Damn, Freija.... that was very well said!!!
Second since when do we have people talking for us in Europe?
Ummm, some of us live over here...lol
And yes, we are involved in exposing the wannabes and twinkies and frauds for what they are... (lately, things are really starting to heat up with the PowWow "re-enactments" who claim to be putting on "authentic" PowWows with no NDN's present...they don't take being called "re-enactments" lightly. It makes me very angry and upset to see a bunch of white people dressing up as NDN's and putting on these events...) If anyone's on Facebook,
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7372557106Why are Native people traveling to Europe?
Like Frieja said...
to speak about the issues Natives of today face, most often about the exploitation.
There's many reasons why Native people come to Europe..even Al has been over here to give talks about this very thing!
Why are they doing ceremonies in Europe?
Most of them aren't...and the ones who do most likely aren't Native (hence places like this forum...lol)
Are there white people in those ceremonies?
Ooooh, yeah......
Why would a white person be a Native ceremonies?
In Europe, probably cause they bought a ticket....
And many other reasons that could take a long time to try and explain...