I am such an idiot of how much I trust people to the hilt degree. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I always look too much at the good of people. So how far has that gotten me ? WAY too much leverage for "CON" people like Bon Or Dennis Tsotigh OR Southernstylesinger to take advantage of me. I went to Oklahoma as he challenged me to as we were starting a relationship and he said noone ever came to see him. He would always go to them. So I flew to Oklahoma, rented a car and met up with Bon in Hobart, Oklahoma. He seemed to be a nice fellow. He said seeings that I was tired from the trip that he would drive my car and he took me to all the places that he thought would interest me before we went on to Anadarko. When we got to Anadarko, we got into the room of the hotel that I had reserved. He said he needed a car to the to a powwow rehersal. Well not being involved with the POWWOWS, I didn't know any difference. I was just starting my new life in the Indian world because my grandmas side was Indian. But because of the religion and the stigma of being Indian, my parents refused to practice the Native life. Well he took the car and he never came back and never came back and never came back. This was on a Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Finally, I called one of my family members up in another state and they rushed right over. I checked everywhere. Then a thought came to mind,,PRISION. Well sure enough, he was in jail, my car was impounded. I wanted to leave a go home. But my family member thought I should stay as I was getting to find out a lot about my life. I also wanted to help out at the Native American Churches in Oklahoma. But learning a lesson is not my strong suits so I bailed Bon out. I certainly found out what a smooth talker this guy is. In a way it was a good thing because he introduced me to some of his relatives that I could rely back on like Ralph Kotay. That man was a pleasure to meet. I met one Bon's sisters, and an aunt. I was blessed by those people. BUT I feel sorry that they have been bogged down by a relative that does such awful things, by getting money and keeping it for himself when it was to have gone to other organizations. I talked to one of the head leaders of Southern Style Singers and he laughed he little heart out when I asked if Bon was in their group. I learned a very very hard lesson on "CONS". I never met up with one, my heart went out to Bon, my money went out to him too. So I am disgusted with myself for being the person I have always been. But yet, God gave me the heart I have for a reason and I mustn't let myself get all beaten up over it. What has been done is done. But, I do not trust like I once did and I am always diagnosing what people are saying or want from me. I am more cautious. I feel for anyone who has had this problem with Bon/Dennis Tsotigh/Southern Style Singer. I feel sorry for his family that have to put up with his stupidity. I pray for the family all of the time that they will endure all of his harm that he does and continues to do. I know he has told me that he is very very ill. But it is funny how he is alive and kicking with pancreatic cancer when so many other people die from it. Bon brags about this and that. And he is a vicious person when he gets drunk...OH MY GOSH,,,he is vicious. You DO NOT want to be in his way when he gets that way either. Oh people, please beware of this guy. He has done much harm for the Native Americans. He has made many people mistrust,,,,people have trusted him and the southerstyle singers to come and perform as the major event of the powwows and then noone shows up and that does not do well for a powwow at all. So BEWARE all of you out there. This person is vicious, he is a con, he hurts, he CANNOT BE TRUSTED. BEWARE of him. PLEASE....Thank you so much for taking the time in readin this.