hello johanna, I hope you got my last message, I am new at this computer half the time, I accidentally find what I am looking for. I am rewriting another message in case you didn't get the last one, my name is Donna Blue Bird use to be hand, floyd hand is my half brother as of this writing, I DISOWN HIM, I too am a victim of rape and know to well, I admire your courage to stand up against this MONSTER, I too am standing up to him, he has a habit of imtimiding people, which, he tried on me and it didn't work, so he got a restraining order, I was able to get on floyd hand and his wife natalie website and copy it, I have made reports to social security, attorney general, bureau of indian affairs,division of criminal investigation unit in south dakota I obtain a lawyer, he has been using the people of Pine ridge to get money HE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED Donna Blue Bird