Author Topic: I might belong here  (Read 6078 times)

I might belong here
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:44:49 pm »
Well I'm not sure if I belong here but my story is similar to many of yours but mines is a different culture. I was searching the internet and came across this site and it's the only thing similar to what I am going through. I can't post this on Facebook or the fluffys will jump down my throat but I need to get it out.
    I am a Romany Gypsy (a real gypsy) and a fortune teller. Having to deal with people through my work I've came across this quite a lot and it's over the top; people claiming to also be gypsys and selling product claiming to be "traditional gypsy blends". These people are defiantly gorgers (people of European ancestory). They are selling these potions for insane amounts like $120.
    It bothers me because it gives us a bad name and these people are racists. They are dressed how a gorger would think a gypsy looks e.g long layers and lying around in a wagon kind of thing wearing ridiculous costume jewerly it's horrible. And maulding a huge crystal ball honestly. And some gorgers are that uneducated and that nieve that they really fall for this. When these people run off with their money who gets the blame "the gypsies".
   The thing is is gorgers hate us anyroad and tell all these wild tales when were not any better or worst than anyone else. We go to work, take care if our children, have beliefs and hope for the future like anyone else. I'm actually quite paranoid about posting here incase someone tries to get their bit in :(. Honestly people can be really hurtful because it seems to be okay to be racist to some people in some ways. If I don't belong here then it's fine but hopefully someone will understand xx

Offline earthw7

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Re: I might belong here
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 12:46:07 am »
I think any culture that is being abused has the right to stand up for themselves
In Spirit

Re: I might belong here
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 10:08:24 am »
Thanks :) it plays to stereotypes aswell which is dangerous. The reason I found this site is because a lot of these people claim to be mixed race e.g half romany half Blackfoot for example. I find this quite odd aswell for Romany and Native Americans to mix it can happen but not on the scale these people claim. I'm saying this because for 2 races that don't usually take anything to do with outsiders to meet and then to produce all these children on this scale it is quite odd. And for them all to be psychics aswell lol. And the fact that they're white as hell.
     Another thing is they are often over the top in headdresses or headscarfs. Little do these people know that only married romany women are aloud to wear headscarfs an outsider wouldn't know this but. And I doubt all American natives sit around in headdresses all day at computers doing readings or posing outside teepees every picture you's have. There's like no family photos, pictures of trips anything like that like a real person would have. It's such a gimmick honestly.
     Another thing aswell is this whole power animal stuff and this one woman claiming to be Apache and her love of the owl and how it represents "love and respect for man" and everyone is like "waw I didn't know that". I bloody didn't know that either cause as far as I knew a owl represented death. It's ment to be one of the universal symbols of death even in Polynesian cultures. I'm no expert but I just read a lot about mythology and symbolism.
     I actually cringe for these people.

Offline earthw7

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Re: I might belong here
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 03:19:05 am »
welcome to our world I dont know where all these animals things come from and no
I am sitting at my computer with no head dress oh wait women dont wear head dresses
in my culture, My people are Shihasapa-Blackfeet lakota and out people are really a small
population so when i hear that i just roll my eyes then i ask which family are you
from because native people have very tight families
In Spirit

Re: I might belong here
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 07:12:00 pm »
Lol that's what I ask aswell. In the west most Romany families come from about 12 major groups and they have specific surnames. It is seen as prostigious if you come from one of the major groups so Romany people always mension it, for example if your name is Heron or Boswell then this will be mensioned. It's sort of to see who you know, who your family is, where about you's have traveled. It's also a good way to weed out people posing as Roma when they're not. A lot of show folk and Irish travelers lie and claim they're Romany when they're not they're gorgors. Where as other house dwelling gorgers do it just to make money it's shocking

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: I might belong here
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 11:01:40 pm »
What is your opinion on the various "reality shows" (often focused on weddings) that have recently aired in Britain and America, purporting to represent the Romany and Romanichal communities?