I realized this is old news for most forum members, and for most people in NDN Country. But plenty of other don't know about their ugly history. We need a thread just to have that information gathered in one place, that hopefully will become one of the leading sources online on the RT.
So the most important information to gather:
Fake prophecy
Rapes and other sexual assaults
Drug dealing and overdoses
Other crimes
Environmental damage
Cultural appropriation
Cult behavior/isolation of its members/censoring criticism
We have two related threads, the Black Hills gathering
http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=4639.0Paul Robin Denton, a leader of the cult convicted of rape.
http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=4644.0I'll start with reposting this very insightful article about the damage done by a typical cult gathering.
https://sustainablethoughtbox.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/the-rainbow-family%E2%80%99s-footprint-in-our-national-forests/....Add all these factors together, human feces, animal feces from pet dogs, urine, toxic chemicals from cigarette butts, chemicals from all the bleach, soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc, diapers, tampons, toilet paper, tin cans, plastic bottles and oil from vehicles in disrepair left behind. Remember, all these toxic substances are going to be deposited in YOUR NATIONAL FOREST over a period of 6 days! Not over a long time when the environment might have a chance to deal with such an influx of toxins, but over a period of 6 days!
So let’s add it all up:
23.14 tons of feces
22,222 gallons of urine (82.74 tons)
6 miles of compacted soil
18,900 tampons (0.87 ton)
3840 diapers (0.48 ton)
1/2 TON of soiled toilet paper
937.5 gallons of used toothpaste (3.26 tons)
937.5 gallons of soap (3.26 tons)
3,750 gallons of bleach (13.03 tons)
151.2 pounds of cigarette butts (0.06 ton)
1.82 tons of animal feces
Over 6 days, the Rainbows will deposit around 249.16 tons of waste in the Santa Fe National Forest.
That’s almost 250 TONS of WASTE just to pray for peace?

Is all this harm to the environment really worth getting this many people together for a few minutes?
That is indisputably a huge footprint.
Thinking about the seventh generation, the footprint of the Rainbow Gathering this year may even outlive some of the Rainbow Family members.
We can only conclude, that the Rainbow Gathering is NOT a sustainable practice and should be discontinued for the good of our National forests.
One of the comments on that post is just as insightful. Bolding is mine.
Douglas Humetewa (16:59:07) :
Thank You for this! Here’s a long post I posted on the Zeitgeist forum warning people that the Rainbow’s Origin story of the Hopi Prophesies is fakelore. They are a dangerous cult. No legitimate Native Nation has any respect for them.
The Rainbow tribe has been described most charitably as a public nuisance. It is, in fact, a DANGEROUS CULT. Lies promoted by the Rainbow Family are very DESTRUCTIVE to indigenous people, whose perspectives have not been considered in this forum. The term “constructive” usually means in line with your indoctrination into whiteness.
One of the main features of a cult is trying to control the language that people can use.
A favorite tactic of cult apologists are to re-define the term cult so that their cult falls outside of the definition.
You don’t have to physically disconnect from friends and family to be in a dangerous cult.
The process can be done internally.
You can still function in society and be completely controlled by a cult.
No one sets out to join a cult and no one who is currently in a cult will admit to it.
All cult leaders deny that they are running cults.
You never hear anyone coming out in public and saying, Hey, I’m a cult leader.
The characteristics of the Rainbow Family that lead me to conclude that they are a dangerous cult are as follows:
Members are kept from getting information that the leaders don’t want them to have.
The ideology is based on a foundation of lies, white supremacist fantasy and Christian apocalyptic prophesies.
The leaders engage in black and white thinking and create enemies for the cult to demonize and attack.
There are two standards of ethics, one for in group members and one for out group members.
Members a substantial amount of time on the internet attacking critics and justifying their unjustifiable activities.
I know people who have been hacked, attacked, smeared and “fair gamed” by Rainbow Family leadership.
I know of websites and discussion forums that have been taken down for no other reason than they criticized the Rainbow Family.
The Rainbows take a page from the Scientologist “fair game” policy in making false copyright claims and initiating S.L.A.P.P. suits in order to silence all criticism against them.
