Hi I'm Joni
I'm Irish and stumbled upon your forum while searching for someone whose influence on my family has been detrimental to say the least.
I have learned much from what is posted in the Forum. I am particularly interested in what information can be found on Arwyn Larkin/ Arwyn Dreamwalker/ Phoenix.
My mother was involved with her "training" until recently, resulting in a great deal of unpleasantness and worry for me and her other family members.
I would appreciate if anyone from the communities/ Tribes to which she claims affiliation can tell me anything real about her, or if anyone here has come across her in their travels.
I have searched this site in the past few days and have got some very bitty info, mostly as she is mentioned in relation to Twisted Hair etc.
I would like to emphasize that in my experience is advisable to keep away from her.