Author Topic: Cleargreen Cult  (Read 68968 times)

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Re: Cleargreen Cult
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2012, 02:33:29 pm »
The Cleargreen cult is being sued by Castaneda's "granddaughter," actually a mistress and member of the inner circle. Cleargreen has countersued. So much for being super spirchul...

Part of what's disturbing is to see the law firm openly lying, taking the client's claims at face value. Lawyers can't be expected to be historians or anthros, OTH many do have history degrees before going into law.

The good and bad news is in the response to the counterclaim. They are claiming anyone can use the tensegrity nonsense under Fair Use. If the court accepts it, it could potentially drive Cleargreen out of business or at least cut their profit margin. The bad news is there'd be dozens of little frauds out there added to the mix.


Cleargreen Using Founder’s Grandaughter’s New Tensegrity
 November 23rd, 2011

The Teachings of Don Juan is a 1968 anthropology book by Carlos Castaneda that continues to inspire many followers. Castaneda said that the book documents his time between 1960 and 1965 with a Yaqui sorcerer (the Yaqui are a Native American tribe from northern Mexico). Castaneda used a term “tensegrity” to refer to several meditative stretches that he and his followers employ. They founded a company called Cleargreen Incorporated in 1995 to teach tensegrity throughout the world.
Our Los Angeles business litigation attorneys are now representing the only heir of Castaneda in a copyright infringement case against Cleargreen over the use of tensegrity. Castaneda’s sole descendant was Nuri Alexander, whom Castaneda adopted as his daughter. Nuri in turn adopted Aerin Alexander, Nuri’s only child. Castaneda shared his tensegrity knowledge with his granddaughter Aerin before he passed away in 1998. Joining Aerin is plaintiff Miles Reid, who trained under Castaneda for over 15 years.
Aerin and Miles have been traveling and teaching tensegrity for 14 years on behalf of Cleargreen. They began making their own version of tensegrity movements that involved significant modifications of the instructional videos and books that Cleargreen had sold to the public. Cleargreen is using more and more of Aerin and Miles’s material as opposed to their original tensgrity movements, and this is the reason underlying the copyright infringement lawsuit that the two are pursing against Cleargreen and production company Laugan.
Castaneda and his tensegrity concepts have many supporters throughout the world. Are you familiar with the original movements and the new modifications from Aerin and Miles? How would you describe the differences?

Now comes the Counterclaim By Cleargreen/Laugan


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(12/13/2011 1:28 AM)

Cleargreen/Laugan has now filed a counterclaim against Miles and Aerin.

The basics of the counterclaim are that all the assertions Miles and Aerin have made ... that they have created or co-created their own Tensegrity movements and  that they created their own speeches concerning Tensegrity are invalid because they were employees of Cleargreen at that time so these activities were works for hire.

Cleargreen/Laugan also reaffirms the validity of their Tensegrity Trademark which was filed in 1995. Also their copyrights on all tensegrity products and materials and movements.
They claim that any modifications or alterations or creation of new Tensegrity movements by Miles and Aerin  are illegal acts and constitute infringement.
Cleargreen/Laugan claims that after Miles and Aerin were terminated in March of 2010 they have continued to teach Tensegrity workshops and seminars and they threaten to continue to teach Tensegrity workshops and seminars and use the Tensegrity trademark in the future.
Cleargreen/Laugan also claims that Miles and Aerin have misrepresented the nature, duration and extent of their training with Carlos Castaneda and his colleagues.
Cleargreen/Laugan states as a counterclaim that Miles Reid's and Aerin Alexander's use of the Tensegrity Trademark and their misrepresentation of their connection to Cleargreen/Laugan has caused and will continue to cause irreparable harm to Cleargreen/Laugan.
Also they state that the copyrights of the Tensegrity materials and products are owned by Cleargreen/Laugan and that any use of them by Miles and Aerin would be infringement.

Because of these issues mentioned above Cleargreen/Laugan asks the court to grant relief in the form of:
Dismissing the complaint of Miles Reid and Aerin Alexander against Cleargreen/Laugan.
Enjoining them from offering any goods or services under the Tensegrity mark. Or any similar mark. Or performing or doing any activities that might be confused with Tensegrity or cause any person to believe they (Miles and Aerin and their commercial activities such as seminars and workshops) are connected with, or authorized, or sponsored by Tensegrity, Claergreen or Laugan in any way.
And also from misrepresenting the nature, duration and extent of their training with Carlos Castaneda.

