The African Americans ain't African movement and the Moorish Sovereigns team up to stalk and harrass Native Americans and Indigenous Hawaiians online! I have reported them to Instagram and Instagram doesn't take action. I recently deleted my account for the second time. I don't feel safe. These people want to commit violence against Native Americans to the point I contacted an LAPD Chief to report the group: The Yashaharla Moors. The Yashaharla Moors claim to be Cheyenne Tribe. They dont pay taxes, run a private school from grades K5-12. They ask for donations online for their Teepee classrooms and for their legal fees from the city of Los Angeles. The leader of the group runs the Instagram pages of @chiefgad777 @yahishi777 as n 3 others. He teaches pseudo history on his pages and connects viewers to his ca$h app so they can make donations. Within his group are IT professionals, Private Investigators, CNAS and LPNS. I know this mans real name but dont want to get kicked off of the forum so I won't day. I will say Chief Police Moore has been contacted of criminal enterprises my colleagues have information on. I am frightened for the Native American communities physical safety throughout California.