Author Topic: toss droege  (Read 5482 times)

Offline rolf nisch

  • Posts: 6
toss droege
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:23:17 pm »

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: toss droege
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 05:33:19 pm »
It seems that psychologists having more and more interests in shamans practice, it is relative new, they are looking for other ways - imquisitive and eager for knowledge. But what shamanism is - or better to say: not is - often they don´t know, there is too often no knowledge behind. And the results of shamanic therapies I think they are to few to say there are evident experiences. And how can they got an idea what kind of contraindications and complications could raise from shamans practice we could never understand.
I don´t know, how many psychologists do know, that shamanism is not native american - I think a lot.

It is ok if therapists and medical doctors - treating people with mental issues - looking in other cultures for their way of life and therapies, but it would be better to use this knowledge to open our eyes for what we have got, also from a different point of view.

I also think to use foreign therapies for deseased people who got no roots in this shamanic therapies got more problems to find out who they are and get a ground under their feets.

Both people from this "Beratungsstelle!" are calling themselves shamans, the woman is psychlogist, ... I am very sceotical about their work ... and they work with people with traumatic stress disorder .... for me this is no way (but this is my own opinion)