Cleargreen/Laugan wants the court to issue a judgment that affirms the assertions and counterclaims of Cleargreen/Laugan regarding their rights and the validity of their Trademark and copyrights.
Also that the use of the trademark and copyrighted materials and movements and sequences by Miles and Aerin constitutes infringement. 
And that Miles and Aerin must in writing explain how they have complied with this order.. and give up and return all Tensegrity related materials.
They must also return all profits they have gained by unlawfully using the Tensegrity mark. (enhanced - on the basis of their willful infringement). And pay all damages incurred by Cleargreen/Laugan because of Reid and Alexander's infringement (enhanced on the basis of that infringement)
And pay all  Cleargreen/Laugan attorney and legal fees.

Aleaxander and Reid Answer to the Cleargreen Counter Claim


Aerin Alexander and Miles Reid have responded to the Counter Claim that Cleargreen and Laugan Productions filed against them. They are not just denying the claims of Cleargreen and Laugan they are hitting back hard with their own brand of Sorcery Kung-fu. 

It looks like we got game. It's feeling more and more like a trial. A sorceric battle between an alledged lineage holder and a claimant of that lineage.

Answer by Miles Reid and Aerin Alexander to Counterclaims of Laugan Productions Inc. and Cleargreen Inc.

Aerin and Miles ..The counter defendants.  ..They agree with the statement that Carlos Castaneda was an archeologist that was a student of don Juan Matus who studied the teachings of Shamans in ancient Mexico. Also that don Juan and his colleagues taught the movements to Castaneda who adapted and modernized them.

(and then all hell breaks lose)

Aerin and Miles deny the statement made by Cleargreen/Laugan  about how Cleargreen and Laugan were formed. That Laugan was formed by Castaneda and others in 1974 to hold the intellectual property rights (including the trademark Tensegrity) of Carlos Castaneda and that Cleargreen was formed in 1995 to disseminate the teachings of Carlos Castaneda under the trademark 'Tensegrity' lisenced from Laugan. 
They also deny Laugan's and Cleargreen's claims that Tensegrity is a valid Trademark. They claim that Laugan and Cleargreen improperly filed the Trademark and that they (Laugan and Cleargreen) obtained the trademark designation by fraud.
They claim it is a fraudulent trademark.

Aerin and Miles deny that  they were employees under hire in regard to speeches and other materials that they claim they produced and authored or co-produced and co-authored.
Aerin and Miles deny that they are infringing upon Laugan and Cleargreen.
In fact.... they deny all the substantial counterclaims of Laugan and Cleargreen.

And then it heats up. (as if calling them "Frauds" wasn't enough) 

Then come Aerin's and Mile's Affirmative Defenses.

Aerin and Miles claim they have the right to use the name Tensegrity under "Fair Use" doctrine.
They Claim that Laugan and Cleargreen have no right to sue them for copyright infringement since Laugan and Cleargreen have not dealt with the copyrights properly and there was an invalid transfer of the copyrights.

Aerin and Miles also claim that the rights to the copyrights were not transferred to Laugan and Cleargreen they were .... according.. they say..  to Carlos Castaneda's Last Will and Testament and agreements of the Eagle's Trust .... they were transferred to other parties.
They go on to list a number of reasons why Laugan and Cleargreen do not have valid copyrights.
Then they start to say that Aerin owns the copyrights. First they say they are co-owned -or she owns them. Then they say Aerin owns them by laws of Intestate Succession.

Now you will have to decide how this works on your own. Having said that Castaneda's last will gave the rights to someone else beside Laugan and Cleargreen they then Claim that Aerin is the owner of these rights by Intestate Succession.

Intestate succession refers to the law providing for the inheritance of property from a person who dies without leaving a will. 
Go ahead and figure the chain to Aerin:

Then they claim that the Trademark infringement claim against them was a Fail also.
Because Tensegrity is a generic and common term in the Public Domain.
Because it was registered by Laugan Productions fraudulently.
Because Laugan and Cleargreen were "overzealous" and by restraining Aerin and Miles and frauding the copyrights and frauding the procurement and the application of the trademark that Laugan and Cleargreen had "unclean hands".