The Rainbows have NO respect for the civil liberties of anyone who does not accept their propaganda unconditionally without questioning it. There is no place for dissent in the Rainbow family.
Barry Adams, Aron Kay, Garrick Beck, Fred Nemo, Barry Sarchow, Martin Cheney, Rob Savoy
Karin Zirk, and the rest of the Rainbow leadership do NOT under any circumstances represent the Hopi people or our spiritual beliefs and practices. They are deliberately misrepresenting our prophesies for they own political ends and are about as far away from being Hopi as a person can be. There’s no prophesy about them in ours or any other indigenous tradition. They’re all just bunch of narcissists, full of their own delusions of grandeur who simply don’t care that they are lying about the Hopi culture or that they are damaging the Hopi people by continuing to spread these lies about our prophesies. They commit this offense against us because they have been indoctrinated all their lives to see themselves as superior to the Hopi by virtue of the power and privilege their white skin affords them.
Anyone who is genuinely interested in finding out the truth about the Rainbow Family can check them out. If you haven’t been brainwashed by the cult, the first thing you should notice is that it is highly unusual that there is virtually NO criticism of the Rainbow Family on the internet. This is something that just doesn’t happen with a legitimate group. Every legitimate group has its critics and answers criticism honestly. So you should be able to find a diversity of opinion on the group. This is not so with the Rainbows. Virtually everything written about the Rainbow Family comes directly from the Rainbow family and can be traced back to a few individuals putting out propaganda from one source. The family control information about them as a cult controls information about itself.
Not having access to dissenting opinions, most white people have completely swallowed the Rainbow party line. Even the so-called alternative press merely repeats what it is told about the Family.
Like all cults, the Rainbows always defend themselves dishonestly and always conveniently omit that their strongest critic is and has always been the Native American people. There is no group so hated in Indian Country than the New Agers who mimic our spiritual practices and mock our traditions. Among those New Age frauds, the most despised is the Rainbow Family of Living light. It’s not about selling our spirituality to the highest bidder; it’s about their extreme arrogance and white supremacist ideology. Every single bit of their self-promoting delusion about being the fulfillment of the Hopi prophesies is a complete fabrication. The leadership is fully cognizant of this, but they continue to promote their self-serving propaganda, with the full knowledge that every word of it is a lie. Real Indians understand this as one more insidious crimes of the Colonists and one more step towards the complete annihilation of our spiritual practices.
In case you just hatched from an egg, it’s RACIST for privileged white folks to go around claiming that they’re the “New White Indians” and the fulfillment of indigenous people’s prophesies. The Rainbows make the same mistake all the missionaries of the past have in assuming that all Native spiritual practices are alike and that it is appropriate to go around proselytizing a homogenous “Native American” religion to every white person who wants to gain control over us. Anyone who knows the first thing about us knows that our religions are private. We don’t talk about them in public. We don’t offer workshops on how to do sacred ceremonies and everyone who does this is a fraud.
Like all white people have always done for centuries, the Rainbows claim that their “good hearts” and “good intentions” should excuse their revisionist history and their outright lies about who they really are. The Rainbow Family of Living Light has always ignored, trivialized and disrespected the legitimate tribal leaders who have confronted them on their disrespect and refused to be subservient to their desire to know everything about us. They deal with our leadership in the exact same way that their shameful ancestors dealt with them – with dishonesty and arrogance.
If you can read big words, check out Michael I. Niman’s books, People of the Rainbow: A Nomadic Utopia (9780870499890). Niman himself, is a brainwashed Rainbow cult member, but he somehow managed to escape the “drum trance” long enough to think for himself and complete his dissertation. Most of the book is just a mindless repetition of the Rainbow party line, but Chapter 7, Fakelore attempts to expose the lies on which the Rainbow philosophy is built. Inman manages to quote several indigenous scholars and the fraudulent Ward Churchill tries explains the racism, arrogance and hypocrisy of the “Rainbow tribe”. Inman reveals his whiteness when he favors the words of a Whiteman, Ward Churchill, over the many indigenous women who have written eloquently on the subject of cultural imperialism by white “progressives”. However, it’s the only criticism written by a white man and most white people can’t overcome their racism long enough to listen to indigenous women.
