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Dawn Fitzpatrick is expected to play in a neo-nazi concert this April 2025.

The e-mail address to order tickets and to find out where the concert will take place in April 2025 (e-mail address made illegible by us above) contains a reference to Nazi Germany

At the top of the bill, next to Ad Hominem, is the Canadian group Ifernach, with Dawn Fitzpatrick as its sole member. A man who doesn't like anti-fascists, as is evident in the song ATA on the cassette Murder Chaos Crematoria (from 2024). On it, Ifernach/Dawn Fitzpatrick sings (translated) : "Call me a racist, call me a Nazi. I'll be whatever you want me to be. Sieg Heil to you, Sieg Heil to what you preach, holy preacher of human rights. Black Metal War, disgrace of the race, weakened vulnerable bastards. We must atomize antifa, our heritage is destroyed and you march on our ruins, screaming for unity and peace, controlling like a police scene." Dawn Fitzpatrick also plays in others such as Aufnorden who uses a swastika on the cassette Unter dem Schnee and in Maeströ Cröque Mört who depicts the fascist Black Sun on the cover of Cuisine & Poésie Noire / Bourreau De Village .

Thiss from a Google translation from Dutch to English


Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sparks on March 23, 2025, 12:54:45 am »
It looks like she deleted the original of her Facebook "apology" post …  [Corinne Grey Cloud]

Plenty of public posts there. Cannot find anything about all the stuff mentioned in this thread, but I haven't searched or scrolled down so much. Seems she is delivering mail where she lives:

Corinne Grey Cloud — January 10 [2025]
Attention plow drivers and folks in town etc with mailboxes. Please be sure I can access your box from my car. That I can get close enough to your box. With the cold weather I am not making exceptions and exiting my vehicle to deliver mail. It’s too dangerous with slick roads and cold temperatures.
If your box is full, inaccessible, dogs out and not on a leash, falling off its post, your mail will be brought back to the post office and held until your box has been fixed or animals have been tied up. Thanks

Also of some interest; photos from her wedding (2021):
Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sandy S on March 22, 2025, 06:22:08 pm »
This is definitely ongoing fraud. They have not closed up shop.

If I didn't know better I would believe the siblings Andrew Perera/Redhawk and Corinne Perrera/Oestreich/ Rice/Grey Sky are Lakota and Mohawk.

At least 10 years of their claims can be found online. Some of it they could remove themselves and have not done so. They haven't made proactive statements, made amends, returned funds.

The Buffalo Project (Brother United For Feeling And Leading Openness)

BUFFALO Project was founded in 2018, and is a new way to combat Human Trafficking and violence against women. Our mission is to encourage healthy expressions of emotion in men, and create lasting tools to build meaningful relationships in the world around them. - I watched the video and used transcript here.

In this promo Corinne positions herself as Native. She is rather grandiose and special by claiming she has a "new way" to do this work. She says the work includes "learning about the shadow self" to assist those who "embody unhealthy aspects of masculinity". That is Jungian and Robert Bly b.s.

So she performs as a fake Lakota/Mohawk woman who will heal white non-Native predators from their predating ways by "rewiring their thinking" and therefore "diminish a need for human trafficking".
Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sandy S on March 22, 2025, 01:58:07 pm »
Additions to the earlier Andrew Perera post here

Andrew Perera is Corinne's brother. I see talk online of Corinne and Andrew being an example of pretendian siblings. He uses the name Andrew Redhawk. They got media write ups, did educational events, operated The Buffalo Project, LLC together.

NARS was launched in March 2021 by three Native American Legal Experts and Founding Partners, Sarah Caligiuri, Andrew Redhawk, and Megan Siaosi.

He is one of the founders of Native Americans for Restorative Stewardship, LLC in Davenport, Washington. He uses his legal name Andrew Perera in the corporation docs. The corporation was registered 02/10/2021 and they are in delinquent status because they aren't keeping up with annual paperwork.

Native Americans for Restorative Stewardship is based in a triad partnership that began in Humboldt State University within the Native American Studies department in 2013.

He identifies now as a Lakota descendant Very recently the "Lakota descendant" part has been erased from website but everything else has not.

We are a Native American owned and operated consulting firm rooted in service to Indian Country and those who seek partnerships in order to support the visibility of Indigenous Peoples everywhere.
Full info on services offered:
A short 2023 video paging through their partnership portfolio lists Andrew as "Lakota descendant".

Andrew Perera dedicated his life to fighting for equality. As the new Director for Student Equity, Leadership, and Community at @wsuspokane he plans to channel his determination to serve the student population. Accepting the position in October, Perera oversees three programs: the Office of Student Diversity and International Student Life, the Office of Student Leadership, and the Office of Community Programs.

I don't see any public acknowledgement by him, apology, explanation, any amends.

Corinne in her "apology" claimed "mistakes were made" because genealogical research was confusing, as if she wasn't up to the task. Yet she has elsewhere specifically boasted about her research skills, including applied to her research on what surrogacy company to work with. Andrew Perera quite obviously has education and research skills.

Family members on social media, artist website, etc. do not make any Native American claims.

Research Needed / Re: Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt
« Last post by educatedindian on March 22, 2025, 12:25:25 am »
This one is unclear how to regard him. He almost certainly has no descent. The judgement of that commission was pretty laughable.

Unlike Elizabeth Warren, Stitt clearly did benefit in his political career from being falsely perceived as Cherokee. It got him votes esp from OK Natives who thought they'd have someone sympathetic to them in office.

