Some of what Tate is saying now is unintentionally comical."The Great Mystery always gathers his tribes in times of his great works, he has gave us knowledge the Ancestors passed on to us by Visions of the great ones like Black Elk, Crazy Horse, the Prophet WhiteFeather to name a few."
So Tate is claiming to be Lakota now?
"I am only a voice in the wilderness..."
No wait, he's claiming to be John the Baptist.
"It's time for the Visions to be fulfilled on the Earth; one about to happen is Black Elk's sight of the Healing of all the Nations Hoop and the Dance around the Sacred Tree of Life....As told by an Ancestor Frank Fools Crow."
Now he's back to claiming to be Lakota.
NOte that it's 15 bucks a year to be a member.
A thread on them saying they have members from Europe and use old westerns to train their members.