W to the T to the freakin' F? REEEEEEALLLLY?
OMG, I'm not sure if I'm posting this under the correct category, but it is awfully funny!! Y'ever see someone doing something so dumb you feel embarrassed for them?
I've got a couple of sites for you. hee hee.
http://northernbandcherokee.weebly.com/index.html There's the tribe.
and here's their "Principal Chief" Check out her awesome "tear dresses" They're called tear dresses cause you wanna tear 'em off your body before someone sees you in 'em.
And you gotta love her NDN stage name for her music career "Where the Wind Begins" (I think that was the slogan for the brand of commodity cheese we used to get when I was little) yeah... I'll just leave you to that one.