I was there, together with the director. Our film was screened at Amnesty International in London and we were honoured to take part in a round-the-table discussion afterwards together with indigenous people. It was a good event with quite a lot of people attending. The films we saw were very much down to earth, focusing on the truth - whether it was everyday life or information about the past.
Nothing New Agy at all. It was well organised and they had done a good job of promoting it.
We stayed with one of the organisers. He is South American, lives in UK but is going back to do volontaire work for Native communities every year. He told us the founder was inspired by the prophecy about the condor and the eagle meeting - that´s why he wanted this filmfestival to be an opportunity to build bridges between Natives and non-Natives.
I liked the Filmfestival as such. Many good films and great opportunities for New Agers to speak to Natives. But I don´t know anything about the projects, the fundraising and where the money goes.