I have spoken to indigenous leaders who know the true nature of the Rainbow family and I can tell you that
what really happened back in the 1970s when the Rainbow lie was born. There were a bunch of young white males who wanted an excuse to do a lot of drugs and have a lot of sex and they knew the best way to do that was to invent a religion that was beyond the reach of the authorities. Instead of approaching tribal spiritual leader in a respectful manner and listening to their ideas, the Rainbows went directly to the library and found books written by white Christians like themselves that told them what they wanted to hear – that they were really Gods to the inferior savages. This was around the time that Carlos Castaneda’s literary hoax was also gaining popularity with white people who knew nothing about NDNS and wanted to find any excuse to experiment with hallucinogenic drugs. Also,
the distorted, warped white supremacist writing of McFadden was becoming popular with whites. McFadden lifted his work from Christian evangelicals who wanted to convert NDNS to Christianity. He discovered an invented a story about a “Great White Brother” who would wear a red shirt, carry the lost stones of the Hopi prophesy. This story didn’t come from the Hopi; it was taken directly from Nazi occult beliefs that were popular in Germany in the 1930s. Research the Thule society and you’ll find the real roots of the Rainbow Family’s “Hopi prophesy”.Obsessed with the Christian evangelical lie,
the cult’s leader, Barry “Plunker” Adams started going from tribe to tribe carrying around something that looked like chunks of concrete and wearing a red shirt. The truth is that Adams was strongly rebuked by every legitimate spiritual leader he approached. He was told that he were too indoctrinated as a white Christians to even begin to understand indigenous spiritual practices and told to go back to his own communities and work on his many short comings. He was instructed to develop humility. Like all white people, he refused to listen and chose to lie about his interactions with legitimate NDNS. He continued to go from tribe to tribe, determined to find some oppressed and powerless NDN who defer to his superior white intelligence and validate his fabricated Hopi prophesy. He enraged and upset a lot of people, but he never found anyone who would support his delusions. He went back to the group and started putting out literature using the name of Thomas Banyaca, one of the four men chosen by the traditional Hopi leaders to carry the message of the Hopi people to support his new libertine religion. (Just about everything you read on the internet about Thomas Banyaca about the Hopi prophesies is complete and total bullshit most of it is just a repetition of Adam’s lies.)
Upon hearing of this,
Thomas Banyaca became enraged when he heard that Barry was using his name to justify his delusions of grandeur. He publicly told the Rainbow Family to stop promoting their lies about the Hopi prophesy. He even had a website put up warning white people not to believe the Rainbows lies about the Hopi prophesy. The Rainbows had it shut down for “hate speech”. Up until the day he died on February 6, 1999 Banyaca insisted that he never met or spoke with Barry Adams, that there was no such prophesy of a Great White brother who would take over for the Hopi and that the Rainbows must stop spreading this false prophesy. Like all white people before them, the Rainbows ignored the words of real NDNS and created a fantasy NDN in their heads who would be completely subservient to their white supremacist ideology. To this day, the Rainbow Family does everything in its power to keep the public from learning the truth about its origins.
Your newsgroup will probably be attacked by the family for this post.
White people only believe the words of white people, so the lie that was repeated often enough has become the truth to the predominantly white Rainbows and their willfully ignorant apologists.
Their single issue is being able to camp in the National Forest without getting a permit. They waste the ACLU’s resources defending this ridiculous action and they continue to ignore indigenous people rights not to have them on tribally controlled land guaranteed by treaty and by NAGPRA.
If you are really so concerned with “carrying capacity”, you will object to so many people inhabiting such a small area.
The only Rainbow criticism that remains on the internet is Liz Ditz’s blog.
http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/2004/07/rainbow_family_.htmlNot to speak out against the Rainbow Gathering is pure hypocrisy on your part.
The Rainbows have come into conflict with several tribes, the most notable is the Paiute, but the Rainbows have had horrible relations with every tribal leader they’ve had to deal with over their sacrilege. The Ojibwe Nations voted unanimously to keep them off of tribal lands, but the Rainbows ignored their vote. Tribes in California, the Fort Bidwell Indian Community Council and the Pitt River tribe, tribes in North Carolina and the Wyoming Shoshone have been trying to stop Rainbow gatherings on their land for decades, but you will never hear the tribal perspective presented by the white dominated alternative press. The Rainbows didn’t even bother to consult the many concerned New Mexican tribes this year before they invaded the Santa Fe National forest and deposited their shit in archeological sites.The Rainbows family has a long shameful history of ignoring laws intended to protect the rights of Indigenous people. They use the same tactic every year to stop any input from legitimate tribal leaders. First, the seed camp shows up wherever they want and set up camp in mid June when they KNOW it’s too late to stop the gathering. Then, the leadership refuses to inform the Forest Service so they can inform the legitimate tribal leaders that there will be people on lands they may control. They deliberately don’t give the forest service enough time to contact legitimate tribal leaders so they can’t determine if they’ll be violating NAGPRA.
They arrogantly demand that tribal leaders tell them where their sacred grounds are located. When they find sacred grounds, they go out and find their own false tribal leaders to say whatever the Rainbows want them to say. They dig up indigenous bones, shit all over them and leave their filth in OUR sacred lands all so they can have a big selfish naked pot party in the woods. When tribal elders visit the gathering, Rainbow taunt them and insult them. The Rainbows justify all this as exercising their religious freedom rights, but they have never shown any concern for the religious freedom of the true and legitimate guardians of this land.
Most of the Rainbows who really push this event just a bunch of dirty old men, who are really motivated by the opportunity to have sex with the gullible young white women who come to the gathering seeking drugs. The people attracted to the event are increasingly mentally unbalanced, violent drug addicted WHITE people who either can’t or won’t contribute in any real way to society. The Rainbow Family does nothing about the social injustices that are creating these type of followers. All they care about is winning a meaningless battle with the forest service, getting their way and having a big party without being accountable for destroying the environment around them. They preach about sustainability, but can’t even manage it for 6 days. They rely on their hypocrisy being overlooked if they mouth a few vague environmental platitudes. They do nothing to help anyone else and they can’t even build a small permanent sustainable community. They have made an art form out of selfishness and white entitlement. The Rainbow Family never did anything but fight for its right to play Indian and party.
I’m not surprised that some people feel “symbiotic” to the Rainbow family – whatever that is.
Many of the people attracted to ZM are a lot like the Rainbow Family. They share the same colonial mentality and the same delusions about being the world’s “Great White” environmental saviors.
It’s the same immature narcissism you see among young white libertarian men. It’s the same arrogance we’re come to expect from whites.
Perhaps the problem you’re having with people of color accepting your group is that your great grand Pooh-ba’s emotional and intellectual development stopped when he was 14 years old, like so whites many who are attracted to utopian fantasies.
I’ve been reading the posts in this group for a long time and I can see how those with a New Age agenda are trying to dominate and control everyone else. This group clearly has the potential to become a dangerous cult.
There are too many people associated with this group who are as delusional, dishonest and disrespectful as the Rainbow Family. You all just keep making the same mistake over and over again. And that is why you will fail, not because you’re too intellectually and spiritually advanced for us ignorant savages who distrust your motives. You all need to check yourselves.
You need to re-think your ridiculous plan and re-group and listen to people who don’t share your white Christian indoctrination. White utopian communities always fail because the people in them don’t have the courage to confront their indoctrination and colonialism and chose instead to escape into fantasy. I see this group as nothing but an extension of colonialism. White people who know what’s best for the rest of the world going out and promoting their ideology with missionary zeal. This is nothing new or revolutionary. It’s just the same arrogance and white supremacy I’ve come to expect from you. You don’t know how to listen. You never have in the past and there’s no reason to believe this generation will be any different. Your utopian vision is just another form of manifest destiny.
I’m sure you’ll censor and attack my words, so I’m posting it in places where you’ll never see it. Places where indigenous people gather.
My hope is that just one of you who reads this post has the courage and honesty to confront your shadows and start the honest self-reflection on your colonial mentality that is the first step to really changing white imperialism. If you want to eliminate colonialism, start with your own heads. Stop your own cultural imperialism. Stop pretending to be Indian. Stop playing with our sacred ceremonies
“The American Indian Movement was dedicated to resolve, change and educate
America out of its ignorance.” — Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman