Claims about the ranch."Psychic anthropologist George McMillan has stated there is a yet undiscovered southern en- trance, and there are hundreds of people buried nearby. Other seers believe Chief Jo- seph is buried on Blacktail property. Both the Blacktail and the Feathered Pipe ranches receive guests for retreat, rec- reation and renewal. Both offer sweat lodge ceremonies and feature prominent spiritual workshop leaders. Though you might think of the Feathered Pipe (the name signifies finding new direction, after an Indian Pipe ritual) as similar to California's Esalen, Mas- sachusett's Kripalu Center and New York's Omega Institute, Supera sees them as dis- tinctly different: "Esalen focuses more on the intellectual life, and we're much smaller than either Kripalu or Omega. People really have to make a pilgrimage to come here....
Though early programs focused on astrology, psychic development and biofeed- back, and introduced pioneers like Paavo Ai- rola, Dr. John Lilly, Dr. Andrew Weil and the renowned Dr. Bernard Jensen, the Feath- ered Pipe Ranch has become synonymous with Iyengar Yoga, a style of Hatha yoga that focuses on alignment of the body according to techniques introduced by BKS Iyengar. 'We really helped shape the Iyengar com- munity," says Supera, who, though she also helped to found the Yoga Journal, doesn't look like she puts in much mat time"
Bio of Rittel's son has an interesting bit."John Rittel and Lori Rittel, a brother and sister author duo, grew up on the Blacktail Ranch, a guest ranch in Montana, along with two other siblings, brother Eric, and sister Jeri. The four spent much of their childhood camping outdoors, packing into the backcountry, and even spent a summer living in a teepee in the mountains with their father, Tag Rittel, and a handful of other children from the Dearborn community."