Dori wrote in her email above: " It is also a deep concern of mine when white people appropriate any Native healing traditions, symbols, or practices. "
and "In my work, I don't claim to practice any kind of Native American traditions or use language like "medicine woman" or "shaman". "
My experience of her is that she instead claims things like smudging and medicine wheels and other cermonial fragments are "universal." She's one of the apppropriators who thinks she can rip off Natives if she calls it something else, and repeatedly says, "I don't claim to be Native." Yet, when people who have hired her have been questioned about her offering native ceremonial fragments under different names, they were told by the shop owners that Ms. "Midnight" is native, so it's OK.
On her website right now, she claims:
"Background/Lineage/Training ... First Nations (Shawnee). ... I draw upon all my ancestors healing traditions in my work."
Over the summer she had a more prominent claim up top, I think claiming to be Cherokee as well. So the claims are still there, just moved further down the page after the Reiki and other nuage stuff.
I don't think she is being honest. Actually, I know she's not.