For that matter you never gave us a clear statement of your hypothesis. What is it?
In a nutshell, it is that Prehistoric peoples in America influenced other cultures around the world.
That's comforting, to some degree, but...
How does this tie in with your Norse/Ojibwe cognates?
How do you think they came about?
Who exactly were those "Prehistoric peoples" - Atlanteans or Lemurians, by any chance?
There are no artifacts in "Amazing Stories", just the activities of the biggest bunch of con artists and crazies around. "Gossip"? My sister calls it "S**t and Sleaze", and that pretty much describes it - biggest pile of s**t and sleaze in the US.
It certainly is a lot of rubbish.
Actually, Vince, its the biggest load of rubbish in the land - "Amazing Stories" lays bare the entire US stupidity industry, right down to its evil core.
And it's all true. All documented - and I rechecked Flavin's facts.
Did you ever find out where John Moss died?
Ed, for the last time I have no idea who your "John Moss" is or where he died.
Maybe someday you'll find out. Why don't you ask around at the next "convention" you attend?
Like I said before,
The last thing they steal is your history.