For these reasons Aerin and Miles ask that the counter claim be dismissed. And that the court declare that Laugan and Cleargreen have no rights to the copyrights or the Trademark.  And that Laugan and Cleargreen must pay for Aerin's and Mile's  attorneys fees...  and  for the costs of the lawsuit.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Cleargreen Cult
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2012, 11:30:25 pm »
The Cleargreen cult lost in court. Good news: they lose money.
Bad news: expect lots of imitators.
Worse news: how they lost was because the court accepted an argument that Castaneda did not invent the so called magical passes. Instead the court bought the argument these were ancient practices of Mexican NDNs, even though Castaneda had just ripped them off from Tai Chi and passed them off as NDN.
So naturally Cleargreen couldn't counter argue what these passes truly were.


By Order of the Court - Cleargreen Crumbles.
(02/24/2012 8:16 PM)
Aerin Alexander and Mile's Reid's motion for summary judgement is granted by the Court!!

It is Ordered by The Court:
1.The positions found in the publication Magical Passes is in the Public Domain.
2.The positions found in the video Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity is in the Public Domain.
3.The positions found in the video Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity volume 1 and 2 is in the Public Domain.
4. Cleargreen Inc. Does not own the copyrights to the publication Magical Passes since the author was Carlos Castaneda  and the copyrights were not transferred to Cleargreen Inc.
5. Laugan Productions Inc does not own the copyrights to the publication Magical Passes since the author was Carlos Castaneda and the copyrights were not transferred to Cleargreen Inc.
6. Cleargreen Inc. does not own the copyrights to the video Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity since the author was Carlos Castaneda  and the copyrights were not transferred to Cleargreen Inc.
7. Laugan Productions  Inc. does not own the copyrights to the video Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity since the author was Carlos Castaneda  and the copyrights were not transferred to Laugan Productions Inc.
8. Cleargreen Inc. does not own the copyrights to the video Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity Volumes 1.2 and 3 since the author was Carlos Castaneda  and the copyrights were not transferred to Cleargreen Inc.
9. Laugan Productions  Inc. does not own the copyrights to the video Carlos Castaneda's TensegrityVolumes 1,2 and 3  since the author was Carlos Castaneda  and the copyrights were not transferred to Laugan Productions Inc.
10. Plaintiff Aerin Alexander and Miles Reid's teaching of the postures contained in the Magical Passes, Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity, Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity Volumes 1,2 and 3, and the home videos attached as Exhibit 3 to the first Amended Counterclaim is a fair use and does not amount to either a copyright or a Trademark infringement.
11 Laugan Productions copyrights  to Magical Passes, Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity, Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity Volumes 1,2 and 3 are invalid.
12. Cleargreen's Trademark "Tensegrity" is descriptive and without secondary meaning.
13. Cleargreen Inc. cannot enforce it's Trademark "Tensegrity".
14. Laugan Productions Inc cannot enforce it's Trademark Tensegrity.

Talking Brujo Dog
(02/25/201211:54 AM)

It opens 'the gate' for different groups of people to do whatever they want with 'the positions' of 'Tensegrity'.  But in a way, that gate was already open.  We already had Howard's light of life movements, and we've always had plenty of different kinds of Chi Gong floating around, or whatever anyone wants to call it.  There are huge somewhat similar movements like Falun Gong (possibly millions of people practice that).  So ... what has really changed except that Cleargreen no longer has exclusive claim to this somewhat obscure 'flavor' of 'movements'?  It's not like Cleargreen was ever much of an 'empire' anyway.  I don't really even know, but I think workshop attendance has fallen overall since the days when Carlos was here.  In any case, I doubt if there could be more than 3-4 thousand people max worldwide actively doing 'Tensegrity'.

But now maybe every 'Toltec' group that wants to crawl out from under a rock can have their own 'brand' of 'Tensegrity'.   In the long run, that could even make things worse than before, especially if one such 'brand' gets better marketing and manages to catch on, like Falun Gong did.  I don't know.


Well.. Well .. Well
(02/25/201211:16 PM)

A very deep subject. So many goodies and so few hours before dawn.  It looks like the shenanigans are getting red hot now.  Aerin and Miles are apparently withdrawing their request for summary judgment.. until they have a conference with Cleargreen/Laugan. Scheduled for march 19th.

Before we deal with that current action..  Let's try to cover some ground of how it all came to be.
Everything happened pretty fast..  and there is so much information to weigh and consider.

