I just wanted to say that from a historical perspective, the group seems to be conflating totally different cultures in their attempt to create a tribe, this is not a revival. The pictures of archeological finds all over the site attest to this, those objects span thousands of years and cover a huuuuugggggeeeee region, it is just not likely that they represent one single culture or tradition. I mean, it's really cool what you're trying to do, but while you claim not be some kind of Clan of the Cave Bear role playing game, that's essentially what you're doing - Auel is a really entertaining writer, but she takes the information in her books from finds in different areas, representing vastly different times, and different cultures, as well as adding in an overly healthy dose of speculation. Its just not real.
Just seems like you'd be better off spending time helping out the community that you actually *do* live in rather than trying to invent one out of nothing.