In the Haudenosaunee Origin Stories, Tawiskaroo gets impatient and freezes the first freeze on earth. Later he gets angry and is forced into the under world before he freezes the entire world causing the Little Ice Age. During the Peacemaker Epoch, Tawiskaroo incarnates as Adodarohn, the Ononodaga sorcer. Every time he got impatient for Peace to come in the form of the Peacemakers Great Law for the Good Mind, he would cause great storms upon the lake. Thus it is traditional teachings that emotions, thoughts, and words affect the earth, and negative ones unbalance her to create chaotic conditions. This is the teaching of Blue Thunder. That LOVE is the answer. To love unconditionally, even if you dont like the deed, still love the person. And this love will heal the earth. His ceremonies call again for the same thing that Hayenwentha called for before the Grand Council on Aug 19, 909 A.D. To be of One Mind, One Spirit, One People.
So the man walks his talk. And that is what counts. Anyone who can consistently teach love, not just make it lip service, but teach it through his actions, as well as his words is for real.
By the way, Gina has a video that you can get, that Big Bear made for Blue Thunder. Or you can get it from Benny. It is not only a pretty powerful statement but fascinating as well. The time is now that all the old stories that you ever heard around the tipi fire (sic) are coming back. The Medicine is not dead. Just your belief in it.
The Elders in Alaska held a special ceremony asking for the language and the medicine to come back. More than likely it is going to come back in the dreams and visions of the People who have their hearts in the right place, which may not be the traditional carriers as many of them do not understand that the world was created in love , and they carry much anger. They do not understand that we are to be one people, One spirit even though all traditional prophecies say so. These precious truths will not come to those who will corrupt them or sell them for money. If necessary, New Prophets will be raised up to bring the truths. So I judge the man not by what others say of him, but whether or not he walks his talk.