Author Topic: Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay  (Read 157400 times)

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: disturbing?
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2007, 07:24:59 pm »
I have read, I have considered.  This is a Lakota, Dakota, etc issue. They are aware.  They will handle it in their own way and in their own time.  More important it is a Creator Issue and HE WILL handle it in time. Wado Little Old Man
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Re: disturbing?
« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2007, 08:54:05 pm »

Hi Moma,

Yes that's is correct and I also believe this is a private matter.  But when I was accused of "propagating genocide" for deliberately supporting a fraud (s) you left me no other option than to explain to you my reasoning and logic for doing so. 
I will say one last thing. This is not a threat of any kind, just what I see If this continues and you do not settle this, meaning the two parties concerned, this is what you will be stepping into, this abyss. Then guess who will be rejoicing.  These vultures below.


NAFPS members participating in this thread .. ..

i have to comment on this latest post by john, aka marlon .. ..
perhaps i am just bored this day .. and i was also quite offended at the term "vultures"being applied especially to our brave Firefighters .. .. just out of curiosity .. .. as john/marlon has listed the following in his “this is not a threat..??? post .. and in his own words he calls them: “These vultures below.???

john/marlon listed:

not real sure why the University of Southern Mississippi-School of Mass Communication and Journalism .. would be the slightest bit interested in any of this .. .. i am highlighting just a few of the above listed names and emails .. from these bio’s .. it does not appear to me that these PhD’s would waste their obviously valuable time on something so petty ..i also have to wonder how they would respond to being called “vultures??? .. ..  shrug ..


Cindy Brown, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dr. Brown is on leave for the 2006 -07 academic year
Coordinator of the school’s photojournalism sequence, Dr. Brown has been teaching photojournalism and design courses at USM since 1999. She earned her doctorate in mass communication with a concentration in visual communication and media ethics from Indiana University-Bloomington. Prior to teaching at USM, Dr. Brown taught at Florida Southern College and at St. Mary-of-the-Wood College in Indiana. Before her academic career, Dr. Brown was a staff photojournalist for The St. Petersburg Times and a picture editor at The Indianapolis Star. In addition to working on documentary projects, Dr. Brown stays in touch with the real world of journalism by returning to the newsroom when she can. During the spring and summer of 2004, she worked for the Union Sentinel, a weekly newspaper in the mountains of North Georgia. A golf photo she took while working for the Sentinel placed first in the sports feature category in the Pictures of the Year International competition, in the Southern Short Course competition and in the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar Competition. In the summer of 2001, Dr. Brown worked as a photojournalist and designer at The Sun Herald in Biloxi, Mississippi on a fellowship from the American Society of Newspaper Editors.

David R. Davies, Ph.D.
Associate Professor/Associate Director
Southern Hall 120
(601) 266-6237

Dr. Davies teaches print journalism and media history. Before entering academia, he was a reporter for 10 years in Arkansas, working for both the Arkansas Democrat and the Arkansas Gazette. He is a graduate of the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Reporting at Ohio State University, where he earned a master's degree in journalism. He also holds a master's degree in American history from The University of Southern Mississippi and a Ph.D. in mass communication specializing in media history from the University of Alabama. His research specialties are the press and the Civil Rights Movement and trends in American newspapers since World War II. He has written two books, The Press & Race: Mississippi Journalists Confront the Movement (University Press of Mississippi, 2001) and The Postwar Decline of American Newspapers, 1945-1965 (Praeger, 2006). Dr. Davies teaches undergraduate courses in reporting, editing, web design and media history, and graduate courses in media history. He also teaches the School's British Studies in Journalism class each summer in London as part of the USM British Studies Program. In 1998 his doctoral dissertation won the prize for best dissertation in media history awarded by the American Journalism Historians Association. He was chair of the USM Journalism Department from 1998 to 2001 and interim director of the School of Mass Communication and Journalism in 2004-2005. He has served on the board of directors of the American Journalism Historians Association and currently serves as coordinator of the AJHA's book award. In 2005 he was appointed to the board of directors of the University Press of Mississippi. In addition to his duties in MCJ, he serves as associate dean of the College of Arts & Letters, in charge of student services matters, and directs USM's University Forum. He is also assistant director of USM's British Studies Program.

