Unfortuneatly, it seems like you are seeing trolls in this forum that does not exist.
You are right. As soon as you started to talk more, I realized just how genuine you are, and this started to weigh on my conscience.
My apologies, please forgive me. I also applaud your interest in your own Nordic culture.
And of course in my own culture the name for a "shaman" is
Tietaja.NAFPS tolerates irony, and I hope you do to.
Here I
do disagree, in my mind it cheapens what
is real and genuine, and that which is so fragile in this day and age must be preserved for future generations.
So I have hard time believing tribal people in either Scandinavia or Australia walk around saying, "Hey! What's your totem, dude?" like people in the 70s would ask people their zodiac signs.
Just because people tell you what their Dreaming is, it is never ever talked about in this manner.
Educatedindian, how can you possibly talk about it in this downgrading manner if you know just how important it is to live this aspect of your Culture. And then you talk about protocols about discussing things. I really do not get you on this.
You claimed earlier that Sami and Siberian cultures were related.
Though Saami are a "separate" group, Saami language belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family, and through a long coexistence, there are a lot of things Karelians and Saami share in common and in general with other Finno-Ugrics.
From my brief contact with Sami when I came to Sweden, I know they have their own lists of things that are not to be talked about openly, or only with certain people or at certain times. I have a hard time believing they'd come on the net and tell everyone about very private experiences.
I keep on repeating, that it is an open secret, but you do not understand what I am saying here.
When you go to the land of Saami, the spiritual culture is all around you, if you have the eyes to see it, same here in Australia. And all of a sudden your private experiences and that of others aren't so private any more, this IS the thing.