Something I got in the mail, nice words of support and some interesting history.
Dear Mr Al Carroll,
My name Is Anna-Ulrika an I´m living in a small village in the middle areas of Sweden.
For a couple of years ago I bought The Book : They call us Indians, where you have been spoken as well.
Me myself are not from Sweden in the first place. My parents & relatives are from Finland, long time ago .We talking since : 1150 From an area called Österbotten. It’s an area on 250 km by the seaside in (again) The middle part of Finland. Our culture are a minority in Finland because our first language is Swedish with an accent non abroad understand…
I agree with everything you say about Europeans misuses of other natives traditions and ceremonies.
But then again I can also understand the topic WHY its, so easier to : Bring your culture to ones heart then there own prehistoric culture.
I myself is an handcrafter in design. Mostly Jewelleries , gems and stone carving – flintnapping.. I´ve been working with this all my life. I am 40 to day but started up earlier.
I had an fascination for The whole worlds prehistoric life & living & survival.
I don´t say it´s right…But I can understand WHY it´s happening. You see , the only people who is been fighting for their existing are The Lappish tribes…But there are actually more minorities as well. And we “others??? has an long gone history as well .
It is strange again…The politicians in Sweden are not really concern about their own pre religion and culture, the whole history it self. If they have the interest , they could lift it up a bit more in the school for example ,then letting The racists( skinheads among ) misuse our FUTARK The RUNE alphabet ) for example
But this is an other story.
I´m writing to you about The tradition of using The sauna & The Shaman in our culture.
Because this was the part in your written text that I myself get confused and wondered :
Don´t Your tribes ( with collegians ) get correctly informed about OUR traditions .
Because there are similar . In many way. I myself don´t think it is strange because we all are humans. And been living for thousands of years along and as a team with Mother Nature & Father Earth .
In our culture we don’t call our Shamans for Shamans.
We call them : The Wise Folks .
Or : The One who can cure you = Botare
Or :
( A healer )
Or :
Mostly a woman who cleans your blood and inner system with heat and bloodleech ( I don’t know if you heard of them..But its an animal. )
My Grandmother was a Healer and a Kopperska .
These where the ones who lived a bit “outside??? the group / village. In the old days they used to live a bit away from the others
but under the 1800 century`s they also lived nearby . An with .
That you contacted in a difficult matter /topic/illness/relations issues and so on. These people who where in contact with The Spirits .
And everybody wasn´t Lappish tribes . They where Pre Swedish & Pre Finnish .
My father who is 74 years old have been building saunas all his life.
Everytime I´m gonna have some guests or lectures in the way of using the sauna, he is telling me :
Don´t forget to tell them that from the beginning The sauna was build for The woman .
That The Sauna is : The Matrix !
For me and the rest of the Fins, The sauna is Holy. There are rules , that have to be following.
It´s Respect . It´s a
Holy place where :
You do not swear ,
You are not insolent ,
Do not fart or burp ,
You treat The Spirit with Healing with respect and Light.
It is a place you go to alone or with your Elder for some consultation
You pray in there
You can do your meditation in there
The sauna has medical treatments
For people with asthma
Muscles pain
Even for some love/ relation healing
( I do not mean that you should have sex in it…)
Sometime we are using Birch and herbs .
It depends on the issue.
The Sauna is Healthcare
For your mind, Spirit & physics
I got friends that building there own sweat lodges. Last year I saw one and I was telling the woman ( who of course is not a Native ) IF she had considered her choice of the rocks.
She was just staring at me with
? In her eyes.
And saying :
But, this is an ceremonial action ! Everybody should pick their rocks and put it in for the fire!!
Yeah, yeah !
And I told her :
But You where just lucky this time . Cause these rocks arn´t not made to be in the fire. If there cracks ,they could become projectiles . And there is no Holy with killing your guests in a sweatlodge .
I can also tell you that I myself is not always so very popular in my friends groups who is in those new age groups…???s???
I agree with everything you say about the respect and the use of your Sweatlodge, because it´s all the same for us , using The Sauna.
One have to be very careful in a place like this.
The more authentic knowledge you get about an issue, less you will do your mistakes.
Unfortunately, I think that the information you got earlier about The Nordic Traditions Saunas where not all correct .
With Best Regards
May The Spirit Be With You
Ulrika Fagernäs
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