I am Siksika, (Blackfoot.) Someone I admire very much is a BeaverBundle Keeper of our Nation. He and his wife have given greatly of themselves to keep alive another Bundle for the People's Welfare. He also has a Masters degree in Anthropology working towards his doctorate. What I admire most about him and his wife is that they are keeping the way, our way of life, the proper way, they are feeding the way. He has recovered many sacred objects of our tribe from museums and put them back into the hands of the people to keep the life of the people building, growing. Our way is the way of life. Our way leads to more life, not less life, not death. I wonder what is more proper, returning to closeness the ways that are proper to ourselves and proper to life and proper to our unique relationships with what we believe is holy or to take the time to tell other people they are wrong in the way they live? Is not our way, the way we live, the way we commit to the proper way and by our self achieved example be something that brings honor, beauty, life to our ways?