Arthur J. Kaul, Ph.D.
Professor/Assistant Director
Southern Hall 219
(601) 266-4269

Dr. Kaul joined the USM faculty in 1984, after teaching at Western Kentucky University (1982-84). He earned master’s and doctoral degrees in journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, master’s in humanities from Western Kentucky University and bachelor’s in psychology and English from Central Methodist College. He has served as president of the USM Faculty Senate (1999-2000). Prior to entering academia, Kaul was a reporter/education writer for daily newspapers in Kentucky and Missouri. In 1989, he received the University's Excellence in Teaching Award. He has served as a member of the Professional Freedom and Responsibility Committee (1992-95) of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. He serves on the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics. Dr. Kaul edited American Literary Journalists, 1945-1995, Volume 185, Dictionary of Literary Biography (1997) and has published approximately 35 articles, essays and reviews in books, scholarly journals and encyclopedias. His most recent publications were chapters in The Press and Race: Mississippi Journalists Confront the Movement (University Press of Mississippi, 2001); Illusive Shadows: Justice, Media and Socially Significant American Trials (Praeger, 2003); and Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary Completing the Twentieth Century (Harvard University Press, 2004). He has directed approximately 20 doctoral dissertations, including the winner of the Margaret A. Blanchard Prize for the best dissertation on mass communication history produced in 2004.  His primary scholarly areas are mass communication history, media ethics and literary journalism.

more curiosity .. from the same post of john/marlons .. more of what he calls “vultures??? ..

john/marlon listed:
(list of emails)

again .. not real sure why an Internet/Computer Firm in the UK would be the slightest bit interested in john/marlons “agenda??? .. whatever that might be .. i also wonder if they would appreciate being called “vultures??? by john/marlon .. shrug .. ..
web site:

Solon Systems Development Ltd

Rhyd Galed
Whitland, Wales
SA34 0YR
Phone: +1 (845) 260 0232
Fax: +1 (845) 260 0233

Company Description
We are bespoke software developers with expertise in accountancy, construction industry, and ecommerce based systems. We are also web site developers. Our systems are generally built on an SQL database platform. We install and support PC networks built on Microsoft Windows 2000 or 2003 platforms. We are PC and RAID server builders. We install ISDN telephone systems and CCTV systems. Our products include PCs, RAID servers, and a range of components and peripherals.
*This description and profile was provided verbatim by the company listed

Solon Systems Development Ltd
Contact Name    Kingsley Oliver
Position       Sales and Support Manager
Address       26a High Street, Haverfordwest, Dyfed SA61 2DA
Telephone No.    01437 779173
Fax No.       01437 779179
Business Status    Private Limited Company (LTD)
Year Established    1997

and last but not least .. john/marlon lists:
(long list of emails) ..

now on this one i have to take personal offence .. Firefighters are “vultures??? ??.. i happen to have family and friends that are firefighters .. the best “jump team??? in the country is comprised of American Indians! .. the men and women that comprise our firefighters in this country put their lives on the line every day! for all of us! they are HEROS! .. certainly not “vultures???!! ..

john/marlon also lists all  of the following as being “vultures???:


i have to wonder how these Media networks, syndicates, reporters, newspapers, radio stations, television stations, etc .. as well as all the individual people whose names and emails are listed under these headings .. ..  would react to being called “vultures??? by john/marlon .. could this possibly be construed as being slanderous and libelous? .. i do wonder .. yet, ahh what do i know? .. shrug .. i am simply a bored old woman ..

Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Re: disturbing?
« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2007, 08:58:46 pm »
just one last thought here .. .. if john agrees that this is a private matter as he states .. then why is he 'threatening' to make it public by notifying a huge list of, as he calls them, "vultures" .. ??


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Re: disturbing?
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2007, 09:12:56 pm »
Tachia, I think it is slander or libel if it actually interfers with the person's life in some way that damages it. I doubt if the News would be damaged by being called "vultures". It's not really private, it is a matter for the people of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations to decide. It was dropped here a long time ago after it was all over the internet, in multiple forums and across the Rez,  some had questions. I don't think anything has changed. frederica

Offline tachia

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Re: disturbing?
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2007, 09:19:14 pm »
Tachia, I think it is slander or libel if it actually interfers with the person's life in some way that damages it. I doubt if the News would be damaged by being called "vultures". It's not really private, it is a matter for the people of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations to decide. It was dropped here a long time ago after it was all over the internet, in multiple forums and across the Rez,  some had questions. I don't think anything has changed. frederica
federica .. thank you for the clarification .. i am not familiar with such things .. was just wondering about it .. now i know .. :) .. thanks!


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Re: disturbing?
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2007, 03:43:24 am »
Hi Al, the fire fighters post was an accident. Yes they are heroes. Especially these guys in New York who worked on 911.  They are from my 911 Truth Movement Activist List who I also work for. I cut and pasted them in with my news contacts. The universities were also added in error.  I just wanted to clear that up so you understood.
Anyway I also see you have deleted parts of my post again; then inserted comments in brackets which is  misleading and appears as that you are deliberately creating a false impression of me.
I also see you have said that I have repeatedly threatened you with a libel suit. Can you please show me where I have threatened you with a law suit?  Are you sure you are not confusing me with someone else?  I told momaporcupine that I was not threatening as I see that as a waste of time and energy; so why are you twisting the truth?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: disturbing?
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2007, 11:56:15 am »
Most people would take this as an explicit threat, "do what I demand or I'm going to expose you and smear your name with all these groups".

In your exact words:

"I will say one last thing. This is not a threat of any kind, just what I see If this continues and you do not settle this, meaning the two parties concerned, this is what you will be stepping into, this abyss. Then guess who will be rejoicing.  These vultures below."

In other words, since you and Dupree equate our finding information from Carter Camp and others that contradicts Dupree's slander campaign against Looking Horse with somehow committing "slander" ourselves, the two of you will begin a campaign of slander against us next if we don't delete the statements we found.

The two faced statement, "this is not a threat..." followed by explicit threats, seems typical of you. You've claimed to be a disinterested observer, yet have done your best to dominate, bully, spammed us repeatedly with over 40 posts in a few days (more than the entire rest of the forum combined) and come close to being patronizingly racist in your condescending remarks almost as though you said to yourself, "I'll show those dumb Indians I know their cultures better than they possibly could!"

Once again, I ask you to show the most basic courtesy and quit being condescending, making two faced statements, and learn to listen more than talk. It's obvious you know very little about Indian people, but at least you could be polite for a change. Even better would be being honest about your purpose in here as solely an ally or follower of Dupree loking for publicity for her, or possibly cash.

And I make no apologies for deleting posts that needlessly repeat the same information, wander off topic, or are comments that show you to be an overgrown child making personal insults against people who've done nothing to you. You've been especially insulting to Tachia and should apologize to her. Didn't your family teach you to respect those older than you? In Indian Country one of the worst insults is "He acts like he has no family." That's the way you've sometimes behaved.

In fact, I apologize to the rest of NAFPS for not letting Marlon know far sooner he was way out of line repeatedly. I've been without net service for much of the past several days, otherwise I would never let anyone be treated in here the way Marlon has treated Tachia.


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Re: disturbing?
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2007, 04:13:57 am »
[Note: Hard to see red color removed]

Hi [veiled threat], you obviously [childish insult] [childish insult] otherwise you would not be using a pseudonym and concealing your identity.

[Note: I've always been quite open about my identity. My name must be on this site in hundreds of places.]

[More needless repetition. Once again Marlon, quit spamming us with duplicate information.]

First of all, what you equate is more of your opinion, but that's all it is;  a subjective and inaccurate interpretation of my intentions of [childish insult]. 

[More duplicate information.]

just because CC does not believe LBW and does not know what she is talking about; this does not make it unequivocal proof or incontrovertible evidence that she is a fraud.  He, like anyone else, has the right to his opinion. 

