be a Cherokee "shaman, spiritual healer, or pipe-carrier," is equivalent to a modern day medicine show and snake-oil vendor.

You have my permission to print this response as is.
   Richard L. Allen. EdD
   Research & Policy Analyst
   Cherokee Nation
   P.O. Box 948
   Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74465

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 10, 2010, 10:07:21 pm
I'm not sure if anyone checks to see if convicts who claim to be American Indian are who they say they are , and I guess it's possible people can identify however they want to, but if Burchett actually does have a Cherokee grandma, my previous comment may have been a bit harsh ...

quoting myself from reply 115
I was thinking  Firewalker was some lonely German wannabe who went way ......way ......way.... off the deep end. Now he is beginning to look like a calculating manipulator and more than a bit of a creep...

I can imagine that if a young man found himself facing a long prison sentence , the attention and prestige his German pen pals were willing to give him, just for being of NDN descent , would make it a huge temptation to tell these people whatever they wanted to hear.

Though being untruthful, making stuff up to get attention , and advertising and selling ceremonies , teachings or in this case just what someone has made up, is absolutely wrong , in his own way , Burchett may also be a victim. I can see where it would be a great temptation for someone to do what was required to get the attention and prestige they craved, especially if their life wasn't offering any other obvious opprotunities......  

It seems this person who posts as Many horses had some accurate information about Burchett

We already know that firewalker, firewalkerspeaks, Lakota warrior, William Jervis or William Burchett is the same person.

that man makes also advertising for radio luxembourg (radioaracountryshow)and I do know that it is one and the same person and please stop fooling me and other people. Firewalker aka William Jervis or William Firewalker Burchett requested assistance for a Native American Circle in New Jersey.
LG many

It sounds like this person also mentioned Burchett is enrolled...?
Reply #63
87 Beiträge
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 22:24  
Hello Petra,
you can believe me that he is registered as NA in USA. But as I told before I don‘t pass the information on him that I had got. I know his English is far away from being called a Native English speaker and I saw that he made many mistakes in his English and all these things as his reddish hair, mistakes in his English make it hard for us to believe that he is a NA. As far as I know William lived in Kentucky but was also in Virginia.
I wouldn‘t state that he is a NA if I didn‘t know it better.

I'm not sure if this is correct. I seem to remember Firewalker claiming his grandma was from SC , so I guess that would be Eastern band. I wonder if Burchet has any actual family, or connection with actual people in the EB  who could give hime some guidence?

Before he gets into even more trouble....
(edited to add)

I don't know where I may have read Firewalker claiming his Grandma was from SC, and his other accounts are that his Native ancestors lived in the Buffalo Mountains of kentucky... 
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: firemoon on February 11, 2010, 08:58:04 am
There are too much questions to bring it together for me to answer.

But - the most is already replied with my attachments in this forum.

To find informations about a convicted person you have alot of possibilities to find the records.
Because I work since more than 10 years with mostly Native American prisoners, I am a member of
You can search there by case number, name etc. BUT - you have to pay for each page.
So the search I made, I had to pay for.
You can also search in but it does not go back as long as I wanted.

On you will find every federal prisoner that is or has been in prison.
For state prisoners you can make a search on the websites of the different Departements of Corrections.

Being listed as Native American by does not meen you are one, and vice versa, being NOT listed
as Native American does not mean you are not.
I know of many Native American prisoners, who are really a part Native American that are listed as white, or black or Hispanic etc.
I don't know which criterias they take to classify the people.
But I know too much people with the "wrong" race listed there.

You can be enrolled without problems in a non-existing tribe  ;D

I was knowing a guy who even reactivated a long distincted tribe, painted (by hand with color pencils) a fantasy paper for it, and sure also the member cards.

The facts about Firewalker are to heavy and don't come from fantasy. They are showed in court papers and I think that's enough evidence. For me, not necessary to go deeper. If he is a part Native American does not interest me. He sells ceremonies, cheats people who trust in his lies, he even bless people....
It does not interest me what race a person is, but it interest me WHAT they are doing.
In every race you have frauds, and also a full blooded Native American can be a liar, a fraud, a bad person.

Once I asked a traditional Native American what will happen if I am invited to a Sweat Lodge and will find out after, that this people were not serious. He smiled and said: Don't worry. From nothing comes nothing....

The most important for me is - to make people aware of Plastik Shamans and how they use people for their own pockets.
So, please make people aware of Firewalker and what he is doing.

Especially here in Europe people are longing for a mystical, heart warming, spiritual way to live and are an easy prey for so called spiritual "leader" who will change their life. They are willing to pay for it, not realizing that paying money for it brings nothing. You cannot pay with money for spirituality. And you will not be successfull by making the trade giving money and getting a spiritual way.
To walk a spiritual way is free and hard work, every moment of your life. The most time you do this without others, being lonely, sometimes separated, misunderstood by others, joked by others. Deep in yourself you must be sure it is the way you want to go, believing in the guidedance of the spirits. Being humble and good hearted, sober, giving away the gifts you got from the spirits, not being greedy and proving everything you do to others and yourself. Knowing that everything you do comes fourfold back to you. This is a big responsibility....

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Unegv Waya on February 12, 2010, 04:36:52 pm
"Especially here in Europe people are longing for a mystical, heart warming, spiritual way to live and are an easy prey for so called spiritual "leader" who will change their life. They are willing to pay for it, not realizing that paying money for it brings nothing. You cannot pay with money for spirituality. And you will not be successfull by making the trade giving money and getting a spiritual way."

Not just in Europe, Firemoon.  The same applies here in the USA as far as there being a lot of people longing for a better way to live especially as it relates to a spiritual connection.  That is how the frauds keep going as they will always find people willing to follow anyone who puts on the right type of "show" and says things that sound spiritual even if they are not.

Then again, such fraud is not limited to native customs, ceremonies and the like.  Just look at the number of so called ministries who beat the drum for more $$ from their congregation.  It has been going on for far longer than Europeans have been here on Turtle Island.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 19, 2010, 02:06:42 pm
There's probably more than one event canceled for Jervis/Burchett. Here's his latest futile attempt at damage cosmetics:

in translation:

"Turtle Winds Firewalker invited to reservations

Turtle Winds Firewalker will be in the USA from Februar 22 to March 7 and has been invited to the following reservations as a ceremonial leader:

Feb 23: Hopi (Arizona)
Feb 25: Apache (Arizona)
Feb 27: Seminole (Florida)
Mar 2 : Blackfeet[sic] (Montana)
Mar 5 : Winnebago (Nebraska)"

For one, the Seminole do not have a rez, if I'm not mistaken.
Apart from that, I suspect the journey will have to be canceled after Feb 23 and his appearance as a 'ceremonial leader' in front of the Hopi... :sarcasm off:

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 19, 2010, 02:39:01 pm
There's probably more than one event canceled for Jervis/Burchett. Here's his latest futile attempt at damage cosmetics:

in translation:

"Turtle Winds Firewalker invited to reservations

Turtle Winds Firewalker will be in the USA from Februar 22 to March 7 and has been invited to the following reservations as a ceremonial leader:

Feb 23: Hopi (Arizona)
Feb 25: Apache (Arizona)
Feb 27: Seminole (Florida)
Mar 2 : Blackfeet[sic] (Montana)
Mar 5 : Winnebago (Nebraska)"

For one, the Seminole do not have a rez, if I'm not mistaken.
Apart from that, I suspect the journey will have to be canceled after Feb 23 and his appearance as a 'ceremonial leader' in front of the Hopi... :sarcasm off:

Tryin' to cover up lies with more lies....oh brother.  Give it up Burchett....your deception is getting comical.  You should give up're not very good at it.  This list is a pure lie and for anyone that might not have all the info, none of these tribes ever invite any outsiders to lead anything ceremonial, nobody..not other Indians and especially not pure frauds such as this guy.

If anything this should be a clear sign to any event organizers that have hired him that this guy is blowin' smoke.  If they are informed organizers at all this should be a red flag and cause for immediate termination of his contract.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 19, 2010, 02:44:21 pm
He has a new youtube channel as videos, but some telling comments on other people's videos.  His challenged spelling is also showcased.  Notice the channel name.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 19, 2010, 06:00:11 pm
Firemoon I believe Burchett has hacked your posts on the EsoWatch blog.


Reply #11:  Toja B. Drees  

"please call me turtle firewalker
i still love you
i miss you so much
Toja B. Drees"

Reply #12:  Toja B. Drees

"William Jervis alias “Firewalker” alias “Turtle Winds”
i love you with all my heart . william please come back to me
im sorry for al.l ive done to you my love.
Toja B. Drees"


Both posts are dated today Feb. 19, 2010.

You may want to contact the host of the blog and get it cleared up.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: oak on February 19, 2010, 06:27:36 pm
There is another one: (

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on February 19, 2010, 06:45:28 pm
That should be grounds for some thing..  I'd contact his ISP provider as well.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: firemoon on February 19, 2010, 09:53:05 pm
Thank you very much for letting me know and making me aware of his lies.
I already posted my answer on esowatch and forumromanum and contacted the support of forumromanum. They told me they are not the owner of it. So I emailed the

I would really appreciate it if you can make me aware if he should going on with this.
More eyes to watch are very much welcome.....thank you!!
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Unegv Waya on March 16, 2010, 07:39:13 pm
Just a quick warning to you all....I visited Jervis/Burchett's myspace page and was greeted with a computer virus.  Be wary.  Never heard of a virus getting downloaded through a myspace page, but when I opened his page there was an adobe download...even right now, havin' a few computer problems....I'd advise anyone...public included to avoid his myspace page.


It wouldn't be the 1st time someone's "Myspace" page has been infected with a virus, Superdog.  Myspace attracts all sorts of hackers who occasionally manage to infect one or more pages. 
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on March 16, 2010, 10:49:34 pm
Just revisiting this thread and checked out Burchett's youtube channel

There's three webcam videos on there.  I don't know exactly what Burchett is trying accomplish by publishing these videos..if anything it's proof of more of the craziness that seems to surround him.  All three are low quality webcam captures of a lady interviewing Don Hines.  Two of them discuss Don Hines daughter Carmen Sun Rising Pope and her marriage to Rolling Thunder.  He changes the ages slightly in each video, but Carmen married (or in Hines' words took care of) Rolling Thunder when she was in her early 40's or 40 and he was over 80.  

I'm drawing my own conclusion, but in my opinion that looks like a clear cut case of using marriage as a means to get close to what she perceived as wisdom for the sole purpose of writing her book....and making $$$ off of it.  Just an opinion.....

The other video is Hines showing a picture he painted, but he doesn't talk very clear (the audio is fine, just don't know the point of what he's saying) and about halfway through that video the audio takes a nose dive and becomes very loud static so be ready to adjust your volume.  Hines also says he was born in Pine Ridge.

As far as I can figure the point of the interview is to prove that Carmen is his daughter and that she actually married Rolling Thunder....all I can say is big deal.....Burchett's still a fraud.


ps Comments have been disabled for the vids, but you can still rate them 
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: chrissy on April 05, 2010, 10:01:36 am
The small town in the district of Gifhorn Pollhöfen is inspired by Indian spirituality. Cherokee Indian "Turtle Winds Fire Walker visited" the family Salverius to build with them and 28 other hobby Indians a so-called medicine circle of stones that will give the seeker answers to their questions and give believers a positive withdrawal point.
Elliott Usifo takes you to the spiritual journey.

Hobby Indians  ???
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: winyan ohansica on July 15, 2010, 11:38:47 am
Uh, ah- in august he will show up in a meeting with "white buffalo woman"! Check that out:


Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on July 16, 2010, 07:34:53 pm
He's now made his MySpace pictures private, so the scary photos up-thread are not visible now. But I saved one.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: wolfhawaii on July 17, 2010, 05:50:13 am
Love that photo so much i hereby rename him......."Loved By Bear" :o
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on January 31, 2011, 01:49:21 pm
I found further evidence for Jervis in fact being William Burchett in two magazines archived online. The first is Green Anarchy, issue # 3 from 2003:


Indigenous Prisoners:

William Burchett (Fire Walker)

#03655032, West 5852, Federal Prison,
P0 Box 7000, Fort Dix, NJ 08640. Native
American activist held under questionable

This publication also confirms Jervis / Burchett was in the clink up to at least 2003.

This one is from 2001. So he has been using the moniker of "Firewalker" at least from 2001 on:

Date: Monday, December 03, 2001 3:05 AM
From: newdawndeer@....
Subj: URGENT HELP needed for Inmate
Mailing List:    IronNatives <>

I have been contacted by family members and from Inmate:

William (Firewalker) Burchett #03655032
SHU Cell 321
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 7000 West
Fort Dix, NJ  08640

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: winyan ohansica on February 03, 2011, 05:35:19 pm
Something about that freak:

check that out and die laughing!

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: AlaskaGrl on February 03, 2011, 06:06:01 pm
Love that photo so much i hereby rename him......."Loved By Bear" :o

 more like "Mauled by Bear"
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: AlaskaGrl on February 03, 2011, 06:10:33 pm
Something about that freak:

check that out and die laughing!


OMG how corny!!!!!!! 
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: AlaskaGrl on February 03, 2011, 06:28:03 pm

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 03, 2011, 08:49:38 pm
Modified need to keep it here..continue on  :)

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on February 03, 2011, 08:57:25 pm

Here's a safer link to the same video...the one you posted has an site attached to it.  My security software says it's malicious.  It seems everything associated with Jervis's website's, blogs etc has some sort of spyware/adware attached to it.  Just be warned before you go there. 


lately, all of the links i click on this site go thru the anononym site, i was thinking it was because this site is
actually hosted in another country? 
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: KrazyKraut on February 03, 2011, 08:57:58 pm
The prefix is now added by the forum software. This avoids showing referers and does not increase the targets google rank. Which software claims is malicious? I am using McAfee and WOT, both consider it safe.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 03, 2011, 09:07:12 pm
He's got several channels btw.

All just as ridiculous.  The inpisweat channel is especially disturbing as he has some naked woman lying on a table (slightly covered) and he's pouring oil over here and singing his gibberish music and rubbing the oil in.  He calls it "Cherokee bodywork"

The "indianercamp" channel...more ridiculousness...I'm assuming he's trying to sell his "Indian camp" experiences although it's difficult to tell.

and of course his appearances on another lunatic's channel showing off their version of "core shamanism" (with of course tons of Native American imagery)

He really is someone to be wary of, but also a great example of what to look out for.  If anyone, in the course of trying to learn anything, is ever put in a position that he puts these ladies in (no clothes, barely covered, singing a child-like attempt at some sort of Native American music all the while being covered in massage oil and having a really bad massage done)...GET THE HECK OUTTA THERE!!  

IMHO he really is one of the worst out there....what's worse, he's flaunting it currently and I hope he answers to some authorities soon as he seems to be setting himself for much bigger conquests and I'd hate to have that fallout happen when it can be so easily prevented.


Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 03, 2011, 09:10:00 pm
The prefix is now added by the forum software. This avoids showing referers and does not increase the targets google rank. Which software claims is malicious? I am using McAfee and WOT, both consider it safe.

ahhh ok...excuse my ignorance.  It showed up on the links I posted to.  I got Trend Micropccillin, but I keep the security on it turned up a little bit (after getting a virus from one of Burchett's other websites) so I was a little suspicious.  I'll amend my older post to avoid confusion.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: KrazyKraut on February 03, 2011, 09:16:27 pm
No excuse necessary.. its my fault, I installed it without introduction. Another visible change is the chat, where I am currently in.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 03, 2011, 09:27:01 pm
Ok...this one I'm posting purely for entertainment purposes.

Ladies and gentlemen William Burchett (aka William Jervis) sing his very own version of the Leonard Peltier song.

OMG did I ever laugh hard through this one....


Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on February 03, 2011, 10:41:16 pm


You'll find two more videos of Jervis / Burchett with the same lady here:

The lady is called Viola Flambé, but prefers to go by 'White Buffalo Woman'. She's none too bright, but assumes she's a great medicine woman, and she's selling Lakota ceremonies. She happens to be one of the latest additions to the Jervis fanclub...

Quote from: Superdog
The inpisweat channel is especially disturbing as he has some naked woman lying on a table (slightly covered) and he's pouring oil over here and singing his gibberish music and rubbing the oil in.  He calls it "Cherokee bodywork"

There's about five videos about this 'Cherokee bodywork', and all of them are not adviseable to watch if you happen to be on some heart medication or stroke prone... It's not only the woman who's barely covered by a towel across her tush, Wee Willy Jervis also happens to have stripped down to a pair of chequered briefs and sits on her back... (judging from his appearance, he seems to be drinking lots of beer - he displays what we call - errrm, sorry, beer tits).

