Author Topic: SomersetStar  (Read 5496 times)


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« on: January 11, 2011, 12:07:35 am »
 I just thought i'd make a post to introduce myself. I do not intend to make many posts on the forum, only contributing when I have something of value to say, and am here mainly to listen and learn.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 08:49:45 pm by somersetstar »

Offline Superdog

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Re: SomersetStar
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 01:34:16 am »
Hello Somerset.

You've definitely been on a journey.  I feel sad that you were misled by the type of people that we try to inform others about so they can avoid it.  The sweatlodge you attended....they definitely pulled the wool over people's eyes.  Modesty is indeed a quality exhibited in a traditional sweat and going on your a big no no.  However, you simply don't know what you don't know and to humble yourself in order to acknowledge mistakes is one of the roles we have as've done that and learned something valuable and that has steered you away from serious potential harm.  I wish you the best in your continued good judgment.

As for the question regarding moon lodges/red tents.  It's true that some tribes (not all by a long shot) have something that resembles this represented in their culture, it's again one of those things that is given a generic mystical "Native American" label and then reinterpreted by whoever is deciding to "teach". 

On a quick google search you'll find many new age and pagan organizations and individuals that lay claim to what they do as a "moon lodge" and claim it gives them power.  A more practical explanation about it is the belief in the need to separate individuals during this time to avoid the possibility of causing sickness or possibly hurting others.  But again, this is a communal and tribal specific belief...not all tribes follow this way and among those that do, there are different schools of thought around it so please don't take my words as gospel.  I'd encourage you to continue to follow your studies and you'll find there's a lot to learn about it.  As for the person you mentioned that was facilitating...if they are charging money....then yes they are wrong.  That's always the first and biggest clue and the whole purpose of this board.


Offline earthw7

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Re: SomersetStar
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 04:19:23 pm »
Welcome Somerset
It sound like you have learned a lot in your short life.
I am Lakota/Dakota and i know my culture,I live on my reservation.
As a woman from my nation we NEVER go naked in mixed company in the lodge nor in the company
of men. Women never go to the lodge on their moon time and never around men, No woman are made
(shaman) "Not a native word or concept". Women who because medicinewomen become that after they
go though menopause not before. No young woman of child bearing years has that right.
We do not have moon lodge in our culture and if you are on your moon you stay Far Far away from
ceremonies, The new age people invented a moon lodge at sundance whoever heard. Not a part of our culture.

When a woman has her moon back in the day she was removed from her family and people in a separate lodge
to bead and visit with older women now days these white women had made it in too something strange.

What is a dance chief and fire chief??
Why do you need money for in training?
I swear i hear crazy stuff everyday.
What are the names of these people?
In Spirit


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Re: SomersetStar
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2011, 06:56:32 pm »
Thank you for your replies superdog and Earthw7.
Earthw7, I found your input really interesting - I did not know that medicine women had to have gone through their menopause first.
The people I talk about, I see have been mentioned on this site before There's a part that mentions people who hold "sweat lodges" in Somerset. I was told the dance cheif was the person leading the sweat lodge (which didn't make sense to me at the time) and the fire cheif was the person who sat outside and basically kept the fire going.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: SomersetStar
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2011, 10:41:56 pm »
Do they also have a Kitchen Chief and a Parking Lot Chief?

Offline nemesis

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Re: SomersetStar
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2011, 11:17:33 pm »
There are worse and more predatory people you could get involved with in the Glastonbury area, but not many.

If you have read the threads here about the deer tribe / twisted hair society you will appreciate that you had a lucky escape.

It angers me to think of you aged 17 naked in a fake sweat lodge with those people. 

I am pleased that you found this great resource of NAFPS.  There are many good people here and I hope that you can use this place and the knowledgeable people here to help you avoid frauds and predators in the future.