Whether what you or anyone else has said is slander is not for me to judge.  I am not a lawyer or an expert in libel, slander or defamation of character.  By giving someone a definition of slander is not saying they are going to sue you. I have told you I have no interest in wasting my time on suing anyone. What anyone else does is none of my business

[More duplicate information]

[veiled threat], As far as the two faced threat, I told you this is not a threat.  My point was that this can so easily be brought to the attention of the national media and then this will not be private anymore. That was my way of illustrating how easy it is for anyone to send one of these media people an email about this since all of a sudden this has become a private matter and not to be discussed over the internet. And even if I did, [childish insult].  If you are so sure of your accusations, what is there to fear. If you had so much confidence in what you were doing and saying you would be calling them yourself.  60 minutes are good at this sort of thing.

 As far as bully, dominating group discussions, spammed repeatedly with 40 posts in a few days is concerned, yes I did post 40 times. It's possible if you keep this up [direct threat]. Each one [direct threat].[/color]

Bully / dominate, once again this is [childish insult] .

[condescending filler]
[more condescending filler]
[yet more condescending filler]

 Now when you repeatedly accuse people of fraud and other matters in the public arena in order to [childish insult] [childish insult] [childish insult] , this is [childish insult].

I don't have an website like you do of wrongfully accusing some medicine men of being frauds, rapists. perverts and more. And when someone questions you, you try everything you can to make them back off; because they don't fit into Arvol's Proclamation Ideal.

Now, when I saw you deleted my posts and inserted [childish insult], it reminded me of
[condescending story]
This is [childish insult]

As far as patronizing "showing the dumb Indians"; this again pchildish insult] [childish insult] when any white person dares to take interest in Native  American spirituality. 
[Slander and racism]
. What is the most telling is your "who we are" page [slander and racism
That is like [slander and racism]. In other words, [childish insult] [projection] [condescension]

On the subject of respect, I did post this, let me remind you on the Thomas Lightening Bolt post. I did this as my way of illustrating what I see lacking in your website.
[Duplicate material removed for the third time, which as used by Marlon is also condescending and patronizingly racist]

[More duplicate material]

[Veiled threat for the third time], now here you are, the man who for the last 4 years has called people  frauds, perverts, rapists, and much more, giving me a lecture of being condescending, and being polite.

[Note: I have never "called" them. The facts of what they do are on the public record, sometime the police record.]

 This is [condescending racism] [slander and condescending racism]. I addressed this above and do not see the sense in sounding like a broken record. 

[ROFL! Since when have you ever restrained yourself from repeating, over and over?]

As far as apologizing to Tachia.,

[Followed by more insults of Tachia.]

Anyway, for the record, I did not take offense to this. Offense is a decision I chose not to make. This is not something that happens. It's a matter of choice. I don't get offended Al.  Can't you see that by now[/color].

[Yet more duplicate material.]

Al here is another example [condescension and psycho babble]. I could easily say your entire website is an extension of Arvol Looking Horse's proclamation and you being one of his followers and his way of policing who he sees fit or doesn't see fit to smoke a canunpa.

as far as honesty or following anyone or any one ally;  did you not see the Khrisnamurti video. I informed Tachia in the first email that this is my perspective on her post.   Interviewing someone is not being a follower. I don't follow Arvol Looking Horse all over Europe [childish insult] promoting books and films on who you think is fit or not fit to be a medicine man, or who should give him Eagle Feather's and their canunpas. 

As far as looking for publicity for LBW,  I am not anyone's PR agent. I also told Tachia this in the first email. As far as cash goes, cash for what? 

[More dense than ever. Dupree vowed in her emails to get all the cash she could from lawsuits.

 What is she selling. Does she have a product to sell?  I have not seen one so far. Do you see her selling anything?  She doesn't have a foundation either. Your site asks for donations. LBWs does not. Freda also told me you gave a 100 percent, now today I find out you gave only 50 percent.

[Actually I gave about 80%. She talked me out of giving the last 20 percent. I also gave up the income I would have gotten from teaching in the summer, not to mention being away from my family and fiancee.

Way to go Marlon. You keep smearing charities for Native children.]

Maybe you should [childish insult, condescension]. They were not wandering off topics and were all in reference to Tachia's email about the magazine. The magazine covers more then LBW which [childish insult]. 