In condensed form Aerin and Miles "won" because  they claimed that Tensegrity movements were created by "Ancient Shamans from the Mexican Jungles".  (yes that is what was said)   They say they were NOT created by Carlos Castaneda  and they point out that this is evidenced and supported by numerous statements by Castaneda himself and by Cleargreen.
What is probably most important here is that although Cleargreen claimed Castaneda modified  and modernized the movements and Aerin and Miles claim he did not.. both sides agreed in the lawsuit filings that it was an undisputed fact that the movements came from Shamans of Ancient Mexico.  Therefore the attorneys for Aerin and Miles argued that:

"Since these works were created before 1892 any copyright protection would expire"

So in this case Cleargreen and "Tensegrity" are broken because of Castaneda's and Cleargreen's own deceit about the origin of Tensegrity.   Well well well.

Then continuing their legal argument Aerin and Miles (their attorneys)  used the "Yoga" defense that we have discussed here..   arguing very competently that Tensegrity Movements were not choreographed works. .. and that they were not copyrightable as exercises or movements since exercises and movements are not copyrightable.
And that was strike two.

Then they showed that Cleargreen and Laugan were not the proper recipients or owners of any of Castaneda's copyrights.  They had never been transferred from Castaneda to Laugan or Cleargreen.
Strike three!  and they are out!

Also I should add .. and I will post more about this..  since it is very likely part of the continuing drama:

 Aerin continues to claim -in her Declaration to the court- that she is the sole living descendant of Carlos Castaneda  ..and that this would make all his works....  hers. 

CJ Castaneda
(02/26/201212:58 AM)

Challenge to Castaneda's will goes up in Smoke

Court Files

March 09. 1999 / ANN W. O'NEILL
A Georgia man is not the son of the late mystic writer Carlos Castaneda and has no standing to contest his will, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge has ruled.

Judge Robert A. Letteau tossed out Adrian Vashon's challenge to Castaneda's will, which now can move toward probate.

The tall, blond Vashon, a.k.a. Adrian Gerritsen, a.k.a. Carlton J. Castaneda, had claimed to be the son of the author, who was slight and dark. Court papers show that when ordered to put his DNA on the line, Vashon backed down and admitted that the reclusive writer was not his biological father. Vashon's mother is the author's former wife.

Castaneda, whose 1968 book about drug-induced experiences with an Indian shaman made him a cultural icon, died last spring.

Attorneys Deborah Drooz, whom Castaneda named as his executor, and Eileen M. Cohn portrayed Vashon in court papers as someone who harassed the author with demands for money, to the point that the writer considered obtaining a restraining order against him.

At a book reading in 1984, court papers say, Vashon told Castaneda: "I want $18,000, and if you give me $20,000, I'll love you even more." Vashon even tried to have the writer declared legally dead, the papers say, "in an ultimate act of greed."

Vashon, who lives in the Atlanta area, could not be reached. His attorney declined comment.

Drooz, the executor, said the legal battle saddened her. "I was very close to Carlos. Even though we kind of anticipated some problems with [Vashon], I just didn't think it would get this nasty."

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Re: Cleargreen Cult, Renata & Nyei Murez
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2012, 03:48:54 pm »
The cult has regrouped and is preparing a new ceremony selling push. Here's bios of the new cult leaders from Notice how one of them also claims to be a Cherokee healer.

Cleargreen Directors
Renata and Nyei Murez     

Renata Murez is a facilitator of Tensegrity®, and Creative Co-Director at Cleargreen. She along with Kylie Lundahl and Nyei Murez, is a member of the original team of Tensegrity® leaders, who, under the direction of the four students of don Juan—Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar and Carol Tiggs—helped to formulate the modernization of the magical passes and other practices that comprise Tensegrity...

She was a student in the Arica School of Oscar Ichazo, studying enneagram personality types; and was a pipe-carrier and shamanic ceremonial leader of the North American Cherokee tribe.

She met Carol Tiggs and Carlos Castaneda when Dr. Castaneda was giving a lecture at the Phoenix Bookstore in Santa Monica, California. She first facilitated [defrauded victims using] Tensegrity in 1993...

Nyei Murez is a facilitator of Tensegrity®, and Creative Co-Director at Cleargreen. She along with Kylie Lundahl and Renata Murez, is a member of the original team of Tensegrity® leaders, who, under the direction of the four students of don Juan—Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar and Carol Tiggs—helped to formulate the modernization of the magical passes and other practices that comprise Tensegrity [the same passes that were stolen from tai Chi and passed off as NDN]

She has studied specific breathing and energy restorative practices with the students of don Juan and others, including David Elliott.

