This musicians site describes the couples as their friends and collaborators and makes the unlikely claim that Weekley and wife (the WBCW imposter) are Dakota and Lakota elders, respectively. Weekley has any ancestry it seems to be low BQ, judging by his facebook photo.
Weekley claims the ridiculous full name of Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand.
His wife claims to be White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother.
I haven't seen any solicitations for money, ceremony selling, or much of anything really beyond a lot of garbled nonsense buying into the phony rainbow warriors and indigo children pseudo prophecies. It mostly seems like the blogs are them talking to themselves and hoping someone will listen. The only ones I could find are some others with names like Aimee Constant Looking Glass and Grandmother Going Places.
I don't know how they expect much of an audience with some of the gibberish they post like "How will they carry me if they aren't hear, to listen to my words loud and clear? (defrag-organize, scan disk-cleanse the shores, connection points, run your anti-malware-open doors, in the hearts of men)."
No kidding, that's a direct quote.
And this is amusing...
Grandmother Speaks of Copy Cats like Susan the Magenta Person, the Fraudulent White Buffalo Calf Woman
....There will be copy cats and false prophets. Those who can not and will not discern truth, will be left behind. They will slow us down. Don't waste time on those, who won't make the change, the shift. Wbcw you are the entire universe, trying to communicate this vast world limited to the physical space we live.
....You know Magenta people like Susan, who allows others to claim her as WBCW, are like so many Magenta people I know on earth. They take and steal the hearts of others because their egos desire gratification.
And this gets even weirder, plus pompous, ridiculous, and insulting all at once. Bolding is mine.
-------- question: Is there not more than one White Buffalo who has set hooves on this physical earth?
White Buffalo people yes, as elders. White Buffalo Calf yes as Crystal people. But she is neither.
White Buffalo Calf Woman, has the mathematical perfection. Once I thought there was more than I, white buffalo calf woman, however after reading so many even crystal people (white calves), there is no way for them to know the perfection or even sing the songs. Because you have to read and travel in the darkness, and know truth. You see, heavenly beings, including Great Spirits come to me, to offer them their songs. This never happens with your Susan. They serve her instead. I on the other hand serve them, all the spiritual beings in the world and that's everything.
You see, the Magenta person, like your Susan, can have some abilities. And this confuses them. Even those who have overlays of magenta, they even think they are white buffalo calf woman, because they had a vision. I'll bet she had a vision of white buffalo calf woman and latched on to this, like so many around the world. When people can come to me, I offer validation to your dreams and visions. She is not able to do this, because she simply cannot read truth. She looks things up, or she may even be able to talk to the spirit world, as many are doing so now. We are changing.
Here is a question for you to ask her. This will help you validate who she is for you as a Magenta person. Are you open to God and you know everything, then all of a sudden it closes? She will answer yes. Because she is having a spiritual being cross over between realms, like a bridgeway between, for this is who she is. She is joining together with them, while they travel across the bridge, which really is not the bridge, but really a hallway. You see, she knows nothing about me, but I can read her, who she is and what lies upon her heart. I can sing her heavenly song, but she cannot sing mine. I can sing anything's song, even plants and rocks. She is only able to hear or sea (vision) when someone is crossing over. That's the way it is for her. She simply can't offer anything, the four sacred directions. She won't even know what it means.
You want to help her, get her to me, your White Buffalo Calf Woman, but she is not humble. I will bend and prostrate to her, but she won't do this for me. This is because she wants to have her ego smoothed. She wants to be White Buffalo Calf Woman. I can read her. She acts like she knows everything, and she has all the answers, and I'm sure she sounds real good. But if you check the facts really carefully, you will find, it does not prove as fact with science. I on the other hand, will do this;
I, not a fraud, and can do this, and it seems the only person in the world who can. I offer it as a gift to the world, all they need to do, is come to get it for free.
