I very seriously need physical and spiritual healing ...soooo I started a very long and complicated search through all Spiritual Practices, beliefs and religious teachings...the more I search the more insanely complicated and confusing it gets. I earnestly, sincerely, and dedicatedly tried several of them for for a very long time. Not one gave the results they were claimed to be able to achieve.
And, of course, as you all know, most of it is a mish mash of trying to mix together and throw in something for everyone from numerous beliefs and spiritual practices. Most of it is about making money and selling their books/tapes/videos/classes/retreats etc. It is total insanity.
There were some beliefs and practices I did NOT pursue. Shamanism was one that never even came to my attention or registered on my radar screen.. Until recently when I noticed it even exists. I have been taking a dig deep, long hard look at it.
I was already very suspicious about everything/everyone I was seeing out there. Especially when they were trying to mix it all together with several or all of the New-Agey and other religious beliefs/practices. Good grief, what does acupuncture, crystals, essential oils, and a whole bunch of other stuff, have to do with Medicine Men (I know there are other names they use besides this one) healing their tribe members now or thousands of years ago. And making real contact with real spirits etc.
I accidently bumped into this site while searching Fake Shaman(ism). This website validates that I was not wrong...most (all ?) of it (out there) is fake.
Sigh... I hoped I might have finally found the Real help I need! I really need to have Spirit(s) heal my body and soul.