I think your instincts were right.
http://www.cabiz.net/zolaric/carolpetersen.htm"The Elders and members of the Manataka American Indian Council are proud of Carol Oshe Waheton Perez Petersen and support her special mission of peace to our brothers and sisters of the South. She has accepted appointment to the Consejo del Saber Oulla (Council of Knowledge) El Alto, La Paz, Bolivia and Spiritual Elders, Guides y Bridge Beings Council based in South America.
Petersen has just returned to the United States in late April, after an intensive mission in Argentina, South America. She was invited to attend the International Re-Gathering of Original Wise People of Abya Yala [Western Hemisphere]. Her mission was accomplished when she returned with a very important letter signed by twenty-one South American spiritual elders who declared Manataka a sacred site. The letter was accompanied by other declarations concerning the goals and aspirations of the Elder Council drafted during the Gathering. Petersen also returned to the United States with a gift for Manataka of a beautiful Rainbow Flag used by the pre-Incan Aymaras people of Bolivia.
The Rainbow Medicine Blanket
by Carol Perez Petersen
Dec 4th, 2005
Hello my friends I have been working hard with my Andean Council and I have a message from them. I apologize for the length of it. However words be that as they are translate from culture to culture with necessary consideration for interpretation. May you be blessed upon reading this.
Elk Looks Back
The Rainbow Medicine Blanket
A galactic message from Carol Perez Petersen
Dedicated to Grand Chief Robert Woableza LaBatte
Please share this message.
I am Carol Perez Petersen a member of the Council of Mystical Knowledge in the tradition of one of the few remaining unbroken environmental portal lineages in the world....
Register for Blueprinting your Life in Light or The Crossing Classes. If you can't join us physically join the ONLINE CLASSES including SACRED GEOMETRY.
Maestro Valentin Mejillones Acarapi"
Not a good sign. Manataka is a collection of frauds.
Also at Benny Lebeau's site,
http://www.teton-rainbows.com/rainbow_blanket.htmlMore of this. Some of what she write you have to see to believe, and so silly it's hard not to laugh:
"I honor for you see with your inner eye...You move to a different rhythm which is to the universe inside you...."
The rhythm is gonna get you!
"Global stress is humanities dysfunction of the great law"
I like how humanity became plural. Apparently twinkies are now a new species.
"What is the meaning of time is the question now becoming the pressure cooker of the Golden Age."
Golden Age pressure cooker? In other words, a stone pot.
"Whereas we are regaining our senses as co creator, we are all about timing."
All about timing. Get rhythm, come on, get rhythm...
"The science in spirituality is to be found in the co creative energies set through super conscious abilities to feel unconditional love at the environmental portals worldwide."
Say that three times really fast.
"The metaphysical healers are at the threshold of discovering relationships akin to the indigenous spiritual medicine elders on Mother Earth."
In other words, twinkies claim they are the new Native elders.
"Ascended mastery spoken by those who guide offer hope through compassionate understanding of relationships."
That'd make more sense if it was a sentence. Needs a verb.
"All feeling our sentient nature is resonant in the awakening of the global heart."
"Your heart rhythm is electrically charged from celestial and atomic radiant waves present in the rainbow."
Does anyone else find themselves saying, "What the Hell...?"
"The electrical charge that romances your heart beat"
So when the romancing is over, will the electrical charge still respect your heart in the morning?
"Heart rhythm connected to sun and planetary radiance is scientific wisdom"
You know, someone wise should at least be able to make sense.
"The Sacred Law of Life."
Or at least write in complete sentences.
"In order to be a warrior/healer you must be cracked open."
Or at least cracked.
"This is based on Hermetic law written by the pyramid makers."
Wait a minute. Hermetic is Greek.
"Many are called but few are willing"
The Few.
The Proud.
The Delusional.
"Those who are adept forged by the fires purification are galactic stewards."
Oh steward! The Andromeda Glaxy would like a pillow and some extra peanuts.
"you must make the choice to discover how to turn on the energy reflex point on the earth"
Maybe try some wine and soft music?
"Elders of Arcane knowledge have looked to the Masters of the Andes for this wisdom."
Arcane? European twinkies are now looking to the Andes.
"I ask that you become your destiny with me as a rainbow warrior/healer"
The old rainbow Warrior bit is pure Nuage, but it began as a speech by a Baptist missionary.
"We Call You We Call You We Call You"
And if we don't accept the charges?
"There will be no exchange of money."
That's the first good thing they've said.
"However I pray that those who do go to sacred sites during the year would consider arranging the timing of your journey to follow Earth Mother's timing according to the stone records of Indigenous calendars."
Oh great, send twinkies to disrupt as many ACTUAL Native ceremonies as possible.
"It is important to show up and make the plans to harmonize the rainbow template at the places of power"
Again, what the...?
"INHALE: Breathe up from the heart of the Earth all the way filling your spinal column"
If air is filling your spinal column, medical science wants to take a look at you! So does Ripley's Believe It Or Not.
"inhale the rainbow from the heart of the heavens."
If you think you can inhale rainbows, you're already inhaling some powerful weed.
"continue as the ascended mastery of healing comes through you to every thought you feel and see for seven times seven....
Make you walk in Beauty and Be the Rainbow"
I'm sorry, I wonder how anyone can take any of this seriously. They've taken every Nuage, silly pseudo-metaphysical cliche there is and added a few catchphrases they've learned about Natives and try to pass themselves off as actual elders.
The only good thing I can see about them is they aren't asking for money. They seem extremely naive, ignorant, silly, and confused, but not deliberately trying to be harmful.
Groups like this make great causes like world peace and fighting global warming look bad. They are all about making themselves feel good and avoiding doing the hard work to make these badly needed efforts come true.