"Danka Brewer (Timmerman)" Kingston Ontario Canada
claims she is a grandmother, medicine woman, pipe carrier , pow-wow MC for Silver Lake pow-wow( mostly fake Algonquins) is part of the fake land claim including ( Sharbot Lake Chief Doreen Davis ,who claims she is related to Catherine Sharbot-Duchene, Cathrine Sharbot-Duchene has a pending law suit against the fraud land claim and the government , regarding her grandfather who Sharbot Lake was named after.. saw this in the paper , Recorder and Times), Silver Lake and (Ardoch Chief Bob Lovelace another fake) are also involved in the fake land claim.
"Norm Tremblay" Ottawa,Ontario Canada... this guy admitted buying a status card in the 80's for 50 bucks..
first he was a Mohawk. then an Algonquin now hes an Abenaki and a pipe carrier
"Debra O'Toole" Arnprior Ontario Canada.. back in 2001 she was known on the net as Neaha itcha lo...
she has a msn group "wind runners" and was selling ceremonies on cam. claims to be a medicine woman, pipe carrier, dream reader, aura reader , and famous native artist.. first she was Algonquin, the Algonquin/Mohawk now she says she is Innu
"Moonie" aka "Cathy Tuttle"... claims she is a spiritual reader.. charges for it.. calls it honorarium says she is Ojibway
"Willy Bruce" says he is Migmaw... played flute at my wedding was a helper of the grandfather who married us... now says he is a grandfather and medicine man
I know this is a lot.. hope anything I gave helps..
Hello, I know you're just getting started in here. Usually we have a thread for each person whose asked about. Makes it simpler, esp if one person turns out to be innocent and another not so innocent.
Do you have any proof of any of the above that I bolded? The way you worded it comes across as reckless accusations of many different people. And just looking at the claims you make it does seem at least for some of them it may not be true, at least what I've found so far.
Danka Brewer- says her NDN name is White Bear Woman. Nothing online I could find of any claims to be a medicine woman, just an MC at powwows and involved in some issues, obviously including Sharbot Lake.
The whole question that some of these involved in the disputes
may (and I stress
may) not be what they claim to be as far as ancestry, and are imposing themselves into the land disputes, that I concede. But most of what you've asked or asserted on here is about them claiming to be medicine people, and for almost all listed, there's no evidence I can find so far.
Norm Tremblay- very common name in that area, so it's hard to sort out. I did find a brief comment on a FB site, Abenaki Adventures, whose from Odanak. That's it, no one online by that name claiming to be Mohawk or Algonquin.
Debra OToole is part of a site doing Native art. But she does not claim there to be NDN, only inspired by or admiring, esp of WM Commanda. MSN groups are gone now, and I couldn't find any cached site by the name you mentioned.
Cathy Tuttle- honorarium is often given out by schools or research groups, and if it's not for ceremony it wouldn't necessarily be unethical. She has a blog here, and nowhere on it I could see does she claim to be Native. She's mostly an environmentalist, sometimes touches on Native issues.
http://greenwallingford.ning.com/profiles/blog/list?user=2vbzwt4wc3k9Willy Bruce- if he's so unethical why was he so closely involved in your family events?
His bio is here on a Canadian govt site, mostly a geologist whose worked on Native issues.
http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/com/deptmini/traipion/willybruce-eng.phpAgain, there may be evidence I haven't seen yet, or missed. If there are people of dubious claims involved in the land claim dispute, that's one thing. But so far at least, no sign of any of them being spiritual exploiters.