It must be by sheer coincidence that Wee Willy Jervis not only put up these 'bodywork' videos, but also videos of tours to Thailand he arranged... [cough].

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on February 03, 2011, 10:53:35 pm
OMG. It never ends with this guy.  :o
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Smart Mule on February 04, 2011, 12:33:31 am
Okay that crap was borderline pornographic. 

Whats with the vocables?  We don’t sing in vocables.  And pervie massages are not part of our traditions.  Nor is fluttering around a room with a large metallic skull candle holder (wtf?).

Honestly I dont know what else to say...
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Smart Mule on February 04, 2011, 01:39:02 am
BTW, I reported all of those videos as inappropriate.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Cetan on February 04, 2011, 03:34:29 am
the fake eagle feather and plastic skull were a nice touch ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Peasant on February 04, 2011, 06:09:12 am
Those videos!!! Hahahaha omg best laugh i've had in a while!
How he's calling everything a 'shamanic journey'... what a joke.

He's also offering Indian-themed weekends now!
Come look at a buffalo! Genuine Indian experience from me for you!
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: nemesis on February 04, 2011, 08:36:04 am


That was both disturbing and funny. 

Disturbing on so many levels, especially the fact that the almost nekkid female was blindfolded.  I don't even want to think about why that was necessary.

The plastic skull made me spit coffee all over my monitor.   Comedy gold. 

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on April 06, 2011, 09:17:33 pm
Burchett's still at it.  This is a new channel, but run by him.  Weird set of videos...he videotaped footage of stuff he's done for European media from the television.  His mind is completely out there, but he seems to be admiring Crowther (no surprise there).  So much so he's trying to rip her off by posting a video of himself with the title "The official website for Wisdom Keeper & Shaman "Little Grandmother" Kiesha Crowthe".

But here ya go.  More entertainment and facepalm material.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: nemesis on April 08, 2011, 08:31:34 am
According to this video a "patient" seeking "shamanic healing" who genuinely wants to be healed has to get naked and take all their clothes off

because, get this, evil spirits hide in clothes.


He also recently uploaded a video of a (German or Dutch?) TV broadcast of an alleged Red Cloud Sioux Indian Chief who is visiting British children at a scouts meeting.  I would be interested to know if this Red Cloud is genuine and what the situation is with a video of him being uploaded to one of Jervis's youtube channels.  the video title is "Red Cloud Sioux Indian Chief And Turtle Winds Firewalker" but there is no sign of Jervis on the video so it may be that he is attempting to secure some credibility be association with Red Cloud.

He has also uploaded a very brief video, just a few seconds long, showing nothing but himself smiling.  The video is titled "Thailand".  Just curious as to what he is up to in that part of the world.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Ingeborg on April 08, 2011, 01:13:44 pm
He also recently uploaded a video of a (German or Dutch?) TV broadcast of an alleged Red Cloud Sioux Indian Chief who is visiting British children at a scouts meeting.

It's neither German nor Dutch, it's Letzeburgisch, the language spoken in Luxemburg.
That stuff was broadcast by private owned TV station RTL (Radio TV Luxemburg) in a regional programme in Luxemburg.

  I would be interested to know if this Red Cloud is genuine and what the situation is with a video of him being uploaded to one of Jervis's youtube channels.

As far as I know, Mr Red Cloud is an honourable person doing respectable work. Burchett/Jervis is using the name to promote his own garbage.

He has also uploaded a very brief video, just a few seconds long, showing nothing but himself smiling.  The video is titled "Thailand".  Just curious as to what he is up to in that part of the world.

Have a guess....

According to this video a "patient" seeking "shamanic healing" who genuinely wants to be healed has to get naked and take all their clothes off because, get this, evil spirits hide in clothes.

Perhaps a case of a wrong conclusion by analogy. There definitely is a real huge evil spirit hiding in Burchett's clothes...  ;D
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Cetan on April 08, 2011, 04:18:11 pm
The traditional chief of the Oglala Nation is Oliver Red Cloud; that is not Oliver nor is it any of his sons in the video. There are other Red Cloud relatives on Pine Ridge and the man in the video may have been one of them
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on April 14, 2011, 05:56:38 pm
More of Jervis's recent activity:
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on April 15, 2011, 07:50:23 pm
Another crazy video.  This one from a german channel on youtube called Sprit4UTV.  Not much info on the channel  Claiming that he performs a ceremony only performed by Cherokees that allows him to see the future and predict accurately when a person is gonna die....oh brother....

At least on this video it's possible to comment (he disables comments in all his own videos), just keep in mind that Burchett aka Jervis will create sockpuppets and probably comment back attempting to discredit any comments with his child like writing.

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: nemesis on April 16, 2011, 08:11:31 am
What a load of old nonsense.

So very wrong on so many levels.

On the one hand it's hilarious, true comedy gold - on the other you can see how he uses these deranged ideas to frighten, abuse and con people, which is not really very funny at all.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: dabosijigwokush on April 17, 2011, 12:18:29 pm
did some tracing on some of his old sights

Domain Name..........
  Creation Date........ 2008-04-25
  Registration Date.... 2008-04-25
  Expiry Date.......... 2011-04-25
  Organisation Name.... Alexa Zenner
  Organisation Address. 39 rue de la Montee
  Organisation Address.
  Organisation Address. Reckange.Mess
  Organisation Address. L4981
  Organisation Address. Luxemburg
  Organisation Address. LUXEMBOURG

Admin Name........... Alexa Zenner
  Admin Address........ 39 rue de la Montee
  Admin Address........
  Admin Address........ Reckange.Mess
  Admin Address........ L4981
  Admin Address........ Luxemburg
  Admin Address........ LUXEMBOURG
  Admin Email..........
  Admin Phone.......... +1.352370376
  Admin Fax............

Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact
  Tech Address......... 701 First Ave.
  Tech Address.........
  Tech Address......... Sunnyvale
  Tech Address......... 94089
  Tech Address......... CA
  Tech Address......... UNITED STATES
  Tech Email...........
  Tech Phone........... +1.4089162124
  Tech Fax.............
  Name Server..........
  Name Server..........

the   address for  native artists to mail cds is
willie jervis
europe radio productions
39 rue de la montee
luxembourg europe

Letter from Aleza Jervis-Zenner Requesting Permission for William Burchett to Relocate to Europe.

traced address , privet residence
traced phone number , disconnected
believe he is no longer at that address
new town Burscheid Rheinland germany
Mobile phone +49 0 17 1 88 02 893 aternative massagen burscheid
deutsche Handys have to pay to get info
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: dabosijigwokush on April 17, 2011, 01:00:26 pm
found his faked cards, cut out his name on paper and layer it over two different cards

i want this clown
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: SouthwestSkeptic on April 19, 2011, 04:40:27 am
Maybe I can help. I think this fraud is going to get trapped by his own pathetic traps.

Well there’s been lots of suspicious activity on the net lately surrounding Little Fraudmother and her new bff Turtle Winds Fire Walker AKA William Jervis

First, there a FAKE New Age fraud site apologizing for treatment of William Jervis

Then there’s a new America’s crazierst home video featuring Turtle Winds Fire walker defending Little Fraudmother

(I’m told it’s unlawful to display the Cherokee seal in order to defraud or misrepresent oneself  as Cherokee)

And coincidentally, there just happens to be a fake site with a person claiming to be "Chief chief Arvol Looking Horse" writing negative blogs posts about NAFPS

And all this started after an extended argument with Carmen DeArmon (Adam "Yellowbird" DeArmon's wife) on the StarSistersShow Youtube chanel where she claims to have contacted Arvol Looking Horse and happily reports back that he doesn't have a problem with Kiesha Crowther going around telling people that she is the reincarnation of White Buffalo Pipe Woman.

Hmmmmmm Can anybody help me connect the dots here?

It's so hard to tell who might be behind all this with all this ingenious strategy.

I got these tips from one of my budz in League of Pissed off NDNZ

Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Defend the Sacred on April 19, 2011, 05:25:06 pm
Just adding this for the record, for anyone just stumbling into all this:

Arvol and Paula are aware of the fake profiles, and want them taken down. We have gotten about half of them down, and are working on the others. If you come across anyone online claiming to be Chief Arvol Looking Horse, please remember this: Arvol does not blog. He does not post on message boards, nor does he have any profiles on any social networking sites.

In the future, all official statements from Arvol will come from their official website:

Once the website is upgraded, Paula will continue to also send out Arvol's statements for him via email, as she does now, but in the future they will include a link to confirm them on the official website. This has become necessary due to the impersonators and attempts at identity theft.

While Arvol does not use the computer himself, he has full access to what is online, and a team of assistants who research and keep him up to date on these things - he knows about the situation with Jervis, Crowther, and the other frauds and has been aware of it all along. When asked about Kiesha Crowther his response has been that Ms. Crowther is not a member of the Lakota Nation, she is not a relative, and she has no rights to ceremonies.

Anyone claiming otherwise is misinformed. Please set them straight if it comes up. Thanks :)
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: matt e on April 19, 2011, 05:52:58 pm
it might be a good idea to put this on the main page, as well as having this info in its own thread to make it easier to find.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Saskia on December 14, 2011, 08:43:50 pm
Since this guy was my main reason for joining here, this is just to let you know that William Jervis AKA Cherokeemedizinmann, AKA Turtle winds Firewalker, AKA Firespeaks seems to be intermittently active on the Talking Stick forum of Shaman Portal.

Some very silly information on the various web sites he puts forward and which seem to last only a month or so.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Superdog on February 24, 2012, 06:11:28 pm
(crossposted from Kiesha Crowther thread as it has information pertaining to both)

Ok....I can confirm the "TheTribeofmanycolors" youtube channel is the creation of Burchett.  Searched the address.  A whole bunch of hits all with Burchett's signature child-like writing.  Blog sites, forum messages, networking sites.  All over the place (like he does with the NAFPS copycat sites he creates...same thing).  So this basically confirms she's not opening a shaman school in Germany, but in fact, Burchett is working to help a few "wisdomkeepers" open their own.  According to him, these are 2 other of the 12 "wisdomkeepers" that Crowther is supposed to be part of.  This is not attributed to her, however, I have no knowledge of these two working together and it's not unlike Burchett to try and steal customers from other frauds.

Here's an example and I'm posting one of the blog postings.  A rather comical (and almost sad) description of how this shaman school is NOT Lakota:

"official statement LITTLE GRANDMOTHER SHAMAN SCHOOL   Leave a comment














Spiritual path  AT OUR SCHOOL










So keep an eye out for both these e-mail addresses.  Ever since he began trying to get in contact with her he's been pretending he's her and using these e-mail addresses (although one is spelled wrong in this particular post), and if anyone can get an idea of who Burchett is trying to promote (John Berry and Tammy Sue) then that might be of interest to the board as he states that their "teacher" is Lakota (who I'm assuming is Burchett's business partner Don Hines).


Title: Re: Hello/Fakes NA William Burchett/Jervis
Post by: Superdog on May 29, 2012, 02:53:04 pm
There's a thread on Burchett here.  12 pages of info.  A definite, without a doubt fraud.  He even defrauds other frauds.  He's used the brandiwish e-mail addy at least since 2008.  It's a lame attempt by Burchett to sockpuppet comment sections on websites to promote his "Indian Camps" and attempt to sell ceremonies.  He's really a joke and if he's doing what you say, the more information the better to stop his activity.  Please feel free to read and add any info you can.

Title: new video honko ponka from fire walker
Post by: dabosijigwokush on June 03, 2012, 09:29:01 pm

uploaded by spirit4uTV

need to shut them down
Title: Re: new video honko ponka from fire walker
Post by: dabosijigwokush on June 03, 2012, 09:40:58 pm
his myspace has a virus in it
Title: Re: new video honko ponka from fire walker
Post by: dabosijigwokush on June 03, 2012, 10:20:15 pm
This "Firewalker" is the same on my site http://www.worldwidefriends... an advertisement had in jail find the correspondence for Indians. He had to present a photo that looks exactly the same like the above mentioned Firewalker. I got also emails from him and some followers after his Entlasung, radio shows etc. in Luxembourg made advertising for events.
How long he was in jail I can not say, but surely from 2001-2004. Afterwards, he indicated by the Bureau of prisons when released. It may be (I'm fairly sure), that he is one William A. Burchett, who received 121 months + 60 months + 3 years (probation) for armed robbery in 1991.
 I was attention to him again as I he got knows an invitation to an event with him and the who and carefully made the people on Firewalker. The event was cancelled and I am very glad about that. Each Plastikshamane is one too many.

Read more:

Edit: Changed esowatch to psiram
Title: Re: new video honko ponka from fire walker
Post by: Defend the Sacred on June 04, 2012, 04:12:53 pm
Yep, that's Jervis. I'll add this to the Jervis thread.


Great... fraudulent healer scaring people that they'll get cancer or car crashes if they don't do his bidding.

Oooh. And he can do TIME TRAVEL. He's pretty fancy. And of course it involves wolves. And his 150 year old grandmother. Wow.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker
Post by: Defend the Sacred on July 22, 2012, 11:03:02 pm
Added the info from "I"'s intro to the thread. "I", if you want to tell us about yourself, please feel free to start a new thread about yourself in intros, but post the Jervis/Burchett info here. Thanks! :)
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker
Post by: Weltenwanderin on February 11, 2014, 10:03:17 pm
It seems that he is now active under the name "Medicine Turtle".

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker
Post by: loudcrow on February 12, 2014, 06:24:25 am
He is also "Cherokee Nations" on Facebook and is using the email address:

As of December, 2013, he can be reached at telephone numbers in the USA (area code 606 Kentucky), Germany and Luxemburg.

I noticed he also has the Seal of the Cherokee Nation on his Facebook photo.

He also identifies himself as "M.D." on his blogspot.

More BS:

Even more BS:

And even more BS:

He even owns a campsite in Kentucky, Luxemburg and Austria! Here's a link to the one in Kentucky:!8791&query=sitedetails

Most disturbing is his obituary:

He's been been reincarnated as "Medicine Turtle" and has been as busy as a beaver since November 2013.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: educatedindian on February 12, 2014, 04:29:48 pm
I wonder where he's getting money to buy 3 campsites. He does sell his phony ceremonies but that seems to be only about every 6 months or so. Judging by the photos on his sites, he never has more than 4 or 5 victims, much less than most other frauds.

Here's another site where he sells creams, shampoo, and some kind of handmade symbols.

The site is owned by Sabine Maria Bohler, who calls herself Crazy Woman, seems to be his partner. I did see some sites mentioning a dentist by that name, but don't know if it's the same person.

They mention an alleged Oglala elder He Who Knows.

He evens sells business seminars and dream readings here.

On his google site he posted a welcome to tourists from the leader of the Eastern Band. Standard stuff, come camping etc, but to Europeans who didn't know any better might sound like an official endorsement.

Ingeborg, can you take a look at these German sites?
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: milehighsalute on February 12, 2014, 04:33:09 pm
heres a tactic i did on eliase every single person on his contacts with a link to this thread  :)
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Epiphany on February 12, 2014, 09:19:56 pm
Another clue about Burchett = Jervis, the birth date listed here is the same as listed elsewhere in our thread:

William Burchett, "United States Public Records Index"
Name:    William Burchett
Also Known As:    William Jervis
Residence Date:    01 Dec 2005-15 Nov 2007
Residence Place:    Fort Pierce, Florida, United States

Birth Date:    15 Feb 1966

Address:    2305 S 29th St
Address Continued:    Fort Pierce, Florida 34981
Address Date:    01 Dec 2005-15 Nov 2007

2nd Address:    2308 S 29th St Apt 9
2nd Address Continued:    Fort Pierce, Florida 34981
2nd Address Date:    01 Mar 2005

3rd Address:    1000 PO Box
3rd Address Continued:    Petersburg, Virginia 23804
3rd Address Date:    13 Jul 2001

Possible Relatives:    Alexa Jervis (
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Epiphany on February 12, 2014, 09:51:47 pm
Is this the same guy?
william A burchett

William Firewalker Burchett at William Firewalker Burchett

    Greater Philadelphia Area
    Events Services

william A burchett's Overview


        William Firewalker Burchett at William Firewalker Burchett


        native american indian circle at native american indian visions

william A burchett's Summary

native american indian cherokee
cherokee indian sweatlodge leader

native american indian cermonys
william A burchett's Experience
William Firewalker Burchett
William Firewalker Burchett

Currently holds this position
native american indian circle
native american indian visions

January 2004 – February 2005 (1 year 2 months)

native american indian visions
william A burchett's Additional Information


    Interests/Looking for: Interests: Songwriting, Indian dancing, native ceremonies, traditional Indian teaching. I seeking a girlfriend or wife, also I’m seeking friends, interested in the Indian way of life. (
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Epiphany on February 12, 2014, 11:36:24 pm
Here is a clip from a genealogy forum, he identifies who his parents are. (

Re: MacArthur Burchett
jerviswilliam (View posts)
Posted: 18 Jan 2010 11:59PM GMT
Classification: Obituary
Surnames: burchett
im very sad by dad death
im currently liveing in europe
william burchett

Ashland KY Daily Independent, 15 Apr 2000.
MacArthur Burchett, 57, of Prestonsburg, died Thursday in Cabell Huntington Hospital at Huntington, W.Va. Mr. Burchett was born Nov. 22, 1942, in Floyd County, a son of the late Bill and Renia Spears Burchett. He was a factory worker. Surviving are his wife, Johnny Carol Spears Burchett; two sons, Billy Burchett of Texas, and Charles Newsome of Prestonsburg; four daughters, Tammy Woods and Lisa Jones, both of David, Carol Sue Shepherd of Ashland, and Cheryl Burchett of Columbus, Ohio; two brothers, John B. Burchett of Endicott, and Donnie Burchett of Columbus, Ohio; five sisters, Thibble O'Neil of Columbus, Ohio, Wonder Inez Burchett of Salyersville, Thelma Jean Burchett of Allen, Rosie Jane Burchett of Frankfort, and Daisy Helen Burchett of Floyd County; and 10 grandchildren. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Nelson-Frazier Funeral Home at Martin by Manford Fannin. Burial will be in Davidson Memorial Gardens at Ivel. Friends may call anytime at the funeral home.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on February 13, 2014, 12:22:08 am

That's him, too. His father died in 2000 and 'Jervis' was still in the clink at that time. He also applied for the name change after 2000 and this was denied according to his prison files. It is still not established whether he changed his name legally later on.

