I am puzzled by the need to attack Danny. I have known him for several years and have seen many of his performances. He is a flute player, dancer and story teller. I have never heard him claim to be full blood Native American. He always states he is of mixed blood.
I know him to be a gentle, kind man. He is generous and helpful. I've known him to share his gift of music, dance and storytelling with groups of families and children like cub scouts and their families for free. He is a teacher of peace and harmony.
The Native American Culture is one of richness and diversity. It needs to be shared and taught to all Americans. Instead of looking for reasons to exploit or defame someone trying to teach us, why not listen to what he says?
I am also bothered by the comments of Danny's use of Sioux or Lakota language. The Sioux/Lakota are the most well known of tribes. In addition, many of the Native Americans that have authored books are of Sioux or Lakota decent. Therefore, when Danny makes use of the language, it's not out of confusion or to fool anyone. It is because "Mitakuye Oyasin" (We Are All Related) is a COMMON statement amongst ALL Native people. Not just the Sioux/Lakota tribe. In addition, the "Mitakuye Oyasin" is the title of a book written by Dr. A.C. Ross.