Got a message from Sebatian Maroti. He disclaims any further endorsement of or contact with the video makers. Bolding is mine.
I found on my name search in Google, your website's forum, with strange and slanderous comments made about me regarding a video for a group called Awakening As One, which I no longer have any association with. I don't appreciate being associated with new age scams, nor do I wish to be slandered on a public forum.
All though I appreciate your amusing conclusions, nemesis, Keith and I are not of fact, one person, but 2. We started an organization a few years back called Awakening As One, which we did some peaceful demonstrations/events in our local town of Edmonton, aimed at raising awareness that being a spiritual being does not need to be associated with being tied to any particular religion. Was all in good fun. Keith kept up the name sake after I left the small group, and made these videos 2 years later.
Keith has mistakenly not removed my name from the WHOIS, as I have no association with the organization as of mid-2008, prior to these videos being created.
Not very exciting on the Spiritual Conspiracy side of things, but hope this clears up the confusion.