The two Florida addresses you found, Piff, are quite interesting, because  he must have arrived in Luxemburg some time 2005 and was already advertising English lessons in Lux. and did radio shows for an open radio project there in 2006.

'Alexa Jervis' is the lady who applied to the BOP to have Burchett released on parole to marry her which was also denied. She also goes by Alexa Zenner or Alexa Zenner-Jervis.

I already came across his latest reincarnation as 'Medicine Turtle', but give me a day or two to get all the stuff sorted out.
He seems to have been active in Austria mostly during the last two years, and he avoids mentioning his real life name with his fake ndn name, I assume in order not to be found out again too soon.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Epiphany on February 13, 2014, 12:48:17 am
my great cherokee grandmother was a spears (

His paternal grandmother Renia Spears is listed white in all census as are her parents.

He has Spears on his maternal side too, but the Spears surname is passed down through the men, so probably no maternal grandmothers have that birth surname.   His mother is listed in voter records as white, not hispanic.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Weltenwanderin on February 14, 2014, 05:41:15 am
Well, and a further Facebook-Account: Steyr Shaman

And there you can find texts like this: "The American Indians hold sacred the virtues of truthfulness, courage, generosity, and reverence for life. They practice direct communication with the Great Spirit, whom they call Wakan Tanka, through seven sacred ceremonies"

Yes, of course all American Indians use the Lakota word "Wakan Tanka" and have seven sacred ceremonies!!!!!   No comment ....

And it seems that he has created a fake account "John Horseman" who shall give him a touch of authenticy because he lets him write:
"Ya a teh, Ciyawayasni. Hello, My Brother Medicine Turtle
Great White Buffalo Journey Come Home .To reservation Here
We Miss You Brother standing rock sioux tribe.Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat"

so that everybody can read how he is missed by native americans.....  no other posts and friends by that account.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: earthw7 on February 15, 2014, 06:11:24 pm
ok so who is he talking about???
Standing rock sioux tribe.Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat"
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Epiphany on February 15, 2014, 10:09:19 pm
Medicine Turtle says Cherokee had the first sweat lodges and that they were built on top of medicine wheels. I think he might also be saying that sweat lodges fly. Seriously. He claims he teaches the right words that can enable you to "take off in this thing". (
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Weltenwanderin on February 15, 2014, 10:32:22 pm
Well, that's typical for him, sentences which makes no sense. ;)   

And another Facebook-Account of him:
And no, I don't control him, but today a Facebook friendship request from Schwitzhütte Dakota (in English: sweatlodge dakota)  reached me ;)  What an irony!!!!

In that context I came accross a "Roger Nighhorse"   (marked as a friend of Schwitzhütte Dakoa. Could be an alter ego of William Jervis, but I'm not sure. I could find some comments from him on event notifications which said "you do not have my permission to do a sweatlodge". What is right. But I found too "Traditional Lakota Sioux Inipi Gatherings (Sweat Lodges) have Indian leaders. YOU WANT OUR LAND YOU STEAL OUR WAY OF LIFE ASK US FIRST". That can mean that he just want to say "Invite and pay me as a leader". I don't know.  Interesting too are his likes ;)  "Hidden cam porns" for example.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on March 19, 2014, 04:28:48 pm

Mr Burchett/Jervis, under his new name of 'Medicine Turtle', is mainly active in Austria since the beginning of 2012. My first impression was that Burchett/Jervis is as full of it as before, but reading his sites and ads for events, I have to rephrase that: he's fuller of it than ever before (e.g. he's posing as an M.D now...)

His MO has remained the same and he is not any more inclined to earn an honest income than he was before. Jervis' legend has seen a few changes, though:

He changed his DOB from February 1966 to 1970. So instead of an age of 47, he claims to be 43. The way he looks, further rejuvenations may become a problem.... Plus that he started to become hair challenged on top – the forehead's getting higher...
He is making up for that with a huge red bandana. Apparently no one told him that a bandana coloured in a rather loud red does not go well with red hair. And likewise, no one told him the Cherokee don't wear bandanas.

One thing he also avoids carefully is giving his name(s) – nothing in the way of „William Jervis“ or „William Burchett“, just a plain „Medicine Turtle“. He is still Cherokee, but now instead of having a full-blooded grandmother, his mother has become full-blooded, too. A nice upgrade of ancestors. His father still is full-blooded Irish, to explain his red hair.

He is also still trying to evoke the impression he is a member of the Eastern Band, sporting photos of Wee Willie in front of the EB administration, the entrance to the EB territory etc. He also links to a video of the EB chief.

Jervis has been using one German lady before to promote his garbage – he's been upgrading on that, too: meanwhile, there are three Austrian ladies spreading his garbage on websites and in forums. Now, how comes, Turtle Fartsies – found out that Germans work harder than Austrians, or why does it need three Austrians to replace one German?

Two of the ladies are his „shamanic students“. In one case, this really brings tears to one's eyes, as the lady in question is a psychologist, trained at a university! She runs one professional website, and another one on her „shamanising“ stuff with Wee Willie Turtle.

The other two ladies are dyed-in-the-wool Nuagers. One is a „shamanic student“ flattered as „very talented“ by Turtle With A Wee Willie in newspaper interviews etc. Apparently, he works regularly with both ladies mentioned.

The third one he seems to have fleeced off the crowd of the shame-on claiming he was a Susquehannock from Florida, as she was supporting, and paying, him before. One now finds entries in forums and blogs in which she promotes the Wee-Willied Turtle.

Much of the info is bilingual. Where it wasn't, I added my translations in brackets [].

Aktuell [current info]
cherokee medizinmann
Alternative medicine with traditional Native American medicine bei Alternative medicine with traditional Native American medicine
Doctor of Medicine (MD bei Doctor of Medicine (MD
Ausbildung [education]
Traditional Native American Medicine
Kontakte [contacts]  316 Kontakte
Berufserfahrung von medicine turtle [professional experience]
cherokee medizinmann
– (43 years 11 months)
cherokee medizinmann a healer
Alternative medicine with traditional Native American medicine
– (43 years 11 months) Cherokee
Alternative medicine with traditional Native American medicine
Doctor of Medicine (MD
– (43 years 11 months) United States
Doctor of Medicine (MD

Kenntnisse von medicine turtle [skills]
1. Vision Quest
2. Medicine Wheel
3. Sweatlodge
4. Shamanism
5. Massages
6. Alternative Medicine
7. Internal Medicine
8. Emergency Medicine
9. Family Medicine
10. Problem Solving
11. Life Transitions
12. Therapeutic Massage
13. Medical Massage
14. Holistic Massage
15. Shamanism
16. Military Doctrine
17. Environmental Science
18. Hunter
19. Herbs
20. Surveillance
21. Survival Training
22. Outdoor Living Areas
23. Internet
24. Program Facilitation
25. Driver Training
26. Intuitive Healer
27. Holistic Health
28. Mental Health
29. Healing
30. Wellness Coaching
31. Employee Wellness Programs
32. Wellness
33. Lifestyle Coaching
34. Camping
35. Army
36. Police Instructor
37. Disaster Recovery
38. Fitness
39. Coordination
40. Counseling Psychology
41. Mental Health Counseling
42. Mental Illness
43. Spiritual Direction
44. Public Speaking
45. Swimming
46. Cultural Diversity
47. Community Outreach
48. Social Media Marketing
49. Mediation
50. Higher Education

Traditional Native American Medicine, Traditional Native American Medicine

Note: 1/5
Traditional Native American Medicine
Aktivitäten und Verbände: [Activities and Organisations]
Traditional ,Native ,American ,Medicine

Apparently, Burchett/Jervis considerable increased his claims and even poses as an M.D. According to Austrian and German law, this is a criminal offence.

The LinkedIn profile also points to a group maintained by Burchett/Jervis:
Info zur Gruppe TheMedicineWay [Info on the group The Medicine Way]
Alternative Medicine
useing everything we know about medicine to help
science and humans live a better life
Informationen über diese Gruppe [Info on this group]
Gründung: [founded:] 30. November 2012
Typ: Fachgruppe [professional]
Mitglieder: [members:] 11
Verantwortlicher: [person responsible] medicine T.

Burchett/Jervis also revived an old google-site. This was done in a pretty half- @rsed way so the site now looks as if it had been hijacked by him:

 Medicine Turtle at home in the Cherokee Mountains
 Michell Hicks, Chief of the Cherokee in North Carolina

Shamanic education, vision quest in europe and usa, schamanic treatments, alternative treatments, nature treatments, shaman/spiritual events and courses, sweatlodge ceremony and sweatlodge building, survival training in the USA, managment training in Europe and in the USA, drum workshops and drum circle, meditation circle

Shamanic Training – North American Shamanism

Individual shamanic training. Some issues will be dealt with in course, i.e. groups. The largest part of the training will be done individually. Every person, every being is unique, everyone has got their special task to do, everyone must go their own way. Everyone has got their own individual experience and feelings, so everyone is at a different point, therefore an intensive training can only be done individually.
Trainings possible in Europe and in the USA. Registering and information: turtlemedicine @ yahoo

Again, much of this is bilingual, my translations in brackets:

Healing ceremonies, rituals, personal consultations
Energy Medicine Bodywork
Energy Medicine
Medicine Wheel compensation
Medicine lodge
Trance Healing (group)
Stone Healing
Crystal Healing
Soul Retrieval (individually or group)
Fire Ceremony
Women's ritual of passage
Shamanic journeys

Visionquest - Visionssuche
Readings (Lesen)
Angel work
Reading the Power animal
Reading the Totem
Cleansing of negative energies
House cleansing
House blessing
Removal of curses
Hunting ghosts
Programme, Kurse - program, courses
posted Oct 13, 2009, 12:53 AM by Die Schamanenschule   [ updated Mar 14, 2012, 1:33 AM ]
Spezielle Programme - special programs
Burn out (einzeln - single)
Naturerfahrung - nature experience (einzeln oder in Gruppen single or groups)
schamanische Ferien - Urlaub in Kombination mit schamanischen Erlebnissen und Veranstaltungen (einzeln oder in der Gruppe)
shamanic vacation - holiday in combine with shamanic experience and events (single or groups)
Visionssuche (einzeln oder in der Gruppe) - Vision quest (single or groups)
  jedes Programm einzeln oder als Gruppenprogramm buchbar
  you can book each program as single program or group program

Tierkommunikation - animalcommunication
Spiritkommunikation - spiritcommunication
Plfanzenkommunikation - plantcommunication
Steinkommunikation - stonecommunication
Visionquest - Visionssuche
Lodges - Hütten
Sweatlodge - Schwitzhütte
Medicine lodge - Medizinhütte
Marriage lodge - Hochzeitshütte
Ancestor lodge - Vorfahrenhütte
Animal communication lodge - Tierkommunikationshütte
Kurse [courses]
Schwitzhütte - sweatlodge
Energie Medizin Körperarbeit - energy medicine bodywork
Heilpflanzenkunde - healing plants, herbology
Medizinrad - medicine wheel
Negative Energien, Vertreibung von Negativem - remove negative engergy
Trommeln - Trommelkreise/gruppen - drumming - drum circle/groups
Trommelkreis - drum circle
Trommel Meditation - drum meditation
The Heartbeat of Mother Earth - der Herzschlag von Mutter Erde
Trommeln und Chanting - drumming and chanting
Sing und Trommel Workshop (erlernen von Native Songs) - sing and drum workshop (learning native songs)
Meditationsgruppe - meditation group
Trance Meditation
Ancestor Meditation - Vorfahren Meditation
Medizinrad - medicine wheel
Medizinrad - Kurse - medicine wheel courses
Medizinrad Zeremonie - medicine wheel ceremony
Medizinrad Workshop (bauen eines Medizinrades) - medicine wheel workshop (building a medicine wheel)
Reinigung von negativen Energien - cleaning and removing negative engery
Hausreinigung - house cleaning
Haussegnung - house blessing
Fluchbeseitigung - removal curse
Geisterjagd - ghost hunting
Engelarbeit - engel work
Krafttier lesen - poweranimal reading
Totem lesen - totem reading
Öffentliche Zeremonien - public ceremony
Hochzeitszeremonien - wedding ceremony
Beerdingungszeremonien - funeral ceremony

Medicine Turtle lives in the Cherokee Mountains. He spent his childhood partly on the Reservation, partly in the mountains outside the Reservation. Medicine Turtle's mother is Cherokee (full-blooded), his father is European.

From his birth on, Medicine Turtle has special abilities, a special understanding of nature and the spiritual world around him. Already when a child, he spent several days on his own in nature and in the spiritual world.

Because of his deep love to Mother Earth, members of the Cherokee and then also of other natuons began initiating him into the secrets of spirituality and medicine of the Native Americans. Soon he discovered his abilities to heal animals and humans.

Native American music, healing songs and the drum, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, became part of his life. The love of Native American music opened the way for him to marry the daughter of the Cheyenne medicineman. Through this marriage, further doors to more teachers opened.

Burchett/Jervis posing as 'America's most distinguished shaman' here – what a roar:

Powerful meeting with America's most distinguished shaman

Medicine Turtle is the successful leader of a Culture-Spiritual Healing Centre in the Cherokee Mountains in order to preserve culture, nature, spirituality, and to heal humans and nature. Humans are part of nature and in order to remain healthy, must be in unison with nature. Medicine Turtle confirms humans to take responsibility for their own health and their own life. For most, this is the first decisive step to deep healing, strength, and joy of life. To understand the sense of being and to live.

Vision Quests and Healing
Person who meet Medicine Turtle are deeply moved by his power and dedication. With humour and ease, the charismatic healer supports and strengthens the potentials and self-healing powers of humans. Deeply connected to nature and to the mental powers, Medicine Turtle makes use of the wealth of plants of the Cherokee Mountains for cleansing rituals and healing ceremonies.

Medicine Turtle as a human in nature 

Many healing plants grow in the Cherokee Mountain [sic] which up to the present day may not be culturevated [sic]. Large pharma companies come every year to buy these valuabe healing plants from the inhabitants of the Cherokee Mountain [sic]. The Centre also aims at preserving the rich nature, to protect animals and plants. Their protection serves to the protection of humankind.
Medicine Turtle in Europe and Asia

Medicine Turtle frequently travels around the world in order to help, to spread knowledge, and to learn from others. Knowledge can only be preserved when it is shared.
Therefore, Medicine Turtle also visits the German language regions and offers courses, trainings, lectures, and also Vision Quests. Vision Quest can be booked both in Europe and in the USA […]

Apparently, the text was written by one of his faithful ladies, but please - Wee-Willied Turtle and charismatic?
And that alleged Healing Centre - does it perhaps happen to be the same premises as his camping ground? Inquiring minds would like to know:

06-23-2013 10:27 AM
Camping in tent on Cherokee Indian campground with a medicine man
I WAS CAMPING a week near Cherokee reservation WITH
he has a campground near there he did not charge me a dime.
last year i spent 2 weeks at his cherokee camp site in kentucky
he only charged me 100 dollars we fish all day went swimming
had sweatlodge every night
best camping place i every spent day at.
only way reach him is mostly by email
i camp many places in my life but the medicine turtle cherokee camp ground
best place i have every been in my life. a buddy of mine does vision quest
there with medicine turtle a few times a year near pikeville kentucky.
but if a person looking for a camping place and has time plan it
that best place i every stayed at. and he can sure cook native food best i ate
and he hell of herb teacher.

