Forwarded to me, ceremony sellers in Australia. Anyone know this Tate, said to be Lakota?
Spring Equinox
Gathering & Sweat lodge
Saturday 23rd September, 10 am to 10pm
Jane Thundering Rain Woman and Simon Blue Wolf will be joined by Tate, a Lakota Medicine Man who comes to share his Teachings and Sacred Pipe Ceremony.
At Mount Samson’s Lyell Deer Farm, surrounded by the peace and tranquility of Nature, the day will include
Talking Circles with Tate, Jane and Simon
Lodge preparation activities
Tate will then lead us in the Sacred Pipe Ceremony.
Lodge Ceremony.
Post Lodge Talking Circle and a shared meal.
“Giveaway “.
Chanting, drumming and talking circles are all part of the day’s events. Used in ceremony and for celebration, the songs, rhythms and stories help stir the tribal memory and activate healing for ourselves, the Earth and All Our Relations.
Jane, Thundering Rain Woman is a Native American trained Lodge Pourer. She
completed an 8 year traditional apprenticeship and has lead Medicine Ceremonies and taught on four continents around the world.
Simon Blue Wolf trained as Fire Keeper and in Lodge Ceremony with a Native American Medicine circle from the US and whilst touring In South Africa and in the UK.
Tate was brought up by his Grandmother in the Lakota traditions and like other well known Medicine People lives his life in a way that is consistent with the Lakota saying “Mitakyue Oyasin???...We are All Related.
Bookings are essential. For more information and to reserve your place contact
Maureen at Lyell Deer Farm MOUNT SAMSON on 3289 4270 or Jane/Simon on 0424 620 237. The cost for the day is $60.00