Her interest in Tensegrity® began while attending a National Endowment for the Humanities seminar in Berkeley, California, where she met Florinda Donner-Grau and Carlos Castaneda; she first taught Tensegrity in 1993; and the adventure continues.
Facilitators of Tensegrity®
Teo Alfero   

Teo Alfero is an Associate Facilitator of Tensegrity® and the Founder and Director of Wolf Connection Conservancy. Born and raised in Argentina, Teo attended military school and then worked as a mountaineering instructor in the Andes Mountains before moving to Los Angeles in 1999. In the Andes, a friend handed him a book by Carlos Castaneda and a video on Tensegrity....He moved to Los Angeles and began attending Tensegrity practice groups and events regularly. He joined the team of Tensegrity facilitators in 2003 and has also helped to lead joint events given by Cleargreen and Wolf Connection.

....He has been a children's Court Advocate with the CASA program and is a registered foster father, a trainer for the Safe School Ambassadors program, and a certified life coach and mentor for adolescents and young adults. In 2008 he founded Spring of Evolution, Inc., a non-profit initiative, with Wolf Connection's youth education and empowerment program as its centerpiece. [Using cult group practices on kids...]

Alexander Dergay is an Associate Tensegrity Facilitator and Co-Sponsor, and the founder and Director of Aterdux Entertainment, an independent game developer company. He began reading the books of Carlos Castaneda in 1995 and attended his first workshop on Tensegrity in 1996 at UCLA. He joined the team of Facilitators in 2001, also serving that same year as co-sponsor of the first Tensegrity workshop in Russia. He continues to participate actively in workshops in the US, Europe, Mexico and Russia and since 2009 has been an active co-sponsor in Russia and the Ukraine.

Born and raised in Minsk, Belarus...
Jim Morris   
Guilhem Morera aka Jim Morris is an Associate Tensegrity Facilitator and Cleargreen Workshop Co-Sponsor, and author of "La Cartomancie des Anciens Mages" (“The Science of the Cards of the Ancient Magicians”).

Born and raised in Marseille, France...He began studying Tensegrity in 1998 and moved to Los Angeles in 2000, where he worked as an assistant to the director at the Theater Raymond Kabbaz. He also played guitar in the Latin band “Jicamo,”...

Parallel to his training in Tensegrity® he was trained and certified as a Magi counselor in the science of the cards by Robert Lee Camp and has studied with healers and spiritual teachers author David Elliott, Howard Wills and Hawaiian Kahuna and recording artist, Lei'ohu Ryder.

He currently lives and works in the South of France giving private sessions where he blends his knowledge of the cards, astrology and "healing"...
He has been a member of the team of facilitators of Tensegrity for the last seven years and works as a cosponsor for Cleargreen events in Europe and organizes, supervises and facilitates Tensegrity classes and intensive practices in France.

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Re: Cleargreen Cult & Renata Murez AKA Clair Baron AKA Caren Mahoney
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2012, 04:14:06 pm »
"Renata Murez" like most of the Castaneda cult leaders, changed their names many times and constructed a long list of lies and fantasies.

Muni Alexander, aka Carol Tiggs, aka Carol Aranha, aka Elizabeth Austin (Kathleen Pohlman)
 Renata Murez, aka Reni Alexander, aka Angela Panaro (Alexis Burzynski)
Nyei Murez, aka Clair Baron (Caren Mahoney)
Florinda Donner Grau, aka Florinda Donner (Regine "Gina" Thal)
Taisha Abelar, aka Annamarie Carter (Maryann Simko)
+ Nuri Alexander, the Blue Scout (Patty Partin)
Kylie Lundahl (Dee An Jo Ahlvers)
Talia Bey (Amalia Marquez)


The "Murez" pair, then, are actually Russian and Irish-American women posing as Latin American.
Another's amusing to see adults playing at being sorcerors for much of their lives.

