This is the same one very offensively claiming to channel Fern Matthias, who spent so many years fighting frauds.
WBMH is not much of a prophet.
"Hear me now. These Earth changes are coming within the next 2 to 3 winters!"
The article was published in May 2004. The interview probably was earlier.
"I am a Medicine Dreamer, Female Pipe Carrier, Ceremonial Facilitator and Dakini. I am a fifth generation Takata lineage holder, Usui and Galactic Reiki Master and the founder of White Buffalo Medicine Heart's Shamanic Reiki."
Galactic Reiki?
Isn't takata a martial arts term?
"Whether you read these impending truths as coming from my heart, as wisdom channeled from my great, great, grandfather, Wallace Black Elk, Fern Mathias or whoever,"
Yeah, she never met Nicholas BE, just claims to channel him.
This part would offend a lot of veterans' families.
"The good news is that all of these soldiers who are transitioning under the guise of mandatory patriotism are earning their wings so to speak"
Your son or daughter didn't die, Bush just TRANSITIONED him and they earned their wings. It reminds me of some of the fundamentalists who believe in the Left Behind books. "God so loved the world he sent World War III."
Part of what she says here is ironic.
"I have had my life threatened because I refused to marry a well known coyote shaman. I have seen people burned from others running sweats who didn't have a clue what they were doing and were charging money on top of it...I have worked with women who were unimaginably traumatized be- cause they were molested at sacred gatherings."
And yet she can't see how she herself is part of this.
Annika, one of the links she has is to the World Council of Elders. They mention"Ove Svensson, Swedish-born healer, will talk on the Nordic traditions and lifeway."