Tachia said I was interviewing perverts, frauds and the rest and was propagating genocide. She mentioned Rolling Thunder and LBW.    Barnaby mentioned Kevin Annett (who I will address on a separate post soon) and Thomas Lightning Bolt.   Who is this "pervert" Harley Reagen by the way Debbie's choice of words not mine? 

[If you don't know, that just shows your ignorance of these issues, your being too lazy to find out, and your carelessness in what you havein your magazine. You promoted his teachings in your magazine, the phony "Twisted Hairs."]

All these topics are related. My posts were my reasons for interviewing these people. Now if you don't like the way I responded to Tachia's labeling these interviewees feces, lost wonder bread, perverts, rapists etc. - that is another issue. 

[Yet more duplicate information]

Al, as far as being an overgrown child making personal insults [childish insult] and [childish insult].

As far as "who've done nothing to me", that's also your subjective reading of this.  Labeling someone a propagator of genocide, racist, and more is a bit of an interesting charge? 

Then you said "Didn't your family teach you to respect those older than you"?

[Veiled threat for the fourth time], Just because someone is older is not always a reason to give them respect.

[Followed by a final extremely vicious insult of Tachia. That's enough. This overgrown baby was given dozens of chances more than he deserved. He's gone.]
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 01:06:52 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #53 on: June 08, 2007, 09:27:23 pm »
I realize most people here are pretty sick of the topic, but there's a few more things that need saying about John Lekay ("Marlon").

A lot of Lekay's beliefs are pretty out there. He talked with us about his support for the "9-11 Truth Commission." For those who don't know, that's a conspiracy website. They claim there's a massive government conspiracy, that 9-11 was done by Bush, that the towers were detonated before or after the planes hit by "controlled demolitions", in other words, tinfoil hat wearing stuff that there's no evidence for and all the evidence against.

(I realize all the evidence there is that Bush and co were warned repeatedly. But incompetence is not the same as evidence of a conspiracy for mass murder.) 

Remember that he also accused Barnaby of being an FBI agent, just for daring to criticize Kevin Arnett. So he seems to be the very paranoid variety of pseudo leftist, like Churchill in some ways.

Lekay also seems to have been kicked off of Wikipedia and his webpage there deleted. They don't say why, but it seems to involved a lot of "vandalism" of content he didn't agree with.
"John, remove remarks...
<name removed> 00:52, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
I generally observe very strict no censorship rules on my talk page, as it serves not only as a way for others to contact me, but also as a log of my previous actions. If, for instance, the process surounding the deletion of John LeKay ever came into question, these messages would come in useful."


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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #54 on: June 08, 2007, 11:12:44 pm »
He, himself baits like a Fed. Make me wonder which side he was coming from. frederica

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #55 on: June 11, 2007, 06:38:55 pm »
Damn! He blew my cover! I guess The Agency will have to tweak the settings on his cranial implant.

I should also apologise for allowing LeKay to abuse people here. I've just got back online today after having no internet access since the weekend before last. You have to get up very early here to grab a  slot on a library computer, and what with one thing and another, I didn't manage it.

I don't think LeKay is bad-jacketing here, I think he's just one of those Crusaders For Truth who's train of thought has gone off the rails.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2007, 02:37:53 am »
I just took a look at Marlon / John Lekay's Heyoka magazine, and I see he is now using his magazine to try to discredit NAFPS  , the information we provide here, and he is specifically trying to discredit educatedindian AKA Al Carroll .

This seems so blatently malicious , I am really appauled .

In my opinion , the Heyoka magazine is turning out to be an example of biased reporting , at it's finest .

For people who haven't kept track of the dialog , this thread was first posted  under the title " Is this disturbing?" .

Initially , there was some concerns expressed about some of the content of *some* of the on line Heyoka magazine .

In reply # 2 educatedindian acknowledged where this magazine seemed to be doing good ,  but questioned some of the people who were being promoted through being given public exposure. These comments were not unreasonable .

Several months later John Lekay came here , and started a thread on Thomas Lighteningbolt , and Lekay asked what we thought of Thomas.

