Hi all,
My name is Paul I live in the UK and I am the editor of a Pagan magazine which focuses on folklore, ancient beliefs etc etc.
I WILL emphasize, however, that we do not endorse or support those who steal and corrupt Native American (or any other) spirituality. Quite the opposite, we speak out about it whenever it raises it's ugly head.
I visit the USA quite often (my partner is from North Carolina) and I have an affinity with the Cherokee following a serious of dreams and synchronicities. I hated myself for having this pull towards the Cherokee, especially as I had spoken oiut against plastic medicine men and the theft of native cultures.
However, rest assured, I have not started saying that I am any kind of medicine man or anything like that. I have continued my ionterest in the Cherokee, but it is as an outsider, as a researcher and not as an opportunist thief. Much as the spirituality and beliefs fascinate me I am under no allusions.
Keep up the good work, friends!