Written by none else but the Wee-Willied Turtled himself posing as an enthusiastic client.

Burchett/Jervis also promotes his fraudulent business on still another website:
Life – Experience seminars
Vision Quests
Sweatlodge Life Experience seminars
Courses particularly for medical doctors, therapists, psycho-therapists, alternative healers, psychologists, psychiatrists, alternative psychotherapist healers, nurses, social workers, managers, lawyers, teachers, persons who work with larger groups or individuals.
More information on the Life – Experience Therapy and Seminars please find at:
Anmeldung unter: E-Mail: medturtle@yahoo
Telefon: Deutschland +49 (0)1578 38 62 957
Luxemburg +352 (0)661 192 56 85

Interestingly enough, these two phone numbers are also mentioned at sites of a somewhat – errm: dubious character, like e.g.:
„Lonely women waiting for you“ ….

Or at a blog by the name of „German Healers' School“ maintained by a character going by 'wolflakota':

This is what Burchett/Jervis says:
Becoming a Cherokee Medicine man or women - Becoming a shaman!
Think you might want to be a Cherokee medicine man or women? Are you ready to commit 15 to 25 years studying the 7 disciplines required? Cherokee medicine, nvwoti (noo wat ee), is a practice that has developed over the last 3,000 to 8,000 years and can’t be mastered overnight! A Cherokee medicine man or women, Didanawisgi, typically started studying very young as an apprentice with the dream of one day becoming the high master or Uku!
1. Herbal Medicine - an in-depth knowledge of 400-800 plants, their medicinal and ceremonial uses as well as the plants "personality".
2. Physical Medicine - including the unique Cherokee massage using spicewood wood tree, poke, minor surgery & midwifery.
3. Dreamwork - not only how to interpret dreams, but how to use them for personal growth, healing, and to gain knowledge.
4. Language/Myths/Laws - Cherokee is a language of amazing subtlety and power. The tsila learns not only the subtleties of every day spoken Cherokee, but a separate "medicine" language. Stories, myths, and laws give meaning to the world and help us to understand our place in the Great Life.
5. Ceremonies - the Cherokee traditionally had 7 major ceremonies, 6 of which marked the important yearly cycles, such as the first new moon of Spring, green corn harvest, mature corn harvest, falling leaves festival, and the beginning of winter/exulting ceremony. Many of these ceremonies are still done today and are as meaningful now, if not more so, than in times past. Ceremonial practice also includes various types of personal, family, community, and national ceremonies that help maintain balance within the individual, the family, the community, and the nation.
6. The laws of nature - keen observers, the Cherokee have for millions of years paid attention to the world around them. This collected body of knowledge is extensive and it explains why things act as they do and the cause and effect of their interrelationship - why animals behave certain ways, how the sun and moon interrelate, how men and women interact, the nature of water, the fire, the earth (elag),...
7. Conjuring - although there is no really good word in English to describe this, various words - conjuring, magic, manipulation, partially explain this practice. This is the ability to enlist the aid of spirits and elemental powers to change things, to heal or doctor, to "change one's mind", to bring luck and to protect the sick or weak from negative influences.
The Cherokee credit two sources for much of their knowledge of medicine. First from the plants spicewood. The second from the ancient stone wolfhims. He was almost impossible to kill because of his incredible wisdom and because he wore complete body armor made of stone. But he met his end when he approached a village and the villagers went to their most knowledgeable wizard and asked for his help. He summoned eight women, from the millions of clans who were in their period, and placed them in the path of the advancing Stone-Clad.
"With each one that he saw his step grew weaker until when he came to the last one, with whom the sickness had just begun, the blood poured from his mouth and he fell down on the trail." Then the medicine-man drove seven pine woods stakes through his body and pinned him to the ground, and when night came they piled great logs over him and set fire to them, and all the people gathered around to see. Nuii'yunu'wip (Stone-Clad) was a great ada'wejhi and knew many secrets, and now as the fire came close to him he began to talk, and told them the medicine for all kinds of sickness. At midnight he began to sing, and sang the hunting songs for calling up the bear and the deer and all the animals of the woods and mountains. As the blaze grew hotter his voice sank low and lower, until at last when daylight came, the logs were a heap of white ashes and the voice was still alive. So, the conjures and songs of Stone-clad and the medicinal plants formed the foundation for the last and first disciplines. The rest were developed over time and taught orally to each generation.
Ready to be a medicine man or women?
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on March 19, 2014, 05:09:31 pm
This is a special gem – an interview Burchett/Jervis did for an Austrian paper. Warning: it is plain and effin' racist stuff:

„Until I was 18, I lived in caves“

A special guest shares his wisdom and healing rituals in the town of Lingenau up until today: Cherokee medicineman Medicine Turtle. W&W went into the sweat-tipi with him and received a view of his world.
Medicine Turtle does not come across as typically Indian: his red hair he received from his Irish father, the Indian roots from his mother, a Cherokee full-blood, and his grandma, a medicine woman. „I like it very much here in Vorarlberg“, he says at the beginning of our conversation. He traveled to Lingenau for an Indian Healing Weekend and offers some insight into Indian healing art. Another issue: „Hassuny“, an ancient Cherokee healing method which is only passed on orally. „Until I was 18, I lived in caves and went hunting – I didn't even know what a car is“, he remembers. He patiently explains how a sweatlodge is being built: „In the middle, there is the 'womb of mother earth' and the hot stones are kept there. There is room for a maximum of 25 persons in the tent. The ritual starts with building it resp. placing the stones outside.“ People experiencing a sweat session will experience themselves in a new way, as he explains: „For example you see your weaknesses. This is sometimes exhausting, but it may also change you! A renewal of the spirit.“ One can see his joy when he can share what he brought along, from horse oil, healing roots up to his pipe which allegedly more than 10,000 persons smoked meanwhile. „And, what's it like for you?“, he asks excietedly.

Through his Irish father, who did Celtic rituals, Medicine Turtle received insights into several worlds. He also knows mainstream medicine well. He served in the US military for several years and was a medic: „I also was in Iraq – what I saw there was bad. It's sad what humans can do to other humans. With my healing powers, I tried to help there as much as possible.“ But Cherokee healing art was not made for war injuries.
Viewing the Future
In visions, Medicine Turtle can see the future, as he explains. Days, weeks, months – depending on what the spritis allow. He even has his own method of predicting lottery numbers: „This often functions. But I cannot do it for myself, only for others“, he says with a laugh. This would prevent abuse.


A small box at the interview page says:

Genuine Medicine Man in Vorarlberg
On his European Tour, Cherokee medicineman Medicine Turtle will be in Lingenau up until today. He is taken care of by Sabine Böhler from the town of Schwarzenberg who, according to the American, is a talented student. According to Medicine Turtle, a kind of academy for Vorarlberg is being planned. More info at

A photo caption reads:

“W&W editorial journalist in the sweat tent with Medicine Turtle. Up to 25 persons may take a seat there. Hot stones in the middle – in the 'womb of mother earth' – are used to heat it.

We knew before Burchett/Jervis was an idiot, a poser, and a racist, but thanks, Wee-Willied, for the confirmation.
While Cherokee did not live in caves during the last several thousand years, we do accept this may have been completely different with Mr Burchett/Jervis. But then again he is not Cherokee.

He now even claims to have been in the military. Right, so he did serve some 12 years - however, not in any military unit. The unit he served 12 years in had barred windows, and he got there for robbing a bank.

Short translation for the benefit of our German readers:

Es war ja bereits klar, daß Burchett/Jervis ein Idiot, ein Poser und ein Rassist ist, aber danke, Wee-Willy, daß du es mal wieder bestätigst. Die Cherokee haben in den letzten paar Tausend Jahren nicht in Höhlen gelebt, aber wir können uns vorstellen, daß dies bei Mr Burchett/Jervis vielleicht anders war. Aber er ist ja auch kein Cherokee.

Inzwischen behauptet er sogar, er sei beim Militär gewesen. Nun ja, er hat in der Tat 12 Jahre abgerissen - jedoch nicht beim Militär. Die Institution, bei der er 12 Jahre verbrachte, besaß 'schwedische Gardinen' und er hat die 12 Jahre für einen Bankraub eingefangen.

Weitere Informationen zur Haftstrafe sind in den Beiträgen 99, 100, 101, 109 und 112 zu finden.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: rolf nisch on June 19, 2014, 01:14:13 pm
sorry i speak englisch very bad.

i meet him 2006, he alway ask for money and always talke about money.
so i don`t wanted do do anything with him.
i think he will do evrything for money.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 19, 2014, 01:54:08 pm
sorry i speak englisch very bad.

i meet him 2006, he alway ask for money and always talke about money.
so i don`t wanted do do anything with him.
i think he will do evrything for money.

Hi Rolf,
thanks for joining us and for posting. You can contact me per PN in German language.

Hallo Rolf,
danke, daß du dich hier registriert und gepostet hast. Du kannst mich auf Deutsch per PN anschreiben.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: rolf nisch on July 05, 2014, 10:08:31 pm
hello ingeborg,
did you got my message about jervis?

wishes rolf
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on May 30, 2016, 02:39:06 pm
Jervis has resurfaced some time ago - he made it to Austria where he once again set up shop as a plastic shame-on and even claims to have founded a "Native American Medicine Academy".

This year, Jervis' fake Native American Medicine Academy organises and promotes a speaking tour with Mr Henry Red Cloud which takes place between May 27 and June 11, 2016.
Mr Red Cloud has chosen to participate in the tour.

According to Jervis' usual MO, he published a multitude of ads on various online platforms etc and abundantly placed video material at YouTube using several channels.

Additionally, he advertises a book allegedly written by Henry Red Cloud, with Jervis named as „creator“ - titled: The quiet Revolution of the 7th generation. A promotional video done with Jervis and Mr Red Cloud is to be seen here, e.g.:

The individual events mostly are not organised by Jervis and his assistant, Sabine Maria Böhler – also going by „Sabine SunTurtle“ -, but by various persons most of whom got one thing in common: they're Nuagers.

The first event was scheduled at Mannheim, May 27 for 11 a.m.:
„Meeting of business clients, scientists, psychologists, computer engineers, communication experts.“

Although this was the first event in the tour, it got added as the last event perhaps two weeks before the start of the tour. Due to the rather short notice, it is to be doubted that the audience aimed at will participate in larger numbers.

The same day, another event was planned at the town of Doerzbach for 6 p.m.

May 28, 2016, 1 p.m. - Rottenburg
The event took place and an abysmal article was published in a regional newspaper (pls see below).

May 29, 2016 – Neumünster
Was announced with the comment that location and time would be published later. However, the event was canceled.

Further events canceled some time ago already were Mr Red Cloud's participation in a so-called „Drumming event“ in the town of Bad Gögging where he was expected to sign musical instruments (they mentioned drums, but said he would also sign others). This would have been a lecture given during the afternoon at a Nuage fair with many Nuage vendors present and plastic shamans like Wacha Nabi ( ), or Viola Flambé who already cooperated with Jervis in 2010 and 2015, and also with Giovanni de Carlo aka Tdom Bah Toden Xkee (  ). But Mr Red Cloud's name all of a sudden disappeared from the ads and announcements several weeks ago. At the same time, two more events in Southern Germany were cancelled.

May 31, 2016 – Berlin
This event was originally announced at a vegan restaurant which judging from its website did not look too much alive. It has recently been redirected and will now take place in Nuage premises e.g. housing seminars with „spirit healers“ and such.

June 1, 2016 – Klipphausen, Western Inn
registration: Corynna Killian Tel. +49 157 xxxx

There was a rather stereotypical article not really concerned with facts in the regional issue of a large tabloid about a week ago.
The event organiser, Corynna Killian, is into various Nuage methods plus a longtime member of the Deer Tribe (since 1993 until present) and participates in a Sundance in France since 1994. She has done seminars with several plastics like Malidoma Some (   ) and since 2002 leads sweats and preparations for the French sundance and later on „also for the Blackfoot Sudance in East Germany“. Since 2007, she has been working with „medicine men like Devalon Small Legs and Sojomfin, Hungary“ and supported their sundances as a „drumchief, singer and dancer“. (  )

June 2, 2016 – Großenlüder-Eichenau
organiser: Jasmin Martina Walker
Originally announced as a PR expert, there is nothing much to see of her doing any promotional work for the tour for the past months. In fact, her websites are no longer accessible. The only info on the event taking place in her private appartment has been published by Jervis and Böhler, so it is at least uncertain whether this event will take place or not.

June 2, 2016 – Poppenhausen
This event will take place in a village bakery whose owner also runs a tipi camp ground. All done very stereotypically and, as far as the tipis are concerned, not based on facts. There is a video here:   , but this comes with a very definite coffee warning!

June 3, 2016 – Duisburg
A certain Petra Reif will lead Mr Red Cloud and participants up the garden path – pardon: take them into the woods. Reif has cooperated with Jervis and his earlier sidekick Don Hines in 2010 already.

June 3, 2016 – Gummersbach, 2 p.m.
The event presumably will take place on the premises of „Tatonka e.V.“, an association of hobbyists playing ndns on weekends. Their website has been taken down which is a pity because the photo gallery was impressing: mouldy tipis, a totem pole in front of one tipi, photos of bare and hairy pot bellies worn over low slung belts and low worn breech cloths... They, too, seem to have cooperated with Jervis earlier.
promo video for the „Tatonka“ event published by Jervis.

June 4, 2016 – Almere/Netherlands
The event will take place in a Nuage seminar house.

June 6, 2016 – Ladenburg, Rosenhofzentrum
A seminar centre with some Nuage leanings. They do not mention or advertise the lecture with Mr Red Cloud but he is named as a lecturer in their respective list of speakers.

June 6, 2016 – Darmstadt
The event will take place in a „Buddhist meditation room“, i.e. Nuage premises.

June 7, 2016 – Luxemburg
The premises are known to Jervis because he already arranged a lecture with Mr Red Cloud there in 2006 while Jervis was still living in Luxemburg. However, the premises (Natur & Emwelt a.s.b.l) do not mention any event with Mr Red Cloud on their website. Whether this lecture will take place as scheduled or not remains to be seen.

June 8, 2016 – Murnau
The event is organised by the owner of a nuage publishing house (Mankau Verlag). I was somewhat surprised to see this cooperation as I suspect a businessman will know what to make of Jervis within a minute of having first met him. However, Mr Mankau presumably has his own agenda, as the ads run for this event also promote books published in Mankau Verlag, in particular  book authored by Stephan Goetze (we got a thread on him, his „indi gen e.V.“, and his cooperation with John Fire Lame Deer Jr:  ).

June 10, 2016 – Nuremberg
The event was planned to take place in a Nuage shop but its owner cancelled the lecture. On Jervis' websites, one can now find the announcement that the event will take place and the meeting place was in front of the shop. No further details regarding a location, though.

June 11, 2016 – Karlsruhe
On June 11, Mr Red Cloud originally was supposed to speak at the Drumming event in the Bavarian town of Bad Gögging. This had to be rescheduled, and the new event apparently is going to take place in another Nuage shop.

June 11, 2016
VIP meeting for special support for the LAKOTA June 11, 2016 with 5th generation descendant Henry Red Cloud
Location to be announced after receipt of booking. Booking only per e-mail at: sabine at xxxx
private night at a camp fire
persons interested in projects with Pine Ridge
persons who want to learn more about the Lakota Solar Enterprises project
persons who would like to participate actively in its realisation
The programme and philosophy of our Academy will be explained in detail
Discussion panelt on projects with reservations
future projects for travelers
No facebook communication just e-mail
When booking, please include your address and phone number
- limited number of participants -
Journalists, scientists, doctors, university professors, engineers, civil servants, ambassadors, teachers, ecologists, biologists and persons who actively want to participate in the transformation

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on May 30, 2016, 03:10:18 pm

Article on the event dd May 28 in a regional newspaper:

by Fred Keicher
tag: un-united States

Henry Red Cloud works for the comeback of Indian nations

At the premises of Rottenburg friends of fish, Henry Red Cloud spoke about reservation Indians who founded a photovoltaics enterprise, and about an Academy for Indian medicine.

