All those Hamilton Mint Collection plates hurt my eyes, especially the one with a troll and an angel.
She's pretty out there, but seems like a sincere person who wants to believe her sleep disturbances make her reel spirchul."You can also be a bridge to the past, and to your own past lives, to pull that knowledge into your life now. He showed me one of my past lives, that of an “Incan Princess??? (haha!). We looked out upon the horizon, after praying to Grandfather Sun, and could see Incan pyramids, cities, etc. Then I saw a woman on a horse or burro. It seems she was a part of the downfall of the Incans, who used blood sacrifice to achieve power. She gathered up barbarians for sacrifice by the priests."
Problem is, the Incans didn't have pyramids or sacrifices. Or horses or burros. The barbarian crack is racist.
"Yesterday, Masaw the Caretaker visited me again. I should say, an Elder visited me and took me to Masaw, who was in the same valley, in the Great Smokey Mountains, where I always meet up with him."
A Hopi deity insists you meet up in the Smoky Mountains?
"I was on a bus (why is it that my family always chooses to visit me on buses?!"
If you don't know, I don't either.
"They told me they were the Spiritual Assurance Committee, and that they had come to make sure I continued to talk to people about Spirituality. I asked them why they would need to do this, as this is something I plan to do anyway - it's a given, I said. They then said something about wanting to make sure that everyone had free and equal access to spirituality..."
How convenient.
"Then I wake up, remembering it all, especially the "Spiritual Assurance Committee", and my mother being a part of it all. My mother was always on numerous committees. I am glad to know she has found her one on the Other Side. This dreams helps me to understand why I am still here, and what they want from me. Everyone must have free and equal access to Spirituality!"
But if you post your "visions" on the net, tribal people have the least access of anyone, wealthy whites the most of anyone.