Gabi and I have been having a lot of fun trying to figure out the *real* phony sorcery names of the various players in Amy's thoroughly entertaining book. Here's a list of our opinions of who we think might be the characters in the book. If you have different ideas of who was really who, or can add any others to it, please feel free to correct our guesses:

Astrid= Kylie Lundahl
 Tarina= Tycho, the orange scout
 Poona= Reni Murez
 Zuna= Nyei Murez
 Claude= Nuri Alexander (Patty Partin) the blue scout
 Guido= Lorenzo Drake (Bruce Wagner)
 Simon= Julius Renard (Tracy Kramer)
 Maria or Sonia= Talia Bey (Amalia Marquez)
 Ridley= Marco
 Patsy or Nancy= Aerin or Darien
 Ramon= Fabrizio Magaldi (Umberto Fontanez)
 Beulah= Zaia Alexander
 Dexter= Miles Reid
 Fifi= Haley
 Candice= Carola
Can't tell the players without a program...


Here's a somewhat more complete key to the identities of the people described in Amy's book. The ones for whom Amy didn't use pseudonyms are listed below, without = signs. The birth names of these people are in parens:
Muni Alexander, aka Carol Tiggs, aka Carol Aranha, aka Elizabeth Austin (Kathleen Pohlman)
 Florinda Donner Grau, aka Florinda Donner (Regine "Gina" Thal)
 Taisha Abelar, aka Annamarie Carter (Maryann Simko)
 (Mary Joan Barker) known as Joanie Barker
 Claude = Nuri Alexander, the Blue Scout (Patty Partin)
 Astrid = Kylie Lundahl (Dee An Jo Ahlvers)
 Poona Wiltee = Renata Murez, aka Reni Alexander, aka Angela Panaro (Alexis Burzynski)
 Zuna = Nyei Murez, aka Clair Baron (Caren Mahoney)
 Tarina = Tycho or Nayely Tycho Aranha Thal, the Orange Scout (Premajyoti Galvez y Fuentes)
 Andy Horowitz, changes to Guido Manfred = Lorenzo Drake (Bruce Wagner)
 Rick Fosterman, changes to Simon McKrindle = Julius Renard (Tracy Kramer)
 Maria or Sonia = Talia Bey (Amalia Marquez)
 Ridley James = Brandon Scott, aka Philip (Federico Jeanot)
 Patsy = Aerin (Maria Guadalupe Blanco)
Nancy = Darien (Fabiana Pompa)
 Ramon = Fabricio Magaldi (Humberto Fontanez)
 Dorothy, changes to Beulah Puckett = Zaia Alexander (Susan Arslan)
 Candice = Carola Garcia Arslan (Rene Galvez y Fuentes)
 Dexter Dupree or Dr. Piero LaBruna = Miles Reid (Paulo Rivarola)
 Susan, changes to Fifi LaRue = Halley Alexander van Oosten (Nina Blake)
 Joey = Leroy Robinson-Welby (Marcos Conal)
 Buddy = Grant Vospher (Steve Levinson)
 Alice = (Margarita Nieto)
 Myrna, changes to Raven McLoud = Wilkie McLaren (Darby Romeo)
 Bonny, changes to Tildy = the Moonchild (Barbara)
 Jim Gruber = (Paul Gutsmuths), now Felix Wolf
 Harry = (Ralph Torjan)
 not mentioned in the book, but also part of Cleargreen:
 Rylin Demaris (Michelle Stinson)
 Gavin Allister (Heiko Hipken)

Offline Sparks

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Re: Cleargreen Cult, Renata & Nyei Murez
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2024, 01:14:03 am »
Facilitators of Tensegrity®.  Teo Alfero

I just started a new topic about Teo Alfero: [Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active]

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Cleargreen Cult
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2024, 05:22:33 pm »
As a cult leader, Castaneda was a fetishist. He insisted on cutting the hair of his witches, giving them the same short, boyish look. He wanted them to bathe in water infused with rosemary, which he felt was a purifier. Intercourse with him was usually part of their indoctrination, and according to insiders, he would initiate sex with several witches at once.

The cult was a business, too. The chacmools ran their own company, earning payment for teaching Castaneda’s methods and ideas in workshops and selling his books and T-shirts. While Castaneda and the witches were busy generating revenues, he claimed to be gathering enough energy to cheat death and live forever.

He manipulated everybody to compete with each other. He was very brilliant at it, like all cult leaders.

The main villain in the tale, I tell him, is Castaneda. He should not be a literary icon or New Age hero to anyone. He was a creep.

"The Case of the Missing Chacmools" By Geoffrey Gray Published: Jun 19, 2024