The eagle feather worn by Henry Red Cloud looks somewhat battered. But it has a great history. It is the eagle feather worn by his great-great-grandfather Red Cloud. This chief of the Oglala Lakota tribe was the only Indian who ever defeated the US army in the Indian wars, Red Cloud said. The USA had to make considerable concessions to the tribe in the Laramie peace treaty. There were some 567 peace treaties signed on May 25, 1868: „And all of them were broken. They took our lands, our buffaloes and our horses.“

„They meant to kill us all. But look: here we are“, Red Cloud told his forty guests, predominantly women, on Saturday afternoon at the fishers' premises, upon invitation by Robertino Pargolo, Edeltraud and Winfried Lohmiller. Red Cloud is on a European tour with Cherokee Medicine Turtle and Sabine Sun Turtle to look for support and donations for the Oglala Lakota on the Indian reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

This is Red Cloud's sixth visit to Germany. When he came to Munich for the first time in the year 2000, his hosts wanted to take him to see a concentration camp where many hundreds of thousands Jewish persons had been murdered. He didn't want to go there, he said on Saturday: „We live on reservations like in a concentration camp.“ His aim: „I want to make my people a happy people again.“

He took with him two useful ideas from Germany. The first one was photovoltaics, enabling the use of the energy of „Father Sun“. Red Cloud became an entrepreneur and founded Lakota Solar Enterprises. The second one was massive construction. Red Cloud was enthusiastic about German houses lasting for 600 or 700 years. He developed a brick made of compressed earth and „a little“ cement. Winters in South Dakota became somewhat easier to endure. There were temperatures as low as minus 32 degrees there. The buffaloes have returned, too. They are sacred to the Lakota which does not keep them from being slaughtered. Thus, a little meat industry came into being, providing his people with healthy food and an income.

The entire audience at the fishers'premises then went outside for his sundance. Many had brought along their drums and formed a circle. Red Cloud danced around the drummers. A sudden shower of rain turned the sundance into a rain dance. „The rain makes the plants grow“, Red Cloud said happily.

For a Cherokee, Medicine Turtle is surprisingly blond. His father was a Celtic priest from Ireland. „Lakota“ means „peace“, he said. The US cavallery gave them the name of „Sioux“ which meant „enemy“. Medicine Turtle grew up in a remote Appalachian village in Kentucky. The Indian ceremonies were illegal, but were practiced secretly. He was initiated into the secrets of Indian medicine by his grandmother. She must have been a remarkable woman. One longwinded, but hilarious story was how she had a deceased relative dug up again and revived him just so he could pay back his debts.

Medicine Turtle's wife, Ms Sabine Sun Turtle, went back to her linguistic roots during the event. She more and more lost the standard German pronounciation and spoke an almost flawless Vorarlberg dialect.

In Nuremberg, Medicine Turtle has founded an Academy for Indian Medicine (Academy for Native American Medicine). One does not become a shaman by reading books, he told his audience. He did not relate to vegetarianism. „Everything on earth has a purpose. The buffalo's purpose is to be eaten.“ Plants had a soul, too, he said. A carot would suffer, too, when cut into pieces.

Another great example what garbage will be produced when Nuagers and sloppy journalists cooperate in creating a mix of their respective stereotypes, misunderstandings, and desinformation.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on May 30, 2016, 11:37:44 pm

Announcement at e-bay for a tour event scheduled June 11, 2016 – an entry ticket will be given for free:

The ad was published by „medicine turtle, active since 3/11/2016“

Henry Red Cloud in Karlsruhe on June 11, 2016
Fee: for free

The sacred chants of Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation with Henry Red Cloud, medicienman.
Have your instrument hand-signed by original historic Henry Red Cloud 5th generation descendant of biggest war chief Red Cloud 1822-1909 who signed the Fort Leremie [sic] treaty.

Henry will bring along this feather. Red Cloud: They made many false promises, but they kept one – they took our land.
Through the Henry Red Cloud Tour 2016 all persons can have their instruments like drum, guitar, violin, flute etc handsigned against a donation.
The instruments will be charged with power this way and will pulsate in the sign of peace on earth.
Donations will then passed on at Pine Ridge directly by Henry Red Cloud to the people for projects.

Emphasis mine

This is the way Jervis and Böhler are advertising tour events with Henry Red Cloud.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on May 31, 2016, 09:29:38 am
There are critical articles in both English and German at the Psiram site:

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Weltenwanderin on June 02, 2016, 06:12:17 am
I stumbled yesterday over the event in Darmstadt. It’s sad that Henry Red Cloud allows being misused by this person. I find his project wonderful, but I will not go to this event because of his “companions”.

And I’m really thinking about writing a notice to the event organizer in Darmstadt, especially because they also offer a workshop with “Medicine Turtle” for a lot of money.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 02, 2016, 05:24:38 pm
And I’m really thinking about writing a notice to the event organizer in Darmstadt, especially because they also offer a workshop with “Medicine Turtle” for a lot of money.

As far as I established so far, all organisers of events with the tour some weeks ago received a warning mail providing them with information on Jervis. Some organisers then cancelled their events, others carried on.

For the convenience of our German-language readers:

Soweit ich bislang ermittelt habe, erhielten alle Organisatoren eines Tour-Events vor einigen Wochen eine Warnmail mit Informationen zu Jervis. Einige Organisatoren haben als Reaktion darauf ihre Veranstaltungen abgesagt, andere nicht.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 02, 2016, 05:30:21 pm

Stephan Goetze and his „indi gen e.V.“ (   ) have also lured in Mr Red Cloud for presumably two events, one of them already having taken place at the end of May 2016 in the town of Mannheim.

It seems this connection was possible through the involvement of Raphael Mankau with the Red Cloud Tour, as Herr Mankau happens to own the publishing house Mankau-Verlag who publish Goetze's book. (Regarding the association, Goetze's book, and the way he misrepresents himself please also see:  )

It is very unfortunate that the involvement with „indi gen e.V.“ now also links Mr Red Cloud to ceremony sellers and exploiters like Goetze and John Fire Lame Deer Jr.

Association indi gen e.V. meets at the HDWM campus: „Red Cloud“ from the Lakota-Sioux at the Management Academy

Mannheim. A group of scientists at the Academy of Management (HdWM) works at setting up an IT educational platform for the scientifically founded integration of indigenous nature teachings into school teaching in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. A respective suggestion has already been sent to the ministry of education and the office for school development has already been included into the new educational plan in Baden-W?rttemberg.

At the end of May, a committee of indi gen e.V. met on the campus of HdWM in Mannheim. One participant came from the USA, the well-known representative of the Lakota-Sioux tribe, Red Cloud, who made himself a name regarding ecology in general and with the use of „ecological correct“ materials in particular. He had been invited by Dr Stephan Goetze, president of the association indi gen e.V. founded in autumn 2015.

Learnin from the nature teachings of indigenous peoples – number of members of indi gen e.V. on the rise

The association was coined by Prof Dr. Dr. h.c. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Chief John Fire „Lame Deer“, speaker of the indigenous peoples of North America, and Thiemo Fojkar, chairperson of the „International Bund“ (IB). The „International Bund“ is one of the large free educational institutions in Germany. On a national level, IB has 14,000 employees and runs 700 educational institutions at 300 locations. As a majority shareholder of HdWM, IB feels particularly connected to the association indi gen e.V. […]

Another event is scheduled for Mannheim on June 11, replacing Mr Red Cloud's appearance at a "Drum Event" in the Bavarian town of Bad Gögging. There is no place and exact time provided in online advertisements published by Jervis and Böhler who emphasise that prospective participants are expected to apply in writing (via e-mail) and provide their postal address and phone number. Same as with the above mentioned event, the second one particularly targets university staff.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 03, 2016, 11:05:37 pm
Today's tour events have already been covered by the press.

Both event organisers have already cooperated with Jervis and Don Hines aka "He Who Knows" in 2010 and organised events with them - reports and photos of the 2010 events pls see here:

How one becomes a warrior for the trees
June 3, 2016 | 4:47 pm

The Indian Henry Red Cloud from South Dakota came to the town of Duisburg. During the guided tour, there were smudging rituals and exciting stories

A crew of 20 persons walks moist forest paths on Friday morning – persons looking for the Indian in themselves or who have found the inner Indian already. „This is a good spot for the smudging ritual“, says Petra Reif, a tree protector from Grossenbaum who also does courses on herbs and seminars on runes. Henry Red Cloud who is from the Pine Ridge Reservation of the Lakota in South Dakota is already the second Indian she has enticed to a walk in the woods in Duisburg.

The great-grandfather was war chief Red Cloud

Six years ago, „He-who-knows“ followed her call and put the forest under the protection of his ancestor, the great chief Sitting Bull. Now, Henry Red Cloud stops at the same place during his sixth tour in Germany in the company of Medicine-Turtle-Cherokee [sic] (half Irish and half Cherokee). And as coincidence has it, he also invokes a famous ancestor, his great-great-grandfather, the war chief Red Cloud who, during the Indian wars, presented the white people with many a nut to crack.

Henry nods at Sun-Turtle-Woman, his translator, and she opens a bag with the ingredients. „I am burning cedar, sweetgrass and sage from the reservation, together with Cherokee tobacco“, she says. The tobacco pouch indeed sports an Indian in full feather decoration, below the image a German caption „Smoking can damage your health considerably“. Sun-Turtle-Woman […] blows into the smudging pan and wraps participant after participant in pungent smoke. The effect varies, some seem to feel the energy, others start coughing. Henry Red Cloud speaks, his messages sound simple: „Return to the green path. Plant more little baby trees. The forest keeps the water and filters the air. You are all warriors for the trees now, fight for their preservation, when the forest dies, so will we.“

They all sing an ancient Lakota song together, and Burkhard Wruck is somewhat sad, because the skin of his home-made drum is so wet it only sounds muffled. Wruck got infected with the Indian fever the classical German way, he read Karl May novels. The fascination stayed when he grew up. During several trips to „Native America“, he received genuine impressions what Indian life on the reservations today is like, and he has also been to Pine Ridge where many households are not connected to the power supply and where there's only one grocery shop for 30,000 people.

Hearts' desires fulfilled

For Petra Reif, only the trees count. While the Indian guests offer a few books and silver jewelry for sale from the trunk of their car, she says: „Duisburg citizens in particular need to be told time and again they should pay attention to their trees. Since meanwhile ancient alleys may be chopped down, every tree warrior prepared to fight this is needed.“

Then she has to say „Good bye“, the Indians want to travel on. They got another appointment with a wild tribe in the town of Gummersbach.
- Sabine Merkelt-Rahm -
[Emphasis mine]

[Translator's note: I am sorry the article makes use of stereotypical and racist language.]

"Little baby trees"? ? ? ? WTF?!?! Either someone maliciously spiked Mr Red Cloud's morning coffee, or Ms "Sun Turtle" Böhler turns Red Cloud's words into loads of garbage and BS when translating.

Second event Friday, June 3, 2016:

(June 3, 2016 – 4:08 pm)

Gummersbach – Indian Henry Red Cloud during his European tour visited the Indian Community of Interest Tatonka in the town of Windhagen – His concern is to raise awareness to the grievances in his home country.

Henry Red Cloud is a direct descendant of war chief Red Cloud of the Oglala Lakota Indians who today live in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, USA. Today he visited Gummersbach during his European tour to present his cause: While his great-great-grandfather more than 150 years ago fought against the European immigrants in his land, Henry Red Cloud and his people are facing quite different problems today. The unemployment rate in Pine Ridge is almost 90% and the simple shacks of the Indians do not offer protection from the weather and from temperatures of as low as minus 40 degrees. Therefore, the Indian travels Europe, raises awareness to the grievances, gathers donations for Pine Ridge and acquires important knowledge to help his people.

[Photo caption: Henry Red Cloud presented his book in the tipi and spoke about his concerns]

The Windhagen premises today offered the possibility to have one's instrument signed by Red Cloud against a donation. In the warm tipi, sitting on animal skins, the Indian reported how he makes use of these donations and uses the knowledge aquired to realise relief projects in his homeland. In 2004, he founded the „Lakota Solar Entreprises“ to facilitate independent sources of heating and electrical power in the reservation. He also worked for the return of the buffaloes to the reservation lands and for building weatherproof houses. Another grievance to the Indians is the commercial marketing of their ancient customs and traditions like e.g. the sweatlodge. Together with Medicine Turtle of the Cherokee-Indians, Henry Red Cloud has written a book on this issue which he also introduced at Windhagen.

Although the article is of course written in German language, it is worthwhile visiting the website for the photo: Mr Red Cloud in one of the "Tatonka" canvas tipis. The photo displays the mouldy tipi cover which can even be spotted from inside the tipi. The "Tatonkans" do not quite seem to take proper care of their equipment, because their former website presented photos of several tipis in different stages of mildew.

The name of their association is indeed "Indian Community of Interest Tatonka" - they do make it sound as if this was an association founded an run by ndn persons, which they are very clearly not, they are German hobbyists. And they do spell "Tatonka" this way. Their premises also display a totem pole in front of some tipis. Their former website had a voluminous photo gallery with various photos of more than one mouldy tipi, the totem pole in front of them, and of course several photos with German men proudly sporting brilliant white and hairy pot-bellies over low slung belts and breechcloths. However, they did not only cover the issue of "Indians", but also the stereotypical "Wild West". So they had (or still do) a Western town on their premises, too. Complete with a Sheriff's office. And right next to the law enforcement ---- there's the porta-potty. I suppose this is the only place in Germany where you can give a [...] on the law without the law getting cross at you. It is a pity Tatonka have taken down their website including the gallery...
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 08, 2016, 01:13:24 pm

The event scheduled at June 6, 2016 was promoted as follows:

Reason and contents of the tour are the following:

To keep the earth for the next seven generations, too
To bring back the buffaloes to the meadows in Pine Ridge
To build houses for the entire reservation (about 12,000 are needed)
Donations for the elders (e.g. wood for the winter, food, …)
Lakota Solar Enterprises: Solar energy for the reservations – project by Henry Red Cloud

Reduction of coal mining
No pesticides and poisons in our food, water, and in the earth
Building up an economical system (unemployment 80% at Pine Ridge)

Freeing Leonard Peltier
„This changes everything“ - film – with Henry Red Cloud Lakota Solar Enterprises

Henry Red Cloud offers several programme items:
The correct connection of spirituality as viewed from Oglala Sioux Lakota tradition
The history of the 500 nations of Turtle Island
The sacred chants of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation.
Emphasis mine

Similar announcements have also been published at Jervis' website and on various internet event platforms. It becomes very apparent that Jervis and Böhler advertise Henry Red Cloud as a teacher of spirituality. So no matter which issues Mr Red Cloud may speak about during individual events, the audience will expect to be served with 'spiritual teachings' and 'sacred chants'.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 16, 2016, 03:52:51 pm

Jervis seems to get under some pressure regarding his endeavours. A regional paper in Bavaria ran an article in the aftermath of the event in the town of Murnau:

updated: Jun 13, 2016, 17:47
Stir caused around Indian evening in Murnau
Scene expert calls organiser a „plastic shaman“

Murnau – The clash about the alleged sell-out of Indian culture has entered another round. Persons involved with the Europe tour of Lakota Indian Henry Red Cloud deny commercial interest. However, there is evidence to the contrary.

Background: Henry Red Cloud, descendant of Lakota chief Red Cloud, recently did a lecture in front of an audience of approx 70 persons in the Murnau Kultur- und Tagungszentrum (KTM) [Centre for Culture and Meetings]. Previous to the event, the „Native American Association of Germany“ (NAAoG) had voiced massive criticism regarding the organiser („Native American Medicine Academy“): „The so-called „academy“ offers Indian ceremonies for money, something which is fiercely rejected by the majority of Indian peoples, since it hurts their religious beliefs“, a press statement submitted by the association's president, Carmen Kwasny, read (see our earlier article). This „academy“ even offered a sweatlodge for money in connection with the tour. The attack mainly aims at the alleged founders of the „academy“, William Jervis and Sabine Böhler.

Henry Red Cloud and Jervis counter this in a press release of „Native American Friends of Luxembourg“ signed by both of them. „We did not offer sweatlodges with Henry Red Cloud and we reject this accusation“. This accusation, however, was not voiced by NAAoG who only explained that "in direct connection with the tour, sweatlodges were offered for money“. What is certain: on facebook, participation in a „Sweatlodge Crazy Horse & Black Elk“ was promoted which was said to take place in the vicinity of the  town of Nuremberg on April 9. Fee: € 75. „Part of this money directly goes to South Dakota“, the announcement reads. Bookings were accepted by Sabine Böhler. The news item at facebook was signed by „Medicine  turtle & Sunturtle woman“. These are the names Böhler and Jervis give themselves.