Lekay was told , within the norms of Native culture, that the way Lightening bolt was talking about some things , didn't seem right , and we tried to explain why  .

It is hard to demonstrate cultural norms on line , but here is one comment which is a good example of what we tried to explain .

Boye G. Ladd
Many times I have seen individuals "showing off" their sundance scars, tobacco ties or amulets hanging around their necks - exposed. When a person carries protection and/or medicine, it should always be hidden and never be spoken about.

 Spiritual leaders and medicine men should be considered in the same light. For the true and sincere, their reverence is based on humbleness, dedication and sacrifice. Anytime someone stands before you and claims to be a medicine man, do not believe him or anything he says, because he or she has desecrated their oath of humbleness. You will not find a true and sincere spiritual leader or medicine man teaching in a school or university, or seeking public attention.

Lekay would not accept our explanations of why something felt 'off', and for every explaination we gave,  he would find some
incident of public display which may have occured in an unusual context , and he insisted if we didn't think this was normal, it was just us being unfair .

Lekay has repeatedly dismissed what Native people and Elders have to say on this , as just opinions and gossip .

Then Lekay began insisting we were being unfair to disagree with LBW's apparent self proclaimed Spiritual leadership of the Lakota people, and suggested if we didn't stop disputing her claims , we risked getting sued .

As far as I can tell , LBW's claims which Lekay seems so determined to defend , are based on a overwhelming collection of often unrelated facts and stories, which LBW has stitched together with nothing more than her own guess work and wishful thinking . As I pointed out in the thread "Dupree part 2" ,  many of her statements would appear to contradict themselves. The bottom line is , LBW's believes that the Lakota people had too many problems , to have their Spiritual leaders actually live within the Lakota Nation . She believes this authority was passed to her because she lives outside the Lakota community and she will protect Lakota Spiritual traditions from the evils and incompetance of the Lakota people and community  . If the Lakota people don't support her aspiritions , she just hints that it is the incompetance and corruption of the Lakota people that is the reason .

In spite of the fact we all seem to agree it is not right for anyone to declare themselves the Spiritual leader of the Lakota  people , without substanial support and recognition from within the Lakota community , and in spite of the fact that requests for the names of any Lakota Elders who might support LBW's claims have been ignored , Lekay has used his online media resources to give one sided support to LBW , and to discredit anyone who dares to support the generally recognized Spiritul authoritites within the Lakota Nation.

In my opinion , Educated indian and Barnaby have repeatedly done Mr lekay a great favour , by edititng the most outrageous and nasty comments out of his posts , though a scaled down version of them , as evidence ,still remain . I saw no brilliant points removed as Mr Lekay is claiming . Just an amazing amount of disrespect . Why is mr Lekay acting like this ?

It seems Lekay is now imagining it is Al who thought up the guidelines , and cultural norms we repeatedly try and explain to people through this message board. It seems Mr Lekay believes if he can discredit Al , he will also discredit the widely held values and social norms of Indians in general , which for some reason seem to cause him discomfort .

So Mr Lekay,  as you really seem to be having a hard time understanding that we are not a hate group and Al is not what I
would consider a suspicious person , perhaps you will consider the following ;

First off , as I understand it , people posting in NAFPS are generally opposed to  ;

1. People degrading and trivializing indiginous Spiritual traditions by using them as nothing more than an exotic commercial commodity.

2. People degrading and trivializing indiginous Spiritual traditions through selecting parts of these traditons and using them out of the context of the balance provided by a deeply rooted knowledgeable Native community .

3. People claiming they are qualified and authorized to this , when the generally recognized Spiritual authorities within a Native community , do not feel it is a good idea for these traditions to be used in this way  .

4 People who gain peoples trust by making these unfounded claims to Spiritual authority when they are not recognized as qualified , by a deeply rooted knowledgable Native community .

5. People who are not members of deeply rooted knowledgeable Native communities recognizing and empowering people as indiginous Spiritual authorities, who are unqualified , or dishonest , or delusional , or exploitive of traditional practices.

