Search results for: "Sun Bear"

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Frauds / Re: Bärenstamm e.V. - indianische Zeremonien/Bear Tribe in Germany
« by fredvoss on August 29, 2010, 08:43:44 pm »

......  forum,  Sun Bear, in Germany also known as Napoleon La Duke,  ............  association of followers.  My personal break with Sun Bear is a result that Sun Bear attack by a round-mail  ............   The "Indian Astrology of Earth" ist a fantasy of Sun Bear. He mixed parts of European astrology, esoteric  ............ .  Members of Bear Tribe are uncritical about Sun Bear.   greetings fredvoss      ......
Frauds / Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« by Ingeborg on May 20, 2013, 10:28:25 pm »

......  for him, with the help of another fake shaman (Sun Bear), to gather a group of persons of distant Indian  ......

...... .html Diese Zeichnung findet sich in dem Buch: Sun Bear - Das Medizinrad Praxisbuch - Verlag Arkana- ............ /mr-aufbau.html This drawing is from this book:  Sun Bear - The Medicine Wheel Practice Book -  The book is  ......
Frauds / Re: Trishuwa and the Church of Gaia
« by Autumn on January 20, 2013, 04:49:13 am »

...... , Arvol Looking Horse, Steven Greywolf Kemp, Sun Bear, Charlie Wolf Moondance, Archie Fire, Buck Ghost  ......
Frauds / Re: Susan Stanton AKA Susan Kaiulani
« by educatedindian on March 28, 2017, 01:38:47 am »

......   Michael Bodine (Tuscarora) TOPIC: Teachings of Sun Bear [Obvious member of Bear Tribe cult.]  Ruben  ......
Member Introductions / Hello from a Newbie
« by RunsWithScissorz on March 07, 2011, 08:59:51 pm »

......  had some small experience with "medicine men" (Sun Bear, Rolling Thunder) and have certainly read a  ......

...... . I knew a non who bought a pipe, handed it to Sun Bear for a minute, then told people he had made them a  ......
Frauds / Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« by oneforall on December 20, 2010, 06:19:34 am »

...... "Do the names Sun Bear, Wallace Black Elk, Oh Shinna Fast Wolf, Brook  ......
Welcome & News / Re: Hate Mail From Nuagers
« by MaryWhiteWolf on May 31, 2009, 11:45:21 pm »

......  of those far out folks are borderline nuts. That Sun Bear fellow sound mentally unwell. I've got to  ............  honest, I didn't know that Sun Bear was beloved by right wing gun lovers. I think  ......
Frauds / Re: Leo Rutherford
« by Sparks on January 11, 2017, 07:25:27 am »

......  Goodman (trance postures), Jean Houston, and Sun Bear. He has also gained a lot of knowledge in  ......
Frauds / Aziz comment
« by fujitsu on January 26, 2017, 03:15:42 pm »

......  throughout Germany as Charles Lee Spezzano.  Sun Bear: Another popular "healer" with a German customer  ............ . Sun Bear shares resume space with the Spezzanos for  ......
Research Needed / Re: Rima Thundercloud Hutsell
« by educatedindian on December 09, 2013, 04:31:34 pm »

......  about med wheels and shamanic teachings suggests Sun Bear or David Carson.   In that interview she mentions  ......
Research Needed / Re: Luz Clara, Chilean Medicine Woman
« by Autumn on May 19, 2015, 05:09:27 pm »

......  from her Lakota lineage (she was initiated by Sun Bear).    What the heck is "Lakota lineage"? And Sun  ......
Research Needed / Re: Renee R. Bierbaum
« by White Horse on December 21, 2015, 08:28:34 pm »

......  healer who studied under Eaglebear, student of Sun Bear. Donella has been given her rights to pour and  ......
Etcetera / Re: A step beyond the board
« by Defend the Sacred on July 17, 2012, 07:06:43 pm »

......  17, 2012, 03:49:06 pm  some obvious bad ones: Sun Bear, H. Storm, Jamie Sams, Mary Thunder and Thomas  ......
Frauds / Re: Maria Naylin & Lynda Tari AKA Maria & Lynda Yraceburu
« by Epiphany on October 20, 2014, 05:37:48 pm »

......  has good Medicine to dream...Good thoughts..." Sun Bear  Nohwike Bagowa P.O. Box 248 Redwood Valley, CA  ......
Comedy Channel / This REALLY happened to me!!!
« by Olderthandirt on November 30, 2006, 04:02:24 am »

......  fast release upwards)  The fifth - Four books by Sun Bear (Eyes now running & nose twitching from  ......

......  and the Venus Rising Association Present - Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel (I can't C&P the text as it is  ......
Non-Frauds / Nuage Trickster Sites
« by educatedindian on August 21, 2009, 04:15:50 pm »

...... ://  SUN BEAR ......
Frauds / Raven Kaldera "Northern Tradition Shaman"
« by Awen on January 28, 2016, 02:40:58 am »

......  Lodge ceremony although I see Abenaki leaders use Sun Bear's books to lead rituals, very very different  ............  because the religion many follow as their own is Sun Bear and most are mostly French white? I'm very  ......
Frauds / Re: Roy Wilson - Medicine Wheel Tribe
« by debbieredbear on November 30, 2006, 05:14:35 pm »

......  he is the real thing. That medicine wheel that is Sun Bear's? Just a coincidence that Roy's "vision"  ......
Frauds / Re: Barbara Jean Canaway AKA Medicine Bear Woman
« by educatedindian on May 08, 2011, 04:14:44 pm »

......  Daughter, Chief of the Bear Tribe, who carries on Sun Bear’s vision of the Medicine Wheel teachings. All  ......
Frauds / Re: Another Newager Dawn Star
« by Barnaby_McEwan on August 22, 2006, 08:17:04 pm »

......  conclusion of the process started by the likes of Sun Bear a couple of decades ago. I estimate that there  ......

......  ago, a friend who thought Sun Bear was just SOOOOO wonderful, she wrote him a letter  ......
Frauds / Sakina Blue Star / Sara (Cross) Comins - Sedona
« by Epiphany on April 24, 2013, 08:39:20 pm »

......  Ywahoo, Jamie Sams and her grandmother Twylah, Sun Bear, Wallace Black Elk and others have shared their  ......

...... , etc. Claims her teachers were Villoldo, Sun Bear / Vincent LaDuke, and others we have threads on.   ......
Frauds / Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« by educatedindian on November 07, 2005, 03:12:58 pm »

......  of experience and study with teachers such as Sun Bear and OhShinnah Fastwolf, Ram Dass and the Course  ......
Research Needed / Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« by Superdog on December 14, 2009, 04:23:41 pm »

......  of Eagles in 2002. That particular event calls Sun Bear and Brooke Medicine Eagle as great wisdom keepers  ......

......  teachers"... how is this any different from what Sun Bear did?   And even Sun Bear held his things at  ......
Archive No. 1 / Re: Frauds (Deer Tribe, Bear Tribe) in Germany
« by educatedindian on May 19, 2005, 04:29:18 pm »

......  --- 26 entries  Hyemeyohsts Storm --- 266 entries Sun Bear --- 1,690 entries Rolling Thunder --- 96 entries  ......
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