What is striking: the press release by Henry Red Cloud and Jervis says that one of the „academy's“ functions was to stop the abuse of Indian ceremonies. Both also published a book on this issue.

At the website of the „academy“, BTW, clients can purchase a hand-made Indian shower gel named „Holy Ghost“ at € 30. „10 Euro of each bottle will directly go to the Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota“, it says on the site.

Jervis also gets called a „plastic shaman“ at the website Psiram which is critical of Newage. That was „somehow funny“, he told Tagblatt as a comment on this. He does not seem to take this very serious. NAAoG also accuses him of claiming he was a Cherokee medicine-man. Up to now, however, he never presented any evidence for this claim. Jervis commented: „We don't care“.

Scene expert Kerstin Schmäling (from Hohenthann-Schönau) also voices criticism: „The main problem is that William Jervis claims to be a Cherokee medicine-man while this is not true at all“. He received a sort of legitimation by Henry Red Cloud because the public cannot imagine that Henry would have any dealings with such a „plastic shaman“. „I know Jervis from times when he capered about in a bear costume at the Munich event of 'Pfennigparade Foundation'“. This tour only served to give credibility to the academy, Schmäling emphasised.

Remarkable: At KTM, where an opening address was spoken by Mayor Rolf Beuting (ÖDP/Citizens' Forum), the criticism was not brought up, at least not during the initial 2.5 hours. The debate about commercial exploitation of the culture of American Natives is nothing new. Already in 1989, the elders' council of the Lakota-Sioux publically protested the „sell-out of Indian spirituality by 'plastic shamans'“.

However: Silvia Nestler-Mankau and Raphael Mankau who organised the evening in Murnau, were able to hand over donations of € 2,240 to Henry Red Cloud finally. The sum is meant as an assistance for his projects in the Lakota reservation Pine Ridge. Among the local supporters of the event is the ÖDP district chapter.
Roland Lory

Regarding a claimed press release published by the alleged "Native American Friends of Luxembourg" and signed by both Henry Red Cloud and Jervis: there is nothing to be found at any of the sites run by Jervis, or at platforms publishing press releases, neither in English, nor in German language.

It is therefore highly probably that Jervis only pretends such a press release exists and that HRC co-signed it.

And then a shower gel sold at € 30 per bottle? With € 10 going to "Pine Ridge" - well, to whom exactly?
This still means the largest chunk of monies taken in on sales of this item will remain with Jervis' and Böhler's fake academy.

For the convenience of our German-language readers:
Bezüglich der erwähnten Presseerklärung, die von den angeblichen "Native American Friends of Luxembourg" veröffentlicht wurde und von Henry Red Cloud mit unterschrieben worden sein soll: diese läßt sich auf den von Jervis betriebenen Seiten nicht finden - auch nicht auf Portalen, die solche Presseerklärungen veröffentlichen lassen, weder auf Deutsch, noch auf Englisch.

Es ist daher sehr wahrscheinlich, daß Jervis die Existenz einer solchen Presseerklärung, ebenso wie eine Unterschrift von Henry Red Cloud, nur vorgibt.

Und dann noch ein Duschbad für € 30 die Flasche? Wobei dann ganze € 10 nach "Pine Ridge" gehen - wohin bzw zu wem eigentlich genau? Der größte Teil des durch den Verkauf dieses Artikels eingenommenen Geldes verbleibt dann immer noch bei der von Jervis und Böhler betriebenen Plastikakademie.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 16, 2016, 04:53:03 pm

Jervis has also recently dug up an alleged non-profit association he used in previous years:

At both the jimdo-site and the blog, Jervis publishes various photos, many of them taken in 2007, 2008, and 2010. By 2008, Jervis wasn't even living in Luxembourg anymore, but had made it to Germany selling ceremonies.

There are also photos of Jervis with Henry Red Cloud and another person from the Red Cloud family which were taken in 2006/2007 when a German event organiser was daft enough to accept Jervis' organising two events in Luxemburg for HRC. Apparently, Jervis went to Pine Ridge after the speaking tour, as some of the photos he now publishes again under the label of NAFoL were taken there.

As far as we researched earlier, this NAFoL seems to have been founded in 2007. Whether it was ever recognised as a non-profit at any point in time is not certain. One aspect regarding this question certainly is that in order to receive such recognition, authorities need to be informed such and such an association has been founded and then they will require certain documents to be handed in to receive the non-profit status.;topicseen#msg21983

Alexa Jervis-Zenner comes up as Alexa Jervis-Zenner, Alexa Jervis and Alexa Zenner.  All the same person.  She's on the board of directors for a non-profit she and a few others founded with Burchett called Native American Friends of Luxembourg Association after his release.  On the board of directors the names listed are:

William Jervis, président
Joseph Heymanns, vice-président
Jean-Pierre Heymanns, secrétaire
Alexa Zenner, trésorière

This particular group was formed in 2007 and as you can see Burchett was using his alias William Jervis at the time it was formed.

The gap between 2008, or even 2010, and 2016 is considerable. As a non-profit is required to hand in documentation of their financial activities annually, as well as handing in documentation on their regular (annual or bi-annual) General Meetings and providing details on their board members, an officially recognised non-profit would have either been closed down by authorities meanwhile for not complying with their duties – or at least it would have had its non-profit status removed. So either way we look at it, things do not look to rosy for NAFoL being a non-profit organisation.

It seems probable that a non-profit status was never officially obtained, which now facilitates a resurrection of this alleged association. There are also no further details available regarding the association's president, vice-president or other board members. We may assume that Alexa Zenner, or Alexa Jervis-Zenner, will no longer be available as a treasurer. There is no indication she is cooperating with Jervis once again, and has probably had a few problems when Jervis left Luxemburg for the greener meadows in Germany and another woman.

Jervis also puts up some info re NAFoL on a LinkedIn profile:

In 1999, he founded the non-profit organisation „Native American Friends of Luxemburg“. Its main goal is to support the Indians in the advancement of their culture [sic]. Organise events and support projects in Indian reservations.

This paragraph, as the entire text published at LinkedIn, has been written in 2016.
Its wording, however, is quite detrimental to the impression Jervis aims at leaving with his readers: i.e. the one of being Cherokee. If he were a Cherokee in the first place, he would know far better than using phrases like „supporting the Indians“, and he would certainly be aware that there is not just one Indian culture, but a multitude of them. So this spells „fail“, Jervis.

Another interesting detail is Jervis' claim of having founded NAFoL in 1999 already. As has been established by our previous research, and published earlier in this thread, Jervis was in the clink for armed bank robbery including taking a hostage from the early 1990ies until 2004. We also may doubt he knew how to spell 'Luxemburg' in 1999 – let alone even as much as suspecting there was a country in Europe going by this name.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on June 16, 2016, 10:05:27 pm

For the convenience of our German-language readers:

Jervis hat vor kurzem einen angeblich gemeinnützigen Verein ausgegraben, dessen er sich bereits in früheren Jahren bedient hat:

Sowohl auf der jimdo-Seite wie auch im Blog veröffentlicht Jervis Fotos, von denen etliche schon in den Jahren 2007, 2008 und 2010 aufgenommen wurden. Im Jahr 2008 lebte Jervis schon nicht mehr in Luxemburg, sondern war nach Deutschland übergewechselt, wo er Zeremonien verkaufte.

Darunter sind auch Fotos, die Jervis zusammen mit Henry Red Cloud sowie einer weiteren Person aus der Familie Red Cloud zeigen. Diese Fotos wurden 2006/2007 aufgenommen, als ein deutscher Organisator dumm genug war, Jervis als Ausrichter zweier Events für HRC in Luxemburg zu akzeptieren. Offenbar reiste Jervis nach der Vortragsreise nach Pine Ridge, da einige der Fotos, die Jervis nun nochmals unter dem Etikett der „NAFoL“ veröffentlicht, dort angefertigt wurden. (Diese Fotos veröffentlichte Jervis ursprünglich auf einer Webseite, die er für die NAFoL eingerichtet hatte. Die Webseite wurde bereits vor Jahren vom Netz genommen.)

Wie wir bereits zuvor recherchiert haben, scheint diese „NAFoL“ ca 2007 gegründet worden zu sein. Ob sie überhaupt je als gemeinnützig anerkannt war, ist nicht sicher. Ein Aspekt bei dieser Frage liegt sicherlich darin, daß zur Erlangung einer solchen Anerkennung natürlich zunächst einmal den Behörden die Gründung eines entsprechenden Vereins angezeigt werden muß, die dann bestimmte Dokumente sehen wollen.;topicseen#msg21983

Alexa Jervis-Zenner comes up as Alexa Jervis-Zenner, Alexa Jervis and Alexa Zenner.  All the same person.  She's on the board of directors for a non-profit she and a few others founded with Burchett called Native American Friends of Luxembourg Association after his release.  On the board of directors the names listed are:

William Jervis, président
Joseph Heymanns, vice-président
Jean-Pierre Heymanns, secrétaire
Alexa Zenner, trésorière

This particular group was formed in 2007 and as you can see Burchett was using his alias William Jervis at the time it was formed.

Die Lücke zwischen 2008 bzw 2010 und 2016 ist erheblich. Da ein gemeinnütziger Verein zb jährlich Unterlagen über seine finanziellen Transaktionen vorlegen muß sowie auch Unterlagen über regelmäßige (jährliche oder zweijährliche) Hauptversammlungen mit Details über gewählte Vorstandsmitglieder, wäre ein offiziell anerkannter gemeinnütziger Verein angesichts der langen Pause entweder behörderlicherseits zwangsstillgelegt worden bzw hätte mindestens den Status der Gemeinnützigkeit eingebüßt. Aus welchem Blickwinkel wir uns die Sache also anschauen: es sieht für die NAFoL als gemeinnütziger Verein nicht wirklich vielversprechend aus.

Es scheint jedoch möglich, daß ein gemeinnütziger Status niemals offiziell beantragt wurde, was jetzt natürlich die Wiedererweckung des angeblichen Vereins erleichtert. Es sind auch keinerlei weitere Details über den jetzigen Vorstand zugänglich. Wir können aber vermutlich davon ausgehen, daß Alexa Zenner, oder Alexa Zenner-Jervis, als Schatzmeisterin nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Es gibt auch keinen Hinweis darauf, daß sie neuerdings wieder mit Jervis zusammenarbeitet, und sie hat seinerzeit vermutlich auch ein paar Probleme gehabt, als Jervis Luxemburg für die grüneren Weiden in Deutschland sowie für eine Frau im Stich ließ.

Jervis veröffentlicht auch weitere Informationen zur NAFoL auf einem Profil bei LinkedIn:

1999 gruendete er die gemeinnuetzige Organisation „Native American Friends of Luxemburg“.
Hauptziel ist es, die Indianer in der Foerderung ihrer Kultur zu unterstuetzen. Veranstaltungen zu organisieren und Peojekte in den indianischen Reservaten zu foerdern.

Dieser Absatz ist wie der gesamte bei LinkedIn veröffentlichte Text 2016 geschrieben worden.
Die Formulierungen sind jedoch dem Eindruck, den Jervis bei seinen Lesern erwecken möchte, durchaus abträglich: so z.B. dem, er sei Cherokee. Wäre er tatsächlich Cherokee, wüßte er es besser als Sätzchen wie „die Indianer unterstützen“ zu verwenden [wieso "die Indianer"? - er will doch eigentlich selbst einer sein...], und wäre sich auch darüber im klaren, daß es nicht nur eine indianische Kultur gibt, sondern viele. Also: mal wieder in etwas Unangenehmes hineingetreten, Jervis.

Ein weiteres, interessantes Detail ist Jervis Behauptung, er habe die NAFoL bereits 1999 gegründet.  Wie unsere frühere Recherchearbeit belegt und auch bereits im Thread veröffentlicht wurde, saß Jervis ab Anfang der 1990er Jahre bis 2004 im Knast, wegen bewaffneten Banküberfalls mit einer Geiselnahme. Wir dürfen ebenfalls sehr stark bezweifeln, daß er 1999 überhaupt schon wußte, wie man „Luxemburg“ schreibt – oder daß er überhaupt Anlaß zur Vermutung hatte, in Europa könne es ein Land geben, das sich so nennt.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: theredhairedcrow on June 20, 2016, 10:17:34 am
"Sowanla Weiß" is a new alias that has cropped up for what we believe if William Jervis, because of a phrase used to describe itself and its one he's used before: "He who knows". He is using an old photo of an actual Lakota person and in other places like YouTube, video footage to promote himself but also to attack Carmen Kwasny and the NAAoG. Here's one thread on the "Stop Misuse of Native Spirituality and Ceremonies" group, by alias Sowanla Weiß. Where "he" and an accomplice of sorts are trying the same tactics.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: theredhairedcrow on June 21, 2016, 11:03:16 am
New Update: William Jervis, aka "Firewalker", aka "Medicine Turtle" is also now using the identity and photo of "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya" ("He Who Knows"). It is a duplicate of the "Sowanla Weiss" Facebook profile I posted about yesterday. However, according to a comment on the website of William Jervis' and Sabine Böhler's "Academy", this Lakota elder passed away in 2013.

There is clear evidence based on threats and harassment we've by the NAAoG and at the Stop Misuse group on Facebook that Jervis is using this fake identity to defame the association. Currently he is setting up new websites and channels on YouTube. There he uses excerpts from videos of Eye Tuwe Slo Waya uploaded six years ago to make it sound like this "Lakota elder" is criticizing the association. ( There is also manipulation in one video where the association is accused of destroying a tour and that a German woman owns him 500 Dollars. Some of the videos have the NAAOG association's name in the title and/or in the text.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on June 29, 2016, 08:45:26 am
This six weeks old overview article belongs in this thread, and does much to explain to new readers who William Jervis is:

Also in German:
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on June 30, 2016, 06:58:34 pm
All the June 2016 posts in this thread are about William Jervis:
(ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders)
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 08:53:36 am
Very disturbing:
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 09:02:40 am
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 09:08:11 am
I've seen it all now. Cuddle with a professional cuddler. Only $80 an hour!
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 09:13:40 am
Correction to my previous post. 80 Euro an hour or $60. The link is to a blog about Henry Red Cloud which, by all
appearances, is run by "Medicine Turtle".  Here's a link to his user profile:  There isn't much
this fraud doesn't offer! He's also in the Law Enforcement/Security profession now.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 09:16:25 am
I am assuming he is using these names on the Dawes Roll to prove he's Cherokee. If I have time, I will debunk this claim.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 09:30:33 am
"How to get pregnant By Cherokee Medizinmann"
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 02, 2016, 10:03:15 am
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 14, 2016, 12:40:26 pm
Here is a link on findagrave which shows information about his father. If you click on the names of spouses, parents,
etc, you can view additional information. It should come as no suprise none of them are Native and none of them
ever lived among the Cherokee.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 14, 2016, 01:12:59 pm
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on July 14, 2016, 02:43:57 pm
medicine turtle medizinrad on Wed 7th May 2014
native american medicne wheel to be held on cherokee land in usa any one interested please contact
cherokee medizinmann
medicine turtle
Please note: The event information above has been added by the organiser. Whilst we try to ensure all details are up-to-date we do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information shown.
Map of this event's location
Royal Society For Medicine in London1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G OAE

I don't for a second believe any such event was ever held at that address, which is that of The Royal Society of Medicine: ( — That goes for this event, too, scheduled more than a year in advance:
medicine turtle the quiet revolution of the 7th generation on Fri 11th August 2017
medicine turtle new book
the quiet revolution of the 7th generation is a place where anyone can post anything:
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on July 16, 2016, 02:52:15 pm
Posted by one of his fans (or by him): "henry red cloud wife is related to Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe.
that correct that  Chief Arvol Looking Horse is related to
pipe carrier .hopefully this is not a shock
if you use the internet and do a little research you
also, find out that medicine turtle works for
Oceti Wakan and that medicine turtle
fund raises  for the oldest medicine man on the
pine ridge reservation Peter Catches"
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on July 16, 2016, 03:47:37 pm
Posted by one of his fans (or by him) …

Where on the Internet is that posted?
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Chairwoman, NAAoG on July 17, 2016, 09:28:04 am
William Jervis started to post comments on a German-speaking forum. As usual, he used different names. I chose an unusual way to try to communicate with him. It's obvious that he is lying most of the time, but unfortunately the people who worked together with him and made the whole tour possible are not aware of this. We were criticized for not communicating with him and Sabine Böhler directly, so I had to do something about it. There is no way, we are going to communicate with him by phone or e-mail, because I know he would switch our words around. He wants to meet with us and even suggested to work together as a team. For sure that's not going to happen.

