It's the want to be special thing and to be admired going on. I mean, I have done "shamanistic" exercises (aware that it is new age for of it) too, to get insight in some situations in my life. But that is what you get from it, Insight for your own situation in something, not the universal truths. And even if you do, why would you want to force or sell it to other people anyway. But surely, when you "succeed" in something spiritual and get a "message" from your own inner self, as it usually is, you do have temptation to brag with it, especially in this non-spiritual way of life we live in most of the time. This is what brings people together too, the spiritual sponges of the "white world", the yearn to be special and to be part of something special when most of the world has a focus only on greed and money. Most of us are so lost that we won't trust our own intuition even when it hits us in the face, just explain it away and follow someone who is so full of her/his own ego that claims to know everything and to be connected in every possible deity/god/angel/spirit.
Sorry, forgot the frustration filter.