When people posting in NAFPS point out that the authority that comes from within Native communities is not being respected , or that a person is misrepresenting themselves as having this authority , or the traditions are being distorted and degraded  ,as I understand it , the general concern is to preserve the authority of knowledgeable recognized Spiritual leaders within Native communities , which in turn protects the intgrity and potency of these traditions for future generations .

The maintence of the systemic wisdom inherent in these communites ,  does and will benifit all mankind .

Most Native people understand that it is not necessary to be leading or even personally participating in a ceremony in order to benifit from it . It is only the non native emphasis on the importance of the individual , that assumes everybody needs to have the opprotunity to personally have or experince a central role in everything .

The damage done to indiginous communities and non indiginous peoples who get involved with these unqualified self proclaimed
Spiritual authorities is very real. Because many of the people posting here have seen this damage , first hand , most the people posting in NAFPS don't like exploiters and frauds.

It has been a common colonization tactic to recognize and promote people as having authority within the nation that is being colonized , only because it suits the purposes of the colonizer .

As indiginous peoples have gone through 500 years of this already , seeing this disrespectful behavior repeated , does make some people angry . To suggest people who have been wronged , are guilty for their own feelings of outrage, and if they organize any resistance to their authority being further undermined , they are a "hate group " only furthers the injustice .

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2007, 02:39:34 am »
The point of veiw I have just maped out, is not one Al Carroll invented . 

resentThe long list of articles in the link below should be sufficent proof that the concerns expressed in this forum can not be fairly claimed to be based on personal opinions or intrests .
To try and make Al's BQ or the enrollment he has always been clear he does not have, the main issue , would seem to be nothing
more than an effort to divert peoples attention away from the true issues , and to weaken support for the recognized authorities that are selected by Native communities , by weakening support for their supporters.

I don't know Al Carroll , and in cyber space some skeptism is always a good idea , but from what I can see , I don't have any reason to doubt that Al Carroll is an unenrolled mixed blood person of Apache descent , as he claims .
Re: The United People of the Cherokee Nation
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2006, 09:27:22 AM » educatedindian
Remember I'm not enrolled either, but I would never call myself "Apache Chief of Band X."

From pictures I have seen , such as the one in the link below , I don't think there is much question that this person is of Native descent . I don't think the person in this photo could pass for anything else .

In the link below Al Carroll  is listed on a univercity website , as working with other Native people in Native studies and he is said to be Apache .

Peter Iverson: Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (emphasis on 2002-2004)
P Position: Regents’ Professor of History
And Faculty Affiliate in American Indian Studies]Peter Iverson: Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (emphasis on 2002-2004)
Present Position: Regents’ Professor of History
And Faculty Affiliate in American Indian Studies[/url]

New Courses:
Navajo History (an upper division undergraduate course)
Director of Students Completing Ph.D Programs in 2002, 2003, and 2004 (Total: 14)
2004: Julie Davis, Kathy Rolison (Western Cherokee), Alton Carroll (Mescalero
Apache), Elizabeth Carney Sowards, Michael Lawson]New Courses:
Navajo History (an upper division undergraduate course)
Director of Students Completing Ph.D Programs in 2002, 2003, and 2004 (Total: 14)
2004: Julie Davis, Kathy Rolison (Western Cherokee), Alton Carroll (Mescalero
Apache), Elizabeth Carney Sowards, Michael Lawson

You would think Native people in a Native studies program , living within 300 miles of Apache communities , would notice if one of their colleges claiming to be Apache wasn't . One of the first things Native people ask is where your family is from ,  who you know , and who your relatives are . I guess anything is possible ,  but I really find it highly unlikely Al could pass himself off as being an unenrolled Apache , when he was living so close to Apache communities , if he wasn't . Especially in a Native studies program .

I see no reason to doubt that Al is who he says he is . As the basic cultural information he offers is accurate , and does not depend on any personal qualities he may or may not posses , it seems like Lekay's manuover to discredit him is because it is easier to raise questions about Al, than the accuracy of the information Al provides .
John Lekay has also repeatedly suggested that Al might be considered an exploiter of Native culture himself, because he provides
information to stop people from exploiting this .