He posted his point of view which is very interesting, because it shows how he tries to justify his activities by kind of changing his "strategy" now. I had good reasons for handling this whole situation the way I finally did. Unfortunately, a German forum member made this an issue and he started a discussion. His rude comments led to the point where we decided to withdraw from that forum, because it did not make any sense anymore. I had started several threads in order to inform the public about Jervis fraudulent activities.

I set up a new forum to give William Jervis the opportunity to post his point of view there. I transfered his comments to the new forum and I already made statements and asked questions. So far he did not post on the new forum. And I will let the German public know that we gave him a chance to communicate and answer all of these questions and that he refused to do that. Now nobody can say that we did not try. We are fair and we are stating facts and he is unfair and trying to defame us by spreading lies.

Currently he tries to make it sound like he is the victim and that our association is "attacking" the Lakota and that it is our fault that the tour obviously was not as successful as Jervis hoped. And he is posting more and more of those videos that show mainly poverty and of course, he is using all of these photos and videos taken during the tour. We knew he would do that and that was one reason why we contacted the German media.

Here is the link to the thread I started in the new forum. The quote posted in the comment above is from there. (

I also posted information about William Jervis using the identity of "Eye Tuwe Slow Waya". His name was Donald D. Hines and he was born on Sept. 29, 1928 and he passed away on Friday, July 19, 2013. William Jervis is trying to delete a lot of evidence material, but we have screenshots.

Here is the link to the thread I started to let people know that Jervis is using the identity of somebody who passed away in order to defame our associatiion and me. He is constantly mentioning my full name, because I gave an interview and my name was published in the two German articles that finally shed a light on the activities of Jervis' so-called academy. (
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on July 17, 2016, 02:27:58 pm
Posted by one of his fans (or by him) …
Here is the link to the thread I started in the new forum. The quote posted in the comment above is from there.

OK, thanks, very interesting! Where is the German-speaking forum you mention in the first two paragraphs?
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Chairwoman, NAAoG on July 17, 2016, 05:49:41 pm

OK, thanks, very interesting! Where is the German-speaking forum you mention in the first two paragraphs?

I sent you the link in a private message.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Ingeborg on July 17, 2016, 11:00:30 pm
William Jervis started to post comments on a German-speaking forum. As usual, he used different names. I chose an unusual way to try to communicate with him. It's obvious that he is lying most of the time, but unfortunately the people who worked together with him and made the whole tour possible are not aware of this. We were criticized for not communicating with him and Sabine Böhler directly, so I had to do something about it.

Ah so. Thanks for clarifying, finally, that the ominous person(s) urging you to contact Jervis and talk to him and Böhler aren't Native Americans, but white German nuagers. Your comments in the German-language forum were somewhat ambiguous in this respect, and some of your readers there seem to have misunderstood who it may have been to exert such a pressure.

It is perhaps a platitude that it isn't possible to please everyone and that attempts at trying most certainly will result in a failure. Of course died-in-the-wool Nuagers will be hard pressed to see what Jervis is doing is wrong and why. There will always be persons who are dead-certain Jervis is native, an enrolled member of the Cherokee, and a medicine person of utmost fame. This cannot be helped – at least not unless these persons are willing to listen and learn.

Direct discussions with Jervis, no matter whether in person or per mail, can only enhance Jervis' status – and he certainly will use and exploit such efforts for his profit.

But to give in to demands of direct communication with someone who has just gone out of his way to defame a person – worldwide!, since it was done online – as a ho and as his ditched former sexual partner is, sorry, an idiocy.

Unfortunately, a German forum member made this an issue and he started a discussion. His rude comments led to the point where we decided to withdraw from that forum, because it did not make any sense anymore. I had started several threads in order to inform the public about Jervis fraudulent activities.

So there was some criticism voiced in the German-language forum, and this wasn't restricted to only one person. Criticism was raised e.g. regarding entering discussions with Jervis, or regarding the number of posts dumped by certain persons (after Jervis has been actively selling ceremony for some 10 years, everybody by now is aware he tends to overdo and publish a multitude of contributions, but one does not necessarily have to copy such a behaviour), or the number of new threads opened up to discuss Jervis and his activities.

In that German-language forum, you also posted a contribution today (i.e. Sunday, July 17) saying you did not feel safe in that forum any longer (you indeed spoke about yourself, not about any 'we') and needed a moderated forum to post. So what was the real reason then – not feeling safe or a few rude remarks (which weren't all that rude, I heard worse in that forum from miffed Nuagers) ?

And why are we given different reasons in different forums in the first place?

Informing the public about Jervis: great new idea.

Speaking about questions: to my surprise, I saw that your campaign group at FB promoted the blog/FB group „Awakening the Horse People“ on several occasions (i.e. April 19, July 10, July 13). Quite incidentially, that blog and group is maintained by a Euro-American person posing as indigenous. Her real-life name is Naomi Archer, although she has been posing not only as indigenous American, but also „indigenous European“ with the names of „Ana Oya Ametz“ and „Ana Oian Amets“. NAFPS has got threads on her already:

Archer also poses as an alleged indigenous Euro shame-on, has sold seminars and ceremony in the USA and in Europe. Since she registered at the NAFPS boards, she has an intro thread in which she claimed that, as an indigenous European, she would experience a similar oppression as indigenous persons and peoples in the Americas. This of course does not hold any water, never did and never will. All it boils down to is that Archer uses and exploits her different contacts to promote and brush up her pseudo-historic fantasies regarding an alleged pre-Indo-European ancestry she means to „re-awaken“, particularly for paying clients in the US and in Europe who feel an urge to discover real or alleged roots.

So why is a campaign allegedly aiming at providing facts and information on plastic shame-ons offering material written by a plastic ad also promoting a plastic?
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Chairwoman, NAAoG on July 18, 2016, 07:48:06 am

I'm busy sending out information, posting comments and talking to people about Jervis' fraudulent activities since weeks and of course, I know that there is information avalaible on NAFPS since many years already. The problem is that unfortunately, there are a lot of people who refuse to read all of this. 

Due to the fact that Henry Red Cloud decided to participate in this tour, William Jervis got much more attention from the side of the German media than ever before. That's why we finally decided to write a press release and send it out. And afterwards those two articles were published. Before that I had called several organizers of events and I tried to explain to them whom they are dealing with, but it turned out that they decided to do it anyway. I was accused for sending out an e-mail to all of the organizers in advance which I never did, but because of that e-mail, I had a hard time to convince them to at least listen to me.

In between, I received phone calls from organizers. One had cancelled the event, another one tried to convince me to slow pedal, but I didn't. Now I'm the one who is under attack from many different sides, not only Jervis. Yes, the way I chose to handle the situation is very unusual, but I had many conversations and theere are quite a lot of people that still believe Jervis and Böhler and not all of them are Newagers. And yes, we are trying to reach those people and inform them.

I'm aware of all of this. There are reasons why it developed like that. And yes, there were big misunderstandings in that other forum, because some just did not want to listen no matter how much information I had sent to them.

As far as the campaign website is concerned, I did not post those links and the graphics and we are currently discussing this internally. I did not have the background information you are providing now.  There was no time left to do more research from my side. I barely have any time anymore since we started that campaign. As mentioned before, the people we are trying to reach are not reading what is posted on NAFPS, Psiram or Esowatch. They should, but they don't and we had to choose other ways to inform them.

We were criticized for not communicating with William Jervis and Sabine Böhler. So, now they for sure cannot say that anymore, because we are giving him the chance to answer questions and explain his point of view and now I can point out what William Jervis is doing even to the ones who are refusing to read the important information that is published here on NAFPS since many years. And finally they are taking a look at all of this, because William Jervis is revealing himself and it is very obvious how crazy his actions are.

There are so many things going on behind the scenes and I cannot make this public. Because of my name being published in those newspaper articles, William Jervis is attacking me on a very personal level now and my name and address is publicly known and there are also some people who have quite a lot of influence and that's why I will not share in public all of the information I have now.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: theredhairedcrow on July 18, 2016, 02:51:32 pm

Just because I shared a link and a graphic from a certain page/website doesn't mean I am promoting a group. That's completely the wrong term and an assumption. They have pertinent, relevant material for Decolonization discussions especially relating and catering to European mindset and psyches, which is exactly why I used the graphics I did. For Awakening, I am well aware that it is a European maintained resource site. There are Native Americans I do not agree with what some of what they are saying, doing or have done, but it doesn't invalidate everything they've said. I can post a link from FOX news in the US, doesn't mean I advocate the news source as a whole or every story they generate. There are native groups I may post material from but I do not agree with some activities or perspectives as a whole, or maybe someone as an individual. Many nations, many views, but if there IS something they may have said that is helpful to a theme I am advocating, then I use it for the beneficial properties it contains.

I posted that material. I, Red Haircrow. I have not personally posted anything on the "Misuse" group at Facebook about William Jervis. Besides moderating discussions directly on that page for the benefit of the page and its guidelines, I have never had nor have any interest in any discussion with or about William Jervis either. I have actively advocated not to do so as it could certainly be construed as a personal attack or vendetta, when from my perspective the message is general and absolutely from my perspective not trying to target anyone. So, on several points I absolutely agree with you regarding methods or behaviors. There was no "we" in that regard.

Like the AIMCTX motto, however, where I am being sponsored by a Lakota elder for acting membership, "It's not about me, it's about the people." It is for educating all, not about any advocating of a certain personal viewpoint or self. So questioning that page's or my integrity, responsibility or commitment because of a graphic and resource group I posted? You may just be questioning for general information and also for others who may be reading the board, I realize that, but it does validate the attempts to belittle and undermine this particular campaign and even us individually, instead of ever trying to help out oneself. And then people get discouraged and wonder why no real steps forward can be made.

 I am very well aware of the postings certain people have made on other forums. What they don't think of maybe is that I run several websites, a business, etc. so I know when they've posted about me, and absolutely I can see when they link to my pages/websites or visit them, their IP info, location, etc. is shown. That is the same for any website adminstrator. My point in saying is to reinforce I am aware of it, and I never responded because it would validate and facilitate what, from my perspective, is simply to argue for argue's sake and promote their own viewpoints without having any practical, in person and/or informative interactions with natives. Plus I simply don't have time for such as I am actively participating and educating to improve quality of life for natives and those who have become inter-related in a daily basis. This IS my main profession whether I'm writing, doing a counseling session or making a film. It's my only goal. So when that is challenged, quoting you: "So why is a campaign allegedly aiming", you are calling me, my very character into question on all levels.

Stop Misuse is an educational campaign. It is not a platform for calling out or posting about plastic shamans, and it's certainly not why I agreed to be there. To do it that way would just feed and cause people to attack and create confrontations, that could be psychologically damaging for both parties. Not what I'm about, besides which, that would seem personal. I am responding as a courtesy, because to me from a minority having grown up in an racially oppressive regime, it is like you are publicly demanding an answer so you/this board can make some judgement on the campaign, undermine the message and those who began it. Like I am in court and have to make some statement of accountability. That may not be as you meant it, but that's exactly how it comes over to me. Like I said, a courtesy, now I'm off to begin first day's filming on a documentary on racism, stereotypes and Native Americans in Germany after working on my professional paper on native suicide. Not a past-time. Regards.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on October 01, 2016, 12:31:40 pm
I knew it wouldn't take long for Jervis to poke his head out of his shell and jump on the Standing Rock Bandwagon. Here is yet another "event" of his:

The "speaker" has walked on so I'm not sure how Jervis expects him to communicate. Maybe Jervis intends to use his "special powers" to deliver the

Jervis continues to launch Internet attacks on  NAAoG and its Chairman on a daily basis. I know you're reading this, William, so I'll deliver my message to
you on this forum:

I will be praying for you. It saddens me to see you go to such desperate lengths in an attempt to convince other people you are someone and something
you are not. NAAoG and its Chairman are not responsible for the fine mess you find yourself in right now. You are solely to blame because of your
decision to portray yourself as being Native American when, in fact, you are not. It must be an awful burden to bear being so ashamed of being who
and what you are that your only alternative is to create a new "identity" for yourself. Do not use the situation at Standing Rock to promote yourself and
your nonsense. You've hit an all time low using the name of someone who has walked on as a speaker for an event at Standing Rock. Again, I will be
praying for you.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on October 01, 2016, 12:40:23 pm
Here's another one of Jervis' alter egos:

Jervis, my advice to you is to take it down immediately or I will let my friends at Standing Rock know you
are exploiting them and the situation for your own dishonest gain.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on October 01, 2016, 12:41:21 pm
I apologize for using the word "Chairman" when referring to NAAoG. It should be Chairwoman.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on October 04, 2016, 08:01:24 pm
This fool just doesn't know when to stop!
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Defend the Sacred on October 04, 2016, 08:18:29 pm
That is the imposter account run by Jervis. Please report it, and all his fake accounts.
This fool just doesn't know when to stop!
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Superdog on October 21, 2016, 06:55:54 pm
There are so many things going on behind the scenes and I cannot make this public. Because of my name being published in those newspaper articles, William Jervis is attacking me on a very personal level now and my name and address is publicly known and there are also some people who have quite a lot of influence and that's why I will not share in public all of the information I have now.

Don't forget that William's real name isn't even Jervis.  It's William Burchette.  He changed it to his girlfriend's last name (not legally) to hide his criminal past, which we found.

Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: loudcrow on October 21, 2016, 10:10:09 pm
Thanks, Superdog. That fact had completely slipped my mind. I'm having trouble keeping up with all his names, fake Facebook pages, etc.
Thanks for reminding me :)
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: theredhairedcrow on July 14, 2017, 11:37:12 am
UPDATE: William Jervis aka so many names, but a recurring one is "Medicine Turtle" and he has recently started using "John Blackbird" as well, although there is a known Native by that name who visits Germany and Europe sometimes.

Along with "Sun Turtle Woman", they've set a new site using many pictures, etc. from other native people and organizations, and they're planning another tour this year for Henry Red Cloud, who continues to deal with them despite their being known fraudsters and sellers of ceremony.

You can also see a posting by Brenda Norrell, of Censored News and other sources, which discusses this topic.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: theredhairedcrow on July 14, 2017, 07:52:51 pm
UPDATE: William Jervis aka so many names, but a recurring one is "Medicine Turtle" and he has recently started using "John Blackbird" as well, although there is a known Native by that name who visits Germany and Europe sometimes.

Along with "Sun Turtle Woman", they've set a new site using many pictures, etc. from other native people and organizations, and they're planning another tour this year for Henry Red Cloud, who continues to deal with them despite their being known fraudsters and sellers of ceremony.

You can also see a posting by Brenda Norrell, of Censored News and other sources, which discusses this topic.

