I am not sure if the thread title is completely right, but I just wanted to have a thread where we could explore thoughts and concerns about so called feminism especially in relation to organised criminal cultic networks (OCCNs)
I have been thinking about this for a while but this article seems to be a good place to start
The Women's Movement: What's Next?
by Tammy Biddle
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tabby-biddle/womens-movement_b_1365701.htmlThis article concerns me as it pretends to be a serious article about feminism but it is in fact a thinly veiled piece promoting various highly dubious "Goddess schools" and spirchul women's "empowerment" websites, all of which are connected, via social networking websites, to pseudo-tantric groups and groups offering variations on "Goddess" trainings - clarification the entities I am referring to are The Goddess Collective, Feminine Power and The Yin Project and not the other organisations mentioned in the article.
The author of the piece Tammy Biddle has her own website at
http://www.tabbybiddle.com and surprise, surprise, it even has a "Goddess of the week" page as well as offering "Goddess Retreats" where women can rediscover their inner, sensual "juicy" selves (and all the usual stuff).
Just making a first post on the thread to share this article, but there is more to follow
Tabby Biddle's FB page is here
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=566983124&sk=friendsshe is "friends" with
Reena Desai - recruiter for Ashram Shambala - an OCCN involved in THB
Jaiya Ma - a "sacred sexual healer" with many friends and associates involved in the Phoenix Goddess Temple and the Sedona Temple (both in fact brothels)
Charu Morgan - another "sacred sexual healer" with her own school of "tantra" and countless friends and associates involved in the sex industry and THB
Gaia Moon - another "sacred sexual healer", working at a "Goddess Temple" and countless friends and associates involved in the sex industry and THB
these are just examples; she has loads of FB friends in the sex industry.
Her bio in the Huffington Post says this
Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed., is a writer, writing coach and consultant dedicated to empowering women and girls to use their voice to transform their lives and the lives of women and girls around the world.
She is the author of The Goddess Diaries blog, is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post on global issues affecting women and girls, and has a private coaching practice based in Los Angeles. As a longtime yoga teacher and practitioner, Tabby leads Goddess retreats and workshops for women where she integrates feminine spirituality with helping women find their voice.
Tabby’s articles have been featured by the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, UN Dispatch, NPR, Current TV, Gaiam, and other popular online media. She has been recognized for her feminine empowerment work by many activist organizations including Global Girl Media, Step Up Women's Network, the UN Foundation's Girl Up campaign, She’s Next, Strong Women, Strong Girls, among others.