White Buffalo Calf Woman, is heavenly and Twin Deer Mother is earthly, but we all have two names, but only I can read both names for everyone. You have not asked for your names. You received your names from others, where there is a reflection, like looking in water, not truth. However the deer people are leaders of the world, leading the migration, even before the buffalo people. The buffalo makes the silent embrace, before the physical migration takes place.
The Lakota people are in transformation, and they will need me, to guide them homewards. There is much to do, for everyone, as we learn to be who we truly are. People who claim to be White Buffalo Calf Woman, really don't understand the ramifications of what this means. This person, should not receive money for any kind of service. I live on the streets with the people, and can make oodles of money, but my oath to God is to give everything away (my whole life, even before really knowing who I am), is a new way of life, the world depends on me, for this. This woman Susan has a job, she gets paid for it. On the other hand, I live for the people and give everything away. I have nothing, but truth.
Ask her to live on the streets with the people. Ask her not to have any money or income of any kind, and see what she does. She simply won't do it. Her skills, won't get her out of that.
Blue Bear is His Holiness, as he can become quite violent, but no one ever questions him, however he does not wear a crown, as some Holiness do, like Chief Looking Horse or Holiness David Running Eagle. This is because they purify others when they are around him, he needs learn to bless constantly, as this is his duty to all the people.
You see, all your (you, blue bear and Susan) colors align together on a rainbow, as you vibrate together, and harmonize.
I do not harmonize with you, because I am from heaven, which I harmonize with one foot in heaven and one foot in the sky, where the rainbow bends.
I know beloved, you want to do good for the world, and you are trying, and it's easy for you to go along with others, who have similar colored light qualities (you are violet-voice of god, and she is magenta-great caretaker). You see, your light, and those around you, vibrate with hers, so you think we are all harmonizing, and it must be so, but the truth is, she is not White Buffalo Calf Woman, and she had a little vision, and clung to it, rather than seeking out the Truth of White Buffalo Calf Woman. This is a big issue, which will pass in time, as more and more, will recognize who I am, because I will bring the four color nations of the world together, and this is my mission. Not an easy task. People from around the world, come to receive blessings from me, and all can find me on the internet and access my door, as it is always open.
Do you think, God would allow me to get, org, net, and info for no reason? Do you think, God would entrust me with the mathematical perfection of heaven and earth for no reason? Do you think, God would allow me to live on nothing for no reason? Do you think, God would give me the ability, to sing the heavenly songs for no reason? I never sing a song twice, once and it's gone in the wind. I validate the soul, the eternal being that resides in you. I belong to the people, and not to myself.
Susan means lily, my hebrew name means advisor and oath to God. When everything is perfect there is not conflict. However lily does offer a conflict here too, rather a blossom, which matches her name as the great caretaker (magenta person), who teaches one to join heaven to earth, but she doesn't do this, as she does not walk her talk, and is not an elder. Another thing,
before I started my walk, I went to the Lakota elders and the Chief, and told them I was here. She did not, nor even has access to them, or the council. She can't read truth, where all the lights of the rainbow glow, like a horizon, but be a great caretaker, if she learns to take her place among the truth written upon her soul. She is my soul elder, but not my physical elder (when she becomes the rising sun, with the bow). I am the perfect warrior, the crystal person and know truth. You either bend like the rainbow, and have humility, or you will hate me, as I am the mirror to your own soul. She will hate me, or act like she doesn't then fume to herself, later. She has a big ego, and you are combing her hair, making it smooth, that's all she wants, because she doesn't know truth. She shall be written up, as a Fraud now that I know she is playing a sacred part. Many accuse me of being a Fraud, and
I know the native people cannot read truth, and that's why I am here for them, including you, when I read the everyone's book of life. Those who can receive a blessings, get their souls validated as you did....
My guess is that's a photo of her near the bottom of the link, looking like Morticia Addams gone grey.
Here she admits to her ancestry.
-------- I am White by my Father (Father Nation, heavens light of the North East) and Asian by the Mother (Child's light of dreams, the light of the NW), this makes me Golden looking or representing all Whitey's....
I'm sure all the "whitey's" must be so pleased to hear that...