Here is the corrected link for the post by Brenda Norrell
Title: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 04:23:56 pm
very interesting reading this article
but I hate to burst your bubble but the guy name is not
William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
his real name mark paul johnson
originally he was born on Cherokee Indian reservation
he was born March 10, 1967
and yes the standing rock reservation  he well know
in the movement with the water protectors fundraising for the camps 
Title: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 04:34:59 pm
medicine turtle real name mark johnson
actively working on the pine ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota
throughout the years several made up stories surfaced
his work with Henry Red Cloud but none are near the truth of the actual events
in fact, it was Henry Red Cloud and medicine turtle who
wrote and published a book together to attempt to end the abuse of the sweat lodges
The Quiet Revolution of the 7th Generation
The Silent Revolution of the
7th Generation
 Printed 28 March 2016 South Carolina the USA
by Henry Red Cloud (Author),
     Medicine Turtle (Author)
ISBN-10: 069267716X
    ISBN-13: 978-0692677162
Title: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 04:43:55 pm
the quiet revolution of the 7th generation
Title: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 05:10:17 pm
and no matter how the ball balances this guy has been actively working with the Lakota people for years working with nonprofit associations and practically lives on the reservation 
and his Native identity is well established with the tribes
he working with
medicine turtle the name you call him is actively working on the Lakota reservation projects and activity partakes of native American spirituality on full-time bases with certified religious leaders
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 05:29:17 pm
Why are you talking (lying) about yourself in the third person? It's kind of weird.
Title: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 06:07:22 pm
It's kind of weird to call another human person not authentic when you personally never meet them on the reservation up close and personal. just trying to make some points based on the facts

Title: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 06:21:25 pm
the fact is this guy by whatever name you want to call him medicine turtle or whatever is  working in the service for the native American people to better and improve the lives of the Lakota or other tribes
just reading over the track record of your own website report going back years of all the blah blah
nearly every recorded entries show that the man was working with the native Americans on various non profit projects through various non profit associations
working with many tribal leaders  now giveing someone a benfit of a douth could point to the fact that perhaps someone has purposely done this on purpose
Title: Re: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 06:22:57 pm
It's kind of weird to call another human person not authentic when you personally never meet them on the reservation up close and personal. just trying to make some points based on the facts

You were just being deceitful for crying out loud. Pretending to be somebody else to defend your bad behavior. I don't need to meet you. There are thousands of people like you. Most not to the extent of your exploitation and bastardization of tradition but you are not unique.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 06:27:48 pm
I don't know of many folks making the outlandish claims you do that are male escorts. (
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: buffalohump on January 28, 2018, 06:34:13 pm
but for the sake of argument let point out some real facts
someone has some very Powerful Intentions to hurt this guy  that carried on for years
so let point out some facts
Jana Mashonee  Lumbee Tribe worked with this guy medicine turtle with the nonprofit association Jana kids
jana performed on international television at RTL Internationalen Militär Tatoo raising funds for college
programs for American Indian children but that small fact not in your website report
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 06:38:07 pm
That doesn't negate the fact that you've sold a mishmash of woo and passed it off as ceremony.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: RedRightHand on January 28, 2018, 06:47:08 pm
Suuuure Willie, all that time you spend on the reservation in Germany. And all the pages you've set up impersonating Indians to badmouth this site. Give it up, Willie. Anyone willing to trust you for info on Indians, or anything even resembling culture or ceremony, has got to be as racist and crazy as you. You're an obsessive, white, racist criminal. And anyone with the IQ of a housecat can see it.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 06:55:59 pm ( Do you realize how much fantastical bs there is in your bio? There's not a factual sentence referring to anything remotely indigenous.
Title: Re: aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 07:00:01 pm
did you attend any ceremony?
far I can see is there only people talking but no hard facts
other then people making up stories

Why in the world would I even consider attending ceremony with you? I just linked to your bio. You are full of delusions of grandeur and stereotypes of Native people. Plus it would give me the creeps to even consider attending ceremony with some dude who advertises himself as a male escort. That is not compatible with a traditional ceremonial persons ethics.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on January 28, 2018, 07:02:49 pm
Jervis, no one at NAFPS has never been convicted of libel. Your copy and paste is incorrect as to our host. Please conduct yourself as an adult rather than throwing a hissy fit. You are the one who came here to defend yourself, which is absolutely fine, however you are the one who chose to lie about who you are. Glass house.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Piff on January 28, 2018, 11:06:55 pm
Jervis, when and where did you legally change your name? You said you were William Arthur Jervis in July 2004 when you married Alexa Zenner, yet there are court records in your prior name after this date.

(Marriage record search here )

John Walter Pope /"Rolling Thunder" was not Cherokee.

Some of our genealogy work here;topicseen#msg36696;topicseen#msg36700

Court case info;topicseen#msg21982
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turt
Post by: educatedindian on January 29, 2018, 10:38:33 pm
Give him enough rope, and Jervis continues to hang himself. Calling himself buffalo hump, a famous Comanche chief's name, manages to insult the real family's name.

His so called book with Henry Red Cloud is a self published pamphlet. No sign HRC contributed to it or even knows about it. Inside you find (seriously) bad poetry with mangled attempts at English by someone who obviously speaks it as a second language.
Actual quotes:
" I think you have to be property trained"
"This is my believe I dont know what is your believe"
There's no reviews or even sales yet best I can tell. Feel free to leave a review.  ;D

In Jervis's latest phony identity of "Mark Johnson," there's no sign of the guy prior to June 2016. Besides the homely escort photos from someone claiming to be Cherokee and yet speaks pidgin English with obvious German grammar and is so pale he's almost albino, he also shows up on massage sites and Couchsurfing. That's lots of predator warning signs. It's very advisable that anyone female be warned away.

And for the record, there's no record of Jana Mashonee working with Jervis outside of his claims of doing so by weaselly wording. Jervis claims he raised funds for her charity. That's it.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 02:55:58 pm
Medicine Turtle has been staying here at the standing rock reservation
he very actively involved in the Dakota pipeline #NoDAPL

[ETA One more sockpuppet of Jervis talking in the third person. The photo is actually in DC.]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 03:01:37 pm
Except you're not posting from Standing Rock. Care to let us know who can corroborate this claim?
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 03:12:13 pm
A fan photo means nothing. We'll contact Jana Mashonee to corroborate your claims Jervis. Do you ever get tired of sock puppeting?

I would appreciate the names of those that can attest to you currently being at Standing Rock.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 03:18:23 pm
Bear with me while I'm digging up the facts
here is a webpage with medicine turtle at the standing rock march with his wife
medicine turtle wife is setting right in the center of the native circle in this video
Native Americans Invade Washington, DC! We Investigate

[ETA Actually the video doesn't show Jervis at all.]

here a video of medicine turtle right on the front lines in Washington Dc
along with his brother and sister water protectors
this film was on nationwide tv
seems like pretty convincing evidence
that he deep in movement

[I like how he speaks in pidgin English. It's obvious he grew up speaking German.
And the photo captions actually say he was in Germany.]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 03:22:39 pm
Navajo roy pete , Jana Mashonee Native American of Lumbee and Tuscarora  and medicine turtle Cherokee

Native American Friends Of Luxemburg, ASBL
nonprofit association website
this clearly shows Jana Mashonee working with medicine turtle in Luxembourg

[ETA No, it shows a fan photo from 10 years ago. No evidence of contributions or fund raising or public work together.]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 03:24:40 pm
This was from last March. There were gobs of people there. I'm not sure what your point is. Showing up at a march doesn't mean anything. The fact that you can't name any individuals to vouch for you that were actually involved is what says the most. If you were actually directly involved, which camp were you in? Who were your neighbors? When did you arrive? When did you leave your campsite?
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 03:26:10 pm
here a photo of medicine turtle at standing rock
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 03:28:39 pm
Uh, so, you went to the casino. Who can vouch for you being there now? Which camp were you in? Who were your neighbors?
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 03:32:27 pm
You do realize that exploiting the #NoDAPL movement does the opposite of when your intention is right? It's pretty low down and kind of creepy.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 03:35:31 pm
if you want to see the work that this man medicine turtle is doing for the Lakota people
you only need view this page
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 03:49:17 pm
medicine turtle on the pine ridge reservation

Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: wolfmartin on February 05, 2018, 04:13:58 pm
HERE  video I have found when medicine turtle was working with Alfred Red Cloud

[ETA Actually Jervis is not in the video. He did post it, that's it.]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 05:48:32 pm
Jervis, what you don't seem to understand is that no amount of photo ops and claims of humanitarian work change the fact that you abuse indigenous culture and there by indigenous peoples. You lie, appropriate and bastardize. Posting pictures and claims on your own personal websites really don't matter.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Smart Mule on February 05, 2018, 07:53:42 pm
Living among Native People in...Kentucky?

Just because someone adopts another person it does not give them free rein to the culture, nor does it make them a member of that community. It makes them a relative to one person or a family.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: educatedindian on February 05, 2018, 07:57:11 pm
Spam posts removed. No more sockpuppets of his allowed. No more speaking in the third person about himself and impersonation of Natives. Burchett/Jervis must admit it any future posts that it is him. The IP for wolfmartin shows he's posting from Europe.

Jervis's newest email,, doesn't show up anywhere else online.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: RedRightHand on February 05, 2018, 08:26:49 pm
here a photo of medicine turtle at standing rock

OK, this is actually hilarious. He's standing alone in the dark, on the road outside of Standing Rock.

During the worst of the exploitation of the #NoDAPL movement by opportunistic pretendians, they had to try to keep the colonial white people out of Oceti Sakowin - down the road, across the road... at points there were a handful of outlier "camps", made up of majority to 100% non-Natives, and several of which had nothing to do with protecting the water. They were full of hippie, nuage tourists, hoping to colonize ceremony and reinvent themselves as pretendians.

These colonizers would show up and pose by the river, or a mile marker, for photo ops. Then, if they couldn't find someone with pigment to sneak them into main camp, they'd just turn around and hop the next plane out of there. They never prayed with the People. They never went to a single Indigenous-led action. They were only there for their own self-aggrandizement. This is one of those shameful photos.

But this is even worse. At least those people were there in the daylight. This is Jervis sneaking in under cover of darkness, alone next to a sign on the outskirts. There is no indication what year these were taken in.

Given Jervis's chronic, constant lying, I'd assume these were not taken anywhere in the vicinity of any action or ceremony, or you could be sure we would see that. There were probably taken after camp was cleared. Looks like he just dropped in at the casino for a midnight drivethrough, not even stopping overnight, or he would have had daytime photos.

Add Jervis to the list of appalling white pretendians on social media who think posting a "stand with standing rock" meme, while exploiting Native culture, means they can now call themselves "Water Protectors." Just when you think he can't get any more offensive, any whiter, any more colonial, he does.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: debbieredbear on February 05, 2018, 10:25:23 pm
Funny, we keep giving him rope and he keeps hanging himself. And it is always so obvious who he is.
Title: Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: educatedindian on February 08, 2018, 04:26:58 pm
I don't know of many folks making the outlandish claims you do that are male escorts. (

Jervis has hurriedly deleted his male "escort"/would be prostitution ad. Poor guy, his attempt at another career derailed.

Sorry Jervis, but obviously screenshots of your ad were saved for all to see.
Title: Re: William Jervis
Post by: Sparks on October 09, 2018, 12:31:41 am
Jervis is at it again. He seems to have given up claiming the alleged cooperation with Vincent LaDuke aka Sun Bear and instead now polishes up the legend of his sidekick which he put up at his website, he sends out promoting e-mails and wrote various forum entries:
„Traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows comes from an ancient Lakota family and was born in 1928 at Pine Ridge.

His paternal ancestors come from the family of Crazy Horse and Sittung Bull and fought in the battle of Little Big Horn [sic]. His mother was a Cherokee from the reservation in Carolina.

This whole thread with 19 posts so far from December 2009 is all about what Ingeborg wrote in November 2009: [He Who Knows]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA Wm Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: educatedindian on January 30, 2019, 03:56:54 pm
Received a report that Jervis now goes by "Dr. Jos Roger." Bad google translation. Jervis has a partner now that should be investigated too.

Shamanic Healing / Holiday Seminar
This week, you will take a trip into the world of shamanism and learn about various ways of shamanic healing that you can apply in your practice or for yourself. As a prelude to Remo Wagner, we will   build our own shaman drum to work together with Jos Rogers to create a swizzle hut and then to design various rituals and ceremonies.

Drums, campfires, shamanic healing and much more awaits you these days.
It is possible to book the whole week, 3 days of drum building or 3 days of ritual massages.
In addition, we have included in our program many workshops and ceremonies that you can visit individually.

Native American Academy - Medical Scientist Jos Rogers
During the training days you will be supervised by the "Medicin Man" Dr. Jos Rogers , born Cherokee, who for more than 30 years has been learning about the shamanic healing arts and traditions he has learned in childhood and adolescence.
Jos is a real shaman and has learned his knowledge directly from the shamans in South America.

Jos Rogers or "Medicine Turtle"  is from 31 August to 05 September guest in St. Gallen. There he can also be booked for individual treatments and ceremonies as well as the sweat lodge ritual . Just make an appointment early with Jos.

For Whom Is This Week Suitable
"the gaze of the eagle" (in a light trance you make a flight and can explore the world from the perspective of the eagle)
walk in nature (forest, meadow, rivers)
Campfire and Native American fairytale hour
Rituals and shamanic prayers
Trance drum night (with rituals, singing and dancing)
for people who like to get closer to themselves and to nature (your spirit)
for friends of shamanism
People who like to work with shamanic practices in their own practice
for all open and curious
Learning Content
Shaman  drum build yourself (info )
Build sweat lodge and dedicate
Create shamanic work tools
Native Art Shamanic Art, Create Talismanne
shamanic journeys
Bring soul shares back
Stone circle rituals
call our ancestors, spirit guides and power animals
Incense for the aura, rooms and environment
work with drums, rattles and other sound instruments
Shamanic body work to release blockages and tension
Clearing of foreign energies
work with pendulum and one-hand rod (determine blockages and negative energy fields)
Sensitive-medial perception

the data and program details can be found at the bottom of the calendar
Learning Goals
Humans and animals treat with shamanic m healing
Clearing of alien entities (humans, animals, spaces)
shamanic bodywork (bodywork from shamanism)
Build shaman drums yourself and dedicate
give shamanic journeys
Make rituals and ceremonies
Build sweat lodges yourself and design the appropriate rituals
mentally and mentally stable (these are very strong energies we work with, please note that you should be in a stable mental state.)
Course Management
Dr. Jos Rogers of the Native American Academy - he is a medicine man of the Chirokee Indians and half descended from the Chirokee. Jos grew up with all the Indian traditions and their knowledge of healing.

Sabine Böhler  of the Native American Academy - she is the constant companion of Jos and has been working for years as a "Medicine Women". She helps with the rituals, and arranges some workshops.

Remo Wagner is responsible for the drum construction and the organization of the skins. He is happy to welcome you in his workshop.

Tanja BurgstallerI am responsible for the ritual massages and the design of professional treatments with the learned shamanic healing methods and rituals. I am also the owner of the Energy Massage School and I am really looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you.
Data / Price St. Gallen 6 days 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Course confirmation certificate
Price CHF incl. VAT 1100.- [Perhaps 2000 US dollars]
-inkl. all courses, workshops and evening events
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA Wm Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on January 30, 2019, 08:46:02 pm
Sabine Böhler  of the Native American Academy - she is the constant companion of Jos and has been working for years as a "Medicine Women". She helps with the rituals, and arranges some workshops.

Mentioned once before in this forum:

New Update: William Jervis, aka "Firewalker", aka "Medicine Turtle" is also now using the identity and photo of "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya" ("He Who Knows").They are claiming to be an elder.  It is a duplicate of the "Sowanla Weiss" Facebook profile I posted about yesterday. However, according to a comment on the website of William Jervis' and Sabine Böhler's "Academy", this Lakota elder passed away in 2013.

There is clear evidence based on threats and harassment we've by the NAAoG and at the Stop Misuse group on Facebook that Jervis is using this fake identity to defame the association. Currently he is setting up new websites and channels on YouTube. There he uses excerpts from videos of Eye Tuwe Slo Waya uploaded six years ago to make it sound like this "Lakota elder" is criticizing the association. There is also manipulation in one video where the association is accused of destroying a tour and that a German woman owns him 500 Dollars. Some of the videos have the NAAOG association's name in the title and/or in the text.

In fact, much, or most. of that thread is about Mr. Jervis:
[ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 31, 2019, 12:35:54 am
It also says in the video they're offering "Rituals for Women". Along with the various sorts of "massages."
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA Wm Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on February 01, 2019, 08:55:35 am
Sabine Böhler of the Native American Academy - she is the constant companion of Jos and has been working for years as a "Medicine Women". She helps with the rituals, and arranges some workshops.

Now there is a separate thread about this woman:
[Sabine Böhler "Native American Academy" "SunTurtle Woman"]
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: educatedindian on February 23, 2025, 02:28:35 am
This site says that Burchett/Jervis passed away.

I haven't found another more official obituary. It might be in German, or it might be Jervis making yet more false claims.

Either way, his fraudulent book is still being sold and at least half a dozen fraudulent websites posing as NAFPS are still up. I think we only managed to get a few taken down for posing as us.
Title: Re: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
Post by: Sparks on February 26, 2025, 09:44:28 pm
This site says that Burchett/Jervis passed away.

Quite intriguing. Why 'Iraqi'? And what about that time period in 2018?
In memory of
medicine cherokee turtle
February 14, 2018 - December 30, 2018

Then there is a link (named and dated "Henry Redcloud March 8, 2024, 3:04 p.m. PST)" to a YouTube video: [5:20 — Played 32 times since June 15, 2016.]:
"the quiet revolution of the 7th generation henry red cloud" posted by "medicine turtle travel center":
this book is written in two languages in english and german. dieses buch wurde in zwei sprachen verfasst englisch und deutsch english: the first book written by two descendant of two different tribes of two famous leaders chief red cloud oglala lakota nation and chief red bird cherokee nation. the earth need the balance beetween white and red. the untold story about the truth from the sweatlodge in the way of the lakota nation spoken by the 5 th generation descendent henry red cloud german: das erste buch, das von 2 nachfahren von 2 verschiedenen staemmen von 2 beruehmten haeuptlingen chief red cloud oglala lakota nation und chief red bird cherokee nation geschrieben wurde. die erde braucht die balance zwischen weiss und rot. Die nicht niedergeschriebene geschichte ueber die wahrheit der schwitzhuette in der Tradition der Lakotas in den Worten des 5. Generation Nachfahre Henry Red Cloud

There is a link to the book: