It comes up from time to time that people are concerned that someones reputation could be unfairly damaged by someone posting a rumor or outright lie about them .
It seems most people posting here get their information off the peoples own websites and what is discussed is almost always the unlikely things people claim about themselves. From what I have seen , not many people post reporting personal experiences.
Posting a personal experience that can't be easily proven is risky because if it really happened the experience will likely identify the person posting it, and if the person reported here is abusive they will likely retaliate. If it didn't happen , people can be sued for defamation. Fear of retaliation probably means that only a small percentage of the problems and abuse people see gets reported here, and not vic a versa. This is certainly true for myself.
It seems if people don't live in a Native community , and they don't have this to provide referrences , they need to be skeptical and ask questions and except for allegations of serious criminal behavior , I really doubt anyone with a good reputation in their community would be affected by something someone said on a message board in cyberspace.
I suppose there is also political situations where an effort is made to discredit a person who is already somewhat controversial - and these people may be affected by what is said in cyberspace, but to expect any message board to be unaffected by people engaging in political manouvering is probably unrealistic
But I can see that on the rare occasions when someone posts a serious allegation of criminal behavior, there is a danger that people could wrongly hurt someones reputation by posting a personal experience that never happened , or a rumor they heard about someone. When I see people doing that I always feel a bit concerned about that possibility.
I'm not saying I think this happens very often and compared to things I regularly see posted on other message boards, this message board tends to be well moderated and cautious about protecting people from being wrongly accused. And I think the damage prevented by this message board probably vastly outweighs the damage that might be done by someone posting a outright lie.
But I'm wondering if it might be an improvement if the moderators made a note that "research is needed" on the occasional post that make a serious but unverifiable claim of a bad personal experience?
I know this is often done but I have seen a couple instances where it hasn't been.
It seems that would reduce the possibility of someones reputation being wrongly hurt, without reducing the ability of NAFPS to warn people when there is a problem...
I suppose another possibility might be if the moderators who don't have a signiture line , carried a similar warning - I'm not sure how it could be worded - but maybe something like
"All claims made in cyberspace are questionable and should be researched and verified"
But maybe that would be overdoing it ... ?
I don't know if this would be an improvement or not, but it would be good if nobodies reputation was ever unfairly damaged by anything posted on this message board - and though that is probably impossible to achieve on any message board , there may be room for improvement.
I put it out there for people to consider.
(edited for rambling disorderly wording)