Descent or not, he's equally anti NDN either way. Unlike Warren, he did nothing to try to fool anyone. He didn't know about his ancestor's fraud himself until it was exposed by reporters. But now that he knows, he's gone into denial.

Keep him in Research?
Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by educatedindian on March 22, 2025, 12:12:41 am »
Theft and fraud, moved to Frauds. If she wanted to not be considered one she'd have to account for the funds she took under false pretenses, change the nature of that consulting firm, and quit abusing GoFundMe. One thing we should do is contact GoFundMe and urge them to close her account and have that money refunded.
Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sandy S on March 21, 2025, 03:42:04 pm »
birth name Corinne Perera
married name Corrine Oestreich
married name Corrine Grey Sky
at various times she has included the surname Rice

She has not stopped. Her Instagram hasn't been cleared. Some of her past false identification has been removed from online but definitely not all.

On Insta there are still posed photos of her wielding guns and proclaiming herself a Native "auntie". She has been performing Native for awhile and continues on, with some finessing.
I believe she needs to stop being an Influencer completely.


Corinne rice grey cloud.
White/Indonesian The OG of the pretendian tribe shifters. (Along with her brother) tribe shifted from Hawaiian to Blackfeet and Lakota to Cherokee to Seneca to crow to finally settling into Lakota (pine ridge) and Mohawk (kahnawake) (after of course changing her last name to rice) with this new found identity she’s led MMIWG2S campaigns, she with no residential school family did a whole residential school campaign, she’s been featured in articles, talking about how endangered her (fake native) life is because of MMIWG2S. She’s scammed money for various thing. Including in-vitro which she used to conceive her half Lakota baby. Married her a Lakota and now that she’s been exposed as a pretendian still lives her life as though she hasn’t been lying and still is

Teresa Lazore
Actual enrolled rezzy Mohawk with lived Rez experience running this account exposing pretendians

Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sandy S on March 20, 2025, 11:49:13 pm »
Her biological paternal side of family is Indonesian and Dutch.

My opa’s name is Aleysworth Dudley Perera. He was born on January 1, 1930 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

I can see some records that support this. This is not the side of the family that she claims Native American heritage for.

She claims Lakota and Mohawk on her maternal side. Her claims have been slippery and confusing. They seem to focus on her ancestor Beulah Celestia Rice, who married Walter Elmer Tubbs.

Extensive work and records are available on quite a few generations back from Beulah Celestia Rice. In some cases at least 10 generations back. Families have English and some German heritage.

I'm not doing a professional level genealogical work up of those 10 plus generations. She can pay someone for that service. But it doesn't matter ultimately. She has been performing as her version of Lakota and Mohawk. She has benefited. She has caused dissension in communities, taken up space, misrepresented, and now refuses to drop the act and make true amends.

As a non-Native woman myself, I would like her to 'fess up.

Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sandy S on March 20, 2025, 11:16:04 pm »
In 2020, she launched Rice Consulting LLC, the only DEI consulting firm owned by a Native American woman which focuses on Native American diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

(This quote is from a bio, I uploaded the clip here.)

This claim is egregious b.s.

A quick Google search pulls up several such consulting firms. There are multiple consulting firms that do this work owned by women from Nez Perce, Cowlitz, Muckleshoot, Coeur D’Alene and other tribes. I see one founded in 2002, another in 1990. And I've only been looking for a few minutes.


Corinne Rice (Lakota) and the Executive Director for the BUFFALO Project, which stands for Brothers United For Feeling And Leading Openness

Raised $4,288 with GoFundMe for BUFFALO Project: This California nonprofit is not in good standing, likely because they did not keep up with paperwork. Her step father is listed as an agent. Corinne's brother Andrew Perera lists this on a resume: "2019 - 2021 Vice President and Instructor @ The Buffalo Project"

I have been asked before, both in person and in interview about how I navigate surrogacy and my traditional culture as an Oglala Lakota woman. I am Khanawake Mohawk and Oglala Lakota but I will be speaking today on sacred femininity and surrogacy as a straight Cis-gender Lakota woman. We also believe in the two spirit community, which I have carried a baby for two gay men as well, but today I will be speaking on the subject of surrogacy and infertility.

I am proud to be all of my pieces, and most recently in life I honor the part of me who is Lakota. I spent the past few years learning, observing, and immersing myself in my culture. I had a desire, and HAVE a desire to grow that part of who I am. I owe it to my ancestors who desperately fought for our cultural survival, to own that part of me. To live as traditionally as I am able.

Oestreich wore a medicine bag around her neck and rawhide earrings with Dakota floral painted onto them. “The decision to incorporate pieces of my culture in my daily wear is an act of resistance because I'm saying 'I don't care,’” she said. “You're going to know who I am. You're going to know where I come from. And I'm going to be brave and wear it and represent who I am.”

Panelists discuss issue of missing and murdered indigenous women
Frauds / Re: Corinne Perera aka Corrine Grey Cloud
« Last post by Sandy S on March 20, 2025, 03:08:21 pm »
Working with the info here led me to then look over the crowd sourced genealogy and actual records for the Beulah Celeste Rice families, on

From what I can see, everyone is white. This particular Rice family is said to go back 10 generations or so to England.

Corinne also has German heritage. For some reason she has left that off her claimed heritage list.

Beulah Celeste Rice She married several times. She and Walter Tubbs are Corinne's ancestors.

I think Corinne made up her story then has tried to insert it into her actual lineage. Maybe this is a combo of wannabe, vague family story, and lying.

Surely her and her brother have the research skills necessary to evaluate records properly, or hire a pro to do so.

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