The site Greenwood found belongs to a Ms Viola Flambé . Googling her name, I found 1,950 German langugage entries. Ms Flambé calls herself White Buffalo Woman and offers quite a mix of esoteric stuff: she reads cards and Tarot cards, does hypnosis, shamanic journeys, aura cleansing,and also offers shamanic training. Other sections of her site are titled 'angels / working with light' and 'taking persons back to former lives'.
Ms Flambe is quite active advertizing her services and does seminars, e.g. on reading cards, all over Germany. She lives in a small place in the South (where she runs a shop, photos to be seen at ), but ads for her seminars were for cities all over Germany, as far north as Hanover and Luebeck. She also seems to make regular appearances at various events organized by the local re-enactment scene like medievial fairs and such.'ABOUT ME: VIOLA FLAMBÉ - White Buffalo Woman
Since 1998, I am self-employed and work as a life counsellour, as a sideline at first and later on as a main profession. I have been reading Tarot cards since I was 15.
People have always told me I should do something with it, because I was talented.
And only when I did that, I felt good. So I eventually followed my call.
After I saw the white buffalo (and much more) during a shamanic journey (my first conscious journey into spiritual worlds), something urged me to carry my knowledge outside.
I have known my connection to the spiritual world since then, and it is growing stronger.
Furthermore, I got the name - the White Buffalo Woman - there.
There are tasks linked with this name which I fulfill to my best knowledge.
For some years already, I run a shamanic office/small shop in Kelheim [the place VF lives].
There I am helping persons to help themselves.
To achieve this, I activate the persons' powers of healing themselves. I have got several possibilities: I offer to function as an oracle, I take looks into the future, I am a median between the spiritual worlds, their spirits and the human beings, I take persons back into former lives, I work with hypnosis (healing hypnosis), I teach ancient shamanic wisdom and techniques, I give seminars on card reading, angels, ritual magic, shamanic practices, I do lectures on shamanism, I do shamanic journeys, I teach....
Above all, I am always in contact with the spiritual world in everything I do.
With my intuition and divine love, I work in the way of shamans and pass this knowledge to spiritual persons.
I receive this ancient knowledge in the first place by allowing myself to be led by the spiritual worlds and their (helping, healing) spirits. This always happens in order to protect all persons involved. I always pray for this.
The aim is to contribute to the harmony of my guests, in body, spirit, and soul, to arise consciousness and show up ways to responsible thinking and acting.
With oracles like e.g. Tarot cards and inspirations from the spiritual word I gain a first overview on the situation of my guest. I do not need them to tell me anything at first. The cards mirror their actual situation. Only then I help to answer important questions, to create new perspectives, or take a
look into the future....'
Here is what VF says about shamanic work: site shows an advertisement for the book "City Shamanism" by Brigitte Glaser, preface by Viola Flambé - the White Buffalo Woman
'What is a shaman? What is shamanic?
These are questions I get asked frequently.
All cultures and religions evolved from shamanism. Shamanism thus goes back very far, is very close to the origins. Therefore, shamanic work always is working with ancient powers.
According to the new cosmic laws, shamanism should always be applied to help and heal and protect everyone.
In shamanism, everything and everybody is related.
Everything has got a soul. Every stone, every plant, every animal.
A shaman is a traveler and median between the worlds.'
On shamanic journeys:
'Since many years, I am leading larger groups during shamanic journeys. The drum carries the traveler during such a journey into the spiritual worlds.
This is about the sound of mother earth.
The next shamanic journey will take place at January 12, 2008 in the town of Bad Abbach. It is like always free of charge /donations welcome.'
Her site seems to avoid details re costs for seminars and other events, however, I found the following google entry:
'Tarot seminar
Viola Flambé – The White Buffalo Woman –EURO 125 per person. Bookings and further info: Tel.0160-5993459. Online Booking. Time: 10 a.m.... '
There is a further section on shamanic traveling:
"Shamanic travels are also called power animal travels. It is a kind of meditation. ... The first shamanic journey is done to find one's power animal and a so-call spiritual scout, teacher of (advanced) master. ....
In former times, only shamans, chosen persons of a people or a tribe were allowed to do this journey. They were able to find causes of a disease, fight diseases or solve problems of all kinds with these journeys."
Further healing methods mentioned by VF:"There are different ways of energy work. I use the following:
- aura
- chakra
- divine love
- spiritual healing / hands
- remote healing
I am supported by the spiritual world in various ways: power animals, helping animals, spiritual leaders like ancestors, chiefs, medicine men, shamans, the deceased, Jesus, angels...."
VF (or rather, her husband Norbert) also maintains a forum called 'helping spirits'. This is the 'about us' section:"About us
We, the helping spirits, help persons to help themselves - persons socially vulnerable or healthwise challenged, here and abroad, and we assist in times of need.
Our help comprises everyday services to improve the persons' existence, by improving their confidence and respect for themselves and by a general life counselling.
We also support art and culture.
Holistic ways of life and spirituality will be included.
The focus will be at creating a network which members can use for exchange.
Another aim for all participants is to have fun.
Please contact us if and when you need support or new contacts.
We are also always in need of helpers.