Author Topic: Hello from Germany  (Read 9424 times)

Offline Passione

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Hello from Germany
« on: January 13, 2011, 03:59:01 pm »
I´m happy to found this site! I´m living in Germany, working here as a spiritual and traditional healer. I had the possibility to live for 2 years in Arizona. I really loved it and want to go back here in the near future. Fortunately, I got the green card, so it makes it much easier to live and work there.

I´ll apologize, if my English is incorrect,  ::) because I speak more than 5 languages and so it´s not so easy to use all of them perfectly.

As we´ve lived in Arizona, I loved to attend the Pow-Wows there because I love the indigenous people, the peaceful atmosphere and all the energy around!  I was always really sad about the history they has to go through.

I couldn´t understand that so many people of Europe think, it´s pretty easy to go the Shamanic way, you have only to pay for some  seminars and you would become a Shaman then! My understanding of beeing a Shaman is really different and it fits more to the culture of the Indigeneus people than to our European culture and therefore we can learn a lot of them, but never became a Shaman. Maybe a Neo-Shaman, what is completely different.

It seems, that the most of the Shamanic classes in Europe are only money-related, lead from psychic and selfished people. This makes me really sad.

My warmest hugs and greetings,



Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 08:33:54 pm »
I´m living in Germany, working here as a spiritual and traditional healer.

Hello, Passione. In what tradition are you trained and working "as a spiritual and traditional healer"?

Offline Passione

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2011, 01:58:42 pm »
Hello, Kathryn,

in Germany the traditional healer is an education similar to the Naturpathic doctor in the USA but without an academic grade.

Therefore we have to study all the medical nomenklatura and about the deseases from the medical point of view, Anatomy and Physiology. After a passed written and oral examine we are able to become this title Heilpraktiker.  It is the only possibility to study either - Medicin or this named "Heilpraktiker", which means traditional healer, if you want here to diagnose and cure humans as the doctors do, but without the medicals that are for prescription, means the natural way!

As a Spiritual healer I´m healing with energies. It is completely different to that medical stuff. As I discovered, that I can heal, whenever I took my hands to the people, I attended a 1 1/2 year training here by a knowable Spiritual healer school, but anyway, it was nothing new for me, what we got learned here  ;D, maybe my ego needed it this time.

The healing as it is, is for me a very creative stuff. No one is similar to the other. I let come the impression what I should do with the client from my higher self and it is unbeliavable how good it works.


Offline KrazyKraut

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2011, 02:25:30 pm »
To non-germans: To become a 'Heilpraktiker', you need to be at least 18 years old, have a 'Hauptschulabschluss' which is equivalent to high school here in the US and pass a 60 question exam. It's a joke, and among these people there are the worst quacks in Germany.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2011, 03:05:25 pm »
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Spirit

Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 04:03:34 pm »
I'm less likely to dismiss a person's possible natural gift in healing than I am
to dismiss a Heilpraktiker.. that sounds fairly hokey to me. A naturalist doctor
should also have a true medical doctor degree.

I attended Reiki and certified to level 2, but I never used it. The people teaching
it were hokey new age people that I didn't ascribe to. Back in the mid 90's. I have
no idea if Reiki was at one time a true and valid practice before the new age people
took it over. But it's not something I practice or use. Just mentioning it in effort
to show some of my personal experience with these new age "schools". Don't waste
your money on them.

I believe Spirit does gift some people with such an ability for use for people, and
I believe the current day world doesn't allow for it to be trained in a right way
because any person who has such a gift, have no where to go to learn except these
hokey new age B.S. classes and schools. Unless they are part of or have ties to
a real community.

But, I also don't just believe anyone who says they have such a gift. And I don't
trust anyone who uses it for money or uses it in a way of proclamation. The real
healers are hard to find among the muck of the new age B.S., but they are out

It's really offensive to charge money for such a gift, to take the spiritual and
turn it into a material gain, is akin to slapping Spirit in the face. Nothing good
can come out of that.

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Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 06:55:52 pm »
This is what you said in your first post:

Quote from: Passione
working here as a spiritual and traditional healer

and in your second:

Quote from: Passione
in Germany the traditional healer is an education similar to the Naturpathic doctor in the USA but without an academic grade

A naturopath/'Heilpraktiker' usually is no spiritual healer - some of them probably will go by this label, especially those who additionally adopted foreign exotic ways of healing, like the countless shame-ons. And if they are 'traditional' healers, it is also mostly not in their own traditions but in the tradition of other peoples. I have never heard of a 'Heilpraktiker' advertising his/her use of any medical practice already known to the various Teutonic tribes.

Offline Saga

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2011, 08:57:18 pm »
I do think it is possible to be a spiritual healer too. But it is true, it is really hard to find anyone that could help you improve the "gift", since those who really have it, usually are reluctant to take money of it or teaching of it, especially since it is gift and it works like a gift, if asking money of it, the energy changes (well, that is my point of view... can accept gift back tho, if "healed" person feels like giving one). Reiki... I can't really comment that, have sometimes thought to go to reiki class, but they are so damn expensive that I think I do without them... And about this german thing I know nothing about, so can't really comment on that. :)

Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2011, 09:34:57 pm »
Oh, I don't believe in the Reiki thing. Just bringing it up as an example of so called
schools to learn healing from. Which I think is bogus. No one can go to a school to
learn healing.
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Offline Saga

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2011, 05:39:19 pm »
I don't know what to say about reiki thing, since I've never been involved with it as customer or the practioner, just thought about it, but don't believe in improving any spiritual/energy abilities by paying from it. :)
I agree that the spiritual healing gift is something you just have without training, altho it can be improved along the way.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2011, 06:47:30 pm »

In my area of Florida there are ALLOT of Reiki "Masters" etc... who charge big bucks, upwards of several thou$and for "attaining" the various "degree" steps.  There are even a few "Masters" here who have decided that the big money making Practitioners are making way too much money in making others "Masters" - SO those rebellious folks  charge less to get back at them.  But it's still all about the money... and large amounts of it.  I've often though I should be doing Astrology and not Astronomy, I'd have more gas money for my Astronomy outreaches LOL  and maybe be able to eventually  afford that 12" goto scope for public programs.  Maybe I should get an Astrology program? LOL...


Re: Hello from Germany
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2011, 08:55:04 pm »
1000's??   Wow.. When I took the 2 classes it was 100 bucks each. I won't say it was
completely worthless, if you have a gift it can help to hone it, but I wouldn't pay
1000's for it, and there are other ways to hone the gift for free.

My brother (deceased) was very good w/astrology.. he did it all by hand.
I imagine he'd find it fascinating about new "news" that due to Earth shifting
the "signs" are mis-aligned or something.. He was also very good with tarot.
Too good. He stopped using it because he found people were using it as a crutch
and getting dependent/needy with it instead of using their own good sense.
He never charged a dime for any of it though, it was just his "interest" in
all kinds of occult matters..

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet