Author Topic: Arthur Robert Cushman AKA Arturo Luminoso Ketzal Tlanetzia  (Read 7438 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Arthur Robert Cushman AKA Arturo Luminoso Ketzal Tlanetzia
« on: September 29, 2017, 07:54:30 pm »
Questions about him over on the UUWS page on FB. Altmed type in TN who holds sweats and writes a lot about UFOs.

Before his bio is a wacky story of how he allegedly got his name, the standard "mysterious NDN chose me." Note he was trained by a notorious fraud.
Arthur Cushman, M.D., is the Medical Director of the Integrative Health Community, 400 Professional Park Drive, Suite 201, Goodlettsville, TN 37072...board certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery (1979) and the American Board of Integrative Medicine (2010). He is a Reiki Master (2005) and a graduate of Alberto Villoldos’ Four Winds Society Healing the Light Body School (2009)...student of Native American archeology, anthropology and spirituality. He has written or co-authored a number of articles on Native Americans, neurosurgery, and mysticism. He can be reached at:

Arthur Robert Cushman (Arturo Luminoso / KetzalTlaneztia) is a NeuroSurgeon who lives near Nashville, Tennessee. He is a member of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex Iconography Study group and has published and presented papers on the Sacred Meanings of the Artifacts of the Central and Southeastern United States.

Lists his teachers here, some notorious frauds.
Puma Quispe Singona, Quechua from Peru
Jose Luis Delgado, Aymara from Peru
El Abuelo Humbatz Men, Yucatek Maya from Mexico (non-Native Carlos Mena ex janitor)
El Abuelo Mazatzin Aztekayollokalli, Azteka Cosmologist
Chief Golden Light Eagle, Dakota Tribe, South Dakota (UFO type, see threads on him)
Grandmother Silver Star, Cherokee Day Keeper

At a 2012 conference with fraud Uqualla and others, claims he had visions of UFOs, eagles, quetzals, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Polynesian goddesses, you name it. Funniest is his claiming he had a vision of Wovoka, who no doubt told Cushman he should pray for himself and other whites to go away.


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Re: Arthur Robert Cushman AKA Arturo Luminoso Ketzal Tlanetzia
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2017, 10:19:08 pm »
Quote from a critic:

Leave Native culture and traditions alone!
You have no business in involving yourselves into our circles like that!
Our ceremonies are not meant to be exploited and shared to just anyone!
This is disrespectful!


Arthur R Cushman is a licensed M.D., in TN, with special endorsement in Neurological Surgery. He's also quite the alt-med quack.


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Re: Arthur Robert Cushman AKA Arturo Luminoso Ketzal Tlanetzia
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2017, 11:28:31 pm »
More Facebook pages:

Past corporations in TN include Integrative Health Community, P.C., Integrated Health Community, P.C, Tennessee Neurosurgery. P.C.

He was born in 1943.

Cushman claims he learned from "Castaneda's teacher".

My Teacher and Friend Tata Kachora age 103 Aka Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda's Teacher is one of the Worlds Greatest Herbalists he works with I've 7,000 plants in Mexico