Sorry for my late reply.
I have to answer: yes and no
See, there are many places here in Germany providing somekind of sweatlodge and hundreds of people conducting...
Very confusing, dangerous (as sadly seen in sedona) and mainly definitifely not the way I consider to be the right one.
I do go to lodge once or twice a month.
Mainly I go to places where Lakotas are coming to and white sundancers conducting sweats. These are very humble, very loving people and so are the ceremonies there.
They are all very strikt in the lakota/dakota traditions.
Whenever I got time I go there.
Whenever I dont find time to go there, I go to "my place".
The ceremony I conduct then is exactly in the way I got shown by an Oglala at rosebud, SD, back in 2005.
I dont invite peolpe to come.
The thing is, that sometimes peolpe ask me if they may come an participate.
Whenever someone is asking me, he or she already knows me. If not, I do tell them that I do have the allowance to pour water by only one lakota man and that there a few more who know and accept this but that this is not representive for the whole lakota nation.
'So it does happen that I conduct Inipi ceremonies WITH others.
The only thing I pour water for is to pray.
I know that this surely will meet with opposition among some of you people here.
I just hope that I did find the right words to describe the situation as it is.
I am on the red road since 1996, no addings, no changes, no claims or wannabe´s.
I have met frauds.
Whites, South Americans, Inians and NDN´S.
I know people who are lost and captured by new age cults like the deer tribe and some Guru stuff from India, a few so deep into a cristian sekt I do worry and pray for them.
I dont think that every white is a fraud, nor that fraudism has anything to do with the color of you skin or your orgin. There is trueness and love and respekt and authency and the only thing Ireally claim is to be just like that.
Thank you