On his website he gives his age as about 50, born in 1964, and claims an experience 4 years ago convinced him he is a shaman. There are several videos of him, usually about his sweatlodges, all posted 4 years ago, posted under the names Chris Shanti or neoshamanism.
A number of sites are in French, and some of the wording at his sites suggests he's a European with English as his 2nd language. His videos have him speaking, with a clear French, French Canadian, or Belgian accent.
He lists his teachers as "Asuncion, a wizard of the Amazon, Augustin, a curandero of the Andes, Bonath, a Shiva yogi of the Himalayas, Melvin, a Papago medicine man, Ramon, a curandero from Mexico and Jade, an Arizona shaman. In the west I have encountered the work of trans-personal training of the researcher Stanilas Grof..."
Jade might be Jade Grigori, who we have a thread on, a Russian who poses as a Pueblo healer. The poster of the SP videos has also posted ones on fraud Joseph Rael, and on "Native elder Vern Harper."