...wish the Mohawks had had that kid of fast corporate backpeddling when Mohawk Tires came out. Never did understand why plastering a Mohawk on a rubber tire would increase sales appeal? And then there used to be Navajo AirConditioners - at a time when the average Navajo income was $400 per year and the airconditioner costs nearly that much. And don't get me started on Cherokee Red Pop....and Eskimo Pies. There was a gal at KSU who did a documentary back in the 1970's - she went into a small town grocery strore and filmed every image there was of American Indians. There were dozens! Then she tried to replicate that with other races, and there was Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima, and Chun King, and that was about it. Almost all of the images of Indians were offensive and none of the Native people had had ANY input or control over how and who used those images.
Point being: If I had a voice among the Caddo, I would do exactly what they are doing, and after that route was exhausted, I would then try to get LEGAL control over USE of my tribal name - so that those who DID use it, wojld have to meet with the Nation's approval, maybe pay royalties, have time terms on the usage.
THAT would stand a better chance of surviving the gauntlet of the American N Justice System.