Re: disturbing? Marlon AKA John Lekay
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2007, 11:00:59 AM » Marlon

I can say you making a movie about exploitation about native causes being exploited and then selling this film or a book about this can also be interpreted as doing the exact same thing in another way. "

"the fact is Al Carroll is selling books, making films and giving seminars in Europe on his own people being exploited by what he refers to as "frauds and plastic shamans" and then questions the motivations of others like Thomas mails or others who write books about his own people could easily be perceived as hypocritical. You can not have one standard for your self and another for everyone else."

Freija explained she had put her life savings into this film , and after expences no one was any where near making any money on the film or the book .

Re: disturbing? Freija
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2007, 03:29:03 PM »

"Mr. Carroll gave most of his money from the European tour to Native causes, and the same way he and another 10 Native writers contributed for free to the bookproject - which raised 8000 dollars to Albuquerque Indian Center -  the same way it is my deepest hope that this film will bring money to Native people on Pine Ridge and other places. It might take some years before we break even, though. IF we do."

But I see Lekay is totally ignoring this , and again in this article to discredit Al, Lekay is insinuating Al shouldn't be trusted as a source of cultural information because he may claiming to be Apache for selfish monetary intrests .

"The obvious reasons and motivation for claiming to be of Mescalero Apache origin is usually monetarily driven, promotion of a career, books, seminars, films and donations for websites. Most often, they do this overseas and in Europe  where it is close to impossible for people to validate their claims.

Most people would recognize the benefits and realize that this is a great sales pitch to use the name of Geronimo on your bio and to say that you come from the same tribe as one of the bravest warriors that has ever lived. In this day and age, some people will go to great lengths to stand out from the crowd. Whether it's for an audition or selling a book or promoting a film."

I have no reason to believe these defamatory insinuations are true, and i see a lot of evidence to the contrary.
So what if Al put together a book and has helped with a movie that are trying to educate people how to recognize frauds, and some small percentage was given back to him , to help with some ( but not all ) of his expenses . That Al would even do this without payment is extremely generous of him . I don't see where Al is providing more than the basic type of cultural information provided by hundreds of books published by universities , sociologists and anthropologists .   

Beyond advocating basic respect , Al isn't sharing anything resembling Sacred teaching or ceremonies or "Indian wisdom ". 

Al is a Native rights activist , and makes no suggestion he is any kind of Apache Spiritual leader .

If Al got paid the low wage of $8 an hour , what you are looking at in time put into research and posting on this message board alone , represents about $10,000 to $20,000 worth of work . But he doesn't get $8 an hour , he does this for free . And that isn't counting all he does behind the scenes responding to private messages and supporting people who have been violated in ways too painful and private to discuss publicly .

For this he gets constantly personally criticized , threatened and publicly defamed . As far as I can tell , these critisms are coming entirely from exploiters and the non native people who want to be served by them .

The people most commonly targeted by frauds are uninformed non native people , in yet John Lekay claims NAFPS a hate group for trying to make sure these people have enough information to stay safe and make reasonable and responsible choices .

If one person decides not to listen to us , because of your discrediting us and calling NAFPS a hate group , and that person thand gets abused by a fraud , they otherwise would have known to have avoided , I hope you will understand your actions have helped to make this abuse possible .

Shame on you , for so childishly trying to discredit us , John Lekay .

I hope this might help people understand what we are doing here ..

Sorry to be so long ... Hope people didn't fall asleep 1/2 way through ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 05:37:43 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2007, 01:39:41 pm »
Thanks for that detailed response, Moma P. No doubt you'll soon find yourself 'exposed' on Lekay's site. ::)


  • Guest
Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2007, 05:39:44 pm »
Moma, doesn't really suprise me.  Since his "magazine" promotes ones like Red Elk, who I think is going off the air, and has ties to Harley "Swiftdeer" Regan, Scott Anderson, Mary Thunder and the Crystal Skulls, I think an attack on Al and NAFPS was expected. Conspiracy mongers are as about as bad as the extreme right including the KKK and Neo-Nazis. Function on little fact, mostly bulliying and bad information, if any information. And a certain amount of people will buy it, but it is people mostly like themselves. All you have to do is remember how he baited and tried to set up an elder woman in here, until she called him on this, to see how he functions. frederica